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Sustainable use of academic classroom interventions is a cause for concern in the field of special education. This study examined factors that encouraged and/or deterred sustainable use of classroom interventions. Furthermore, data were collected on factors that assist teachers to implement new interventions with high perceived fidelity. A total of 174 special education teachers from two school districts completed a survey to provide feedback on interventions they had been trained on in the last two academic years. Results for both districts had several similarities. A majority of teachers sustained interventions that they perceived improved student academic outcomes and were easy to implement. Teachers identified lack of planning time followed by the need for regular training as the most important factors contributing to their perceived implementation fidelity. However, a majority of interventions teachers provided feedback on were not evidence-based practices.  相似文献   


Middle leadership is a dynamic area of policy in Scottish and Irish education to build leadership capacity. This article reports on a critical policy analysis of sequential sets of Scottish and Irish policy on middle leadership to identify codes of meaning. Two aspects are reported: (1) constructions of the purposes of middle leadership and (2) key themes in changing policy paradigms. While there is a development of policy ideas from delegated tasks to management functions to leadership for learning, there is little on the practice of leading learning. The findings are reviewed to identify issues related to middle leadership professional development.  相似文献   

The nature of project management is change. Even though all knowledge areas in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) are rooted in controlling change, none of these areas specifically addresses the human elements of change. There is a significant distinction between directly controlling change relative to the nonhuman aspects of a project ( change control) and effecting change in the human dimensions of a project through leadership ( change leadership). This article characterizes the distinctive activities of change leadership and change control and their interrelationship throughout the project life cycle. Although distinct, change control and change leadership are interdependent and mutually supporting—both are needed to support project success.  相似文献   


STEM Education is sweeping the United States, prompted primarily by the recent adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards. The surge in interest in STEM Education is beneficial for local schools and communities, and promises to positively impact students, teachers, school leaders, community members, and the future workforce. Unfortunately, inequitable hegemonic structures and practices limit urban students’ access to knowledge, resources, and a comprehensive and fair educational experience. This article explores the STEM activities in place at the Center for Innovation in STEM Education (CISE), at a local university in greater Los Angeles. From a historical context, CISE data show that an approach to STEM education that focuses on serving underrepresented populations by creating a pipeline, can serve as an example for K-12 schools, universities, and educational leaders seeking equitable practices in the field of STEM education. We identify implications for leadership development for school leaders, teacher leaders, and districts.  相似文献   

Early murmurs concerning teacher attrition in the United States have risen to an alarming level since the 1990s. Given that half of the 1990s teaching force were/are expected to retire between 2000 and 2010, the cry has been heard loud and clearly throughout the nation. Furthermore, today’s fledgling teachers are fleeing at astronomical rates, particularly in economically challenged urban areas. Alternative route certification programmes are one example of states’ and cities’ attempts to fill urban classrooms with highly qualified teachers. This paper addresses the potential for retaining urban alternative route teachers. What is revealed is that teacher retention, though multi‐layered, implicates principals’ moral leadership. As such, traditional leadership methods, roles and responsibilities are called into question. The paper addresses the relationships between alternative route urban teacher retention and educational leadership and proposes a discourse in support of moral leadership. Findings suggest that the moral leadership of school building‐level principals may favourably impact the potential for retaining alternative route teachers.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断进步,志愿服务工作的广泛需求和迅速发展已成为一种趋势。高校中的志愿服务,更是在一定程度上体现了一种优势效应,成为了大学生思想政治教育、综合素质提升的一种载体。本文根据当前高校志愿者工作的发展情况,结合深圳信息职业技术学院志愿者工作经验,分析了如何以志愿服务为载体通过“校社共建”的方式,切实提升学生的社会服务能力。  相似文献   

For the most part, the organisational forms that are currently being adopted by higher education institutions are grounded in the traditional corporate models of organisation that take a rational approach to organisational change management. Underlying this account is an assumption of organisational autonomy and the capacity of designated leaders to direct such change processes. However, a case is now being made for the consideration of alternative organisational theories or models that offer a different perception on the sources and patterns of organisational change in higher education. These theories perceive organisations more as emergent entities in which change is continuous, often unpredictable and arising mainly from local interactions. The paper surveys the implications that acceptance of the alternative paradigm might have for strategising and change leadership in higher education institutions. It suggests that the accommodation of these alterative paradigms of institutional development in higher education may itself be an emergent process.  相似文献   

The paper aims to explore ways in which mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CP) attempt to voice their concerns about current discourses and power imbalances enshrined in special education policy and provision. Mothers’ narratives are important in making transparent the multiple forms of ‘disablism’ experienced by them in their attempts to negotiate and counteract on behalf of their children deficit-based and discriminatory discourses and professional practices that violate their children’s rights, notwithstanding international and national legal mandates promoting a rights-based approach to disability. Their narrated subjugated agency in disability politics highlights the imperative to introduce new forms of advocacy through parent leadership in order to enable parents to have a more active and strategic role in challenging disabling discourses and practices that undermine their children’s rights and entitlements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study is to examine the impact of the development and design of a district leadership competency model on leadership development outcomes in one Georgia school district. Specifically, we seek to illuminate the importance of Leadership Competency Models for (1) increasing clarity among aspiring leaders about the expectations for leadership within their system; (2) increasing shared understanding among school leaders and district administrators about the core elements of leadership required for success within their system; (3) increasing uniformity of practice in the identification and selection of candidates into the Aspiring Leader Program; and (4) improvements in the development and support provided for aspiring school leaders. As districts continue to work towards systemic improvement in leadership development nationwide, our findings have real-world implications for districts interested in identifying and developing aspiring leaders within their own systems.  相似文献   

Whilst much has been written on the role and function of the elite schools in Hitler’s vision for his ‘thousand-year Reich’, this article focuses on an area within the history of the Ordensburgen that has not been examined – that is, the content of training for particular groups given at these elite educational institutions during the wartime period. This article begins with a short general overview of the role of the Ordensburgen in Nazi society for the purpose of contextualisation and then moves on to examine the specific lecture programmes of the training course for South Tyrolean political leaders, which took place at Ordensburg Sonthofen from 12 August–4 September 1940. Its purpose is to discover the lecture content and training given to political leaders in this elite educational institution.  相似文献   

Improved student achievement requires the distribution of leadership beyond one individual. Given their daily connection to students, leadership opportunities distributed to classroom teachers are key to school improvement. Complicating the development of classroom teacher leaders are attrition rates and low teacher efficacy among novice educators. Service-learning and servant leadership offer complementary pedagogical and philosophical approaches to shift the role of classroom teachers and address efficacy concerns. This study utilised a pre-/post-test, quasi-experimental research design to determine to what extent changes would occur over time in pre-service educators’ teacher sense of efficacy and sense of servant leadership from participating in service-learning.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the findings of a multi-case study that was conducted in four remote rural early childhood development (ECD) schools located in the Chiredzi district, in Masvingo province, Zimbabwe. The article explored how school heads enhanced resources mobilisation in remote rural ECD schools through school-community partnerships in order to improve teaching and learning conditions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the school heads, deputy heads and teachers in charge. Document reviews and observations were also used to augment data from interviews. Invitational leadership was used as an analytic tool for the study. The findings suggest that the school heads succeeded to some degree in bringing parents and various stakeholders to the ECD schools to deal with the challenges facing them. Various strategies were used including tapping into local knowledge to ensure that parents who could afford to pay fees managed to do so.  相似文献   

The purpose of this conceptual paper is to explore the constructs of school leadership that have gained primacy over the past 20 years. In doing so, I discuss how structures limit the role of the leader in school organisations has been overlooked, particularly ignoring the resource dependency of schools and the external control of resources they do acquire. What I argue is that leadership is an anti-resource discourse. That is, the focus on leadership allows the neoliberal discourse to ignore and obscure the inequitable funding of schools in the USA.  相似文献   

Teacher education programs are being encouraged to collaborate with K‐12 partners to develop and implement contextually rich field experiences that integrate methods course instruction with public school practices. As a result, we outline four models of integrating methods instruction and field experiences and raise the question “How does the classroom and school context of the field experience influence what prospective teachers learned in the methods courses?” This study examines the way two different cohorts of prospective elementary teachers who learned to teach in two different contexts define their own social studies pedagogical content knowledge. The students' espoused philosophies of education offer insight into how different models of integrated field experiences may impact on their beliefs about social studies teaching. Through this study we raise questions that should be considered in constructing methods courses linked to field experiences and suggest Bronfenbrenner's model as a tool for looking at these contextual influences.  相似文献   

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