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普通高校大学生篮球裁判能力培养的教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生裁判能力的培养是篮球教学的重要组成部分。在观察学生求知倾向的基础上,从理论学习阶段、感知阶段、初步体会阶段、提高阶段、熟练阶段以及身体素质训练和心理素质训练等七个方面论述了如何培养学生的裁判能力。  相似文献   

In this article we explore aesthetic experience as an aspect of embodied learning with focus on the moving body. Our theoretical framework is mainly based on the work of John Dewey. In the first part of the article we identify our understanding of central concepts and draw some lines to their implication for physical education (PE). In the second part we then use the theoretical framework in an empirical study inspired by the tradition of pragmatism. The aim is to study how physical education student teachers (PETE students) feel when participating in ball game, and how their feelings are related to the moving activity. Empirical data were mainly generated through observations from two ball game lessons and stories written by 16 PETE students. All stories were subjected to a categorical analysis of content. After analysing the empirical material, four categories emerged built on two pair of words: familiar or unfamiliar, and pleased or displeased. In the discussing section of this article, we put forward that moving activities in PE often are regarded as being technical or instrumental. By using an aesthetic perspective on embodied learning, however, we can go beyond that impression and show other dimensions of participation in ball game. It may become an important shift from exploring performance only to studying learning connected to feelings.  相似文献   

认知心理学认为人的内在因素在动机形成和发展中起着非常重要的作用。通过对认知派观点和两种激励理论的学习,对动机的形成和发展有了更高的认识,并运用到具体的体育教学中,进行动机的培养和激发,从而更好地为体育教学服务。  相似文献   

学校体育的历史发展与体育教师的角色演变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨芳 《体育学刊》2004,11(5):89-92
通过对我国学校体育发展历史的梳理,揭示了我国体育教师从教官一教练一教师的角色演变,提出了现代体育教师角色从“教”向“育”的发展取向。  相似文献   

我国男子足球裁判员的现状及发展对策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
洪家云 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):106-108
现代职业足球运动的发展对足球裁判员提出了更高的要求,为了与我国职业足球相适应,建立一支高水平的裁判员队伍是中国足球协会裁判委员会需要解决的问题。通过对我国优秀男子足球裁判员基本情况进行调查分析,指出中国要重视裁判员基层队伍的建设,建立规范的选拔、培训、考核体系、逐步提高我国足球裁判员的数量和质量,建立金字塔式的裁判员培养模式。  相似文献   

Introduction: Many studies in physical education (PE) have sought to identify and categorize the modes of student interaction in order to gain greater insight into the nature of cooperative activity. More others recent studies have examined how modes of interaction evolve on the basis of the modes of collective activity that they generate. These studies have shown to describe and explain the interactions among individuals and the processes they generate, which then lead to the construction, deconstruction or reconstruction of different interaction modes. Although some studies have sought to describe the dynamics of student interactions, very few have quantified these dynamics. By doing so, however, researchers might gain a new perspective on student interaction modes that inspires new designs for teaching in PE, thereby having professional impact. The present study extends this research by investigating the dynamics of student interaction, with a focus on the emergence of interaction modes during orienteering lessons. For this purpose, the study was conducted within the methodological framework of course of action theory, which is an effective approach for examining activity in natural situations to provide insight into the experience of activity from the actors perspective.

Method: The study was conducted in two classes of seventh-grade students (about 12 years old) in which 16 students volunteered and were available for post-action interviews immediately after the lessons under study. These volunteers were placed in eight affinity-based dyads. The teachers planned orienteering lessons at similar levels of difficulty and duration but modified the lessons across a range of contextual features. Two categories of data were collected: (1) data from audiovisual recordings as the students searched for the checkpoints and (2) verbalization data during the post-action interviews with the students. The data were processed in two steps: one qualitative, the other quantitative. The qualitative step consisted of processing the data of the student experiences to characterize their interactions in the three different contexts. In the quantitative step, the data from the first step were graphically represented to depict the interaction dynamics within the student dyads.

Results and discussion: The qualitative analysis showed the emergence of three modes of student interaction shared across each learning context: co-construction, confrontation and delegation. The quantitative analysis revealed the percentages of the different modes of interaction and therefore characterized the interaction dynamics. Our results showed that the interaction dynamics within the dyads were both unique and similar in the task contexts in terms of both ratios of change and distribution. Results are discussed across two major points of interest: (1) the observation of the same interaction modes whatever the context yet with quite different dynamics and (2) proposals for PE teacher interventions.  相似文献   

通过社会实践对高等体育教育的导向作用,论述与分析了社会实践对人才培养的意义和作用,即:拓宽学生的知识面,培养管理能力及社交能力,扩大教育领域等.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the adjustments to posture, kinematic and temporal characteristics of performance made by lower limb amputees during the last few strides in preparation for long jump take-off. Six male unilateral trans-femoral and seven male unilateral trans-tibial amputees competing in a World Championships final were filmed in the sagittal plane using a 100-Hz digital video camera positioned so that the last three strides to take-off were visible. After digitizing using a nine-segment model, a range of kinematic variables were computed to define technique characteristics. Both the trans-femoral and trans-tibial athletes appeared to achieve their reduction in centre of mass during the flight phase between strides, and did so mainly by extending the flight time by increasing stride length, achieved by a greater flexion of the hip joint of the touch-down leg. The trans-tibial athletes appeared to adopt a technique similar to that previously reported for able-bodied athletes. They lowered their centre of mass most on their second last stride (?1.6% of body height compared with ?1.4% on the last stride) and used a flexed knee at take-off on the last stride, but they were less able to control their downward velocity at touch-down (?0.4 m · s?1). Both this and their restricted approach speed (8.9 m · s?1 at touch-down), rather than technique limitations, influenced their jump performance. The trans-femoral athletes lowered their centre of mass most on the last stride (?2.3% of body height compared with ?1.6% on the second last stride) and, as they were unable to flex their prosthetic knee sufficiently, achieved this by abducting their prosthetic leg during the support phase, which led to a large downward velocity at touch-down (?0.6 m · s?1). This, combined with their slower approach velocity (7.1 m · s?1 at touch-down), restricted their performance.  相似文献   

新课程标准实施与体育教师角色的重新定位   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以《体育与健康课程标准》指导思想为依据,指出目前中小学体育教师的角色错位是将体育教师简单地定位在体育知识、技术和技能的施予者,体育教学过程的控制者,课程的执行者。提出《体育与健康课程标准》的实施要求体育教师角色应定位在促进学生全面发展的教育者,体育与健康课程的开发者和设计者,学生体育学习的引导者、合作者和促进者,终身学习者。  相似文献   

阐述了体育教育的4种观点在体育教学中的地位和作用,分析了各个观点的利与弊;同时还说明了在体育教育中,如何正确合理运用这4种观点.这对体育教育实践具有指导性意义.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,探讨了我国实行足球裁判职业化的必要性,分析了制约我国实行足球裁判职业化的主要因素,并提出相应的对策与合理性建议。  相似文献   

With the assumption that domain specificity would significantly influence students' motivation, our study was designed to investigate between- and within-domain relations of task value, perceived autonomy and competence, and achievement goal orientations across physical education and mathematics. Urban adolescents (N = 273, ages 12-14 years) completed questionnaires assessing these motivational constructs in both subjects. Based on our confirmatory factor analyses and fit indexes, all motivational constructs demonstrated strong subject specificity. Strengths of associations between physical education and mathematics differed by individual motivational constructs. Within-domain interrelations of these constructs were not consistent across physical education and mathematics. Our findings suggest that domain specificity in physical education plays a significant role in students' motivation.  相似文献   


We tested a hypothetical model that examined both the effects of implicit theories of ability on the judgement of cheating acceptability in a physical education context and the mediating role of the achievement goals defined in the social-cognitive model of achievement motivation. Data were collected from 477 middle-school students, who completed measures of implicit theories of ability, achievement goals, and judgement of cheating acceptability in team sports within a cross-sectional design. The results indicated that performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals mediated the relationships between entity theory and the judgement of cheating acceptability, and mastery-approach and mastery-avoidance goals mediated the relationships between incremental theory and the judgement of cheating acceptability. Further research is needed to determine whether these results would be replicated with other moral variables and other contexts.  相似文献   

This study examines physical education (PE) curriculum development in an elementary school. Our goal was to understand the daily construction of a curriculum. We sought to analyse the theoretical and methodological framework and documents that a PE teacher uses each day while putting a curriculum into practice (lived curriculum). The data collection instruments included participant observation, interviews and document analysis. The analytical process revealed the influence of internal and external factors that affect both the authorship and the autonomy of a teacher working on the daily construction of a lived PE curriculum and that create tensions, struggles and conflicts.  相似文献   


In this paper, I present data from two studies that sought to examine multiple achievement goals in the context of children's physical education (PE). Study 1 examined the links that multiple-goal profiles (i.e. mastery/performance-approach/performance-avoidance goals) for PE had with self-determined motivation, affective patterns and levels of extracurricular sporting activity in a sample of 193 Year 7 pupils. Results suggested that children endorsing high mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance, high mastery/high performance-approach/low performance-avoidance, or high mastery/ low performance-approach/low performance-avoidance profiles typically exhibited the most adaptive motivational responses. In contrast, children endorsing a low mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance profile typically experienced more maladaptive motivational outcomes. Study 2 examined the development of multiple achievement goals over two terms of PE in conjunction with retrospective perceptions of the motivational climate in the sample. The results of analysis of variance suggested that children exposed to a consistent high mastery/low performance climate experienced decreased performance-avoidance goals and maintained high levels of mastery goals for PE. In contrast, children exposed to a consistent low mastery/high performance climate experienced increased performance-avoidance goals and decreased mastery goals for PE.  相似文献   

我国裁判员越轨执法的社会学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨效勇 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):21-23
运用经济学、心理学、社会学等知识对现阶段我国体育比赛中出现的裁判员越轨执法现象进行分析,认为:1)我国体育竞赛市场法律、法规监督体制不够健全;2)裁判员的培训、选拔、任用缺乏科学性;3)裁判员业务能力、职业道德修养、个人综合素质参差不齐;4)裁判员越轨执法等不正之风是当前治理的重点。  相似文献   

本研究运用我们自己设计的调查表对报考西安体育学院的陕西地区考生,西安体院91级新生和88级应届毕业生共1269人实施了问卷调查,以了解他们对体育教师这一职业角色的认知态度,以及他们自己作为未来体育教师的期望值,从而了解这三种学生当体育教师的动机水平。研究的结果表明,考生对体育教师这一职业评价最高,新生次之,毕业生最低,大多数考生认为体育教师在社会中的形象较好,在中学中作用重要,体育教师政治地位适中、经济待遇较差,有少半考生认为人们对体育教师不尊重,绝大多数考生对自己当体育教师的期望值很高,认为当体育教师有前途,自己将来能成为好教师,为体育事业做出较大贡献。考生的动机水平中等偏高,新生对体育教师职业的评价明显低于考生,他们的期望值为中等偏高,动机水平低于考生,属于中等。毕业生对体育教师这一职业评价最低,虽然有一半毕业生认为体育教师作用重要,但大多数毕业生认为体育教师在社会中的形象不好,政治地位低,经济待遇差,工作辛苦但受不到人们的尊重。大多数毕业生认为我国的体育教师大多数不合格,自己可以成为一个好的体育教师,但他们却后悔上了体院,将来如果有机会改行,绝大多数毕业生准备改行。所以,毕业生当体育教师的动机水平很低。  相似文献   

针对培养学生掌握田径竞赛规则和裁判工作方法方面,分别从田径裁判理论知识培训、实践培训等方面构建出适合培养学生田径裁判工作能力的培养体系,使理论与实践更加密切结合,达到提高学生实际运用能力的目的。  相似文献   

华东地区城市老年人体育锻炼动机的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从老年人的体育需要出发 ,对我国华东地区七个城市的 5 85名 6 0岁以上老年人进行了面谈或问卷调查 ,旨在探索老年人参与体育锻炼的动机结构及内部特征 ,为控制与预测老年人体育行业 ,推进老年人的体育锻炼朝着健康、正确的方向发展提供理论依据  相似文献   

我国家庭体育发展探析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
家庭体育将成为一种大众的化,内容和形式会更加多样化,体育消费将大幅度增加。为促进家庭体育的进一步发展,需要从思想上重视,物质上支持,技术上培训,为家庭体育的开展创造条件。  相似文献   

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