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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven autonomous emirates that follow different economic models. There is a process for quality assurance at the federal level, however, each emirate takes its own approach to assure the quality of its institutions. This has resulted in different procedures and varying levels of oversight and scrutiny of quality. Since the majority of higher education providers in the UAE are market-driven, this poses the challenge of maintaining the quality of education in those institutions. This study explores how well quality assurance systems support the quality of commercial higher education institutions using two research methods: semi-structured interviews with 38 stakeholders to investigate their perceptions of the quality assurance processes in the UAE; and focus group discussions with 161 students to collect their views of the quality of education in the commercialised institutions. The research confirms earlier findings that quality of education is a function of quality assurance processes.  相似文献   

The study investigates the practices of academic staff talent management at international branch campuses, with the aim of identifying a range of practical strategies that may address the unique challenges of managing talent in campuses located far away from the home country. These strategies are intended to improve service quality and add value to institution profiles. Based on an online questionnaire, ad hoc email correspondence and publicly available information, five case studies are presented. Talent management emerges as a key strategic area, directly managed at dean/president level. Referrals and online portals are commonly utilised as channels to attract talent, and the need to sometimes uplift local packages to recruit and retain talent is recognised. It is concluded that the development of academic staff should be viewed as an investment, and the availability of research funding and teaching awards on campus may be used to attract, develop and retain talent.  相似文献   

地方高校发展与高等教育政策调整   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来,我国地方高校在规模迅猛扩张的同时,普遍陷入了多重发展困境之中。从制度变迁的类型和路径依赖两个角度来看,这种困境产生的制度根源有两个:一是以中央政府为主体的激进式强制性制度变迁的局限性,二是对传统高等教育管理模式的路径依赖。今后高等教育政策调整必须遵循两个基本的指导思想:一是弥补激进式强制性制度变迁的局限,二是摆脱对传统高等教育管理方式的路径依赖。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化对中国高等教育发展的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济全球化、信息社会及知识经济的迅猛发展,高等教育国际化成为包括中国在内的许多国家高等教育发展的主要特征和重要趋势。高等教育国际化给中国高等教育的发展带来了良好的机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战,需要我们冷静思考并认真面对,以保证中国高等教育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

The Bologna Process is one of the most extensive examples of policy borrowing processes. Based on qualitative data, this article argues in favour of studying part of this process as ‘global smallness’, centring on the organisational effects of the implementation of a globalised curriculum. Through Derrida's notion on hauntology, Fenwick and Edward's analysis of multiple reals, and Barad's understanding of entanglement and time, this article explores how the implementation processes evoke simultaneously existing worlds of practices propelled by the agency of the past troubling present higher education reform. Finally, this article addresses how ongoing reforms tend to increase the stretch between ‘what is performed on the outside’ and ‘what is practiced on the inside’.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities rely on their image to attract new members. This study focuses on the decision-making process of students preparing to apply to college. High school students were surveyed at college open houses to identify the factors most influential to their college application decision-making. A multi-methods analysis found that institutional characteristics were more influential than interpersonal or informational resources used by students. More specific results revealed that size, housing, and knowing someone who attended a school predicted students' views of the school's atmosphere. Key findings are discussed and recommendations offered to address issues related to organizational image.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that the country and institution choices of international students are greatly influenced by recommendations they receive from others who have experience of undertaking higher education overseas. For Western universities, it is of utmost importance to satisfy their international students, who can then encourage the next generation of international students to attend those same institutions. However, student satisfaction is not the only factor at play. Using a framework of ‘push and pull’ factors, rooted in the international student choice literature, this exploratory study investigates the determinants of destination choice of international students who decided to study at a university in the UK and examines their attitudes toward international branch campuses. The survey results and analyses suggest that overseas campuses could pose a considerable threat to home campuses in the competition for international students in the future.  相似文献   

高等职业教育院校中的成人教育具有服务范围广泛、办学形式多元、教学内容务实等特点,决定了高等职业成人教育必须不断创新创优,继续提升办学实力,加强校政、校企、校校合作与交流,为社会培养更多具有创新能力的技能型人才,服务经济社会发展。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, international branch campuses have been established by universities from developing countries as well as developed countries. Little research has been conducted into students’ perceptions of branch campuses from different countries, or how universities from different countries compete in the increasingly competitive market. A framework incorporating the concepts of country of origin and country of service delivery is adopted to assess how potential undergraduate students in Malaysia perceive the home and international branch campuses of universities from the United Kingdom (UK) and India, which are used to represent universities from developed and developing nations. It was found that for a university from a developing nation, students perceived the image, reputation, quality and brand equity of its home campus more positively than its international branch campus. The results suggest that although all universities must devise and implement strategies that enhance the image and reputation of their international branch campuses, institutions from developing countries should seek niche markets where they do not have to compete directly with prestigious universities from developed countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the predictive value of job demands and resources on the meaning of work and organisational commitment across three age groups; young workers (<30 years), a middle age group of workers (30–49 years) and older workers (>50 years). Data were collected from a survey conducted among university employees (N = 3066). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationship between the antecedent variables and the meaning of work and organisational commitment in the age groups separately. Age differences in the experience of these two variables were tested by one-way ANOVA. Both job demands and resources were related to the meaning of work and organisational commitment, however, the relative importance of demands and resources varied across the groups. Overall, older workers reported higher scores on the meaning of work and organisational commitment. The results suggest that different interventions should be considered when aiming to improve the meaning of work and commitment among different age groups.  相似文献   

高校定位是高校对自身发展方向和发展路径的理性选择,高等教育系统秩序的形成是建立在高校定位基础之上的组织化过程。高校分类只是对高等教育系统秩序认识的特例,仅仅用高校分类与自生秩序相结合来建构高校定位机制是不够的。高等教育系统秩序的形成是一个组织化过程,既有人类理性的安排,又有自组织方式。因而,高校定位应该由政府宏观引导、社会广泛参与、高校理性选择三者共同发挥作用。  相似文献   

Prior research has had a limited approach to identifying organisational factors related to knowledge management (KM) practices of higher education institutions (HEIs), the centre for knowledge creation. This qualitative study explored such factors affecting KM capabilities from the perspectives of 30 full-time academics in public universities, and identified the dimensions of the KM capabilities framework. Results revealed that physical conditions, budget, human and technological resource management, division of labour, workload, time management, communication, bureaucracy, structural differentiation, motivation, individualism, and organisational behaviour affect KM infrastructure capabilities; bureaucracy, KM teams, institutional platforms, organisational structure, knowledge maps, vision, individual attitudes, academic collaboration, process management, budget, decision-making processes, sustainable academic KM, transparency, labour force, knowledge security, organisational culture, accessibility, and archiving affect KM process capabilities. These results contribute to identifying the organisational factors influencing KM that are critical to guiding practitioners and administrators of HEIs in developing more effective KM strategies and practices.  相似文献   

威斯康星观念的诞生及对美国高等教育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
威斯康星观念的诞生有其深刻的历史背景,对美国高等教育有着深远的影响,可以说威斯康星观念不但对20世纪初的美国高等教育产生了巨大影响,凸现了美国高等教育的社会服务职能,同时也标志着世界高等教育发展史上一个新时代的莅临。  相似文献   

学术不端行为破坏了高校学术研究的有序发展,探寻其成因,并探究监督查处机制的构建具有重大的现实意义。从主客观两个角度出发,分析当前学术监督机制弱化、学术查处机制虚化是当前高校学术不端行为滋生的制度原因,同时从名利诱惑、成本博弈及道德缺失等学术主体的三个角度论证了高校学术不端行为滋生的原因,以期加强对高校学术不端行为研究,促进高校学术不端行为监督查处机制的构建。  相似文献   

高等教育产业理念比较及匡正   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育产业理论体系的成型主要得益于西方的人力资本理论和产业经济学。将教育作为一种产业来进行规划和运作 ,强调的是教育产业与其他产业的相关性。本文研究了高等教育产业化的起源、内涵和基本方式 ,揭示了高等教育产业观是意在通过产业规划 ,提高国家的生产力与竞争力。渡过高等教育产业理念发展的初级阶段 ,回到应有的内涵中来 ,是我国高等教育产业理论应持有的基本价值观  相似文献   

高等教育的治理:重构政府、高校、社会之间的关系   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
在高等教育领域推行治理 ,已成为许多国家高等教育改革追求的目标。高等教育的治理 ,首先意味着政府的角色或功能将发生重大变化 ,政府不再是高等教育产品的惟一提供者 ,政府对高校的管理由“政府控制模式”向“政府监督模式”转变 ,在资源配置方面 ,将更多地引入市场机制 ,政府、学校和社会之间存在着权力的依赖和互动 ,它们之间的关系将发生重组。高等教育治理的基本特征是非国营化、去中心、自治和市场化  相似文献   

中国高校分类标准及指标体系设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高校分类标准是指用来区分高校性质、任务、能级的准则和参照系,是用于判断高校类型和层次的定性化尺度;高校分类指标是指在分类标准基础上用于测量或反映高校性质、任务、能级及发展现状的数量指征。高校分类标准及指标,应当从输入、多元的视角来设计。本文尝试从培养目标及学科专业、人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、学生成份、教师队伍、经济(地理)区域、宏观管理等八个维度,来设计中国高校的多元分类标准及指标体系。  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has often been used to evaluate efficiency in the context of higher education institutions. Yet there are numerous alternative non-parametric measures of efficiency available. This paper compares efficiency scores obtained for institutions of higher education in England, 2013–2014, using three different methods: the original Charnes et al. method and two slacks-based methods (SBM-Min and SBM-Max) developed by Tone. The findings suggest that results are highly sensitive to methodology chosen. Hence caution is required in applying the results in any policy context.  相似文献   

Cosmopolitanism has been cast by some in recent years as a form of cultural capital, disproportionately available to students on elite educational pathways. This article tests this supposition, by comparing the enactment of global citizenship education reforms at two high-status and two low-status universities in the United Kingdom. These enactments have indeed differed, as some students are being encouraged to cultivate a sophisticated cosmopolitan disposition for positions of leadership, while other students are not – even if they are being encouraged to learn more about the world, or to develop social tolerance. Comparing the practices and meanings attributed to the global citizenship agenda among universities in different positions in the higher education field, this article illuminates dynamics related to the creation, legitimation, and differentiation of cosmopolitan capital among different groups of students. The article also extends understanding of how the institutional hierarchy of higher education provision positions students for the global economy unequally.  相似文献   

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