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1.立春the Beglnlling of SPring2.雨水Rain Water3.惊蛰the认/a king of Insects4.春分the SPring Equinox5·清明Pure Brightness6.谷雨Grain Rain7.立夏the Beginning of Summer8.小满Lesser Fullness of Grain9.芒种Grain in Beard10夏至the Sulnlller Solstiee11.小暑LesserHeat12.大暑Greater Heat13.立秋the Beginning ofAutumn14.处暑the End ofHeat15.白露White Dew16.秋分the Autumn Equinox17.寒露ColdDew18.霜降Frost,5 Descent19.立冬the Beginning ofwinter20.小雪Lesser Snow21.大雪Greater Snow22.冬至th…  相似文献   

Spring is gay with flower and song.Summer is hot and days are long.Autumn is rich with fruit and grain.Winter snows and brings new year again.春天鸟语花香,夏季天热日长,秋是丰收季节,冬雪降迎新年。(刘晓丹)  相似文献   

Fun Time EASTER     
HaPPy Easter! 复活节快乐! Easter usually falls in Mareh or APril. 复活节通常是在每年的三月或者四月。 Always in the sPring· 通常是在春季。 Easter 15 the份st Sunday after the first full moon in SPring. 复活节是每年春天第一个满月后的第一个星期日. A lot ofAmerieansgotoehurchonEaster Sunday,and bring Easter lilies like these to ehurch with them. 美国人在复活节时去教堂礼拜,还带着像这 样的百合花。 The week before Easter,allfamilies gather together and dye Easter eggs like these. 复活节前的一…  相似文献   

1Papa,Mama,Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend.There is a house for them to stay in.爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和妹妹周末去海边度假。那有一所房子供他们居住。2"Let’s put on swimming suits and go into the water!"says Brother."Wait,we must clean up,room by room!"says Mama."我们穿上泳衣下水吧!"哥哥说。"等等,我们必须要先把每个房间收拾一下",妈妈说。  相似文献   

犷、 ,;对未来寄托 飞· ‘洲书一‘ O ‘一.一刁 ,.What,sjenny,sfavourite饱stival? 窄犷 盛 摊彝 A .Thanksgiving B .Mid一Autumn Day C .SPring Festival 2.When 15 it this yea价 、或 食 令 A .January B .February C .MarCh 口. 暴 三、大家一定都淋过雨,淋雨也别  相似文献   

大海海是妈妈,浪花是我。妈妈时刻把我举得高高。把我举得再高也没有离开妈妈的怀抱。  相似文献   

SPring,the swe以SPring,15 the卯ar’5 Pleasant king; Then blooms eaeh thing,then maids danee in a ring,Cokl doth not sting,the Pre询birds do sing,Cuekoo,iug一姐,Pu-昵,to一诚tta胡00!春天,甜蜜的春天,一年中欢乐的国王;春光中万物昌盛,春光中少女们团团起舞寒冷不再贬骨,美丽的鸟儿处处啼唱,咕咕,喳一喳,卜一威,嘟一威嗒一握! The Palm and ma夕make eountw houses ga夕,Lambs frisk and PI即,the shePherds PIPe alld即,And we hear即e birds tune this mer即la夕,Cuekoo,iug一ug,Pu一e,to一幼tta一woo!棕搁树和山碴花把乡村房舍点缀得喜气洋洋小羔羊活蹦乱跳,牧羊人整日借笛声袅袅,我们时时听到鸟儿唱起快乐的曲调,咕咕,喳一喳,卜一威,嘟一威嗒一呢! The fields breathe绷e以,the daisies kiss our f...  相似文献   

牙痛一马吉姆:那颗牙还痛吗?如果那颗牙是我的,我就请人把它拔掉。汤姆:如果那颗是你的,我也会这么做。T00thaChe J俪:15 that tooth still aehing? I’d have that tooth out if it were Inlne. Tom:50 would 1 if it were yours·TWO Anims}S万只动物T即he亡Here are two animals,one 15 a dog,and the other 15 woif. Now who ean tell us whieh 15 whieh? Shiden七1 eannot point out butl know the answer.及朋h既Please tell us. Student:The dog 15 beside the wolf and the wo任15 beside thed()9.老师:这儿有两只动物…  相似文献   

孟郊 《考试》2005,(11)
ha卜卜卜冬以沙 慈母手中线, 游子身上农。 临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心, 报得兰一春晖。 一诊.--·班 今卜卜 ,一卜、卜 又 A thread 15 in my fond mother’s hand moving. FOr卜er son to wear the clothes (3~ U ere leaving. With her whole.he盆rtshe’, sewlngands侧i吧. 凡r fearl’Ue’er be rov加9 and」 、卜l二扮-﹄ roving· Wlio says thelitile soul of脚s。 wavxng· Could for the sunof即ring· walmth repay the,游子吟@孟郊~~…  相似文献   

Oh脚u,sweet SPring,alighr力’O m cherub’5 wi儿g, And Put the ugly winter血llto血ht,’ And rouse the ea滋to smile,andla由to sin乡 下价功skies sobrighrand hea心ofyouth 50 light. YOu产gentle and genial breaths eatch bIOssom blow, 下W己ile bees in gard七ns hun王rhe lullabies. The hills and dales arest矛-iI少’dof,na ntles ofsn。讹 And strea,ns ar:d rivers户-e edfrom irons of iee. 材勿season:allth“SPring tho pride ofyears, That all the things woulde’er in glories glean:! But men b…  相似文献   

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