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在俄国的欧洲部分(简称欧俄),村社连同现代化同步进入20世纪,一直存留到苏联农业全盘集体化的1929年.然而,20世纪初期的村社与原始社会末期形成的村社、中世纪的村社以及资本主义时期的村社有着明显的差别:1.连环保被废除;2.新增了环境保护功能;3.农村土地关系发生了重大变化.在帝俄时期,农民继续分化,传统的习惯法准则遭到破坏,村社的封闭性被打破.斯托雷平土地改革后,农村社会生产力发展迅速,村社瓦解与适应的矛盾过程同时存在.  相似文献   

乔治·西维 ( G eorges Sioui)是加拿大萨斯喀彻温省印第安联邦学院学术院长 ,后又当选地址设在温哥华的土著人政治学院院长。西维先生是加拿大北美印第安人第一个获得历史学博士学位的学者。他在《美洲印第安人自述史试编》一书中从美洲印第安人立场出发 ,论述了印第安人的历史、文化传统、生活习惯、精神追求及印第安人同大自然的关系 ,当然也涉及到欧洲人侵略、掠夺及印第安人同欧洲侵略者的关系。总之 ,这是一部印第安人以自述形式讲述本民族历史及道德标准、价值观的书。由于他是第一位从美洲印第安人的价值观出发著述有关土著人类学…  相似文献   

印第安文学从最初的原始状态开始就蕴含着深厚悠远的印第安部落根基,那就是回归模式和文化认同,在不断地受到多元文化的影响过程中印第安文学始终没有摒弃自身的回归模式。同时在此过程中逐渐地与多元文化融合在一起,从转瞬即逝的明显回归,到在多元文化与印第安文学之间的文化桥梁,再到深层次的融合,印第安文学正在这种交融过程中不断地创新、发展。基于此,从最具代表性的印第安文学作品中对多元文化的影响和互相融合进行剖析和探索,旨在深化印第安文学作品中对于本族文化的认知和领悟,实现文化界限真正的突破。  相似文献   

在形成俄罗斯文化深层特征的过程中,农村公社起到了极其重要的作用。俄国的农村公社的存在有上千年的历史,19世纪达到发展的顶峰。农村公社经历了基辅罗斯时期的维尔福、莫斯科公国的黑乡、17世纪的重分型公社,1861年改革后村社发生了较大变化,直到苏联农业集体化,村社的历史才宣告终结。村社既是农民自己的民主组织,又是官方统治农民的基层组织,在社会性质上具有双重性和矛盾性。村社孕育了俄国农民崇拜皇权、集体主义和人道主义的思想观念。  相似文献   

在村社问题上,马克思恩格斯与同时代的民粹派之间有着复杂的思想渊源关系.民粹派尊重人民的主体地位、立足本国国情探索适合自身的发展道路、试图走一条非资本主义道路的思想具有重要的意义,对马克思恩格斯研究俄国村社和探索俄国发展道路产生了一定的影响和启发.但是,民粹派认为俄国可以在村社基础上依靠农民自身的力量直接进入社会主义,这样,就使他们陷入了形而上学和空想当中,无法向前发展.针对民粹派固有的深刻的历史局限性,马克思恩格斯立足于世界历史和无产阶级总体革命,运用唯物辩证法对之进行了科学批判和超越.在具体问题具体分析的基础上,马克思恩格斯提出了一套关于俄国村社和俄国发展道路的科学设想.  相似文献   

北美印第安人对美国英语与文化的形成功不可没。他们对早期的欧洲移民做出了很大的贡献,曾教他们种植农作物,开发森林,捕捉猎物,发展生产等。北美印第安人在帮助欧洲移民度过难关的同时,将自己的土著语汇传授给了他们。从美国英语中的很多地名、农作物及用具、动植物等语汇及其他文化现象,如图腾文化中可以体现出印第安人对美国英语和文化的巨大影响,极大地丰富和充实了美国语言与文化,为美国英语与文化的形成注入了土著民族的力量。  相似文献   

俄国的先民——东斯拉夫人,兴起于东欧平原的广大内陆地区,这里几与海洋隔绝,和外界极少交往。在公元前第一干纪中期,东欧平原南部出现了被称为“leepleb”(维尔夫)的农村公社。公元七世纪后,东欧平原北部则出现了叫作“uup”(米尔)的类似的村社。到九世纪,随着古罗斯国家的形成,leepleb和uup或者被“qswuнa”(公社)所代替,或者都称为uup。这种村社在长期的历史进程中不断发展并日趋完善,因而形成了独具特点的俄罗斯村社制度。如果说,这种村社制度是与落后的封建农奴制相适应的话,那么它与新兴的  相似文献   

张斯琦 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(3):127-128,141
涉及美国文学起源的印第安文学为美国文学作为世界性的"大熔炉"注入了属于自己的成份。印第安因素使得美国文学作品更加多样、作家更加多类以及文化背景更加多元化。试通过对印第安文学的发展历程分析其三个文学历史阶段形成的原因,探讨印第安人、印第安文学对美利坚民族及美国文学尤其是美国小说本土化和独立性所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

加拿大政府与印第安士著民族之间的关系尚未理顺。加拿大政府与印第安士著民族关系的恶化,是由欧洲殖民者对印第安士著人推行的压迫,同化等政策造成的。加拿大政府和印第安人实施的政策有3个演变过程:1.绥靖(与武力交替使用)2.统治;3.同化。加拿大政府与印第安人在能源与其他自然资源开发,印第安人的高犯罪率,高自杀率,印第安人的自治问题等方面存在着程度不同的矛盾。  相似文献   

俄国的先民——东斯拉夫人,兴起于东欧平原的广大内陆地区,这里几与海洋隔绝,和外界极少交往。在公元前第一千纪中期,东欧平原南部出现了被称为“leepleb”(维尔夫)的农村公社。公元七世纪后,东欧平原北部则出现了叫作“uup”(米尔)的类似的村社。到九世纪,随着古罗斯国家的形成,leepleb和uup或者被“qswuHa”(公社)所代替,或者都称为uup。这种村社在长期的历史进程中不断发展并日趋完善,因而形成了独具特点的俄罗斯村社制度。如果说,这种村社制度是与落后的封建农奴制相适应的话,那么它与新兴的资本主义却是格格不入的。  相似文献   

This research investigated the relation between racial categorization and implicit racial bias in majority and minority children. Chinese and Indian 3- to 7-year-olds from Singapore (= 158) categorized Chinese and Indian faces by race and had their implicit and explicit racial biases measured. Majority Chinese children, but not minority Indian children, showed implicit bias favoring own race. Regardless of ethnicity, children's racial categorization performance correlated positively with implicit racial bias. Also, Chinese children, but not Indian children, displayed explicit bias favoring own race. Furthermore, children's explicit bias was unrelated to racial categorization performance and implicit bias. The findings support a perceptual–social linkage in the emergence of implicit racial bias and have implications for designing programs to promote interracial harmony.  相似文献   

How does the University sector identify and support the diverse needs of Indian students? This paper reports on a research project carried out on undergraduate students from India enrolled at a Melbourne‐based University. The focus is the need to understand why Indian students choose an overseas destination for tertiary study. The intent is to explore how the curriculum that they have experienced in their country prepares them for study in another. We examine the expectations of students in relation to studying overseas. The suggestion underlying this paper is that if academic and support staff in tertiary education understand international students in cultural cohorts, then it is more likely that their transition to tertiary education will be easier. We envisage that this may also lead to a greater retention rate for universities.  相似文献   

通过对甘地、森、斯皮瓦克这三位印度血统的学者进行考察,可以看出他们的共同点在于始终关注祖国的未来,同情贫穷人民与弱势群体;出于对西方强权政治和人文主义两方面本质的理解,他们对西方的思考方式和西方知识分子持批判态度。联系亚洲国家的现代化过程中输入西方观念来解决问题的现实话题,印度因素启示我们应该再次重新考虑西方思潮的适用性。  相似文献   

冷战后中印关系发展前景探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战后中印两国在国内国际政治领域、经济领域、安全领域和边界纠纷、西藏问题等传统领域都有了新的合作契机和共同的利益需求。中印关系发展面临着良好势头。在此情况下,中国必须理性看待印度崛起,突出经济交流与合作,加强双方往来,增进理解和信任,从而推动中印关系健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the politics of researching private education with special reference to the Indian context. Due to a recent increase in privatised forms of education globally and recognition of the private sector by governments, international agencies and researchers as a policy and academic interest, this is shifting ground. The evolving nature of the politics of researching the private in the recent past is discussed with reference to research on private school outreach for out-of-school children in India. First the author critically examines the reception of this research when it was conducted in 2000–2003 in relation to the discourse and policy in Indian education at the time. The research is then revisited in the contemporary context in the light of considerable changes in Indian education policy, involving increased public–private partnership. In this new climate private school outreach is reconceptualised – previously considered an educational anomaly, it now has renewed relevance. Finally, findings from the research are drawn on to shed light on emerging concerns about the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act's (2009) requirement for private schools to reserve at least 25% of school places for economically disadvantaged children in their neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

佛教逻辑也称为因明学,是印度逻辑和中国逻辑的重要组成部分.佛教逻辑的产生与古印度的激烈论辩风气紧密相关,与古因明家的学术探索相互促成,正理派的逻辑研究更是功不可没,这三方面的融合便促使佛教逻辑的诞生.  相似文献   

The West Indian child is usually loved by its parents or caretakers, but is frequently subjected to corporal punishment unsuitable to the age and stage of its development and excessive in relation to the alleged offence. The debate on whether the persistent use of what is considered excessive punishment as the means of instilling obedience in children, centres around the parents' African heritage or learned behaviour from the institution of slavery. Socially and economically disadvantaged parents under stress seem to displace their frustrations and anxieties on the children through corporal punishment which often assumes ritualised characteristics. The community in general and the parents in particular need help through appropriate education, to change their attitudes of accepting excessive corporal punishment as the means of imposing discipline upon children.  相似文献   

The aspirations and expectations of the growing international student cohort in Australia are implicitly incorporated into recruitment and internationalization strategies but have received little academic analysis. To address this gap in the literature, this paper develops a conceptual model built upon earlier research by Tim Mazzarol and Geoffrey Soutar, which focuses on the push and pull factors relating to home country and country of destination, respectively, in relation to students' decisions to seek international study. Focusing predominantly on Chinese and Indian students, we conceptualise, extend and place the push and pull factors within a social psychological framework in relation to students' aspirations and expectations of international education, indicating factors that can be influenced by higher education (HE) institutions and their programmes, and those which cannot. We then interrogate the model and its applicability in Australian HE through the case study of an Indian international Study Tour conducted in our Australian HE institution in 2009. In the present context of decreased international student enrolments in Australia in 2010, where we seek to better understand our international students, the proposed model provides a basis for identifying international students' expectations and aspirations and developing prospective international relations.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,印度历届政府顺应世界科技经济发展的潮流,立足本国国情,在总结尼赫鲁工业化道路的弊端及国外工业化经验教训的基础上,探索了一条新工业化道路。其特色是促使印度经济的私有化和市场化,推进印度经济的全球化,大力发展软件等信息化产业。  相似文献   

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