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笔者的班上有个学生小凌,是个让人头疼的学困生,上课不认真听讲,作业经常交不上来,每次考试都是不及格……笔者也努力想改变他,对其加大补差力度和强度,或上课的时候经常让其回答问题,或利用课余时间辅导其作业。或放晚学后将其留下来背书,有时甚至剥夺其上音乐、体育等小学科的权利,强行将其叫到办公室进行补习……然而,  相似文献   

档案收集工作是档案形成中最基础的重要环节,没有收集工作,就没有档案。高校档案工作人员对于高校档案收集工作,要充分认识其重要性,明确其要求,正视其存在问题,采取有效措施,保证其高质量地完成。  相似文献   

常峰 《吉林教育》2009,(5):78-78
在语文诗歌教学中,教师应积极引导学生,根据诗歌的风格特点、审美情趣、价值取向,再结合学生自身的理解,进行情境导入式教学,让学生领会诗歌丰富的内涵,进而濡染其心灵,陶冶其性情,培养其兴趣,提高其素养。  相似文献   

为弘扬中华医药文化、促进中医药事业的不断发展,以黄冈历代重点名医为代表,研究和挖掘黄冈历代名医的人文资源,探索其发展规律,述其重要著述,论其重大贡献,阐明其在医学史上的重要地位,旨在振兴祖国中医药事业,并对当代医药职业者的素质培养,充分发挥其重要作用,具有重要的历史意义和积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

张朝全 《今日教育》2014,(12):61-61
教育是有性格的,这性格便是教师的特色。当这特色渐渐走向成熟,趋于丰满时,教师的风格便形成了。对于教师的风格,我们所能见到的,只是其外部表现,但其风格的凝成,却是先根植于其内的,是其人格的历练。  相似文献   

滕宇 《中国德育》2007,2(10):52-52
在中国古代哲学思想中,“正其义不谋其利,行其道不计其功”是君子崇高的道德向往,而对于自利的理解则是模糊的、矛盾的。许慎在《说文解字》中进一步阐述:“德,外得于人,内得于己。”即以善德施与他人,使众人各得其益;以善念存诸心中,使身心互其益。由此可见,中国古人将利他当作是道德行为的主要追求,自利则是其副产品,自利更多地强调心理和精神上的愉悦,即“道德并非是一种需要人们竭力维护其吸引力的意识形态,而是人类的一种生物上的必然需求,道德具有生物学的根源,是人们获得快乐与幸福的重要源泉。”  相似文献   

多媒体作为实现教育目标的一种手段,有其独特的优势,也有其局限性。教师要发挥其优势,避免步入其误区,让多媒体成为提高教学效率的助推器.  相似文献   

唐太宗李世民作为一代明主,其为君能任贤能,赏忠义,慎言行,杜谗邪,宽刑政,明古今,辨兴亡,开创了中国历史的太平盛世——“贞观之治”;其为父能慎师选,敬师傅,言传身教,其拳拳之心,舐犊之情亦为后世垂范。  相似文献   

嘉靖三年秋,大水,运司城几圮。侍御卢公恻焉,欲砖瓮以图久远。然以瓜期且届,姑蝥东面,以俟后哲落成。运城人曰:“斯子孙千载之利也,不可不记。”且此城群省交会,一方具瞻。然地近盐则碱易啮其足,土挟沙则风易凋其肤,板带礓砾则雨易剥其面。故近岁霖霪几沦乎郛也。而又内处富贾,盗易窥;城大无兵,盗易攻;巷寡土著,盗易取;杂聚五方之民,盗易入;土无嘉实而有厚藏,盗易剽。故往年盗贼几突乎郭也。公乃选官吏,轻资算,定征役,谨命令,犹其旧规,教其新矩,裁其崇卑,壹其博狭,均其厚薄。  相似文献   

韩召艳 《考试周刊》2010,(42):191-192
转化后进生是一个不老的话题,在化学教学实践中.教师需要积极寻找其落后的原因,在尊重理解的基础上.巧妙运用教学方略,合理设计教学方法,激发其上进心,逐步培养其学习的自觉性,从而使其体验到成功的欢乐,步入优秀者的行列。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relations between teachers’ attitudes towards persons with intellectual disability (ID), in-service training on ID, and prior contacts with persons with ID. A sample of Canadian elementary school teachers (N?=?118) completed the Attitudes Toward Intellectual Disability Questionnaire, which measures cognitive, affective and behavioural components of attitudes towards persons with ID. Correlational and multivariate regression analyses were performed. Frequent contacts with persons with ID and experience of including a child with ID increased the likelihood of reporting prior positive contacts with persons with ID. In turn, this was associated with less discomfort towards persons with ID and more willingness towards interactions. In-service training on ID was related to better knowledge of rights and capabilities of persons with ID. Experience of including a child with ID in general education classrooms increased the likelihood to report feeling competent in teaching children with ID, which predicted more willingness to include children with ID.  相似文献   

This study explores the attitudes of future professionals working with students with disabilities towards four exceptionality groups: persons with deafness, with paralysis, with mental retardation (MR) and with delinquent behaviour, and specifically examines how deafness is perceived in comparison with the three other groups. Undergraduate students' (N=177) attitudes towards the four groups were tapped using a semantic differential scale referring to the cognitive, emotional and behavioural components of attitudes. Participants' degree of contact with people with disabilities was also reported. Results indicated that attitudes towards people with deafness were more positive than those towards the other three groups. Attitudes towards persons with paralysis were more positive than towards persons with MR and with delinquent behaviour, except when personality was considered. Emotional reactions and behavioural tendencies towards persons with delinquent behaviour were the most negative. Contact with people with disabilities had significant but low correlations with some aspects of the attitudes towards people with MR and paralysis. In general, the results of this study suggested that deafness was perceived as a physical disability and not as a social phenomenon. They also demonstrated that attitudes towards people with disabilities are a function of the particular disability condition and are multidimensional.  相似文献   


This study has a twofold objective: to analyse and compare the phonological processes in a sample of Spanish children with hearing loss, both with a cochlear implant and with a hearing aid, with a group with normal hearing; and to determine whether there are differences between the participants with a cochlear implant and with a hearing aid in the frequency and nature of the phonological processes. The sample is made up of 168 participants, eight with hearing loss (four with an implant and four with a hearing aid) and 160 with normal hearing. Samples of spontaneous speech were collected and transcribed using the tools from the CHILDES project. For the analysis, the phonological processes paradigm was adopted, evaluating phonological development based on normative error rates. The participants with a hearing loss show slower phonological development in terms of phonological processes, along with atypical processes. Furthermore, the participants with cochlear implants committed more phonological errors than those that wear a hearing aid. The implications of the results are discussed, and it is recommended that auditory stimulation should be done early in children with hearing loss regardless of their technical aid.  相似文献   

商场与战争有其相通的共同特点,以《孙子兵法》的智慧,精神指导商业实践,有如下要点:一、知彼知己,以“知”制胜;二、推陈出新,以“新”制胜;三、谋在人先,以“谋”制胜;四、合纵连横,以“交”制胜;五、奇正相生,以“奇”制胜;六、兵贵神速,以“快”制胜;七、以战养战,以“借”制胜;八、灵活多变,以“变”制胜;九、智勇双全,以“勇”制胜。  相似文献   

金属离子在水溶液中形成配合物的氧化还原稳定性与配合物的组成、结构等有关;配合物的稳定常数可以衡量配合物氧化还原稳定性的大小;金属离子配合物的稳定性在理论和实践中都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

财务会计人员在撰写财务分析报告时容易出现五大问题:一是与企业管理脱节,二是与实际业务脱节,三是与企业整体脱节,四是与动态发展脱节,五是与营销策略脱节。  相似文献   

在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学中,坚持理论与实际、教学与服务、第一课堂与第二课堂、传统教学方式与现代教学手段、普遍教育与个别疏导等相结合,是提高教学针对性和实效性的关键环节。  相似文献   

标准大骨瓣减压术治疗重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
探讨标准大骨瓣减压术在重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝治疗中的应用价值。标准组选择重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝56例,采用标准大骨瓣减压术;常规组选择前期重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝75例,采用常规颞顶部去骨瓣减压术。两组间疗效评分采用伤后半年时GOS评定。结果表明,标准大骨瓣减压术治疗重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝,可改善患者预后,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

小学教师教学效能感与其归因反应模式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以155名小学教师为被试,探讨了不同教学效能感水平的教师对于不同特点学生学业失败后的反应模式。结果表明,在学生考试失败后,高教学效能的教师对于高努力的学生以及学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的奖励,预期学习困难学生在将来更容易失败;低教学效能教师对于高能力学生和学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的惩罚,预期低能力学生耷将来更容易失败。中教学效能教师的反应模式更接近于低教学效能教师。  相似文献   

与时俱进是马克思主义的理论品质,也是毛泽东对待马克思主义的科学态度。毛泽东能够坚持以与时俱进的精神对待马克思主义;以与时俱进的精神发展马克思主义;以与时俱进的精神审视自己的学说。  相似文献   

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