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隐含观众的变化 ,为新时期先锋戏剧的发展提供了重要的依据。 2 0世纪 80年代先锋戏剧的隐含观众是希望重建社会秩序和实现现代化的知识分子。此后 ,随着一部分先锋戏剧在形式和思想两个方面逐渐走向边缘化的过程 ,它的隐含观众成为具备反思现代化能力的知识分子和西方的艺术同仁。与此同时 ,它在客观上势必会失去绝大多数的本土观众。为了获得进一步的生存 ,90年代的先锋戏剧走向了——“人民大众”。事实上 ,新时期的先锋戏剧始终面对着来自合法性的挑战 ,而对于隐含观众——也即对谁说话的问题——的考察 ,将有助于我们对中国先锋戏剧的合法性问题作出确当的结论  相似文献   

本文讨论了平等对待学生、理解学生对于教育的重要性。通过对学生人格、独立意识、诚信的尊重以及理解学生等的论述,指出:教师对学生的尊重理解是自身获得尊敬和理解的前提,也是取得教育成功的关键。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to confirm the factor structure of college writing processes as measured by the Inventory of College Composition, and to test for a second-order, deep and surface structure, as suggested in the literature on college learning and writing. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the dimensionality of the model based on the responses of 517 undergraduate students enrolled in general education courses. Results support the construct validity of the original model, as well as binary second-order factors, reflective of the deep and surface processes. Conclusions address the nature of the interrelationships of writing processes, and suggestions for instruction.  相似文献   

希利斯·米勒的解构主义修辞批评理论在20世纪80年代中期以来用解构主义言语行为理论作指导而有了重要的发展.文章从三个方面对此作初步讨论:(1)米勒的解构主义言语行为理论;(2)从解构主义言语行为理论看文学本质的修辞性;(3)从解构主义言语行为理论看文学结构的非有机性.  相似文献   

希利斯·米勒的解构主义修辞批评理论在20世纪80年代中期以来用解构主义言语行为理论作指导而有了重要的发展。文章从三个方面对此作初步讨论:(1)米勒的解构主义言语行为理论;(2)从解构主义言语行为理论看文学本质的修辞性;(3)从解构主义言语行为理论看文学结构的非有机性。  相似文献   

对多义词理解问题的探究历史悠久。本文尝试以Sperber&Wilson提出的关联理论为理论框架来分析多义词的理解过程。文章认为多义词的理解过程是一个以认知语境为基础,寻找词义最佳关联性的明示-推理过程。  相似文献   

论文针对多年来出现的贬低鲁迅的种种观点,从“知人论世”入手,列举了鲁迅生平的诸多文学创作,包括文学作品和理论文字及学术著作与译述,详加分析;更从社会活动方面,细论鲁迅对我国民主革命的贡献,特别是对中国共产党领导下的左翼文艺运动和革命活动的贡献,提出作者对鲁迅的认识和评价,既实事求是地肯定鲁迅的伟大历史功绩,也指出他所存在的历史局限和不足。  相似文献   

To prepare students to make informed decisions and gain coherent understanding about global climate change, we tested and refined a middle school inquiry unit that featured interactive visualizations. Based on evidence from student pre-test responses, we increased emphasis on energy transfer and transformation. The first iteration improved comprehension of the visualizations resulting in better understanding of energy transfer (n?=?67). The second iteration improved understanding of energy transformation (n?=?109) by adding pivotal cases, reducing deceptive clarity, and emphasizing distinguishing of ideas. Focusing student investigations in the second version allowed students to make more normative, personally relevant decisions related to their energy use. These iterative refinements reflected knowledge integration principles and offer guidance for designers of inquiry units.  相似文献   


Does work-family conflict influence parental behaviors and parenting-related emotional states? Through an experimental research approach, River and colleagues showed that work-family conflict influences both emotions and parental behaviors, but the effect is moderated by the quality of the intimate relationship. In this commentary, we offer an interpretation of the results congruent with the recent theoretical approaches that stress the need for a multisystem psycho-biological approach to studying the factors that regulate parenting behaviors. In this perspective, we provide complementary explanations of the observed results and suggest possible future directions for research on these topics.  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to outline a sociocultural way of exploring human movement. Our ambition is to develop an analytical framework where moving humans are explored in terms of what it means to move as movements are performed by somebody, for a certain purpose, and in a certain situation. We find this approach in poststructural theorizing, primarily in the work of scholars who emphasize the materiality of the sign, and the performative function of discourse. We will use this approach to engage with motor development, motor ability testing of children, and the results deriving from such practices. In addition, we engage in a critical discussion of some current attempts to complement biomechanical, medical, and psychological ways of understanding movement with phenomenological and sociocultural perspectives. We conclude by stressing the importance of exploring what it could mean to move in an endless range of moves (and bodies and identities).  相似文献   

Student‐athletes have unique challenges as they confront pressures to perform both athletically and academically. The authors present a systems approach that will enhance the conceptualization skills that counselors need to intervene more effectively with college student‐athletes as well as address counselors' own stereotypes and biases about student‐athletes.  相似文献   

In this article we describe and interpret how two distinct layers of critical friendship were used to support a pedagogical innovation in pre-service teacher education. The innovation, Learning about Meaningful Physical Education (LAMPE), focuses on ways to teach future teachers to foster meaningful experiences for learners in physical education. Critical friendship was applied in two ways: (1) the first two authors served as critical friends to each other as they taught their respective teacher education courses using LAMPE, and (2) the third author acted as a meta-critical friend, providing support for and critique of the first two authors’ development and enactment of the innovation. Over two years, data were gathered from reflective journal entries, emails, recorded Skype calls, and teaching observations. The two layers of critical friendship held significant benefits in advancing and supporting the development of the innovation while also contributing to the professional learning of all participants. Analysis of the first year’s data showed that we entered the critical friendship without thoroughly considering what we each hoped to give and take from the relationship or acknowledging the potential problems that might unfold. In the second year, guided by suggestions from our meta-critical friend, we took a more rigorous inquiry stance as critical friends, contributing contentious feedback and pushing each other beyond our personal and pedagogical comfort zones. This led to a noticeable improvement in our professional learning about teacher education practices and advanced the development of the LAMPE innovation.  相似文献   


We examined 179 teachers' perceptions of their own classroom practices and their school's motivational climate to illuminate the ways these perceptions work in concert. Using teachers' responses to two scales of the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Survey, a cluster analysis revealed three profiles of teachers described as cluster 1: Aligned: Performance Moderate, Mastery High: We agree with everything!; cluster 2: Aligned: Performance Low, Mastery High: Yea to Mastery! Nay to Performance!; and cluster 3: Unaligned: Classroom Mastery with School Performance: We're Mastery Structured in a Performance School. Cluster analyses revealed significant differences suggesting these teacher groups had distinct profiles. This study adds to the literature on goal theory aimed at understanding and advancing teachers' motivationally supportive practices and can be used in teacher education and development to help teachers identify, reflect on, and understand their classroom goal structures and how they relate to structures operating at the school level.  相似文献   

In the recent decades art education has tried to move away from the trends based on practical skills and techniques towards a greater stress on interpreting and understanding visual culture, created by the mass media. This approach implies a revision of the field of study and a redefinition of goals, replacing the study of art with a study of ‘visual culture’, a concept that better describes the daily environment of students and which reorientates art education towards social and cultural awareness. In this article, starting from Dewey's conception of art as experience, a theoretical framework is offered based on three ideas. Firstly, the subject of art education involves aesthetic experience, which includes both ‘high’ art and popular culture. Secondly, it is necessary to reconstruct the balance between understanding and production in art education, in order to consider art products as narratives, stories or comments about life experiences. Thirdly, to review the educational function of art education in order to determinate its value for social reconstruction and for which Rorty calls ‘self‐creation’.  相似文献   

“两课”是教育部明规定的大学公共必修课,“两课”的重要性和必要性不言而喻。然而不少大学生却并不完全这样认为,教育与被教育之间的认识差异即“异识”是客观存在的。应对这种“异识”的普遍性、产生原因、危害以及解决的途径与方法进行必要的探讨。  相似文献   

农业科教电视节目存在着收视对象过于宽泛、忽视某些受众、受众参与度低等问题,创作者应该正视和了解受众的需求、进行更细致的分众定位等,才能改善这种状况,使节日更贴近受众.  相似文献   

英语习语的研究范围决定了英语习语的定义。依各自选取的语料范围进行定义带来两种观点的纷争,即合成性观点和非合成性观点的冲突,但是基于两种观点的理解模式都有不同程度的弊端。因此Cronk和Schweigert在1992年提出了一种尝试性的复合理解模式,但是它缺乏清晰度,而且有以语境为核心的嫌疑。拟以此为线索对复合理解模式进行新的探讨与整合。  相似文献   

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