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This study examined the separate and combined effects of a career planning course and a computer-assisted career guidance system (SIGI PLUS) on undecided university students. Seventy first and second year university students were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups (career planning course only; career planning course and SIGI PLUS; SIGI PLUS only; wait-listed control group). Pre and posttest measures were administered and an analysis of covariance was conducted to determine differences among groups for each measure. Significant overall differences were found for each measure. Follow-up procedures revealed significant differences between specific career treatment groups and the control group. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善和我国教育体制改革的不断深入,国家人事管理和用人制度改革在进一步加快。用人单位和毕业生都已走向市场,实行“伯乐选马”和“跑马场选马”的双轨用人机制。这种趋势为毕业生提供了更加广阔的就业领域,同时也使毕业生面临更加激烈的  相似文献   

This paper describes the field test of a newly developed computerized career counselling system in South Africa. A randomly selected sample of black high school students (n=80) evaluated the system after completing the program at the University of the Western Cape. Evaluation data were collected through interviews and the Program Evaluation Questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of a number of subscales measuring 1) user satisfaction with the experience, 2) the extent to which the system helped them acquire self and occupational knowledge and identified potential career alternatives, 3) whether they found interaction with the computer rewarding, and 4) the ease with which the system can be used. The Program Evaluation Questionnaire was found to be a reliable instrument (coefficients ranging from 0.54 to 0.84) and indicated that subjects evaluated the system positively in terms of these subscales. The interviews also indicated that subjects would recommend use of the program to others, that they would prefer the computer rather than the counsellor and that they felt that the program had an impact on their career plans.  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委),计划单列市教育局,新疆生产建设兵团教委,有关部门(单位)教育司(局): 近年来。一些地方陆续在职业技术学校开展了职业指导工作,取得一定成效,受到普遍欢迎。职业技术学校开展职业指导工作.既是中等职业教育改革和发展的需要。也是经济社会发展对全面提高职业技术学校学生素质的客观要求。《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》(以下简称《决定》)明确指出:“职业学校要加强职业指导工作,开展  相似文献   

职业生涯教育着眼于促进学生一生的发展,是符合中等职业学校学生现实需要的一项全新的教育。认识到位是实施职业生涯教育的思想保障;健全机构是实施职业生涯教育的组织保障;行动到位是实施职业生涯教育的工作保证。提高认识,重视职业生涯教育;善借外力,拓展职业生涯教育;因校制宜,统筹职业生涯教育;编写读本,创新职业生涯教育;文化熏陶,培养良好的职业精神。  相似文献   

A variety of client characteristics, drawn primarily from John Holland's theory and constructs, were used to examine client reactions to using a computer-assisted career guidance system. The subjects were 206 individuals who sought assistance at a university-based career center. A regression analysis revealed that persons with higher Social and Enterprising scores rated the system lower on its ability to help them acquire self and occupational knowledge.Reprint requests should be directed to the senior author at the Career Center, R-28, 224 Bryan Hall, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1035.The Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Evaluation Form is available from the authors at the above address.  相似文献   

一、对职业指导内涵理解上的偏差导致职业指导工作偏废 1.职业指导是关于"人与职业关系"的指导,而不是关于就业的简单性咨询  相似文献   

职业指导是中学生实现从学校向就业或更高层次学校顺利过渡的桥梁。在英国的普通中学,职业指导开展得相当普遍。本试从职业指导的法律依据、师资要求、年级计划和基本方法诸方面对英国普通中学的职业指导予以探讨。  相似文献   

中等职业学校学生心理健康教育是学校德育工作的重要组成部分,加强心理健康教育是增强德育工作针对性、实效性的重要举措.中等职业学校学生正处在身心发展的转折时期,随着学习生活由普通教育向职业教育转变,发展方向由升学为主向就业为主转变,以及将直接面对社会和职业的选择,面临职业竞争日趋激烈和就业压力日益加大的环境变化,他们在自我意识、人际交往、求职择业以及成长、学习和生活等方面难免产生各种各样的心理困惑或问题.  相似文献   

This study developed and field tested an electronic career guidance package for secondary schools, the e-Career Guidance System. The study was an educational research and development study and thus utilised the instrumentation research design. The formative evaluation of the developed programme was carried out using the pretest–posttest control-group quasi-experimental methodology. The researchers used the Students Career Awareness Questionnaire in collecting data for the experiment. The questionnaire was standardised, with a reliability index of .87. Sixty senior secondary two (SS 2) students were selected for the quasi-experiment using the purposive sampling technique. Thirty students were randomly assigned to the control group and the other thirty to the intervention group. The pretest and posttest data collected were analysed and used in testing the four null hypotheses in the study using analysis of covariance statistics. The results obtained showed that the e-Career Guidance System developed in this study produced a significant difference in the vocational self-awareness and career awareness of the sample in the experimental group in contrast to the sample in the control group. It was further observed from the analysis that gender did not interfere with the gains from the e-Career Guidance System. Based on these outcomes, the researchers concluded that the developed e-Career Guidance System has validity and could be used in the career guidance of male and female secondary school students in Akwa Ibom State and beyond.  相似文献   

依据教育部2008年的一次专项调查,分析了中职学校职业指导教师培训存在的主要问题,提出了对中职学校职业指导教师培训的建议,即:中职学校职业指导教师培训应具有灵活的课程设置和分类指导的培训模式;重视职业指导专业能力的提高;促进中职学校职业指导教师学生观、评价观、师生观的转变;提高中职学校职业指导教师运用多种教学方法的能力.  相似文献   

在就业形势日益严峻的今天,加强和完善高校职业指导工作对全面推进人才培养模式改革具有重要意义。本文通过对当前高职院校职业指导工作现状进行深入地分析,提出关于教育职能、队伍专业化建设、基础服务、实践教育等方面的思考和建议。  相似文献   

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