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Blue Dream     
I often dream thatI'm a fish,Swimming in the blue sea.I also dream thatI'm a bird,Singing in the blue sky.  相似文献   

I want a nightmare Before the final examination, Tom told his mother, "Morn, I had a dream last night that I'd passed today's exam.""Don't trust dreams, dear. It is said what you experience in dreams usually turns out to be the opposite." Mother replied. "Then I do hope I'll fail the other subjects in my dream tonight," Tom said.在期末考试之前,汤姆告诉他的母亲:“妈妈,我昨天晚上做了一个梦,梦见我通过了今天的考试。“不要相信梦。亲爱的。据说梦中的经历通常与现实相反。”妈妈答道。“那么,我真希望在今晚的梦中,我的其他功课部不及格。汤姆说。  相似文献   

The Price of a D reamI grew up poor—living with m y wonderfulm other.W e had little m oney,but plenty of loveand attention.I was1and energetic.Iunderstood that no m atter how poor a personwas,he could still2a dream.M y dream was3.By the tim e I wassixteen,I started playing baseball.I couldthrow a ninety-m ile-per-hour fastball and4anything that m oved on the baseballfield.I was also5:M y high schoolcoach was John,who not only believed in m e,but also taught m e6to believe inm yself.H e7m e the difference be...  相似文献   

I want a nightmare想做坏梦Before the final examination,Tom told his mother,"Mom,I had a dream last night that I’d passed today’s exam.""Don’t trust dreams,dear.It is said what you experience in dreams usually turns out to be the opposite."Mother replied."Then I do hope I’ll fail the other subjects in my dream tonight."Tom said.  相似文献   

My Dream Home     
My dream home is near the sea.It has 2 floors and there are 10 rooms in it.It has a big living room and five nice bedrooms.I have a big study of my own.Behind the house,there is a big football field.I can enjoy playing football with my friends there.And I also like walking on the beach with my parents after supper every day.  相似文献   

Bournemouth - My most peaceful dream I love Bournemouth. I love the sea, the beach, the undulating streets, the ‘Gardens of Excellence' and its every towering pines. You may not catch on my love to her, but everytime I hear about the fairyland or the forever peaceful land, I regard them only as illusions, because never have I roamed in such a fairy-like place.  相似文献   

Fish,Sea and I     
I was born in a city by the sea.I like the sea. The sea is beautiful;fishes in the sea are beautiful, too.Fishes are free.They can swim everywhere in the sea.When winter comes,they change places. But Some fishes don't.Sometimes I want to be a  相似文献   

My Dream     
I'm Wang Mengyuan. Mengyuan means "梦远 "in Chinese. I like this name. My parents wanted me to have a great dream and be great. So they gave me this name.I have m any dream s. O ne of the great dream s is to be a scientist when I grow up. I hope I can fly to space like Fei Junlong and N ie H aisheng. I hope I can m ake new things to m ake our world better. O f course,I know its not easy.But I have m ade up m y m ind to study better than before. I have m any subjects at school. A nd I …  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy …  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy m y journey to the ful...  相似文献   

My Dream     
I had a dream last night. It was a funny dream! In my dream, Sun Wukong was flying in the sky. I said to him: "Sun Wukong! I want to fly too!" Sun Wukong said: "O.K. I will help you!" Heblew(吹) one breath(气) and I began torise(升起)slowly(慢慢地). Then I was flying into the sky. I was very happy and excited.  相似文献   

My dream is to have a home in Hawaii for when I’m not playing.I’ve never been toHawaii,but I like the way it sounds.My house would have two floors,and all thefurniture would be Scandinavian.I like the color of it.It makes me feel at peaceand comfortable.The house would have a swimming pool,too.It would be a place where I canalways feel quiet.I can’t remember the last time I felt like that,completely quiet,other than in mydreams.My dream is to go to the South Sea of China on vacation.I…  相似文献   

I am twelve years old. I'm in No. 2 middle school. I have very great desire. That is I want to study in No.1 Senior Middle School, because it's a very famous school. It may be a dream for me, for I am not a top student, but I will study hard from now on and make the dream come true. When I am not a student any longer, I want to become an artist. I like drawing very much and I  相似文献   

Up on the shore I found a shell,I held it to my ear.I listened gladly while it sang.A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.A sea song sweet and clear.Up on the shore I found a shell,I held it to my ear.I listened gladly while it sang.A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.A sea song sweet and clear.在海岸上我发现了一个贝壳,我把它拿到我的耳边。当它唱歌时,我快乐地听。一首海洋之歌甜美而清晰噜噜。一首海详之歌甜美而清晰。在海岸上我发现了一个贝壳,我把它拿到我的耳边。当它唱歌时,我快乐地听。一首海详之歌甜…  相似文献   

中学生英语读写1.有的介词短语可用来表示时间,这种介词短语实质上起着状语从句的作用,它可以取代一个表示时间的状语从句。例如:At the age of twelve(=When he was twelve),Edi-son began selling candy,sandwiches and newspapers on a train.(JBVI,P.66)/During the first hundred years of my stay in the sea(=When I stayed in the sea for the first hundred years),I made a promise that if anyone set me free I would make him rich. (JBV,P.76)/The whole nation was plunged into deep sorrow at this news…  相似文献   

Mike is (晚的)for school. Mike:Excuse me for being late,sir.I watched a football match in my dream(梦). Teacher:Why did it make you late? Mike:Because neither(两者都不)team could win(赢)the game,so it lasted(持续)a long time.  相似文献   

Last summer, my family and I went to Qingdao. Qingdao is a beautiful city. It is in the east of China. The sun was bright, the sky was blue, the sea was big and the water was dean. We swam in the sea and saw a lot of fish. Weate some seafood (海鲜).The seafood was yummy. I loved the seafood very much. We took many photos, and l bought some nice gifts (礼物) for my friends. I had a good time in Qingdao.  相似文献   

My Best Friend     
When I cleaned my table, I saw a photo by chance, which was taken during the holidays we spent by the sea. The girl with a sweet smile in the photo is my best friend. Behind her is the sea that stretches to the horizon against the setting sun.In my heart,…  相似文献   

绕口令(Tongue Twister)不仅能帮助练习发音,还能提高学习英语的兴趣。在此给同学们提供二则绕口令,请反复读读看。I see a saw.I saw a saw.A saw saws a saw.I saw a saw saw a saw.Of all the saws I ever saw,I never saw a saw saw like this saw saws.She sells sea shells by the sea shore.If she sells sea shells by the sea shore,Where are the sea shells she sells by the sea shore?绕口令二则!甘肃@张清波…  相似文献   

A Kite and Me     
I have a good friend. It’s a beautiful bird. It can fly very high, but it can’t sing or eat. Why? Because it’s a kite. My mother bought* it for me when I was seven years old. When spring comes, I like flying the kite in the park with my friends. Look, there are so many kites in the sky, such as the bird, the butterfly (蝴蝶) and the fish. But my kite often flies the  相似文献   

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