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As in England, approaches to guidance/pastoral care in Hong Kong have in recent years become more proactive and less exclusively reactive. This paper presents an example of this, focusing on a secondary school in Hong Kong which has sought to implement a whole-school approach through developmental guidance programmes. The writers' evaluation of this suggests that the integration of guidance/PSE into the whole-school curriculum was feasible, with a favourable outcome perceived by the school community. The findings also identified a number of important factors which facilitated the implementation and development of the policy.  相似文献   

A Whole-School Approach to Guidance: A Hong Kong Experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As in England, approaches to guidance/pastoral care in Hong Kong have in recent years become more proactive and less exclusively reactive. This paper presents an example of this, focusing on a secondary school in Hong Kong which has sought to implement a whole-school approach through developmental guidance programmes. The writers' evaluation of this suggests that the integration of guidance/PSE into the whole-school curriculum was feasible, with a favourable outcome perceived by the school community. The findings also identified a number of important factors which facilitated the implementation and development of the policy.  相似文献   

利用自行设计的“初中物理新课程实施现状调查问卷”,从新课程实施保障系统、教师教学方式、学生学习方式、科学探究、课程评价制度五个方面对初中物理新课程实施情况进行了调查,分析了新课程实施以来这五方面发生的转变及存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

革新课程领导的现实意义和策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新课程改革实施给学校教育教学工作带来了全方位的挑战。新课程实施中遇到的问题不能完全归结为教师个人的能力、水平和适应性,而应该是学校组织行为方式的问题;也不能归结为评价改革问题,而是学校全方位的课程领导问题。现实的革新的课程领导发展路向应该重点放在学校的教育哲学和课程实施策略的革新、学校课程与教学的整合革新、学校组织的重组和行为优化以及评价制度和方式的革新。  相似文献   

构建立足于学生人格发展、教师专业提升的发展性课程评价体系,是促使学校课程改革走向深入的重心。基于对甘肃省农村普通高中研究性学习课程评价的现状反思,对发展性课程评价体系构建的实践探索进行思考,提出以人格和谐发展为核心理念构建发展性课程评价体系的实施策略,包括以课程培养目标为主要依据,确立灵活动态的评价内容和科学合理的评价标准;以评价程序的规范性和可操作性为根本,设计科学合理的评价工具;以学生行为表现评价、成长记录袋等方式,搜集和分析反映学生学习情况的数据和证据;从每个学生所关注的问题、兴趣出发,真正体现评价的激励和导向功能等。由此建构的发展性课程评价实施框架,有助于研究性学习的有效开展,并进而促进学生的学习和发展。  相似文献   

新课程实施中数学教师关注阶段研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭爱辉 《教育学报》2007,3(3):64-69
教师是课程改革方案的最终实施者和使用者,教师的支持是课程改革成功的一个关键因素。通过对现有理论的分析,我们以“关注为本采用模式”(CBAM)为基础,对欧美较为成熟的关注阶段问卷进行了一定的修改,调查了新课程实施中西南地区238名小学数学教师的关注阶段。研究结果表明:小学数学教师主要处于CBAM的任务关注阶段;不同教龄组的教师在关注阶段上有显著差异,而农村和城市地区的教师在关注阶段上并未呈现显著差异。  相似文献   

国家课程、地方课程和校本课程的含义、目的及地位   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
许洁英 《教育研究》2005,26(8):32-35,57
国家课程有以下目的:确保学生学习的权利,明确学生在接受学校教育时应达到的标准,提高学生接受学校教育的连续性和连贯性,为公众了解学校教育提供依据。地方课程有以下目的:促进国家课程的有效实施,弥补国家课程的空缺,加强教育和地方的联系,调动地方参与课程改革与课程实施的积极性。校本课程有以下目的:确保国家课程的有效实施,照顾学生的个别差异,促进教师专业能力的持续发展。当前,我国的基础教育应以国家课程为主,地方课程和校本课程为辅。  相似文献   

Post-primary science teachers in Victoria were asked to express views about primary science curriculum design and implementation. They were also asked about the value of continuity between primary and post-primary science education. The post-primary teachers generally had favourable attitudes to primary science education and considered that cooperation would be useful-though it is not common at the moment. However, the data revealed a considerable range of opinion. Post-primary science teachers' views about primary science curriculum are similar to those of primary teachers themselves, but many post-primary teachers would place more emphasis on formal or textbook knowledge. Post-primary teachers see a number of systemic problems in implementing primary science education but their positive perceptions suggest the value of encouraging more structured links. The notion of continuity across the two sectors was well supported. Specializations: science education policy and practice, teacher education, school effectiveness. Specializations: science education, teacher education in science.  相似文献   

教师心理现状分析及其心理素质优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析目前教师的心理健康现状及其原因,说明优化教师心理素质是开展学校心理健康教育的必要前提.从建立测评机制、组织教师培训、改革课程设置、加强专家指导等方面,提出优化教师心理素质的途径.  相似文献   

反思语文新课程的实施,它刷新了语文教师的教学观念和方式、教研观念和方式,刷新了学生的语文学习方式和评价方式,也刷新了教师的培训方式。但是,新课程背景下的语文课堂教学也暴露出新形式主义倾向,暴露出教学过程空泛化和教师角色两难化等问题。展望语文新课程实施的前景,应当坚定地改革刻板化的统考制度、改革学校行政管理体制、优化语文教师自身的素质,从而使语文新课程在课堂上生根开花。  相似文献   

校本课程的特色与学校更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校更新是指学校在原有基础上朝着积极的方向变化,包括学生、教师和学校的发展。通过校本课程的开发,可以满足学生的需要,锻炼教师的专业能力,彰显学校的办学特色,达到促进学校更新的目的。有特色的校本课程是具有针对性、独特性、适切性的课程。校本课程特色形成的机制是:基于学校,联系社区;以教师为主体,实现多方力量的协商对话;将课程开发、实施、评价融入同一过程之中;完善校本课程开发的保障系统。以校本课程的开发实施促进学校更新的基本主张是:在共建课程文化的过程中推动学校的更新,以特色课程的实施为轴心彰显学校特色。  相似文献   

通过对广州市4所小学英语课程实施基本情况的分析,我们发现目前小学英语课程实施的一些共同问题:1.地方集权式的课程发展模式;2.课程实施的出发点是忠实于教材而不是学生需要;3.课程实施的层次仍处于“机械地使用”的水平。为此,我们提出如下建议:1.重新审视“英语课程与教学论”,改革英语教师课程设置;2.确立开放的,有弹性的课程研制与实施策略;3.加强文件课程的研制;4.做好教师职业发展工作。  相似文献   

高等院校小学教育专业课程方案探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在本科层次小学教师专业兴办十年之际,通过对全国23所院校小学教育专业本科层次课程方案的分析以及与部分院校的访谈发现,当前小学教育专业在培养目标、培养规格、课程设置、课程实施与评价等方面存在诸多值得反思的问题。应确立区分于专科及研究生培养层次的、将小学教师教育与基础教育质量提升相联系的、适切性和可操作性强的培养目标和规格,进一步规范课程设置,积极开发新型教师教育综合课程,使小学教师教育成为新课改理念的示范。  相似文献   

学校文化中的落后因素制约新课程改革的实施与推进。这些落后因素主要表现在:应试教育使教育目标异化、学校文化管理的专制色彩、教师文化的保守性与封闭性、学校文化多元性、合作性与开放性的缺失等。必须重建理想的校园文化,包括先进的学校文化、激励创新的学校文化、民主平等的学校文化、学生全面发展的学校文化、个性化的学校文化、共同发展的学校文化。  相似文献   

校本课程实施给学校带来了生机与活力,但从校本课程开发方式来看,校本课程开发存在着学科化、教材化、活动化、师本化等误区。走出校本课程开发误区的对策有:充分认识校本课程开发的意义;为校本课程合理定位;多类并举,规范实施,提高校本课程的科学化水平;加强课程监管与督导,提供专业支持与指导,推进课程开发常态实施。  相似文献   

Our study investigated the knowledge 13elementary teachers gained implementing astudent-centered curriculum in the context ofdistrict-wide reform. Participants comprisedall the teachers in grades three, four and fiveat a single elementary school. We believed thatinvestigating teachers' responses to fictionalpedagogical scenarios involving nonstandardalgorithms would yield insights into criticalcomponents of their knowledge base. We lookedin particular at teachers' knowledge of children's mathematics. We found that teacherswere in the midst of creating a knowledge basefocused on children's mathematics and groundedin knowledge about alternative conceptualtrajectories through the elementary curriculum.Teachers' knowledge of nonstandard strategiessupported by the curriculum materials wasstronger and more coherent than their knowledgeof students' novel nonstandard strategies.Strong mathematical knowledge was notnecessarily associated with strong knowledge ofchildren's mathematics. Teachers' thinkingvaried by a topic's treatment in the writtencurriculum materials used, suggestingimplementation of the curriculum as a source oflearning.  相似文献   

论新课程对小学语文教师专业素养的新要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小学语文教师的专业素养是一个动态发展的系统,随着教育目标和要求的变化调整而不断变化发展。新课程的不断推进和深入,对小学语文教师的专业素养结构提出了一些新要求:小学语文教师应具有新的现代教育理念;小学语文教师在知识结构上更加强调多层复合性;小学语文教师应更加注重提高文学素养;小学语文教师应努力提升学习能力、现代化教学技能和教育研究能力。  相似文献   

高职课程资源开发必须以教师为主体,以有利于实现教学目标、符合学生身心发展特点、与教师教学水平相适应为原则,根据现实需要采取移植、整合、自主开发等方式。在具体实施中,应提升教师对课程资源内涵的认识,调整和优化课程资源结构,充分挖掘学生自身的资源。  相似文献   

The implementation of technology as a formal subject – either separate or integrated – in school curricula is a relatively recent phenomenon with most studies confined to Western or developed countries and little known about non-Western contexts. In this study we sought to gain an understanding of primary teachers' and curriculum development officers' perceptions of technology and technology education for a small island nation in the South Pacific. Participants' views were ascertained by means of semi-structured interviews including the use of picture card prompts used by Rennie and Jarvis (1995). The study reveals that the participants hold a rather limited view of technology and technology education. The participants see technology as consisting of a variety of artifacts and skills (including in some cases indigenous artifacts and cultural practices), but the predominant view was technology consists of modern, new, foreign, artifacts especially those associated with information and communication technologies. The participants view technology education as learning about how to use technological artifacts. Personal experiences including pre- and in-service teacher training and encounters with technological artifacts were the main influences on their views of technology and technology education. These findings suggest that primary science teachers will need pre-service training in order to implement a curriculum that provides a comprehensive understanding of technology.  相似文献   

This study investigated the reasons behind the lack of enthusiasm among teachers in implementing a new biology curriculum in Israel. Classroom observations of 42 junior high school teachers in 28 schools revealed that the curriculum developers succeeded in transmitting most of their curriculum objectives. The data indicated three possible reasons, however, for teachers' disappointment: (a) The high expectations set at the ideal level regarding the inquiry approach; (b) The greater role given to verbalization in a biology curriculum, and (c) Dull implementation (routine and nonenthusiastic), which occurs when teachers are too faithful to the teaching text. Four variables—objectives, materials, strategy, and activities—were chosen in order to analyze the learning materials. The variables, and their sub-variables, were scored in terms of the ideal, formal, and operational levels of the curriculum. To score the qualitative implementation data, two new instruments were developed. The first, an analytical instrument, analyzed instructional materials in terms of the frequency and intensity of their use. The second instrument, an observational one, was used to estimate classroom implementation fidelity.  相似文献   

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