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思想政治课基于“自主学习”的教学设计,是新课程条件下对教学设计的新要求:在自主学习目标上,应注重学生的自主设计及教师与学生的共同设计;在自主学习条件上,应注重自主学习权利、时间及课堂教学结构的设计;在自主学习内容上,应注重自主学习生活性、主体性、人本性的设计;在自主学习方式上,应注重自主学习组织形式和学习形式的设计;在自主学习流程上,应注重以自主活动为过程的设计;在自主学习策略上,应注重自我管理、互动合作及学习资源利用的设计。  相似文献   

思想政治课基于"自主学习"的教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治课基于"自主学习"的教学设计,是新课程条件下对教学设计的新要求:在自主学习目标上,应注重学生的自主设计及教师与学生的共同设计;在自主学习条件上,应注重自主学习权利、时间及课堂教学结构的设计;在自主学习内容上,应注重自主学习生活性、主体性、人本性的设计;在自主学习方式上,应注重自主学习组织形式和学习形式的设计;在自主学习流程上,应注重以自主活动为过程的设计;在自主学习策略上,应注重自我管理、互动合作及学习资源利用的设计.  相似文献   

概念图应用、自主学习及其教学设计均是当前教育技术领域的研究热点。通过一种“教师导学→小组自主探究→学生自主绘制→小组汇总概念图→教师总结评价”的自主学习教学设计和教学实践发现:用概念图作为教学设计工具,能够较好地发挥自主学习的特征,有效实现自主学习目的,促使学生产生有意义学习。概念图工具与自主学习方法可以在教学中得到完满的结合。  相似文献   

讨论了发现学习CAI课件设计中应遵循的原则:充分参与,自主发现的原则;设境激情,积极发现的原则;知识学习重要,学会学习同样重要的“双重”原则;合理结构多媒体信息,构建“学”而非“教”的发现学习环境的原则;适当引导,提高发现学习效率的原则。  相似文献   

在小学科学课堂教学中,教师要善于引导学生自主探究学习,努力创设教学情境,引导学生发现问题,提出问题,唤起学生的自主探究意识。引导学生设计自主探究的实验方案,学生根据设计的实验方案开展自主探究活动,教师还要引导学生将自己的实验发现和研究结论与其他小组的同学进行交流和讨论以达成共识。  相似文献   

自主学习是教育的最终目标。本文阐述了基于自主学习能力培养的网络阅读课程的实施背景、必要性和可行性,设计了网络阅读教学系统的基本框架和步骤,论述了教学系统的具体实施中存在的问题和解决方法。以使有限的教学资源发挥最大的作用,培养学生发现问题、分析问题及解决问题的能力,并最终实现学生的自主学习。  相似文献   

自主学习是指学习者自主选择学习内容、学习方式、学习环境,自主管理学习的一种学习行为,强调学习的自主、自愿、自选、自控和高效。以微课促进学生地理自主学习有效开展的策略有:根据学生学习需要确定内容和教学方法,设计微课细节;选取生活化地理实例,提高微课趣味性;实施教师合作,以教学设计及多媒体教学理论保证微课质量;加强地理微课资源开发,完善地理微课结构,提高微课适用性。  相似文献   

学习任务的创设是课堂落实学生核心素养的重要手段,是促进学生展开自主学习的有效载体。学习任务的设计应遵循情境性、系统性、一致性的原则,强调以单元大观念为统领,围绕基本问题一体设计前置任务、研学任务、展演任务等学习任务群组,落实“教—学—评”一体化,使学生经历知识建构与运用的过程,提高自主发现问题、解决问题等综合素养。  相似文献   

在数学学习的过程中,"前期学习"置于其他环节之前,它是学生学习的第一步。坚持前期学习,实际上就是坚持发展学生的自主学习能力。本文从引导学生自主学习、促进学生思维发展的角度分析了前期学习的利与弊;从数、几何、统计、应用四块内容出发,设计前期学案,指导学生如何开展前期学习,提高学生自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

叙述教师通过优化自主学习.来提高教学有效性的方法:通过探索组织学生自主学习,认真编写自主学习提纲;有一定的自学要求;及时引导学生关注知识的重点和难点;保证足够的自学时间;有效进行教学效果的检测.这样培养学生的阅读能力、分析归纳能力、发现问题及解决问题能力以及语言袁达能力,从而更有效地提高学习效率,充分体现学生的主体性.  相似文献   

Learning and performance are not always commensurable. Conditions that maximize performance in the initial learning may not maximize learning in the longer term. I exploit this incommensurability to theoretically and empirically interrogate four possibilities for design: productive success, productive failure, unproductive success, and unproductive failure. Instead of only looking at extreme comparisons between discovery learning and direct instruction, an analysis of the four design possibilities suggests a vast design space in between the two extremes that may be more productive for learning than the extremes. I show that even though direct instruction can be conceived as a productive success compared to discovery learning, theoretical and empirical analyses suggests that it may well be an unproductive success compared with examples of productive failure and productive success. Implications for theory and the design of instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

研究借鉴了加涅的教学设计原理 ,把小学生阅读 -习作能力图式同化训练的教学设计成由九个教学环节组成的一个反馈教学系统 ,把小学生自主阅读 -习作能力的习得和赖以产生的条件作为各环节教学设计的基础 ,把教学干预与学生主体参与结合起来。同时分析了儿童的自主学习过程。与传统的教学设计相比 ,本教学设计更符合现代认知学习论的要求和小学生不完全自主学习的特点 ,更有利于促进学生自主阅读 -习作能力的发展  相似文献   

信息化社会中的“教学”不再单纯是知识和技能的传授活动,而应该是指导学习者面对社会,实现自我全面发展的过程。应用教学设计理论和建构主义教学理论,我们设计了一种教学模式,即“学生讲授模式”。  相似文献   

We present a study on the effect of instruction on collaboration in a collaborative discovery learning environment. The instruction we used, called RIDE, is built upon four principles identified in the literature on collaborative processes: Respect, Intelligent collaboration, Deciding together, and Encouraging. In an experimental study, a group of learners (ages 15–17) receiving this instruction was compared to a control group. The learners worked in dyads on separate computers in a shared discovery learning environment in the physics domain of collisions, communicating through a chat channel. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the logged actions in the learning environment and the chat protocols showed that the RIDE instruction can lead to more constructive communication, and improved discovery learning activities, as expected, although no direct effect on discovery learning results was found. This study shows the benefits of providing instruction on effective communication and the learning process in a collaborative discovery learning situation.  相似文献   

The field of instructional technology is characterized by its products, such as instructional media, and its processes, such as instructional design. Over the past 50 years, the process of instructional technology has been shaped by advances in learning and instructional theory. Much of the development work to date has been associated with direct instruction or instruction based largely on the application of behavioral and neobehavioral principles. In contrast, constructivism, a faction within cognitive psychology associated with Piagetian learning theory, is characterized by discovery and experiential learning. Constructivists have sought to tap the computational power of modern microcomputers to create computer microworlds, such as those found in LOGO, in which learners can experience and appropriate sophisticated ideas from (but not limited to) the domains of science and mathematics. Proponents of constructivism and direct instruction usually are viewed in opposition to one another. It is suggested here that each has something to learn from the other, and that computer microworlds offer a platform for collaboration.  相似文献   

从教学设计的视角看,有效教学的基本要义涉及促进一般发展与特色发展相得益彰,共同发展与差异发展协调平衡;形成知己、知事与知人相统一的专长;实现可应用于具体学科领域的一般原则或策略的具体迁移;强调学习中生成意义,以满足学习本质上内外协调、表里贯通的要求;坚持学教统一,调动师生两个方面的积极性,努力做到从扶到放、扶放有度,逐渐撤除支架,同时致力于创设友好的学习环境,使之物理环境宜人、心理环境舒畅与技术环境通达;教学时应面向完整任务,聚焦解决问题,通过整体设计与有序设计的结合,真正实现教学目标、教学方法和教学评估三者匹配一致。  相似文献   

Multiple studies have shown benefits of problem-solving prior to instruction (cf. Productive Failure, Invention) in comparison to direct instruction. However, students’ solutions prior to instruction are usually erroneous or incomplete. In analogy to guided discovery learning, it might therefore be fruitful to lead students towards the discovery of the canonical solution. In two quasi-experimental studies with 104 students and 175 students, respectively, we compared three conditions: problem-solving prior to instruction, guided problem-solving prior to instruction in which students were led towards the discovery of relevant solution components, and direct instruction. We replicated the beneficial effects of problem-solving prior to instruction in comparison to direct instruction on posttest items testing for conceptual knowledge. Our process analysis further revealed that guidance helped students to invent better solutions. However, the solution quality did not correlate with the posttest results in the guided condition, indicating that leading students towards the solution does not additionally promote learning. This interpretation is supported by the finding that the two conditions with problem-solving prior to instruction did not differ significantly at posttest. The second study replicated these findings with a greater sample size. The results indicate that different mechanisms underlie guided discovery learning and problem-solving prior to instruction: In guided discovery learning, the discovery of an underlying model is inherent to the method. In contrast, the effectiveness of problem-solving prior to instruction does not depend on students’ discovery of the canonical solution, but on the cognitive processes related to problem-solving, which prepare students for a deeper understanding during subsequent instruction.  相似文献   

在介绍数据库设计思路及实施方法的基础上 ,对自学考试综合管理系统的设计、开发及使用进行分析和说明  相似文献   

How do adults learn from self‐paced, technology‐based corporate training, which they select based on its relevance to their current employment responsibilities? Specifically, how do adults use the following learning strategies: prior experience, reflection, metacognition, conversations, generative learning strategies, and authentic experiences? Based on a recent dissertation research investigation, the author found that learning starts with, and is sustained by, metacognition which was defined as self‐assessment and self‐correction. While learners using metacognition is by no means a new phenomenon, learners using metacognition significantly more often than other learning strategies has important implications for the design of new generations of online distance instruction. Similarly, that learners frequently use conversations to learn from self‐paced, technology‐based training strongly suggests that dialogs and discussions are important in the design of these new ways of learning.  相似文献   

建构主义教学观对学生自主学习的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
当今建构主义教学观方兴未艾,它强调学生在教学中的主体性,而自主学习是主体性的核心,受动机、方法、时间、内容等方面的影响,建构主义教学观能够从这些方面来促进学生自主学习,在教学中贯彻建构主义教学观能够改变以往不重视学生自主学习的局面,对推动教学改革有一定的作用。  相似文献   

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