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高校心理危机干预工作的思考与尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立有效的心理危机干预机制,是高校心理健康教育当中不可或缺的重要环节。根据心理危机的树理论,高校心理教育工作者要充分结合时代特点,借助思想政治教育的力量,将理想和价值观的教育放在心理健康教育的首位,注重通过互联网渠道开展预防性、治疗性、补救性三者相结合的干预方法,对于有效地处理危机事件,提升高校学生群体的心理健康水平具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于预防性心理危机干预的研究生顾问制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出建立基于预防性心理危机干预机制的研究生顾问制度,由博士生或高年级硕士研究生担任研究生新生的顾问,帮助他们克服困难,避免心理危机的产生。讨论了建立基于预防性心理危机干预机制的研究生顾问制度的必要性和可行性,并提出了研究生顾问制度的实施方案。  相似文献   

通过对多校区大学学生心理危机特征的分析,提出了以预防性干预为主的多校区心理危机预防机制,通过建构多校区大学学生心理危机预警和干预系统,全面、有效地预防和干预学生心理危机的发生,促进学生心理健康的发展。  相似文献   

文章通过对多校区大学诱发学生心理危机主要因素的分析,认为建构以预防性干预为主的多校区大学学生心理危机干预机制能够有效地全面预防和干预学生心理危机,促进学生心理健康发展。  相似文献   

大学生自杀事件频发,折射出大学生心理危机严重。大学生自杀不是单纯的个体行为,而是社会问题。学业压力、情感纠葛、人际危机、就业压力、悲观厌世等是大学生自杀的主要诱因。心境障碍是大学生自杀的心理学分析。学校应在大学生心理危机和自杀预防过程中发挥主体地位和主导作用。按照大学生心理危机与自杀危机所处的时期,学校危机干预包括心理危机的普适性干预、自杀危机前的预防性干预、自杀危机当下的过程性干预和自杀危机后的维护性干预等阶段,各阶段有不同的任务和要求。  相似文献   

社会群体及个体对社会政治、经济、文化生活中的重大变化有心理承受问题和社会适应问题。如果社会变化带来的心理压力加大。超过了群体和个体的心理承受能力,就会产生心理危机。因此加强大学心理危机预警与干预,需要对大学全员进行心理健康及心理保健教育,增强预防危机的意识,研究危机形成的机制,建立预警指标体系,完善心理危机预警与干预的组织结构。  相似文献   

大学生心理危机已经引起社会的普遍关注,并成为影响大学生成才和高校稳定的因素之一.由于我国对大学生心理危机干预的研究起步晚,许多高校尤其是高职院校尚未建立大学生心理危机预防与干预的专门机构,体系建设不够完善.因此建立长效的干预机制,构建预防性干预、预警性干预、建立和完兽大学生社会支持系统、危机干预信息网络系统,是有效进行大学生心理危机干预的关键.  相似文献   

社会群体及个体对社会政治、经济、化生活中的重大变化有心理承受问题和社会适应问题。如果社会变化带来的心理压力加大.超过了群体和个体的心理承受能力.就会产生心理危机。因此加强大学心理危机预警与干预,需要对大学全员进行心理健康及心理保健教育,增强预防危机的意识,研究危机形成的机制,建立预警指标体系,完善心理危机预警与干预的组织结构。  相似文献   

本文针对重大灾难后灾民心理的特点、表现以及影响个体心理危机反应的因素,阐述心理危机干预在灾后重建中的意义,提出心理危机干预机制的构建措施及有效实施灾后心理危机干预、缓解灾民心理压力和创伤的对策。  相似文献   

针对大学生心理危机事件频繁发生的现状,高校应通过建立心理危机事件处置综合应急响应机制,加强大学生心理危机的预防性干预,提高大学生心理健康教育课的教学效果,强化日常心理健康教育等途径妥善应对,以促进大学生健康成长。  相似文献   

美国校园危机干预模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国校园危机干预模式是近20年来以预防理论为指导建构的一套干预工作框架。该模式将学校看成一个整体,强调学校要建立校园危机团队,明确学校咨询员的角色,制定全面的危机管理计划,提供结构化的程序和安全环境来解决青少年和学校教职员工重大的丧失与危机。这种模式未来将向系统化、网络化方向发展,以建立校园危机干预的长效机制,代表着学校危机干预的发展方向,对我国学校危机干预具有启发意义。  相似文献   

Current debate on educational reform and on delivery of special education services has neglected the area of prevention. In a highly stressed service delivery system, preventive services demand consideration as a viable alternative to current service delivery models. While not replacing remedial programs, prevention would greatly expand the scope of services offered and lower stress on remedial programs. In turn, remedial programs could address children with more extreme needs instead of being the only alternative available to regular classroom placement.  相似文献   

This paper presents the key guidance policy andpractice in Hong Kong schools. Initially, guidanceservices were reactive and remedial, aimed mainly atproblem students. Appraisal of the negative effects ofthe individual casework model led to a change to 'awhole school approach' to guidance. The focus ofguidance at the school level changed concomitantlyfrom remediation to prevention. This paper alsodiscusses the future development of the schoolguidance system in Hong Kong, specifically in the areaof developmental guidance. On the conceptual level, aclear distinction between remedial, preventive anddevelopmental guidance is needed. On the level ofpractice, the need is for the development of a wholeschool policy, a developmental guidance curriculum,and a clarification of the connection betweenguidance and discipline.  相似文献   

The acquaintance of the importance of cognitive tools for adaptation to our technological society that has a high degree of complexity joined to the important development of cognitive theories (from Piaget to information processing) has giving birth to an important streem of works that try to verify the influence of different forms of intervention on cognitive performance and develop a conception of cognitive education. Most works have focused on re-education methods, that means on methods intended for subjects presenting difficulties or backwardness in their cognitive functioning and being in different situations of failure. But, we must realize the importance, for all individuals, of developing to the highest degree their cognitive education at school intended to every body. This cognitive education must be preventive as much as remedial. In this article we describe what we think are the principles underlying that kind of cognitive education. These principles are not necessarily different from those underlying cognitive re-education but their importance and their applicability vary a lot in the two contexts.  相似文献   

This article seeks to analyse and draft an ethical framework of governance in the area of higher education and science. To this end, a distinction is made between ethical challenges as such, and preventive measures and remedies. An outline of ethical challenges to both higher education and science and governance is provided, addressing the quest for knowledge; conflicts with dignity and violations of academic equality; and failures in policing, responsiveness, and the balancing of aspirations. This outline is followed by proposed remedial or preventive ethical frameworks of governance, namely the cultural integration of governance and ethics, and the management of ethics and risk prevention.  相似文献   

企业在发展过程中,难免会遇到一些危及组织利益、形象、生存的突发性或灾难性的事故。企业的危机公关管理要求企业积极实施危机公关预防、危机公关控制等一系列措施,保证企业有效应对危机。文章介绍了企业危机公关的内涵,探讨了企业应对危机公关的原则,提出了企业应对危机公关的策略。  相似文献   

踝关节损伤是武术套路运动中发生率较高的运动损伤之一.文章通过运用运动生理学、训练学等原理结合武术运动的特点,对造成踝关节损伤的原因进行分析论述,提出相应的防治措施,为预防和减少踝关节运动损伤的发生,提高运动员技术水平提供参考.  相似文献   

没有救济的权利,公民权只能是光鲜的一纸具文。在刑事诉讼法中既规定有侦查机关调查证据、查获犯罪嫌疑人的权力装置,也有防止国家刑事侦查权被滥用,防止公民权利被侵害的装置。在现实中,由于对前者的规定缺乏有效的监督制约机制,没有建立起侦查权力违法的制裁机制,而后者的权利规定中,不少又只具有原则性、概括性或宣誓意义,当犯罪嫌疑人的权利受到损害时,往往是救济无门,造成了在侦查阶段权利和权力的失衡状态。要扭转这一状况,必须完善侦查权利救济权的立法机制,切实保障犯罪嫌疑人在侦查阶段的救济权。要建构司法中心主义下的侦查权利救济制度和人身保护令制度,确立特殊救济措施——人身保护令制度。  相似文献   

Education and training play major roles in the lives of older adults. They serve preventive, facilitative, remedial, and preparatory functions. In this paper we present demographic changes related to education, outline motives and educational needs of older adults, examine the role of education in reducing the decline in mental functioning, discuss the need to engage underserved segments of the population, and offer suggestions for designing educational programs for older adults.  相似文献   

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