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食物与营养安全研究是长期粮食安全研究的延伸,也是人民追求健康和美好生活的现实需求,而树立大食物观,统筹陆海食物系统可以更加全面地反映出食物与营养安全状况。本文基于食物营养成分视角,利用食物营养转化模型核算2003—2018年中国食物营养的生产和需求量,运用食物营养富缺指数刻画出中国食物与营养安全的整体态势。结果表明:①中国食物营养成分产量均在增长,但增长速度和食物贡献率有所差异;谷物类是热量、蛋白质和氨基酸的第一大食物来源和增长贡献者,而脂肪和脂肪酸主要来源于肉类;海域食物营养成分产量较小,但在单位营养含量、食物多样性以及未来发展潜力上都存在一定的优势。②考虑人口结构变化,中国食物热量、蛋白质和脂肪的需求总量逐年上升,涨幅分别达到6.9%、7.6%和7.0%,人口增长是中国食物营养需求增长的第一大驱动力;而中国食物营养的人日均需求量呈现下降趋势,从侧面反映出中国人口老龄化问题。③中国蛋白质供应一直处于绝对安全水平,热量长期处于相对安全及以上水平,脂肪长期处于相对安全和供应不足的水平。④中国食物损失和浪费量惊人,这也使中国热量和脂肪滞后4~9年进入相对安全和绝对安全水平。  相似文献   

Pathology laboratories group some tests that they perform on their high throughput biochemistry analysers into profiles of tests that are associated with different organs (e.g. liver function tests—LFT). The components of these profiles are historic and often vary between different laboratories. This can lead to confusion and begs the question of what should be in a particular profile. In community medicine profiles may be used as screening tests but some of the components of the profiles may have low sensitivity and specificity and may produce both false positives and negatives. The LFT may include components which are poor liver function tests but are sensitive to fatty liver and hence elevations may cause unnecessary concern. Harmonisation of clinical chemistry reference intervals and units is occurring now so it is time to consider a similar process for components of a profile. A proposed list of analytes to be performed in the LFT profile is given.  相似文献   

焦万慧 《科技广场》2012,(4):167-172
"国以民为本,民以食为天",食品安全事关国计民生。近期我国食品安全问题频繁发生,知名品牌卷入食品安全问题的漩涡之中。通过博弈分析,本文认为我国食品安全监管存在"激励悖论",建立和完善食品安全监管体系的三重约束和三道防线是解决我国食品安全问题的有效途径和重要手段。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1647-1665
This study investigates how research group characteristics relate to the early career success of PhD candidates who are trained in the group. In particular, I study how the citation impact of early-career PhDs is related to the staff composition and funding of the group. Using data on a cohort of Swedish doctoral graduates in science, engineering, mathematics and medicine, two sets of findings are obtained. First, students who were trained in groups with a lower number of PhD students perform better in terms of academic productivity. From the perspective of research policy, this finding suggests a decreasing return to funding additional PhD student positions allocated to professors who are already maintaining larger research groups. Second, PhD students trained in groups with funding for PhD research that is conditioned by funder influence over the topic of thesis research are more likely to stay in academia. Controlling for career destination, however, PhDs from such groups have lower than average scientific productivity and citation impact. These results suggest that funders of PhD studies face a trade-off between the two different funding objectives of “getting what they want” in terms of research content and fostering successful scholars.  相似文献   

曹志宏 《资源科学》2013,35(11):2181-2187
我国居民食物消费优化升级必然对其农业资源需求产生重要影响,因此,本文基于谷物当量分析居民食物消费变化及其对农业资源产出需求的影响,研究结果显示:①从食物消费整体演变趋势而言,我国居民食物消费仍以素食消费为主,逐渐向营养均衡化和多样化演替,食物消费结构优化调整对农业资源压力不断增加;②从城乡差异而言,虽然城乡居民食物消费数量整体趋同,但当前农村居民食物消费人均农业资源占有量仅为城镇居民占有量的78.90%,城镇消费品质高于农村,且城乡差异有逐渐增加的趋势;③从地域空间分布特征而言,我国各地居民食物消费谷物当量呈现出结构一致性、南北差异和民族差异特征;④从食物消费结构而言,虽然我国居民直接食用食物对农业资源的需求不断降低,但禽畜产品生产饲料需求对农业资源压力不断增大,在未来20年间居民食物消费优化升级使其农业资源需求量约增长25.23%,饲料消费已经取代人口增长成为影响我国食物供给安全的首要因素。  相似文献   

We advance the attention-based view by presenting empirical evidence that the attention of headquarters and subsidiary managers in a multi-business organization is, at times, out of sync. Based on empirical material that allows us to differentiate between what is attended to and what is ignored by management, we analyze the focus of managerial attention, environmental and subsidiary stimuli, and actions taken in the decision-making process over 15 years, during a period of strategic transformation. We suggest that attentional mismatches occur not only between strategic issues but also between what are considered relevant responses or actions to be taken at any particular time. We analyze the origins of the attentional mismatches and explore ways to avoid such nonalignment in strategic decision making.  相似文献   

Measuring visitor statistics is a core activity for any website provider. However, the analytical methods have so far been quite limited, difficult, expensive, or cumbersome. Google Analytics (GA) offers a free tool for measuring and analysing visitor statistics. GA was tested on three food composition websites (Denmark, Finland, and Switzerland). All the websites had a considerable number of visitors, which seemed to increase with the maturity of the website. The results also suggested that there were a considerable number of potential unreached users in Denmark and particularly in Switzerland, thus suggesting that promotion be increased and search engines be taken into account more during website design. About 15–20% of users visited the website more than nine times and about 20% spent there more than 10 min on the site. Following traffic from referring websites showed that most of the visitors could not be categorised as food or nutrition professionals. Our experience showed that GA was quite easy to use and gave useful and versatile information that can be used to compare different websites and improve the website design. Finally, we would like to encourage other food composition website providers to utilise either GA or another of the similar tools available.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between dignity and robot care for older people. It highlights the disquiet that is often expressed about failures to maintain the dignity of vulnerable older people, but points out some of the contradictory uses of the word ‘dignity’. Certain authors have resolved these contradictions by identifying different senses of dignity; contrasting the inviolable dignity inherent in human life to other forms of dignity which can be present to varying degrees. The capability approach (CA) is introduced as a different but tangible account of what it means to live a life worthy of human dignity. It is used here as a framework for the assessment of the possible effects of eldercare robots on human dignity. The CA enables the identification of circumstances in which robots could enhance dignity by expanding the set of capabilities that are accessible to frail older people. At the same time, it is also possible within its framework to identify ways in which robots could have a negative impact, by impeding the access of older people to essential capabilities. It is concluded that the CA has some advantages over other accounts of dignity, but that further work and empirical study is needed in order to adapt it to the particular circumstances and concerns of those in the latter part of their lives.  相似文献   

Split genes     
Contrary to what Jacques Monod affirmed in the 1960s, it is now known that what is true of the bacterium is not true of the elephant. In particular, it was discovered in 1977 that the genes of the higher organisms are split into segments, instead of being continuous as is the case with, for example, Escherichia coli. What is the significance of this split structure and how do organisms manage to gather together the useful parts of their genes and to eliminate those which are surplus? This article reviews what is already certain in this field and comments on the most recent prospects opened up by the discovery of genes ‘in pieces’.  相似文献   

Relying on efficiency analysis, we evaluate to what extent policy makers have been able to promote the establishment of consolidated and comprehensive research groups to contribute to the implementation of a successful innovation system for the Spanish food technology sector, oriented to the production of knowledge based on an application model. Using data envelopment analysis techniques that allow calculation of a generalized version of the traditional distance function model for productive efficiency, we find pervasive levels of inefficiency and a typology of different research strategies. Among these, in contrast to what has been assumed, established groups do not play the pre-eminent benchmarking role; rather, partially oriented, specialized and “shooting star” groups are the most common patterns. These results correspond with an infant innovation system, where the fostering of higher levels of efficiency and the promotion of the desired research patterns are ongoing.  相似文献   

Studying online food behavior has recently become an active field of research. While there is a growing body of studies that investigate, for example, how online recipes are consumed, in the form of views or ratings, little effort has been devoted yet to understand how they are created. In order to contribute to this lack of knowledge in the area, we present in this paper the results of a large-scale study of nearly 200k users posting over 400k recipes in the online recipe platform Kochbar.de. The main objective of this study is (i) to reveal to what extent recipe upload patterns can be explained by socio-demographic features and (ii) to what extent they can be predicted. To do so, we investigate the utility of several features such as user history, social connections of the users, temporal aspects as well as geographic embedding of the users. Statistical analysis confirms that recipe uploads can be explained by socio-demographic features. Extensive simulations show that among all features investigated, the social signal, in the form of friendship connections to other users, appears to be the strongest one and henceforth is the best to predict what type of recipe will be uploaded and what ingredients will be used in the future. The research conducted in this work contributes to a better understanding in online food behavior and is relevant for researchers working on online social information systems and engineers interested in predictive modeling and recommender systems.  相似文献   

During a disaster event, two types of information that are especially useful for coordinating relief operations are needs and availabilities of resources (e.g., food, water, medicines) in the affected region. Information posted on microblogging sites is increasingly being used for assisting post-disaster relief operations. In this context, two practical challenges are (i) to identify tweets that inform about resource needs and availabilities (termed as need-tweets and availability-tweets, respectively), and (ii) to automatically match needs with appropriate availabilities. While several works have addressed the first problem, there has been little work on automatically matching needs with availabilities. The few prior works that attempted matching only considered the resources, and no attempt has been made to understand other aspects of needs/availabilities that are essential for matching in practice. In this work, we develop a methodology for understanding five important aspects of need-tweets and availability-tweets, including what resource and what quantity is needed/available, the geographical location of the need/availability, and who needs / is providing the resource. Understanding these aspects helps us to address the need-availability matching problem considering not only the resources, but also other factors such as the geographical proximity between the need and the availability. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to develop methods for understanding the semantics of need-tweets and availability-tweets. We also develop a novel methodology for matching need-tweets with availability-tweets, considering both resource similarity and geographical proximity. Experiments on two datasets corresponding to two disaster events, demonstrate that our proposed methods perform substantially better matching than those in prior works. Additionally, our proposed methodologies are reusable across different types of disaster events.  相似文献   

Information Retrieval (IR) develops complex systems, constituted of several components, which aim at returning and optimally ranking the most relevant documents in response to user queries. In this context, experimental evaluation plays a central role, since it allows for measuring IR systems effectiveness, increasing the understanding of their functioning, and better directing the efforts for improving them. Current evaluation methodologies are limited by two major factors: (i) IR systems are evaluated as “black boxes”, since it is not possible to decompose the contributions of the different components, e.g., stop lists, stemmers, and IR models; (ii) given that it is not possible to predict the effectiveness of an IR system, both academia and industry need to explore huge numbers of systems, originated by large combinatorial compositions of their components, to understand how they perform and how these components interact together.We propose a Combinatorial visuaL Analytics system for Information Retrieval Evaluation (CLAIRE) which allows for exploring and making sense of the performances of a large amount of IR systems, in order to quickly and intuitively grasp which system configurations are preferred, what are the contributions of the different components and how these components interact together.The CLAIRE system is then validated against use cases based on several test collections using a wide set of systems, generated by a combinatorial composition of several off-the-shelf components, representing the most common denominator almost always present in English IR systems. In particular, we validate the findings enabled by CLAIRE with respect to consolidated deep statistical analyses and we show that the CLAIRE system allows the generation of new insights, which were not detectable with traditional approaches.  相似文献   

杨文选 《未来与发展》2010,33(11):81-84
"美好生活"是人类追求的终极目标,那么什么是美好生活?显然不同社会对其具体内涵的理解存在差异。德尼·古莱教授认为,"维持生命、尊重和自由"是所有个人和社会都在追求的美好生活目标。美好生活必须通过发展"拥有"足够的物品,但物品富足并不等于美好生活。古莱从伦理学视角研究发展的思路及其观点,对于目前正在苦苦反思"发展为了什么"的中国社会来说,无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

In our high-tech society, the design process involves profound questions about the effects of the resulting goods, and the responsibilities of designers. In the philosophy of technology, effects of “things” on user experience and behaviour have been discussed in terms of the concept of technological mediation. Meanwhile, what we create has moved more and more towards services (processes) rather than products (things), in particular in the context of information services. The question is raised to what extent the concept of technological mediation is adequate to understand effects and responsibilities in information services as well. Therefore, this paper discusses differences between product aspects and service aspects of our creations, and evaluates the applicability of the concept of technological mediation to information services. Specific features of a notion of technological mediation for information services are highlighted, in particular with respect to the different relation between production and consumption. Finally, the paper focuses on the ethical consequences of service impact, and recommendations for service providers, especially in terms of the possibilities for second-order mediation by inviting users to change service properties.  相似文献   

Based upon the goal of scientific literacy and the importance of socioscientific issues (SSIs), the purpose of this study was to investigate the Taiwanese public's awareness of, inclinations to buy/use, and their attitudes towards three attributes of SSIs including genetically modified food (GM food), organic food, and DDT and malaria (DDT). Data from a total of 865 participants across ten populations (six different educational levels and four different vocations) were validated and analyzed. The results revealed that the awareness regarding GM food and DDT increased with the levels of education. The inclinations to buy/use and the attitudes towards the three SSIs, were not related to levels of education, vocation or gender, but were related to attributes of the SSIs. The implications for education and policy development are discussed.  相似文献   

This essay argues that taking the economy seriously in histories of science could not only extend the range of activities studied but also change--often quite radically--our understanding of well-known cases and instances in twentieth-century science. It shows how scientific intellectuals and historians of science have followed the money as a means of critique of particular forms of science and of particular conceptions of science. It suggests the need to go further, to a much broader implicit definition of what constitutes science--one that implies a criticism of much history of twentieth-century science for defining it implicitly and inappropriately in very restrictive ways.  相似文献   

There is a lack of understanding regarding the optimal conditions for interdisciplinary research. This study investigates what characteristics of researchers are associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaborations and what collaborations are most rewarding in different scientific disciplines. Our results confirm that female scientists are more engaged in interdisciplinary research collaborations. Further, a scientist's years of research experience are positively related with both types of collaboration. Work experience in firms or governmental organizations increases the propensity of interdisciplinary collaborations, but decreases that of disciplinary collaborations. Disciplinary collaborations occur more frequent in basic disciplines; interdisciplinary collaborations more in strategic disciplines. We also found that in both types of disciplines, disciplinary collaborations contribute more to career development than interdisciplinary collaborations. We conclude with three recommendations for science and innovation policy, while emphasising the need to distinguish between different scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(8):103716
Crowdsourcing challenges are fast emerging as an effective tool for solving complex innovation problems. The main strength of the crowdsourcing model is that it brings together a large number of diverse people from all over the world to focus on solving a problem. This openness, however, results in a large number of solutions that are not appropriate, and this inhibits organizations from leveraging the value of crowdsourcing efficiently and effectively. It is therefore essential to identify ways to increase the appropriateness of solutions generated in a crowdsourcing challenge. This paper takes a step towards that by exploring what motivates the crowd to participate in these challenges and how these motivations relate to solution appropriateness. Drawing on data from InnoCentive, one of the largest crowdsourcing platforms for innovation problems, this paper shows that the various types of motivation driving crowd members to participate were related in different ways to the appropriateness of the solutions generated. In particular, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were positively related to appropriateness whereas for learning and prosocial motivation the relationship was negative. The association between social motivation and appropriateness was not significant. The results have important implications for how to better design crowdsourcing challenges.  相似文献   

This conceptual paper explores three areas of research collaboration: (a) effectively harnessing differences, (b) setting defensible boundaries and (c) gaining legitimate authorization. The focus is on their potential lessons for individuals leading and managing research collaborations, evaluation of research partnerships and areas for further investigation. Examples from three partnerships - building the atomic bomb, the Human Genome Project and the World Commission on Dams - are used to highlight key elements of the ideas presented. The paper provides a framework for systematically thinking about integration of different perspectives and other elements essential to any particular collaboration. It also sketches out ideas for (1) managing differences which may destroy partnerships, (2) deciding what the collaboration should encompass, (3) understanding and accommodating forces which may distort what the collaboration is able to achieve, and (4) enlisting necessary supporters while preserving research independence.  相似文献   

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