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Sep 1, 1923 A devastating earthquake struck the Japanese cities of Tokyo and Yokohama. Nearly 150,000 people were killed and more than two million left homeless.1923年9月1日,一场毁灭性的地震袭击了日本的东京和横滨,近15万人遇难,两百多万人无家可归。Sep3,1783TheTreaty of Paris officiallyended the R evolutionaryW ar betw een the U nitedStates and G reat B ritain.1783年9月3日,巴黎条约正式结束了美国与英国的革命战争。Sep4,1972U.S.sw im m er M ark Spitz wonthe seventh gold m edal atthe M unich …  相似文献   

1.hunger n.饿,饥饿adj.hungry饿的2.homeless adj.无家可归的反义词:homeful有家的n.home家3.sign n.标牌,招牌;记号,符号;告示,牌示trafficsigns交通牌示v.签字sign one's name签名n.signal信号  相似文献   

张传彪 《海外英语》2005,(11):42-43
轭式修饰法(Zeugma),又称轭式搭配法,指的是用一个词(通常是动词、形容词或介词)同时修饰或支配两个或两个以上的名词,但其中只有一个是合乎逻辑的搭配句式。英语中的轭式修饰辞格包括以下几种类型(*号系笔者所译): Ⅰ.一个动词支配两个名词(宾语) Eg.She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. *她为这个无家可归的孩子打开自己的家门,也打开了自己的心扉。Ⅱ.两个主语搭连一个动词Eg.During the next year,a young widow and a fortune fell in love with him.  相似文献   

单词识记:1.hunger n.饿,饥饿adj.hungry饿的2.homeless adj.无家可归的反义词:homeful有家的n.home家3.signn.标牌,招牌;记号,符号;告示,牌示traffic signs交通牌示v.签字signone’sname签名n.signal信号,暗号adj.显著的,非常的  相似文献   

考点梳理一、重点单词1.幽默;滑稽n.humour2.表演者;演出者n.performer3.使惊讶vt.astonish4.厌烦的adj.bored5.使欢乐;款待vt.&vi.entertain6.无家的;无家可归的adj.homeless7.用旧的;破烂的adj.worn8.失败者n.failure  相似文献   

WASHINGTON:Georges de Paris,who once slept homeless on thestreets in the US capital,has measured US presidents inside the White House for the past 40 years.  相似文献   

Homeless Woman A woman was walking down the street. Without warning, she was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked her for a couple of dollars for dinner.  相似文献   

Nearly one in 10 homeless people living in Britain holds a university qualification,according to a study released by homeless support group crisis.A study surveyed 150 homeless people in five British cities including London, and found that eight percent had a university degree and  相似文献   

<正>生活中,每个人都值得我们去尊重。你尊重人,也会因此获得他人的尊重。One day, a friend invited us to help serve dinner at Tent City. A number of tents were set up for the homeless in the area. I took my two boys with me. They were 9 and 5 at the time. They had a lot of questions about how poor people lived in the world.  相似文献   

近年来,美国英语里多了一个热门的新词:motor-homeless(车上无家可归者)。关于此词,还有其他的说法,比如mobile-homeless就是一例,同样可以表示“住在车上”或“以车为家”的流浪者。  相似文献   

有许多练习题,由于受思维定势的影响,好像一看就会,却常常一做就错。请看下列习题:1.the people in London became homeless after the“Big Fire”.A.Thousands B.Three thousandC.Three thousands of D.Three thousand of2.We were about to leaveit began to rain.A.and when B.at that time C.just then D.and at that time3.“Do you have any clothes, madam?”asked the woman servant.A.to wash B.to be washedC.washing D.wash4.Sorry, I can蒺t helpthe house for you because I am watering the fields now.A.repa…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词语过关(单词拼写)。1.(缺乏)of skilled workers is our maindifficulty.2.He was(免职)from his position aschairman.3.Why was he so(刻薄)against me?4.We(感谢)your efforts for thedevelopment of the company.5.It(突然想起)to her that she mightadopt a homeless child.6.On CCTV,there is a(焦点)interviewevery day.7.I was late and I tried to a being seenby the boss.8.This is a kind of good activity thatcombines entertainment and e soperfectly.9.His story of rescuing six drowning menwas i.10.Many pe…  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(12):50-51
I'll be working this Christmas.My job? Santa Claus! White beard and red clothes are optional.I'll be ioining thousands of volunteers in Britain who go and help homeless and elderly people as well as poor children.  相似文献   

什么叫“丧家狗”?“丧家狗”是无家可归的狗,现在叫流浪狗.无家可归的,不只是狗,也有人,英文叫Homeless. 读《论语》,我的感受,两个字:孤独.孔子很孤独.现在,有人请他当心理医生,其实,他自己的心病都没人医.  相似文献   

在当今这样一个科技迅猛发展的时代,对于技术的过度依赖致使人们失去了精神家园,无家可归.  相似文献   

苏姗只是美国佛罗里达州一个小学四年级的学生,但她已经在研究无家可归的人的问题了.  相似文献   

1892年夏季,暴风雨席卷了美国密苏里平原,肆虐的洪水冲毁了公路、庄稼和农舍,许多人无家可归.……  相似文献   

无家可归儿童问题是美国社会的一个突出问题。本文呈现美国无家可归儿童的生存现状,产生的原因和影响,并从相关法案入手,简要评介美国联邦政府对无家可归儿童的救助政策,为我国流浪儿童问题的研究与应对提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美国适龄儿童中流动比较频繁的群体可分为四类:移民家庭儿童、无家可归儿童、贫困家庭儿童和军人家庭儿童.这四类儿童面临的教育问题既有差异也有共性.为此,美国政府通过美墨两国流动儿童项目、流动者教育相同起点项目、联邦麦金尼·文托无家可归儿童项目、建立国防部内部学校、流动者教育计划等措施,为解决流动儿童的教育问题做出了大量努力,取得了一定的成果.这为我国政府在解决流动儿童教育问题上提供了很好的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

乌云特娜 《中国德育》2007,2(9):43-46,71
解决无人照管和无家可归儿童问题是俄罗斯社会工作的重点和难点。俄罗斯在对无人照管和无家可归儿童实施社会关怀时,坚持人道主义理念,力求解决平等问题。为此,制定了一系列政策,并取得了一些成效。  相似文献   

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