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伪科学是自称为科学的非科学。马克思主义历来反伪科学。反伪科学的主体是具有科学判断能力的自然人、共同体和社会;区分科学与伪科学的标准应该是从“科学是系统化的知识”的定义中抽象出的两个具体标准,即可检验性和创新性(形式的或内容的)。伪科学的判明具有复杂性。  相似文献   

利用自创的"科学"概念和误读科学概念或误导消费者来宣传产品,利用科学的标签把"伪科学"市场化,模糊了科学、非科学和伪科学之间的界限,无视科学划界问题将会造成严重的社会后果。本文通过浅谈这种伪科学市场化现象与科学划界问题,警示现实的和潜在的伪科学消费者,应以证伪主义科学观来看待伪科学的市场化现象。  相似文献   

科学自身不能定义什么是"科学"。"科学"概念已非科学范畴,而是哲学范畴。科学与非科学没有明确的分界线,所以"伪科学"与科学也没有明确的分界线。"伪科学"缺乏"可操作性"。不具"可操作性"的概念或命题不应该列入法律条文,否则将使法律失去应有的尊严。所谓"伪科学"实际上是科学发展链条中"潜科学"阶段的产物,应该谨慎对待。  相似文献   

本阐述了科学预见对提高认识能力的作用,深入探讨了当代伪科学活动泛起的原因,认为来势汹涌的反科学思潮与封建迷信活动沉渣起是紧密相关的。公众科学意识的发展水平和个别人别有用心的活动对其也有一定的影响。说明科学预见能经受住逻辑思维及实践的检验,并以可检验性作为科学预见与伪科学预言的划界标准,进而起到弘扬科学精神,削弱伪科学不良影响的作用。  相似文献   

科学如何与伪科学划界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对科学概念历史演进的回顾与反思的基础上,提出了区分科学与伪科学的实践性、科学认识观、理性观、科学的社会性和历史性等标准.  相似文献   

通俗地说明科学的准确涵义,并将科学与非科学和伪科学加以区别。在此基础上提高对伪科学的鉴别能力,并理解科学仍在发展中,需要从非科学中汲取大量营养。  相似文献   

通过比较对科学与伪科学进行了界定,有助于人们进一步了解二者之间的区别。科学与伪科学在客观性、理性、可检验性、可重复性、逻辑完备性、批判性、思维原则、精确性等方面是根本对立的。这些内容的把握可以提高人们对伪科学的辩识能力,杜绝现实生活中打着科学招牌,以科学自居的一些歪理邪说。  相似文献   

关于科学和伪科学之间的争论,这些年一直比较激烈,近些年出现了比如司马南、方舟子等专门打击伪科学的人士,揭穿了许多骗子的伎俩。但在打击伪科学的同时,也出现了一些问题,多多少少对中国传统文化产生了一定的冲击。前一阵子出现的"张悟本"现象,再次证明了伪科学对社会的危害性,有些人甚至对中医学理论产生了质疑,说中医是一种伪科学,同时也把中国的许多的民间风俗也视为伪科学予以排斥,本文将基于现在社会上学术界出现的关于科学和伪科学的争论,以及关于打击伪科学行动中出现的一些问题,加以阐述。  相似文献   

伪科学和邪教在本质上都是反科学的。在高科技时代 ,它们打着科学的旗号宣扬唯心主义和形而上学世界观。青年学生应从本质上认清伪科学和邪教的本来面目 ,并自觉与之作斗争  相似文献   

本文分析了伪科学产生的四种社会基础:人类对科学的过高期望是伪科学泛滥的社会需要基础;从众心理是伪科学产生的社会心理基础;相关法律制度不健全是伪科学泛滥的社会制度基础;社会整体科学水平低下是伪科学产生的社会文化基础。防止伪科学的产生有两点对策:一是划清科学与宗教的活动范围;二是深入理解科学,坚持辩证唯物论。  相似文献   

The study of pseudoscience and the paranormal is an important but neglected aspect of science education. Given the widespread acceptance of pseudoscientific and paranormal beliefs, science educators need to take seriously the problem of how these can be combated. I propose teaching science students to critically evaluate the claims of pseudoscience and the paranormal, something that can be accomplished in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

The intrusion of pseudoscience into science classrooms is a problem in science education today. This paper discusses the implications of constructivist pedagogy, which relies on the notions of viability and inter-subjectivity, in a context favourable to the acceptance of pseudoscience. Examples from written statements illustrate how prospective science teachers in Turkey readily accept pseudoscientific explanations of the origin of species. Constructivist pedagogy underestimates, if not ignores, the difficulty of holding rational discussions in the presence of pseudoscientific or absolute beliefs. Moreover, it gives a higher priority to learners’ exposure to alternative constructions through social negotiation than to furthering their appreciation of science. Under these circumstances, self-confirmation and social pressure to accept existing pseudoscientific beliefs may be unanticipated consequences of social negotiation. Considering the aim of science education to foster an appreciation of science, the implications of constructivist pedagogy are, or should be, of great concern to science educators.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Practices such as astrology or crystal healing can be defined as pseudoscience. Against pseudoscience, one of the major responsibilities of science education must be...  相似文献   

崇拜科学的唯科学主义并不具备真正的科学精神,真正的科学精神恰恰是合理性的怀疑.本文简要分析了唯科学主义的产生渊源、其对伪科学的传播所产生的影响,以及我们对此应采取的措施.  相似文献   

The aim of developing students?? understanding of the nature of science [NOS] has been considered an important aspect of science education. However, the results of previous research indicate that students of various ages and even teachers possess both inaccurate and inappropriate views of the NOS. Such a failure has been explained by the view that perceptions about the NOS are well assimilated into mental structures and resistant to change. Further, the popularization of pseudoscience by the media and the assimilation of pseudoscience into previously established scientific fields have been presented as possible reasons for erroneous popular perceptions of science. Any teaching intervention designed to teach the NOS should first provoke individuals to expose their current ideas in order to provide them the chance to revise or replace these conceptual frameworks. Based on these assumptions, the aim of this study was to determine whether a teaching context based on the issue of demarcation would provide a suitable opportunity for exposing and further developing the NOS understandings of individuals enrolled in a teacher education course. Results indicate that a learning intervention based on the issue of demarcation of science from pseudoscience (in the specific case of astrology) proved an effective instructional strategy, which a majority of teacher candidates claimed to plan to use in their future teachings.  相似文献   

Faculty have long expressed concern about pseudoscience belief among students. Most US research on such beliefs examines evolution-creation issues among liberal arts students, the general public, and occasionally science educators. Because of their future influence on youth, we examined basic science knowledge and several pseudoscience beliefs among 540 female and 123 male upperclass preservice teachers, comparing them with representative samples of comparably educated American adults. Future teachers resembled national adults on basic science knowledge. Their scores on evolution; creationism; intelligent design; fantastic beasts; magic; and extraterrestrials indices depended on the topic. Exempting science education, preservice teachers rejected evolution, accepting Biblical creation and intelligent design accounts. Sizable minorities ??awaited more evidence?? about fantastic beasts, magic, or extraterrestrials. Although gender, disciplinary major, grade point average, science knowledge, and two religiosity measures related to beliefs about evolution-creation, these factors were generally unassociated with the other indices. The findings suggest more training is needed for preservice educators in the critical evaluation of material evidence. We also discuss the judicious use of pseudoscience beliefs in such training.  相似文献   

社会大众对科学持有一定的观念和理解,形成关于科学的文化。科学主义将其他类型的知识贬斥为大众常识、诗意的表述、形而上学的胡说和伪科学。分析西方科学史上的多元研究传统,可知博物学对多元文化的理解需求具有亲和力和开放性,理解西方科学的多元传统为破除科学主义一元文化和建设中国当代科学文化提供了源头活水。  相似文献   

从实证论和还原论两个基本条件来看,经济学并不符合西方主流社会所理解的科学含义;如果从这个视角来强调经济学的科学性,那么只会强化它的"伪科学"特征.当然,无论是证实主义还是证伪主义作为科学划界的标准都存在缺陷,对包括经济学在内的社会科学尤其如此.在某种程度上,迄今为止,人们对科学概念的理解和使用几乎是实用性的和政治性的,而非学术性的和哲理性的,经不起思辨逻辑的耙梳.因此,对科学的划界应该寻找另外的标准.一般地,科学本质上可理解为实现某种目的的一组逻辑自洽的理论体系,从这一角度上讲,经济学也是一门科学.  相似文献   

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