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Many colleges use some form of an employee performance appraisal process. Yet, despite prevalent use, the performance appraisal process is facing growing criticism. The author reviews the literature regarding the process of performance appraisal in higher education, focusing on articles supportive of the use of the performance appraisal, and those that are not. The advocates of performance appraisals cite implementation flaws as the cause for dissatisfaction among users. Essentially, they contend that the process will work if properly used. Furthermore, it is noted that supervisors, more than the employees themselves, tend to favor the use of performance appraisals. Critics of performance appraisals question the validity of the process in general. Followers of W. Edwards Deming view the performance appraisal process as divisive within the organization, and thus counterproductive to organizational development. They state that the use of ratings in an employee performance appraisal establishes arbitrary divisions among employees. Furthermore, they contend that intrinsic rewards are far more effective as a motivator of employees. The author suggests that as an alternative to performance appraisal organizations should consider a professional growth model. Elements in this model include: (a) a focus on employee success, (b) a priority for leadership development training for supervisors, and (c) a special performance appraisal process for those employees who need targeted focus in performance.  相似文献   

随着教育的变革与发展,教师组织公民行为对学校办学目标的实现起着日益重要的作用。如何更有效地激发教师积极主动的行为,成为当前关注的重点,分布式领导为此提供了新的思路。本研究以大学教师为研究对象开展调研分析并构建模型,探讨了分布式领导对大学教师组织公民行为的影响机制,研究发现组织信任、工作满意度与组织承诺在分布式领导与教师组织公民行为之间起着重要的中介作用。建议发展分布式领导的组织文化,使教师拥有充分的专业自主权和对重要事务的参与权,完善学术评价与激励机制,为教师发展提供平台与机会,同时注重对组织信任和工作满意度尤其是组织承诺水平的提升,从而使教师践行更多的组织公民行为,进而提高学术组织绩效、实现发展目标。  相似文献   

High‐end and high‐cost technologies such as interactive simulation are increasingly being applied to government operations such as police, emergency management, SWAT, and fire fighter training to maintain readiness and improve performance. The simulation experience, when combined with after‐training debriefing sessions, creates the potential for organizational learning. This research reports findings from field observations of debriefing sessions following organizational operations in interactive simulation systems. The findings focus on the relationship of different debriefing session techniques to identification of potential organizational learning opportunities.  相似文献   

In this review focus is on how digital competence in educational contexts has been addressed in international research over the last 10 years in terms of policy, organizational infrastructures, strategic leadership as well as teachers and their teaching practices. The analysis shows that although research on digital competence in educational contexts has increased, knowledge on digital competence related to organizational infrastructures and strategic leadership are sparse. The analysis indicated that most research focuses on the specific competence needed by teachers and therefore tends to neglect the influence of broader contextual conditions in the wider school setting. Based on the review, three suggestions for further research can be provided. Firstly, to address research on organizational infrastructures and digital competent leadership. Secondly, to elaborate on theoretical frameworks that can close the gap between research on policy, organizational infrastructures, strategic leadership as well as teachers and their teaching practices. A third suggestion is for researchers to become involved in the development of new approaches that can enhance digital competence in educational contexts. It can be concluded that digital competence might not benefit from being regarded as an isolated phenomena on the level of single actors. Rather, it can be regarded as an organizational task, influenced and driven by several contextual factors embedded within and across a wider school organization.  相似文献   

我国星级酒店信息化建设与核心能力形成相关性实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代以来,我国星级酒店业在全行业范围内实施信息化建设和组织学习,以培育行业的核心竞争力,提高企业绩效.十余年来的效果一直是旅游业关注的焦点.通过构建模型的实证性分析,可以给这种关注提供信度较强的解释,同时对我国星级酒店业信息化建设与组织学习的深入开展提供理论借鉴.  相似文献   

A focus on the interaction between cognitive schemas and context in situ has been suggested as fundamental in organizational decision making and information interpretation. Past research suggests that the situation and the social interaction that occur during learning at the cognitive level consist of factors that affect the process, but the research lacks a coherent explanation for how those factors affect it. We propose a conceptualization of learning, termed situated learning, which accounts for these factors. By drawing on situated cognition theory, social learning theory, and the theory of mental models, we identify and measure four components of situated learning, that is, thematic focus, cognitive absorption, social structure, and participation. Among the most important lessons for researchers and practitioners is the need to consider learning as a constellation of the four components instead of an indivisible phenomenon. This perspective can enhance our understanding of cognitive processes, such as information interpretation and decision making.  相似文献   

组织薪酬差距与组织绩效的关系问题一直是实践界和理论界关注的焦点所在。基于薪酬差距“两分类法”的研究视角,采用问卷调查法考察可解释的薪酬差距和不可解释的薪酬差距对组织绩效的不同影响,并在此基础上检验个体工作绩效对薪酬差距与组织绩效之间关系的中介作用。回归分析的结果表明:(1)可解释的薪酬差距对组织绩效存在显著的正向影响,而不可解释的薪酬差距对组织绩效的影响为负向的但不显著;(2)未加以区分的薪酬差距对组织绩效存在显著的正向影响,但剔除掉个体工作绩效之后,这种影响变得不再显著;(3)员工的个体绩效对全部薪酬差距与组织绩效的关系存在中介作用。  相似文献   

The human performance technology (HPT) model suggests various interventions to meet organizational challenges. While the original model includes a matrix to match an intervention according to a performance analysis, accumulated experience and recent research show that there are several parameters that will influence the validity and effectiveness of the solution. This article offers a 360‐degree approach to support the use of a performance model that helps practitioners to select the proper HPT intervention according to key attributes that influence the solution. Successful implementation, such as target audience characteristics and work processes that are at the heart of organizational needs, are examples of the benefits provided by this approach. The model is based on research conducted by Gal and Nachmias (2011, 2012) concerning performance support solutions success factors in corporate settings. In addition, experiences gained by both authors as they implemented HPT solutions in large organizations are considered.  相似文献   

The methodology described here provides an approach for evaluating safe human and organizational performance in nuclear power generating utilities and other high–risk, safety–oriented industries. Using existing indicators of desired organizational performance, internal and external evaluators can measure performance outcomes, as well as the effects of training on performance readiness. The performance outcomes “state of readiness” collectively impact on the safety of organizational operations. This proposed methodology is cost–efficient because it uses existing human and organizational resources; it is unobtrusive on the organization's time and manpower; it can be employed readily by external evaluators; and it can simultaneously be used to analyze an organization's effects on society's safety.  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of organizational autonomy and control in higher education reform and related expectations as regards the performance of universities. Our analyses draws on principal-agent models as a normative theory of policy reform, and institutionalist approaches in public policy and institutional design as an analytical theory of policy reform. We discuss how the dominant narrative of political reform moves away from traditional beliefs in university autonomy that are built on institutional trust and linked to professional autonomy. In the emerging narrative of political change, autonomy becomes re-defined as the ‘new organizational autonomy’ of universities as both strategic actors and as an addressee of governmental control. The concept of ‘regulatory autonomy’ captures the use of organizational autonomy of universities as a tool of a new regime of governmental control. Exemplified by the Dutch case, we analyze autonomy policies for strengthening managerial discretion and internal control of universities that are combined with regulatory policies for external control that steer organizational choices. Regulatory autonomy thus aims at aligning universities more closely with governmental goals and improve respective performance. Our literature review shows, however, that there is scarce, inconclusive and methodologically problematic evidence for a link between ‘organizational autonomy and performance’. We point at promising avenues for further research on autonomy and performance as two core concepts in the contemporary higher education debate.  相似文献   

知识组织研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书情报界主要对知识组织的定义、方法、原理、原则、目标与任务以及它与文献组织、信息组织以及图书馆学情报学的关系进行研究。在文章的结尾,对图书情报界对于知识组织的研究现象进行了简要的评论。  相似文献   

Performance technology is expanding its horizons. We have witnessed an increasingly wider-ang]e concern which has moved from a focus on task components to jobs, and from those to organizational concerns—a movement from the microscopic to the big picture. In making this transition, there are important lessons to be learned from environmentalists: they encourage us to think globally and act locally. By expanding from a concern with micro-level performance improvement to a focus where the primary clients and beneficiaries include concerns for performance improvement on all levels—individual, organizational, and client/societal—we too can think globally, act locally, and also improve our contributions at all levels. This article presents expanding horizons, building upon current models and understandings to develop both strategic thinking and practical tools for both doing our jobs right as well as defining the right job to be done in the first place. The world has shifted, and it is up to us to be increasingly responsive and responsible.  相似文献   

Performance technology is expanding its horizons. We have witnessed an increasingly wider–angle concern which has moved from a focus on task components to jobs, and from those to organizational concerns–a movement from the microscopic to the big picture. In making this transition, there are important lessons to be learned from environmentalists: they encourage us to think globally and act locally. By expanding from a concern with microlevel performance improvement to a focus where the primary clients and beneficiaries include concerns for performance improvement on all levels–individual, organizational, and client/ societal–we too can think globally, act locally, and also improve our contributions at all levels. This article presents expanding horizons, building upon current models and understandings to develop both strategic thinking and practical tools for both doing our jobs right as well as defining the right job to be done in the first place. The world has shifted, and it is up to us to be increasingly responsive and responsible.  相似文献   

Expertise research methodologies have focused upon the identification of differences and factors influencing high and low performance at the individual, process, and organizational level. The goal of this review is to use the results to facilitate performance improvement through the investigation of high and low performing entities. Various approaches are reported in the literature to investigate expertise and quantify factors relating to development of this expertise at the individual, group, and organizational level. This review of research literature focuses upon studies utilizing expertise methodologies outside of the laboratory for identification of differences and factors influencing high and low performance. Studies cited emphasize performance at the individual, process, or organizational level. Statistical methods and techniques for identifying high and low performance are identified. Results have implications for use in performance improvement initiatives in assessing differences or factors influencing performance as well as identification of interventions and outcome measures.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着我国教师人事制度和教师工资制度的改革,教师绩效评价成为学术界研究的热点。学者对中小学教师绩效评价的研究主要从指标体系、评价程序、评价方式方法、评价结果运用四个方面展开,在研究中绩效评价指标的设计多从组织目标出发,忽视了教师个人发展目标,评价过程多在宏观层面,缺乏具体的操作流程,虽然提出奖惩性评价与发展性评价相结合的思路,但是二者如何有效科学地结合尚存分歧。  相似文献   

While research has focused on the effects of diversity on individual and group level outcomes, there has been little inquiry concerning the organizational level. Cox (1994) states that the most frequently asked question by executives regarding workforce diversity involves how it affects the performance of organizations. In order to manage the growing diversity of the workforce, organizations need to implement systems and practices so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized and the potential disadvantages are minimized (Cox, 1994). While the goal of these programs is organizational success, from a human resource perspective they introduce unique challenges. In particular, these challenges relate to activities such as the socialization of culturally diverse employees. Therefore, in an effort to increase understanding of the effects of cultural diversity on organizational performance, this paper examines the moderating impact of socialization tactics on the relationship between cultural diversity and firm performance.  相似文献   

教师绩效工资改革的国外研究及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国外教师工资改革的不断推进,学者对教师绩效工资改革的研究不断拓展和深入。梳理发现,研究内容主要集中在教师工资与教师供给、教师工资与学生产出、教师工资与教师流失以及公立学校和私立学校绩效工资改革对比研究等方面。对国外绩效工资改革的反思,使我们认识到教师工资制度改革必须要与学校组织的变革有机结合;政策制定、实施要努力做到"程序公平";采用合理的评价标准和方式;正确对待绩效工资,将其看作一个持续的工作而不断完善。  相似文献   

The research reported in this article investigated the effect of manufacturing strategy on organizational performance in the Malaysian electrical and electronic sector. It was revealed that a cost‐based strategy greatly affected the performance of organizations participating in this study. This result implied that a cost‐based strategy is still a dominant concern for manufacturing firms. The information gathered through this study is useful for strategy formulation and for understanding how a strategy can lead to improved organizational performance in general.  相似文献   

While a majority of the literature in the field of performance measurement has focused on what organizations should measure, report, and use in order to improve overall organizational results, organizational leaders still experience difficulty in identifying performance measures to track the achievement of organizational strategy. This article describes the methods used to measure organizational strategy and program implementation and proposes the use of a performance‐based rubric to better enable organizational leaders to capture and identify the essence of organizational strategy as implemented and to attribute performance outcomes to specific strategic actions. Implications for organizational leaders and researchers from all sectors are presented.  相似文献   

Budgeting—i.e. the decision on the level of expenditures and on the repartition of resources among organizational subunits—can be conceived as a critical organizational process, which is closely related to key choices concerning strategic priorities and to resources acquisition strategies. Overall, it is increasingly being recognized as one of the central places where steering and governance take place, and where higher education institutions are supposed to take initiative. Accordingly, this paper pursues two aims: first, it provides a review of existing studies about budgeting in higher education, according to the literature on changes in its organizational characteristics, and with a focus on approaches from Organizational Theory and Sociology. Second, it identifies some future directions of research, thus easing the integration of these two bodies of literature. This integration may help in providing researchers with a deeper understanding of the current functioning of budgeting processes, their variations across higher education institutions and countries, as well as their implications for organizational behavior.  相似文献   

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