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Guided design is a systematic approach to instruction which is centered upon the learner's ability to solve open-ended problems that typify the situations he or she will experience as a professional in the field. The content is taught by self-instructional materials that have been systematically developed. The problem-solving process is taught using group projects that are designed to afford maximum utilization of the content in solving the problem presented by the case.  相似文献   

在当今竞争激烈的多元世界里,高职院校培养的人才应该是复合型人才——具备较高的专业知识和专业能力外,还具备有效语言表达能力。本文针对广东地区高职高专大学生的实际情况,结合社会需求,就如何增强大学生的普通话有效言语表达的教学进行分析和探讨,旨在鼓励和引导学生积极主动参与汉语普通话交际,养成良好的交际习惯,语言得体,能感染听话者,从而进行有效交际。  相似文献   

This study explored how developmentally appropriate practices influenced the affordances of a multitouch surface in an early childhood classroom. Children, ages 4 to 5 years old, were videotaped while engaged in a storymaking application on a multitouch table. As a result of the study, we found that some challenges with the functionality undermined children's autonomous control. The researchers observed numerous instances of issues with control of the medium, including height of the table, sensitivity to multiple types of touch, and limited instructions and prompts. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study is based on a research through design project (RTD) that focuses on a technical communication video of the live-action format. It investigates the usability and design-implications of a live-action how-to video, by means of analyzing user-centered data such as YouTube analytics data, usability, and comprehension assessments. In the study, four key live-action video affordances are identified: verifiability, comparability, recordability, and visibility. The identification of these affordances when related to the users’ assessments resulted in several design implementations that would warrant sought-for communication efficacies. Findings show that some assumed efficacies appear to be mitigated by the complexity and the density of the video information. One implication of this is that the implementation of conventional video editing techniques and the addition of on-screen text that serve to make content briefer and more concise into instructional live-action videos requires the technical communicator’s careful consideration.  相似文献   

How impressions of credibility are formed in trial type settings is examined using 173 participants. It is hypothesized that the severity of the penalty faced by an accused individual will increase participant involvement with the accused's testimony. Involvement is predicted to interact with verbal and nonverbal cues associated with deception to influence jurors’ honesty judgments. Although penalty severity did not influence participant involvement, results indicate that involvement moderates the effect of verbal cues, but not nonverbal cues, on perceptions of deception.  相似文献   

According to Thomas Exter (1992), the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics projections show that between 1990 and 2005, a steady stream of White men will leave the labor force. New workers who are more likely to be minorities and women will replace them. This demographic change in the workforce has caused American businesses to develop training programs that address this issue. As Badi Poster, Gerald Jackson, William Cross, Bailey Jackson, and Rita Hardiman (1988) observed, “The future of American industry will rely in large measure on our human resource potential, and business will have no choice but to learn how to use workforce diversity constructively.” This study discusses what diversity is, where, when and why it developed, and where it is going. It also applies semiotic analysis to a trend‐setting corporate training video that addresses diversity issues. The results of critically viewing this media text display training material that could hinder‐not aid‐in dealing with diversity at work. A semiotic analysis critically views this media text.  相似文献   

A case study is presented of a project designed to establish a collaborative consultation ethic in an inner-city elementary school serving a culturally diverse student population. The story that is told describes the collaborative culture of the school as well as the evolution of a school-based university course in collaborative consultation. Lessons learned from this project include the realities of schools in need of change; the ability to promote a collaborative ethic in schools lacking administrative and collegial support; the usefulness of a qualitative case study approach in understanding and providing information to adjust an ongoing collaborative endeavor and the value of conducting a university course on collaborative consultation using authentic content-that is, content identified by participants to which collaborative problem-solving processes are applied.  相似文献   

We seek to demonstrate how digital video technology can contribute towards our understanding of the process of development of conceptual understanding in physics. We use digital video to analyze 4 brief Physics by Inquiry sessions with 2 groups of preservice teachers. The instances include independent group work and instructor-student interactions. Important insights emerge on the way students attempt to make sense of their observations and the way their initial ideas hamper the process of inquiry. Specific difficulties are identified that influence the learning trajectory. These are classified into categories, including epistemological, conceptual, and reasoning difficulties. Additional results demonstrate the crucial nature of careful guidance in inquiry-oriented activities and the variety in student responses to epistemological and other obstacles.  相似文献   

The means and resources used by an organization are best understood within the context of results and payoffs. Organizations, both public and private, are means to societal ends. In order to be accountable for their value to society, organizations must demonstrate that what they produce and/or deliver is of positive value for the time, money, and resources invested. If an organization is to spend time, money, and resources on interventions, social initiatives, organizational re-alignment, or a quality management/continuous improvement process, leaders and decision makers frequently want to know if the value of their results is worth the investments. The Cost-Consequences Analysis offers a coarse-grain estimate of return-on-in-vestment when there is not the necessity nor time and/or resources available for a complete determination of all of the variables that actually go into a return-on-investment analysis.  相似文献   

当前国内医学本科生普遍欠缺创新思维及实践能力。高校教师亟需改进创新教学模式,尝试综合运用兴趣激励、创新思维训练、学生创新能力问卷调查、创新实践科研训练等方法,开展一系列学生自主、教师辅助的医学创新实践活动,以提高医学本科生创新实践能力,为适应未来社会医疗卫生事业发展需求进行创新培养模式探索。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the use of online classroom collaborative environments to support the face-to-face teaching of a graduate course in English Literature. Online data from graduate students and the professor were collected and analyzed. Results show that students benefit from the online interaction to learn English Literature. There are, however, also disadvantages in the use of online environments, which are discussed in our conclusion.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童主动口语沟通行为干预的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用示范、提示—示范、时间延宕、随机教学等干预方法对一名自闭症儿童的主动口语沟通行为进行干预,旨在探讨自闭症儿童主动口语沟通行为的干预效果及启示。结果表明:干预显著增加了被试主动口语沟通行为的发生次数,同时沟通内容及沟通功能也有所扩展。最后,作者建议通过激发儿童兴趣和动机、注意环境的设置和安排等措施来促进自闭症儿童主动口语沟通行为的发展。  相似文献   

“减负增效”不仅要针对学生学习,也要针对教师教学。在这方面,自然分材教学做了有益探索。它是教师让教学任务随学生差异自然分化并引导学生针对自己存在的学习问题进行研究的一种教学理论与实践形态,包括感情调节、反思诊断、普补分读、课堂作业、问题跟踪等环节和自编辞典、导生制、三色牌等辅助手段。它盯着问题教,使教学真正因人施教;兼顾每个学生个性化学习需求,促进全体学生发展;巧用三色牌改变传统师生课堂交流方式;师生换位,自学互帮,减轻教师负担,激发学生主动性,切实落实“扶弱”。在实践中,自然分材教学取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

随着读图时代的到来,视觉素养教育越来越引起人们的重视。国外将思维导图、聚类、思维描绘等作为培养策略引入到儿童视觉素养教学当中。文章借鉴国外相关的研究,选择概念图培养儿童的视觉素养,对所选取的个案进行前后测实验,最后得出概念图有助于培养儿童发散思维,理清思路,加强对整体视觉的掌握等结论。  相似文献   

This article explores the findings of a qualitative case study of journal entries by 10 finalyear English pre-service teachers during their five-week practicum in disadvantaged schools in South Africa’s Gauteng province. The study sought to investigate the nature and depth of reflection as well as student teachers’ perceptions regarding the writing of daily journal entries. It drew on socio-constructivist theory, which emphasises learning as a dialogic engagement with the source of knowledge and participants involved. Data was collected from the student teachers’ daily reflections, as evidenced by their teaching journals, and interview responses at the end of their teaching practice. Findings revealed that most of the reflections were on contextual issues and that, contrary to expectations, journal entries lacked in-depth exploration of classroom practice. The study is part of continuous course evaluation and contributes to the ongoing initiatives for improving the quality of teacher education in open distance learning (ODL).  相似文献   

促进学生体验的教学策略   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
体验,作为一种活动,即主体亲历某件事并获得相应的认识和情感。亲历包括亲身经历和心理上的经历(如移情、回顾与反思)。体验,作为活动的结果,即主体从其亲历中获得的认识和情感。体验的特征主要表现为:主体性、意义性、非规定性。体验的生成过程是一种复杂的心理活动,同时受到外在环境的制约。体验的对象不只是情感,还可以是学习过程中与人合作的经验、方法以及策略运用之得失、人与人之间的交往等。促进学生体验的教学策略具体是:发展学生的主体性、注重教学的情境性、关注教学关系的建构、实施质性评价、提高教师自身的语言能力、注重理性思维的引导。  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation, mindfulness, exercise and positive psychology interventions, when conducted as single interventions, have a useful effect on depression and also increasing well-being. The purpose of this study was to conduct a pilot programme to determine the efficacy of a multi-modal approach to enhancing well-being. Five teachers engaged in the four-week pilot programme called CALMERSS. The findings provide evidence for the effectiveness of the CALMERSS programme in enhancing well-being in participants, through significant reductions in psychological strain, physical and personal strain, and improving self-care. Four of the five participants who would officially have been classified as depressed at the commencement of the programme were no longer depressed at the end of the programme.  相似文献   

This study explores high school students’ views of Jews in one minority-dominated school in Oslo, Norway. Employing a qualitative approach, semistructured interview guides and classroom-based discussions teased out attitudes toward Jews drawing on questions from a nationwide research conducted by The Center for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities (2012). The findings are analyzed through the conceptual prism of anti-social capital and the literature on anti-Semitism with a focus on Jean-Paul Sartre’s (1948) analysis. This study warns that failure to pay attention to the increasing fragmentation of the educational landscape in Norway along ethnico-religious lines will serve to undermine teachers’ efforts to combat anti-Semitism.  相似文献   

在多源流理论指导下,以A省为例,分析了导致跨省危废物倾倒事件频发的原因,主要涉及体制分割和条块治理并行、相关机制缺失、政府监管"失灵"、利益链的存在、部分群众环保意识薄弱、企业缺乏社会责任、地方本位主义凸显等因素,在此基础上对政府、企业、公众提出了责任要求,从而形成"三方共治"的治理模式,共同解决跨省危废物倾倒问题。  相似文献   

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