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该文通过两类内疚故事情境,考察了217名7—12岁儿童违规内疚和虚拟内疚理解能力的发展特点。结果表明:(1)7—9岁是儿童违规内疚理解能力发展较快的时期,10岁以后趋于稳定;(2)7—12岁儿童已具有较高的虚拟内疚理解能力;(3)7—12岁儿童的虚拟内疚理解能力要高于违规内疚理解能力;(4)权威人际评价对于儿童虚拟内疚理解能力的提高具有较强的促进作用;(5)违规内疚和虚拟内疚的理解能力没有性别差异。  相似文献   

羞愧感及其教育意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一伦理学和心理学对羞愧感有过一些研究 ,但教育学对它的研究较少。教育学关注羞愧感的操作意义 ,它不是将研究停留在结论上 ,而是要尽力把研究结果应用到促进人的品德的发展中去。在心理学上 ,羞愧感常被认为是消极情感 ,“精神健康专家传统上一直认为它们阻碍了精神健康”,1“是极其严重的病态心理”。2弗洛伊德由于把人的利比多冲动看做为人的本质和真实 ,所以他把“审查”和抑制这些冲动的羞愧感当成了人生成长中的消极情感。羞愧感在他那里只是人隐藏真我的自我欺骗的形式。相反 ,马克斯·舍勒 (Max Scheler)并不同意弗洛伊德把人的本…  相似文献   

4-6岁儿童对空间测量中逻辑关系的理解研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过选取北京市3所幼儿园的72名4-6岁儿童为被试,采用个别测查法考察儿童对空间测量中逻辑关系的理解。研究结果表明:(1)4-6岁儿童对空间测量中逻辑关系的理解有显著年龄差异,4.5岁以后儿童对空间测量中逻辑关系的理解发展非常迅速;(2)超过50%的4-6岁儿童具有传递推理能力,但在不同测量情境中的应用不够灵活;(3)43%的4-6岁儿童能够理解测量单位大小与数量之间的反函数关系,但大部分不能理解测量活动中使用相同大小测量单位的必要性。  相似文献   

心理学和伦理学对学前儿童羞愧感有过一些研究,但是幼儿教育学对它的研究比较少。幼儿教育学关注羞愧感的操作意义,它不是将研究停留在结论上,而是要尽力把研究结果应用到促进幼儿的品德的发展中去。羞愧感对幼儿既会带来害处,也可带来益处。  相似文献   

经过紧张的高考或中考,总会有一部分考生经受“名落孙山”的痛苦。那么,落榜生该如何走出心理困境呢? 一般来讲,落榜生会产生以下一些消极情绪: 负疚感 满指望能“金榜题名”,光耀门庭,到头来却“竹篮打水一场空”,因而内心感到“无颜见江东父老”。 羞愧感 有不少考生,羞愧中孕育  相似文献   

研究用2个心理理论范式测量错误信念认知和情绪理解能力,比较33名孤儿和33名非孤儿的表现,并分析了错误信念认知和情绪理解的关系。结果显示:(1)孤儿错误信念认知水平发展趋势与非孤儿一致,但孤儿的错误信念认知能力发展显著低于非孤儿;(2)孤儿的情绪理解发展趋势和水平与非孤儿基本一致;(3)儿童(包括孤儿)错误信念认知和情绪理解在3-5岁期间发生明显变化,大多数儿童在5岁时已基本具备错误信念认知和情绪理解的能力,4岁是儿童错误信念认知和情绪理解能力发展的重要年龄;(4)儿童错误信念认知与情绪理解关系密切。  相似文献   

本研究选取2-5岁超常儿童46名、普通儿童54名,通过实验考察了早期超常儿童的计数及其策略。结果显示:(1)超常儿童更早掌握“一一对应”的计数原则;(2)4岁前,超常儿童相对同龄普通儿童能掌握更大范围的基数;特别是3-4岁超常儿童,基本已经掌握了20以内的基数概念,显著优于同年龄普通儿童;(3)2-5岁超常儿童普遍具有比同年龄普通儿童更好的计数策略;(4)4-5岁超常儿童相对同龄普通儿童和3-4岁超常儿童,能够更有效地运用计数策略完成“随机性”计数任务。  相似文献   

随着社会信息加工心理学的崛起,人们开始用社会信息加工过程中可能存在的障碍来理解学习困难儿童的礼会性发展.以往研究发现,意图归因、社会日标和自我效能感在加工过程中起着重要作用.本研究发现:(1)行为类刑不同的学习困难儿童在社会目标选取上存在显著差异;(2)行为类型不同的学习困难儿童在与社会目标相应的自我效能感上存在显著差异;(3)学习困难儿童所追求的社会目标与相应的自我效能感存在相关;(4)学习困难儿童社会目标存在年级差异.  相似文献   

本研究选取10-12岁的流动超常儿童共66名,采用问卷法分别考察其人格和创造力的发展特征,并在此基础上探讨流动超常儿童的人格对其创造力的影响。结果显示,10-12岁的流动超常儿童:(1)创造力各维度的水平随着年龄的增长呈现出稳定增长的趋势,其中,10岁组得分显著低于其他组;(2)在人格宜人性、谨慎性和开放性上均表现出随年级增长而递增的趋势,其中,12岁组在人格宜人性上的得分显著高于10岁组;(3)人格的外向性对创造力的流畅性(47.9%)和变通性(56.1%)具有较好的预测作用,而宜人性对创造力的独特性(29.6%)具有较好的负向预测作用。  相似文献   

自倡导以学生为本、尊重学生人格、严禁体罚以来,人们谈"罚"色变。惩罚教育不等于体罚,其在教育中有自己的作用。惩罚教育的实质是为唤起学生的羞愧感以防止纪律丧失权威,重塑规范的神圣性,减少不良行为的发生。羞愧感在惩罚教育中起着至关重要的作用,如何理解羞愧感与惩罚教育的关系,如何运用羞愧感以实施惩罚教育是本文论述的重点所在。  相似文献   

耻感是以否定性的方式来把握“善”的过程,是通向仁之境界的必由之路.耻感规范与公共管理伦理建构关系密切.文章从探讨我国古代圣贤的人性理论入手,以耻感分析为线索,提出了“耻感行政人”的假设,并进一步解析了公共管理伦理建构的逻辑起点及规范体系.  相似文献   

Children's conceptions of the self-conscious emotions guilt versus shame were investigated. In Study 1, 10–12-year-old children answered questions about scenarios that should elicit feelings of guilt and/or shame (moral transgressions and social blunders). In Study 2, 7–9- and 10–12-year-old children completed a sorting task to ascertain the features they associate with guilt and shame. Feelings of guilt were aroused by moral norm violations. Guilt feelings were also seen as involving an approach-avoidance conflict with respect to the victim, self-criticism, remorse, desire to make amends, and fear of punishment. Feelings of shame resulted from both moral transgressions and social blunders. Younger children associated shame with embarrassment, blushing, ridicule, and escape. Older children additionally characterized shame as feeling stupid, being incapable of doing things right, and not being able to look at others.  相似文献   

小班幼儿正处于绘画涂鸦期的圆形期和命名期,该阶段幼儿的绘画特点与其生理、心理的发展密切相关。文章针对目前小班幼儿绘画教学存在的低效性问题,剖析其原因,并提出促进小班幼儿绘画教学有效性的五项策略:准确定位小班幼儿绘画教学的目标、研究并了解小班幼儿的绘画特点、实施多样性的绘画组织形式和手段、科学评价幼儿的绘画、持续的教学反思和改进。  相似文献   

We revised Hyson and Lee's (1996) Caregiver's Beliefs about Feelings questionnaire for use with parents. One hundred and fifteen mothers of 4- to 6- year-old children completed the Parents' Beliefs about Feelings questionnaire (PBAF). We assessed emotional understanding of 60 of the children using Denham's (1986) measure. Factor analysis supported a 2-factor solution for the PBAF. The first subscale (Emotion Language) reflected mothers' belief in socializing emotion language. The second subscale (Developmental Beliefs) assessed mothers' belief that their children were not developmentally ready to control or talk about emotions. Mothers' Developmental Beliefs scores were positively related to mothers' negative emotional expressiveness. Mothers' Emotion Language scores were positively related to children's knowledge of emotion terms. Results may help educators design intervention programs to teach children emotional and social skills.  相似文献   

The distinction between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism is new to the child literature, but initial findings suggest that it may have important implications for understanding adjustment. This study examined how expressions of narcissism in children influence their reactions to a mild egothreats experience. Children (N = 124; aged 8–12 years) completed self-ratings before and after doing a brief but challenging task. Negative emotions, self-conscious emotions, and performance estimates were measured. Regression analyses showed that, even after controlling the effects of self-esteem and temperament, vulnerable narcissism was related to increased hostility, anger, and shame, whereas grandiose narcissism was related to inflated performance estimates following the task. These results demonstrate the unique roles of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism in children.  相似文献   

We revised Hyson and Lee's (1996) Caregiver's Beliefs about Feelings questionnaire for use with parents. One hundred and fifteen mothers of 4- to 6- year-old children completed the Parents' Beliefs about Feelings questionnaire (PBAF). We assessed emotional understanding of 60 of the children using Denham's (1986) measure. Factor analysis supported a 2-factor solution for the PBAF. The first subscale (Emotion Language) reflected mothers' belief in socializing emotion language. The second subscale (Developmental Beliefs) assessed mothers' belief that their children were not developmentally ready to control or talk about emotions. Mothers' Developmental Beliefs scores were positively related to mothers' negative emotional expressiveness. Mothers' Emotion Language scores were positively related to children's knowledge of emotion terms. Results may help educators design intervention programs to teach children emotional and social skills.  相似文献   

Recent debates about “Britishness” have drawn increasing attention to the inculcation of national values within the school history curriculum. To date, however, few studies have explored young people’s attitudes towards history or how these are related to their sources of national pride and shame. This paper draws on a survey of over 400 undergraduates’ experiences of secondary education, investigating their attitudes towards the history curriculum and how these relate to their feelings of national pride. Using principal components analysis we found that students’ attitudes towards history loaded on to two distinct factors: traditional/conservative and multicultural/liberal. Bivariate correlations then revealed that pride in national sporting and economic achievements and a sense of shame about immigration were positively associated with a traditional attitude towards history. Pride in British civil liberties and social diversity and a sense of shame about racism and UK foreign policy were associated with a multicultural attitude. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

荣耻心产生的心理机制及其教育意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从心理学角度看,荣誉心是一个人由于自己言行合理合宜而产生的,羞耻心是一个人由于自己言行的过失而产生的。从理论上认清荣誉心和羞耻心产生的心理机制,有助于更加有效地开展荣辱观教育。新时期开展荣辱观教育的关键是要采取妥善措施培育民众的良心,要根据不同良心水平群体的荣耻心发展规律开展荣辱观教育。同时,要注意对接中国本土的知耻文化传统,营造培养荣辱观的文化氛围。  相似文献   

"八荣八耻"与大学生思想政治教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
强调以“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观为指导,深化大学生思想政治教育工作的改革创新。本文在论述了荣辱观以及社会主义荣辱观的基础上,深入分析了“八荣八耻”对于大学生思想政治教育的现实指导意义,强调大学生必须以“八荣八耻”为行动的基本道德规范。  相似文献   

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