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王梵志是初唐时期的白话诗人,他的通俗诗在敦煌遗书中有28种写本。梵志诗的讽刺意义主要表现在两方面:一是思想内容,二是艺术表现手法。他用讽刺的方法揭露了社会的黑暗,针砭了流俗时弊。这种讽刺意义是通过刻画形形色色的下层人物表现的。在刻画人物中主要采用了白描法和漫画法,漫画法中又注重于通过画人的眼睛来表现人物性格和事物的本质。在讽刺鞭挞黑暗、丑恶的同时也表现了诗人对真善美的向往与追求。  相似文献   

王梵志诗是来自民间土壤的白话诗,它以广阔的社会内容、通俗的语言表达在唐五代诗中独树一帜。以唐代诗僧王梵志的诗为基本语料,对流行于唐五代民间的口语俚词从语义角度进行描写和分析,可初步展现唐五代俗语词的个中面貌。  相似文献   

1.可可:经纪须平直,心中莫侧斜。些些微取利,可可苦他家。(233)①可可,项楚(1991)注:极甚之辞。《游仙窟》:‘双燕子,可可事风流,即今人得伴,更亦不相求。’寒山诗:‘昔时可可贫,今朝最贫冻。’  相似文献   

项楚《王梵志诗校注》为王梵志诗研究中最重要的文献,然其中亦不无可商兑补正之处。  相似文献   

王梵志和寒山都是唐代著名的白话诗人代表,而且二人都是唐代著名诗僧。僧人大量地创作诗歌,这是中国古代文学史上的一个独特现象。僧人以特殊的身份、思维方式与文化背景使其诗歌创作呈现出独特的风貌。由隋入唐的诗僧王梵志开创了一条与文人诗歌风格截然不同的白话诗派。王梵志之后的寒山,继承了王梵志的诗歌特色,创作了大量诗作。寒山诗和王梵志诗无论是在内容还是风格上都有一定的相似之处。同时,寒山诗对王梵志诗还有发展和超越的地方,使得寒山诗呈现出更加丰富多彩的面貌,推动了唐代白话诗歌的成熟。  相似文献   

本文对项楚《王梵志诗校注》一书提出了一些商榷意见,着重考察了“险语”、“产图”、“遭罗”等几组疑难词。  相似文献   

王梵志是否实有其人?国际敦煌学界的许多学者在否定王梵志的同时,也否定了其诗的价值。但据查考《桂苑丛谈》等史料和唐宋际文献及实有人物的记载,认定王梵志确有其人,因此这就需要来重新认识王梵志诗的思想意义。王梵志诗既抒写了个人生活的困苦,也洋溢着对现实的关注,对人民爱恋的执着的追求,表达了对人民苦难的深切同情。王梵志是一位优秀诗人。  相似文献   

本文将通过对现存390首《王梵志诗》的阅读,来整理其诗中与女性题材相关的诗歌.  相似文献   

在万叶歌人中,山上忆良的和歌地位可以说是不可撼动的,甚至在日本的和歌史上也是前无古人后无来者的。忆良是一位汉文学素养极高的歌人,在《万叶集》中保留着其创作的汉诗和多篇长歌的汉文序文,内容广泛,涉及中国古典典籍多处,几乎是熟稔于心。其行文中间透露的满是儒佛道思想,浑然一体。近年来随着我国敦煌学的逐渐发展,尤其是王梵志诗的研究的发展,为忆良和歌的研究又开辟了新的出口。忆良和歌创作不管是从行文遣词还是思想表现方面,都与王梵志诗有着很相似的地方,所以研究二者的关系也成为了万叶研究的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

王梵志是我国颇具神秘色彩的文学家,有些学者甚至否定其存在。文章在前辈学者的基础上,进一步论证并对其事迹进行考辨,论证了其实在性及身世的“弃儿说”和“为初唐时人”的正确性。  相似文献   

While research into educational inequalities emphasises childhood socio‐economic status, this study adds another dimension of status into the analysis; namely, the child’s own social position among its peers. The aim was to examine whether socio‐economic status and peer status can both be linked to educational transitions and, if so, whether they constitute overlapping paths. In a second step of analyses, the relationship between peer status and adult unemployment was investigated. Data were derived from a longitudinal study using a 1953 cohort born in Stockholm, Sweden. Our results suggest that children with higher socio‐economic status and children with higher peer status are consistently more likely than their lower status peers to proceed to the next level of education, and that the effects of socio‐economic status and peer status hardly overlapped at all. Furthermore, educational differences by peer status seem to involve consequences for the studied subjects’ contemporary labour market opportunities.  相似文献   

王小妮的诗歌是易感的,质地纯粹,以隐蔽的女性姿态从生活中打磨出诗性之美,并糅和着人生的体验和感悟.<月光白得很>散淡幽深,达到了人与天地万物的高度和谐统一,于虚实相继间让人回味悠长.  相似文献   

National (and European) qualifications frameworks, the specification of learning outcomes and grand targets like the Lisbon goals of increasing the supply of graduates in Europe in order to achieve a more knowledge-based society are all predicated upon the idea of moving people through to higher and well-defmed levels of skills, knowledge and understanding. However, the work of researchers, from the UK's Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP), examining work-related learning from a number of perspectives, would suggest that the way to move towards a more knowledge-based society is for as many people as possible, whatever their supposed highest overall "level" of skills is, to believe that they should develop their skills, knowledge and competence in a number of ways unrelated to their current highest "level". This means rather than having an essentially binary conception of competence at the heart of the levels, it would be far more beneficial in inducing the frame of mind required of a knowledge-based society to have a developmental view of expertise. Such an approach can address three particular challenges that a "levels" approach f'mds difficult to accommodate. First, there is the issue of transfer-there would be an expectation that graduates would be some way from "experienced worker standard" when they completed their initial training. Secondly, such an approach could provide the conditions in which a commitment to continuous improvement at work could flourish, as most people would believe that they needed to develop in a number of ways (at a range of "levels") in order to improve their performance. Thirdly, this approach of continuing to expect people to continue to develop a range of skills would offer some protection against the development of "skilled incompetence" (where organisations and individuals continue to focus upon what they do well without paying due regard to the future).  相似文献   

信息技术的发展与网络的普及极大地改变了人们的交流方式,由此也产生了一种新的语言变体—网络语言。本文对韩语网络语言的特点及其蕴含的社会文化心理进行深入分析,希望通过该分析使韩语学习者能够从社会文化层面更好地理解韩语网络语言。  相似文献   

人与社会的关系问题,是人学领域中最古老,也是最基本的问题。人是社会性的,人生活在社会关系之中,在现实生活中任何"个人"都是在既成的社会生产方式中,使用一定水准的、发展起来的文化,去从事各种活动以满足自己的需要。因此,"人"不仅在整体上是社会的人,在个体上也是社会的人,社会不仅是意识中的"他者"、他物,也是个人的存在方式、生存方式、发展方式,是人的"社会的生命"。一个脱离社会关系的人,其作为人的本质是不完整的,实际上是在向生物状态靠拢。  相似文献   

All labour is directed towards producing some effect. For though some exertions are taken merely for their own sake, as when a game is played for amusement, they are not counted as labour. We may define labour as any exertion of mind or body undergone partly or wholly with a view to some good other than the pleasure derived directly from the work.  相似文献   

和谐语境下社会保障的价值解读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从法治的视角看,和谐社会建构的重心是社会运行机制的和谐。作为一种化解矛盾的社会和谐机制,社会保障为实现社会的实质性和谐提供了根本的制度支撑。在和谐语境下,社会保障原有理念得到升华,可持续和谐、共同发展、公平优先等新理念充实进来,社会保障价值也被赋予全新内涵,法理价值和实践价值的认识也取得新的突破,实质正义获得理性回归。和谐社会与社会保障理念的契合、价值的耦合,社会保障新功能———社会和谐动力,尤其是人文动力的发挥,都会引导和促进社会保障的完善,进而必将推动和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

浅论高适与王昌龄边塞诗的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高适和王昌龄是盛唐边塞诗派的代表作家,他们的边塞诗作代表着当时边塞诗的最高水平。但因为个性、经历、时代等各种主客观因素的存在,二的边塞诗既有相似性,又有差异性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study examines the relationship between quality of life, satisfaction with life and multidimensional perceived social support in people aged 65 years and older. The implementation part of the study was carried out with elderly people living in the city center of Burdur, Turkey. Data were collected in March 2018 from 517 participants and then assessed. The results of the analyses revealed that perceived social support explained 11.7% of the total variance in the satisfaction with life, 22.1% of the total variance in the quality of life. In addition to, the perceived social support and the quality of life explained 28.6% of the total variance in the satisfaction with life. And the quality of life was the most influential variable on the satisfaction with life. The findings of this study suggest that making improvements to the elderly people social support and quality of life will increase their satisfaction with life.  相似文献   

美国社会转型期社会政治经济问题论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内战结束后至20世纪初,美国处于急剧的社会转型时期。在这一时期,美国迅速由农业社会向工业社会转变,实现了经济发展的大跨越,但同时也产生了大量的社会政治、经济问题。这些问题的存在影响了美国社会的稳定和经济的可持续发展,并促使美国进行全面的社会变革。  相似文献   

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