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那是一次语文课上,老师提出要玩的一个游戏。她让每个人拿出一张纸来,请大家在上面写下自己认为最珍贵的东西,比如生命、爱情、朋友等。最后她再三强调:大家一定要以认真的态度对待它。  相似文献   

大家不要以为,只有人才会玩捉迷藏。这不,颜色在自己的世界也玩起了捉迷藏……这天早晨,我一起床就惊呆了。哇!天空竟然一会儿是绿色,一会儿是红色,这是什么怪天气?我去卫生间洗漱。咦?镜子里的人是谁呀?怎么头发的颜色变来  相似文献   

大家不要以为只有人才会玩捉迷藏,这不,颜色在自己的世界里也玩起了捉迷藏。夜深人静时,我们已经入睡,黑色突然向其他颜色提议:"我们来玩捉迷藏吧!""好呀!"大家异口同声地说。结果,第二天早上一起来,我惊呆了:哇!天空竟然一会儿变成绿色,一会儿变成红色。这是什么怪天气?我只好先起床,却发  相似文献   

有时Word中的文件过长,翻页就很费劲,想找需要编辑的地方也不容易,要是将已经写好的部分或暂时不用的部分先隐藏起来,就能省去很多麻烦.如果文件中的部分内容是隐私,用同样的方法也能将其隐藏.  相似文献   

哈哈,花园宝宝们在花园里玩捉迷藏呢!你都找到谁了呢?每找到一个,就在画面的右边贴上贴纸。  相似文献   

有一天,天堂里的科学家在玩捉迷藏的游戏。轮到爱因斯坦找人了,他要数到100然后开始找。所有的人都藏起来了,除了牛顿,他只是在爱因斯坦面前的地板上画了一个边长为1米的正方形,然后站在中间。爱因斯坦数数97、98、99、100,然后睁开了眼睛,看见牛顿站在面前,就叫到:“牛顿出局,牛顿出局。”牛顿说:“我没有出局,因为我不是牛顿。”这时候所有的科学家都出来了,并且大家都证明他真的不是牛顿。为什么?爱因斯坦和牛顿玩捉迷藏答案因为牛顿站在一平方米的面积上就是,牛顿/平方米=帕斯卡。爱因斯坦和牛顿玩捉迷藏@小号…  相似文献   

夏日,我在街上观风景,闲逛之中眼光扫过同龄的或比我小数岁的男孩子,常注意观察他们的膝盖、小腿有无伤痕。若见到一个伤痕累累的,就生出敬佩、羡慕之心。因为这样的孩子往往英武强健,与有识之士对“合格人”的设想相同。据我二叔讲,在他的童年,大院的孩子如果齐刷刷地坐在台阶上歇息,膝盖上一律露出伤疤,伤疤最多的,体力总是最好的,往往也是头领。这种经验,和他们那一代人后来的遭遇暗合,如上山下乡。农村是个广阔的天地,城里的孩子哪里受的了苦,如果没有强壮的体力和顽强的意志力,很难熬过来。  相似文献   

夏日,我在街上观风景,闲逛之中眼光扫过同龄的或比我数岁小的男孩子,常注意观察他们的膝盖、小腿有无伤痕。若见到一个伤痕累累的,就生出敬佩、羡慕之心。因为这样的孩子往往英武强健,与有识之士对“合格人”的设想相同。据我二叔讲,在他的童年,大院的孩子如果齐刷刷地坐在台阶上歇息,膝盖上一律露出伤疤,伤疤最多的,体力总是最好的,往往也是头领。这种经验,和他们那一代人后来的遭遇暗  相似文献   


A holistic approach to providing health education and services integrates the Social Determinants of Health (SDH)—an approach Healthy Teen Network calls Youth 360°—to recognize that where youth live, learn, and play matters. Long promoted by such stalwarts in the public health field as the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease and Control, the SDH are now broadly recognized, including in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), as the only way to engage and address the needs of all youth. But stating this and truly understating how to make this happen are very different animals.  相似文献   

Because of the increased popularity of child care programs, preschools, and other early childhood programs, playgrounds for two- to six-year-olds have, in recent years, become a popular commercial endeavor. Manufacturers of these new playgrounds have responded to the new market, designing equipment that meets the needs of this age group.Francis Wardle is Director, Adams County (Colorado) Head Start/Day Care/Food Programs, as well as a playground consultant and designer.  相似文献   

Run,Hide, Fight!     
石闻熙 《新高考》2014,(5):79-80
2014年3月1日晚9时20分,云南昆明发生了骇人听闻的暴力袭击事件。10余名统一着装的暴徒蒙面持刀在云南昆明火车站广场、售票厅等处随意砍杀无辜群众,造成多人死伤。随后,暴徒又从昆明火车站开始往外砍杀路人,多名路人被砍伤。这一事件迅速让“如何在暴力袭击事件中逃生”成为大家关心的话题。大家不禁思考:面对突如其来的暴力袭击,我们该如何应对呢?美国FBI教导民众在遭遇恐怖袭击时,要遵守三条准则:逃离(Run)、躲藏(Hide)、反击(Fight)。下面就让我们一起来学习一下这三大求生法则吧!  相似文献   

Hide and Seek     
首先选出某个人来当"猫"(要去寻找别人的那个人)。然后他/她转过身去闭着眼睛数数,同时,其他的人都躲起来。然后"猫"说:"躲好了吗,我来啦。"便跑去找藏起来的人。第一个被找出来的人就是下一个"猫"。  相似文献   

Discussion has long held an honored place in the pantheon of lionized adult education practices. One of the most frequently venerated aspects of discussion is opening up conversation to include the widest possible diversity of perspectives and intellectual traditions. This democratic attempt to be open and inclusive is held to represent what is best about adult education—its humanistic concern to have all voices heard, all experiences analyzed, and all viewpoints honored. Herbert Marcuse's concept of repressive tolerance stands directly against these sentiments. Marcuse argues that an alternative idea, concept or text can be inserted into a discussion of familiar, mainstream materials in such a way that serves only to underscore the normality of the center while positioning the alternatives as exotic others. This paper explores how this process occurs and suggests how it might be countered.  相似文献   

This essay relates collective bargaining in American higher education to the evolution of collegial governance and its erosion on some campuses. The diversity of American higher education and the industrial model of collective bargaining being transplanted to campuses explain the modest contribution made by collective bargaining to university governance. Based on the author's experience as sometime General Secretary of the American Association of University Professors, he concludes that faculty should have the right to decide to bargain collectively but that the cost of collective bargaining usually outweighs its benefits. He recommends that strengthening collegial governance is a preferable strategy for the future.  相似文献   

基于《利用BMP文件的特殊结构进行信息加密》一文的加密方案,给出了利用在24位真彩色位图文件中逐字节末尾附加信息方法的具体算法实现。  相似文献   

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