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人力资本理论与教育投资问题新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,我国教育投资持续升温 ,人力资本理论为教育投资提供了理论基础 ;然而 ,教育投资是否应仅局限于知识和技能方面的教育投资 ,以及当前我国教育投资热潮中面临着一些不可忽视的问题尚需探讨 ,例如唯经济教育化等 ,本文对此进行了详尽阐述并提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Panel data on MBA graduates is used in an attempt to empirically distinguish between human capital and signaling models of education. The existence of employment observations prior to MBA enrollment allows for the control of unobserved ability or selection into MBA programs (through the use of individual fixed effects). In addition, variation in the amount of pre-MBA work experience allows for a test to distinguish between the models. In particular, a predominant signaling view is shown to predict smaller returns to the degree, the more pre-MBA work experience one has (controlling for total experience). Additionally, a unique feature of the data is that respondents were asked to report skills or abilities gained through their schooling, allowing us to determine the extent to which these purported skills are valued in the labor market. The combined evidence suggests that while human capital accumulation may contribute to the returns to an MBA, the majority of the returns is derived from the signaling/screening function of the degree.  相似文献   

多元智能理论对高职院校的职业素质教育产生了重大影响,我们构建基于多元化智能理论的职业素质教育体系,建立基于多元化智能理论的教学体系、管理机制,并通过开展丰富多样的课外活动,提高学生的职业素质。  相似文献   

人力资本是一种能带来未来收益的资本,对人力资本进行投资是增加就业竞争能力的重要手段。为此,应分析人力资本的含义、作用和探寻提高人力资本的有效途径,以解决农民工教育、提升人力资本质量等问题。为达此目的,政府要宏观控制并发行培训券,印制“教育黄页”,组建教育超市,推行“农民工教育培训行动区”计划等。  相似文献   


This article assesses the position of post-colonial societies within a neoliberal paradigm through an analysis of the role of language in education and the importance of adequate academic preparation for social development. Generally, teacher–student interactions constitute the foundational substance of learning processes. Since education revolves around language, omitting the way language affects classroom instruction amounts to omitting a key factor that might impede or facilitate education. Because these interactions tend to happen around textbooks, and given that textbooks are often ideologically saturated, an analysis of interactional patterns and textbook discourses may help to assess how the education system can improve students’ academic development and the external efficiency of the system. The article makes the case for post-colonial societies to define strategic visions that are in concert with their specific needs, as opposed to being strangled into grand narratives such as neoliberalism that may be counterproductive for the growth of their societies.  相似文献   

内蒙古高等教育自扩招以来,不管是在校生规模,还是专业结构都有很大的提高,教育事业实现了跨跃式的发展,为内蒙古的社会发展做出了重大的贡献。面对扩招规模的扩大,提高高校教学质量被提到战略性地位。  相似文献   

劳动既创造了人类又创造了教育,劳动教育是人类文明演进的基本方式。劳动育人既是马克思主义教育的思想精髓,又是中国共产党发展马克思主义教育的实践探索,更是习近平新时代教育思想的重要纲领。在价值逻辑上,劳动育人能够促进人类全面发展,促进技术转型升级和社会深刻变革。在政策逻辑上,我国劳动育人发展经历了以体力劳动为核心的重建探索期,以技术教育为旨趣的转型调适期与以五育并举为核心的全面提质期。在实践逻辑上,新时代劳动育人迫切需要从内涵、内容与内功层面解决"内涵陷于劣势""内容流于形式",以及"内功沦为把式"的现实之困,助推劳动育人高质量发展新局面的开创。  相似文献   

论新时期多样性的精英教育质量观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过全面的理论、实践和国际比较分析,提出了高等教育大众化阶段的多样性精英教育质量观。笔者认为,坚持多样性的精英教育理念,是由高等教育的性质、政府和人民的期盼决定的,多样性只是扩大了精英教育的范围而不能改变其属性要求。世界高等教育发展的历史也是高等学校办学模式逐步多样化的历史,大众化阶段形成于学术型大学模式的基本完善,社会产生了对为经济发展服务的新型高等教育机构的要求,终结于地方性、专业性等应用型学院或大学体系的基本完善,社会上出现了广泛的民主权利和终身学习需求。我国目前虽然是处于大众化阶段,但面对着多个阶段影响因素的交汇,既应加强现代大学制度建设,也应促进专门学院和专业大学发展,还要着手建立终身教育体系。笔者从质量标准、教育思想、课程建设、教师学术发展等方面,论述了我国新时期多样性精英教育的具体实现。  相似文献   

Higher Education - This study explores the contributions of different dimensions of the intellectual capital of higher education institutions (ICHEIs) to their performance, incorporating the...  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of social capital on the likelihood of dropping out from the compulsory education system (Grades One through Eight) in Turkey. It focuses on the question of whether school-related social capital can provide the means to stay in school in the presence of risk factors such as socioeconomic status, race, or gender that cannot be easily modified. Despite major progress in enrollment rates due to policies enacted in recent years, the overall drop-out rate in compulsory education is close to 15% in Turkey. Data collected from 764 student–mother pairs show that drop-outs are exposed to higher number of social risk factors. We further illustrate that school-related social capital, as measured by quality of in-school teacher–student interactions as well as parental involvement in school, significantly and positively contributes to adolescents’ likelihood of staying in school even in the presence of severe social inequalities.  相似文献   

教育学会登上历史舞台,既顺应了近代中国教育变革的客观形势,又反映了教育学术发展的内在规律.作为中国近代教育学术体制的组成部分,教育学会通过举行学术年会、设置研究会和研究机构、开展学术讲演、参与世界教育会议等方式,搭建了学术研讨与交流的主要平台,而且随着这些活动方式的制度化,极大地促进了近代中国教育学术的研究和传播.  相似文献   

对教育质量的研究存在着模糊性,传统的实证研究法已不足以描述当今的教育质量。源于生产领域的“全面质量”观是将研究方法引入定性研究的一个范例,将其引入教育质量的研究无疑是有益的尝试,同时它还提供了全新的思想来理解和指导学校教育质量管理。  相似文献   


This article examines the role of higher education in the recovery of conflict-affected societies and argues that while the sector is typically a very low reconstruction priority, it has the potential, if addressed strategically, to act as a catalyst for effective and sustainable post-war recovery. The article begins by contextualising higher education within broader debates around post-war recovery and education. It then analyses the relationship between higher education and four core intervention agendas in conflict-affected societies: stabilisation and securitisation, reconstruction, statebuilding and peacebuilding.  相似文献   

投资教育 促进人力资本积累   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄友兰 《教育探索》2001,(10):61-62
在我们即将进入的新经济社会中,人力资本是各经济行业争相抢购的对象.而人力资本的拥有和积累,只能是依靠教育这种特有方式才能取得.因此,教育是个人立足于社会的支撑点.为人力资本积累而投资于教育必将成为推动新经济社会发展的一种趋势.  相似文献   

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