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四月的春天,性格各异。有些年份,只一个箭步便登上弗吉尼亚山坡,转眼间送来一片生机。催得那郁金香上演了大合唱,黄寿丹编成了阿拉伯图案,真是一夜间,桃李万千,树木葱茏。有的春天又如小孙女一般,蹑手蹑脚,羞答答地避开视线,依在门外偷偷向里窥探,接着咯咯地笑着来到堂前。这时  相似文献   

冬雪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秀明 《世界文化》2005,(12):26-26
多美啊,初雪飘临。它整日整夜那么静静的飘着,撒向山巅,铺满草地,落在生的屋脊,降在逝的坟茔。在一片茫茫之中,只有弯弯曲曲的河流,留下道道黑线,装点出一幅美丽的画图。那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色的天空,尽显它枝桠交错,姿态万千。初雪飘落时,何等安宁,多么静谧!万籁无声,把一切声响都化作那柔和的音乐。再也听不见马蹄哒哒,再也听不见车轮辚辚!唯有雪橇的铃声,奏出和谐的音乐,那明快欢乐的节拍就像孩子们的心房,咚咚地跳动。  相似文献   

今天,正当我在园中读书时,一阵清幽之气随夏风飘来,将我带向那遥远的学生时代,不知何故,只觉似是出于我书中所读。我顿觉精神倍增,一种从琐事中解脱已久的轻松愉快油然而至,思绪不觉飘至那孩提时代欢欣雀跃的海边。想当日,我正乘着火车,那不是长途快车,也不去什么大地方,但能沿  相似文献   

我不是植物学家,但是很久以来,我总觉得收集花草是一种快乐。我喜欢碰见自己不认识的植物,然后借助书本来识别它,等到下一次我在路边看到它摇曳弄姿,我便能叫出它的名字了。倘若发现的是稀有植物,那就更令我开心了。大自然这伟大的艺术家,在这个大千世界中创造出了普普通通的花  相似文献   

这些日子,为着观赏园子里的小落叶松,我每天早上都朝园子的方向散步。世上再也没有哪种颜色比现在落叶松的颜色更可爱了,它们简直让我眼前一亮,备感愉悦,沁入心底。但是这种美似乎转瞬即失。不经意间已有一抹翠绿转入夏目的清素无华。春去冬来,落叶松都有它无与伦比的关丽的瞬间,这已足以使人欣赏它了。  相似文献   

当我还小的时候,家里过传统节日时总是把精心准备的节日大餐安排在足球赛时间。中场休息时,父亲总要天上地下地聊上一阵子,然后美美地吃上一顿。圣诞节期间他也要找时间喝上一两杯啤酒,庆贺一番。还要打上他那个青枝领结。但他真正兴高采烈。眉飞色舞的时候,还是在情人节。  相似文献   

烟寒 《世界文化》2006,(2):22-22
公元15世纪的时候,在德国纽伦堡附近的一个很小的村子里,住着一户有着18个孩子的家庭。18个孩子!哦,要知道这该是一个多么大的家庭啊!但是,也正因为如此,作为一家之长的父亲每天为了这一大家子人的一日三餐忙得焦头烂额了。他是一个金饰匠,每天除了做好自己的工作之外,还尽可能  相似文献   

阑珊 《世界文化》2005,(12):22-23
我们最小的儿子汤米很小的时候,就喜欢吃橘子。每年圣诞节,当橘子在市场上出现的时候,我总是特别为他多购买一些。他早餐和晚餐的时候都要吃橘子,他的午餐盒里也总是有橘子。在读书或看电视的时候,他也要吃橘子。  相似文献   

夜幕已经笼罩着乡间。一轮红月正从树林后面徐徐升起,天上几乎看不见星星。在这苍茫的夜色中,寒气与露水降下来了。我坐在敞开的窗前欣赏着这夜色。耳边只听着那夏天的风声。大树的阴影像黑色的大船停泊在波浪起伏的茫茫海上。虽然我见不到红红蓝蓝的花朵,但是我知道它们在哪儿。远处的草地上,银色的查尔斯河闪闪发光。木桥那边传来了踢嗒踢嗒的马蹄声。接着。万物俱寂,只留下夏夜绵绵的风声。有时,我丝毫辨别不出它究竟是风声,还是邻近的海涛声。村子里的时钟敲起来了,于是我觉得并不孤单。[第一段]  相似文献   

烟寒 《世界文化》2006,(8):22-23
对每个孩子来说,一年一度的圣诞节总是那么令人神往,令人渴盼。但是,对我来说,10岁那年的圣诞节,我却并不盼望它的到来。因为,那时,我们家里没有钱,生活非常拮据。爸爸是个传教士,而在我们当地教堂里的传教士是挣不了多少钱的。于是,妈妈就对我们说,你们都已经长大了,懂事了,不  相似文献   

李辉 《寻根》2001,(1):40-43
王世襄在诸多化人中,也许可以看成一个“另类”。  相似文献   


In this article I argue that there has been a significant cultural change in the meanings attached to two specific sites in the Australian cultural imaginary—the city and the suburb. I see this change as the product of opposing versions of multicultural Australia. In several Australian cities, particularly Sydney, although the combination of multiculturalism and economic globalization has helped to create increasingly cosmopolitan inner city suburbs, it has also contributed to the development of an antithetical but perhaps more politically significant version of the middle or outer suburb. This new version of the suburb is defined by minority ethnic or racial identities; it is increasingly represented as criminalized; and its development runs against the grain of the traditional conception of the suburb in the Australian national imaginary, as well as the globalizing rhetoric endorsing a cosmopolitanizing transnational citizenship. The context for the discussion is given particular force by the series of ‘race riots’ which occurred in the Sydney beach suburb of Cronulla in December, 2005. These events raised serious concerns about the fate of multiculturalism in Australia and highlighted the tensions that lie beneath what is often regarded as a successful set of social policies.  相似文献   

Conventional expectations about subcultural groups can be undermined by unusual performances of some individual members. Several recent movies have concerned people of exceptional ability who unexpectedly excelled at prestigious centers of learning. The Man Who Knew Infinity, The Imitation Game, and The Theory of Everything deal with outstanding scientists and mathematicians at Cambridge University who encounter serious difficulties because of their irregular characteristics. The contradiction between their low status identities and their amazingly high intellectual achievements shows the destructive effects of subcultural stereotypes in the context of supposedly universalistic academic institutions.  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(2):95-121
Rap superstar Eminem has become the new poster child for everything that's dangerous about contemporary popular culture. He's crude, juvenile, and foul-mouthed. His lyrics are violent, misogynistic, and homophobic. He's corrupting our youth, poisoning our culture, and laughing about it all the way to the bank. Or so the story goes. This essay argues that much of what underpins the moral panic surrounding Eminem is a set of largely unspoken questions about race, identity, authenticity, and performance. In particular, this paper examines the ways that Eminem's status as a White man who has achieved both critical and commercial success within a predominantly Black cultural idiom serves to challenge dominant social constructions of race in the United States by de- and reconstructing popular understandings of both Whiteness and Blackness.  相似文献   

In this article the authors examine The Student as Historian project in highlighting how critical historical thinking can provide other and more complex renditions of history. The authors note that teachers’ understandings of educational ends, purposes, values, and critical content knowledge are entwined and inextricable from ideological stances and historical positionality.  相似文献   

The collection of Cantigas de Santa Maria compiled by Alfonso X (el Sabio) (r. 1221–1284) is a gold mine of musical information; unfortunately, however, much fool's gold has also been found amongst its pages. The CSM have been argued to provide evidence that their music derives from plainchant (thus justifying “churchy” performances) yet also to manifest so many “Arab” traits as to support a “Turkish Delight” style of performance. True, there are occasional substantive links between one or other of these repertories, but these are infrequent and specific rather than numerous and general. A closer, judicious, scrutiny of the Cantigas reveals that they are neither the product of an ecclesiastical nor of an “Arab” kitchen, as it were, but a repertory (and iconography) whose careful examination yields up several surprising secrets, especially when reading between its lines. The CSM are neither fish nor fowl, and the collection contains few, if any, recipes for Lamb Ziryāb or for the Lenten fast. On the contrary, its dishes are, in common with Paella, suorum generis, belonging to a musical cuisine of their own, whose sum is indeed greater than the parts of their manifold influences.  相似文献   

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