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随着21世纪的临近,人类正在步入一个以智力资源为主要依托的知识经济时代。在这一全新的时代里,知识将成为最重要的经济因素和生产要素,带动社会生产中各种劳动形式向以脑力劳动为主和不断开发新知识资源的方向发展。新闻是时代发展的“晴雨表”,新闻媒体是社会信息的总汇和传播的枢纽,又是知识的重要集散地,因此,要适应知识经济时代的发展与需求,就必须加快新闻改革的步伐,以全新的姿态为知识经济服务。 一、适应知识经济发展规律,树立新的新闻观念 知识经济时代的到来,必将带动经济、政治、文化、新闻等方面的一系列变革,也…  相似文献   

在中国共产党领导的中国新闻事业史上,有过三次新闻改革,即为:1942年以延安《解放日报》改版为标志的新闻改革;1956年《人民日报》改版为标志的新闻改革;1978年底中国共产党十一届三中全会以来二十多年的新闻改革。第一次新闻改革这次新闻改革是以1942年4月1日延安《解放日报》发表社论《致读者》,中共中央宣传部发表《为改造党报的通知》为标志,与延安整风运动同步进行。其历史背景是:从1942年春天起,中  相似文献   

时下“三旧新闻”充斥一些党报,弱化和损害党的新闻舆论,误导读者,污染舆论环境,损害被宣传者形象,大有革除的必要。 何为:“三旧新闻”? 一、沿用旧观念宣传新事物。党的十六大后,党报上屡见关于某地“建设新型工业化城市”、  相似文献   

几年来,在新闻业务改革中,党报以外的许多新闻媒体先行了一步,构成了对党报咄咄逼人的攻势。这点很像我国经济改革开始时国有企业改革落后于非国有企业的情况。 当然,我们党报步入社会主义市场经济大潮,必须有自身的模式。我们的“下海”,是在社会主义市场经济的发展中,把握正确导向,提高报纸质量,促进报业发展。当前,新闻业务改革必须改革新闻,新闻是报纸的基础,改革先走一步的晚报和都市报,它们和传统党报相比,基本的突破也在这里。新闻业务改革的主要任务就是改革新闻,是将宣传式新闻改为新闻式宣传。 拓宽新闻领域 抓好…  相似文献   

刘锐 《新闻三昧》2006,(3):36-37
话题新闻是通过解析讨论由具有特殊潜在价值因素的新闻事实所引发出的话题,推动化解它所反映的典型矛盾的一种新闻报道形式。1995年1月25日《,光明日报》一版头条“每月聚焦”栏目推出一篇报道《部长同志:您办公室里有国旗吗?》,首开话题新闻实践先河。随后《光明日报》在“每月聚焦”“、今日话题”、“热点透视”、“光明视点”等栏目上发表了大量的话题新闻,形成话题新闻的栏目化、制度化。此外《,人民日报》的视点新闻版“热点解读”专栏、新华社的新华视点、中央电视台的“焦点访谈”、中央人民广播电台的“今日论坛”等,亦都属于话题…  相似文献   

在中国共产党领导的中国新闻事业史上,有过三次重要的新闻改革,每一次改革都是发生在中国革命或建设的关键时期,都是在外部条件的引导、主导下新闻媒介不断调节自身的过程,也是党报与时俱进地以改版方式进行变革创新的过程。正如英国著名学者诺曼·费尔克拉夫所指出的那样,“话语是被社会结构所构成的,受到社会结构的限制。”本文将三次党报改革置于党报赖以存在的社会生态背景中去,分析“构成社会生态的政治、经济、文化和社会体制之间的相互关系及其逻辑发展”怎样影响、改变着党报自身发展规律与路径,从而为把握党报时政新闻话语变迁以及当下的党报新闻改革提供历史的参照。  相似文献   

●应该怎样建构新闻改革的目标?改革开放时期的新闻评价标准应该怎样调整?如何看待西方新闻传播学的新理念和新原理?……  相似文献   

回顾中国新闻改革发展的历史,其实就是回顾中国的经济体制改革和政治体制改革历史。中国的经济体制改革,使得一部分新闻媒体走上了市场化的道路;而中国的政治体制改革,则使得独立的新闻媒体有了自由发挥的空间。  相似文献   

This collection of observations, insights, and strategies summarizes the findings from the Education Advisory Board's 2011 research initiative, ‘Redefining the Academic Library: Managing the Migration to Digital Information Services‘, which was conducted on behalf of its membership of over 200 provosts and vice‐presidents for academic affairs at institutions across North America. The full report is freely accessible at http://www.educationadvisoryboard.com/pdf/23634‐EAB‐Redefining‐the‐Academic‐Library.pdf  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the circulation of monographs during the first three years of shelf life at an academic health sciences library. METHOD: A record was kept of monographs added to the circulating collection from mid-1994 to mid-1995. After three years, each monograph was located and the number of times it circulated during the first, second, and third year of shelf life determined by counting checkout stamps on the circulation slip. RESULTS: Of the 1,958 monographs studied, 1,674 had complete data for the first three years of shelf life. Of those 1,674 titles, 81.48% circulated at least once. A total of 7,659 circulations were recorded; 38.69% occurred in the first year of shelf life, 32.37% in the second year, and 28.95% in the third year. The data did not fit the well-known 80/20 rule. Instead, approximately 38% of monographs accounted for 80% of circulation. A small percentage, 2.21%, of monographs accounted for a substantial percentage of circulation, 21.84%. CONCLUSIONS: A large percentage of the monographs circulated and use did not decline sharply with age within the first three years of shelf life, indicating a high demand for monographs at this academic health sciences library. These results, combined with the findings of earlier studies, suggested two possibilities. First, academic health sciences libraries might exhibit use of a higher percentage of monograph acquisitions than other types of libraries; or, second, a low monograph-to-user ratio might result in a higher percentage of monographs being used. Perhaps both factors contributed to the results found in this study. Further investigation would be needed to determine the extent to which library type and monograph-to-user ratio influenced monograph use.  相似文献   

处于市场经济边缘的学术期刊的改革思考   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
王春英 《编辑学报》2003,15(5):363-364
在改革浪潮中学术期刊一直徘徊于市场经济边缘的原因是学术期刊缺乏内在的动力和具体的目标,缺乏最起码的消费群体,开展多种经营难有作为。扩大社会效益和实现国际化是学术期刊应该走的切合实际的改革之路。  相似文献   

近几年高校图书馆用户信息需求研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文通过对近几年来高校图书馆用户信息需求研究文献的分析,归纳总结了这几年来高校图书馆用户信息需求研究的主要内容,分析了研究存在的问题并提出两点对策。  相似文献   

媒介生态学:中国新闻史研究的新路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
媒介生态学用生态学的原理与方法来想象媒介与媒介、媒介与媒介生存环境的关系,以"媒介生态"--在一定时代、地域条件下,不同生态位的媒介之间的竞合所组成的媒介群落及其与生存整体环境通过信息、能量和物质的流动而构成的具有特征性的结构形态和动态平衡的统一整体--为核心分析概念,它的资源观坚持而又丰富了马克思唯物主义的物质观,为新闻史研究提供了新的理论资源和研究视野.  相似文献   

文章在分析地方普通高校图书馆发展特点的基础上,提出地方普通高校图书馆应根据实际条件和发展需要,采取调整资源建设比例、重组业务流程、建立一站式检索平台、建立图书馆联盟、采用大流通、实现自助借还服务等措施,解决自身发展中存在的突出问题。  相似文献   

Studies of race in communication studies often critique and/or celebrate representations of people of color, but recently scholars have called for studies to “go beyond” representation. Building off the work of Sarah Sharma, Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, and Walter Ong, this article considers how forms of media, rather than solely content, have racial implications that exceed their representational capabilities. Through an analysis of slave narratives, this article argues that the Underground Railroad was a “media environment” that assisted slave emancipation. This environment celebrated oral forms of mediation and the bodies of certain black runaway slaves to mediate the lines between freedom and bondage.  相似文献   

This paper presents data regarding the publication of Chinese English‐language journals (CELAJs), building on previously published information to investigate the status, growth, and international penetration of these journals. The article also presents three case studies of CELJs to demonstrate different strategies for achieving internationalization. We find that there has been rapid growth in CELJs between 2006 and 2011 but mostly in the science, technology and medicine disciplines. There are now 435 CELJs, of which 62.3% are published in association with a western publisher. Partnership has been shown to provide immediate benefits to an established successful journal (Cell Research), has helped to relaunch an established title in English (Bamboo and Silk), and has enabled the successful launch of a new journal (Global Health Research and Policy). The authors conclude that there are three criteria for successful international CELJs: increased visibility, good editorial boards, and international publishing partnerships.  相似文献   

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