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本研究采用质的研究方法,探讨了小学教师对学生注意问题的内隐认识和采取的教育策略。研究发现:学生的注意问题在小学阶段是一个很普遍而且使教师十分困扰的问题;教师的认识既有合理之处也有非科学认识参与其中;教师的策略反映了一定的因材施教能力,同时表现出小学教师教育技能亟待提高的现状;有些教师对"多动症"的估计超过在儿童群体中大约5%的ADHD儿童的平均水平;学校环境中,"班容量"是一个影响教师对学生注意问题准确认识不容忽视的因素。  相似文献   

Relationships between teachers' biographical experiences and their beliefs and practices have become central concerns in the area of teacher life history and teacher socialization research. Unfortunately, few teachers from cultural minority backgrounds have been included in this research. In the present study, the life and career narratives of two Chicana teachers are examined in order to identify the influences of biographical experiences on how they define their teacher role identity. In recognition of and building from the narrative form of the written and interview data from which the life and career narratives are constructed, teacher role identity is defined as a narratively constructed self-image that presents an identity-in-action in which teachers' competence to act is demonstrated through their actions across various occupational challenges and demands. The competence to act is the product of teachers' biographical experiences and is based on the appropriation of family values through which the case study teachers make connections between their family socialization and their current professional educator role.  相似文献   

中小学教师是基础教育课程改革的实践者和主导力量,必须具有完善的"教什么"和"怎么教"的知识结构.高师教师教育要培养适应基础教育需要的新型师资,必须大力推进课程结构改革,构建由普通教育课程、学科专业课程、教育理论课程和教育实践课程构成的课程结构,以促进基础教育改革走向深入并取得实质性成效.  相似文献   

How, when, and where do teachers learn to teach? Guided by this question, this article examines the relationships between teachers' living and teaching experiences. Through narrative inquiry, it stories “curricular currents” of three teachers from different teaching contexts, noting the continuity, interaction, and place of the experiences that comprise these currents. It argues that these teachers have learned to teach through their “living curricula,” across all times and places of their lives, not just classroom moments. It concludes by charging teacher education to attend closely to teachers' exploration and analysis of their lives' experiences, in and out of classrooms.  相似文献   

农村教师的专业性,主要指他们具有指导农村学生个性发展与生命成长的"临床"经验,这是他们区别于其它职业,区别于城市教师的地方。这种具有个性化和缄默特征的知识是在特定的教育活动中构建,这种专业能力只可能在农村教育实践中形成,不是任何人读几本书就能获得的。农村教师完全可以凭着自己的专业能力赢得社会的承认与尊重。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The purpose of this study was to use a validated instrument to determine the attitudes and knowledge of high school teachers regarding food irradiation, and to determine the correlations among their knowledge and attitudes and certain demographic variables. Knowledge and attitudes about food irradiation were measured in selected high school family and consumer sciences teachers ( n = 121) who taught Food and Nutrition, Food Science and Technology, and/or Food Production Management and Services, via a 24-item instrument with 6 factors. Results revealed these teachers held neutral to positive attitudes about the safety of irradiated foods, their perception of the risk of foodborne illness, and learning about food irradiation, and neutral to negative perceptions of their understanding of food irradiation and their competence to teach about it. These teachers had a moderate knowledge base regarding food irradiation. Teachers' attitudes regarding the safety of food irradiation were positively correlated with their perceived understanding of food irradiation, actual knowledge of it, and competence to teach about it. Their perceived understanding of food irradiation was positively correlated with competence to teach about it, knowledge, and attitudes toward the safety of food irradiation. The only demographic variable correlated with knowledge or attitudes was teachers' previous food irradiation educational experiences. These data suggest the importance of education for family and consumer sciences teachers concerning food irradiation.  相似文献   

本从心理学、教育学、计算机科学技术等方面综合阐述了在信息时代教师作用的转变:教授型一指导型。指出为了实现这一转变,教师在《高等数学》教学活动过程中应该注重大学生的思维特点,因材施教,培养学生通过顿悟学习获取知识,纠正学生易犯的错误,并在教学中充分利用现代教育技术,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

This paper reports the experiences of teachers involved in a novel retraining scheme designed to meet a short-term crisis in numbers of teachers of physics. Teachers trained in other subject areas underwent an intensive six-month training in physics and were then placed in schools. During the first year of teaching some support for ongoing learning in science was provided. A study of these teachers' experiences found they lacked content knowledge in areas of the curriculum other than physics and were unprepared for the reality of the science classroom. Their existing classroom management skills were of only limited value in the new context. For those graduates who were supported by experienced staff in schools, the transition to science teaching was hard but ultimately worthwhile. For some, whose qualifications to teach science were never accepted by their peers, retraining was a bitter experience.  相似文献   

Conclusion In conclusion, as early childhood teachers prepare to meet the “unknown” —mainstreaming—the early childhood community has an excellent opportunity to benefit from both past experiences and the research literature on mainstreaming and teacher change. This work suggests that teachers' feelings and attitudes about mainstreaming must be addressed in dynamic relation to their needs for information and skills as these change over time. Teachers, directors, and teacher educators need help in understanding that teachers' development and the development of the children they teach are inextricably linked. While these concepts have been explored previously, it is imperative that practitioners at all levels recognize their relevance at this critical juncture in the implementation of P.L. 99–457 and consider new and creative ways to translate them into practice. I feel... not just that I couldn't cope with it... but emotionally I don't think I could... Emotionally I think I would have a hard time, you know, going home and feeling good about myself when I know that there's this child [with disabilities in my classroom].  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the phenomenon of “shattered images” in the learning to teach process. For our presentation and discussion we draw on: reflective accounts of preservice teachers written prior to, during, and following periods of field experience; our experiences as teachers and teacher educators; and, on our own and other research on teacher education and development, particularly on our ongoing work which focuses on field experiences. We highlight and examine some of the discrepancies between preservice teachers' expectations and experiences, identify and discuss circumstances contributing to the discrepancies, and consider ways in which such inconsistencies might be taken into account in order to develop and maintain productive preservice teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

如何补充乡村教师、吸引优秀人才到乡村学校任教是一个国际社会共同关注的问题.世界上一些国家采取的主要补充策略有:利用经济激励,增强招募优势;培养当地人才,保障定向就业;注重乡村体验,完善职前培养;关注职业发展,注重情感激励;吸纳其他人员,转入教师行业.借鉴国际经验,在我国乡村教师补充中,还需优化经济激励,提高激励有效性;明晰对象和内容,实现培养专门化;选拔优秀学生,注重职后发展;调动多方力量,共担补充责任.  相似文献   

教师职业倦怠及对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教师在其职业成长过程中,由于种种原因导致了职业倦怠。教师的职业倦怠严重影响了其正常水平的发挥及学生学习的效果。增强教师对教育职业的认识,贯彻教师职业的专门化,提高教师职业声望,扩大教师专业自主权对于消除教师的职业倦怠,增进教育效能具有重要作用。  相似文献   

教师及其成长研究:回顾与前瞻   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
国内外学者对教师及其成长的研究,主要围绕着教师职业发展、教师心理、教师角色、教师素质、教师教育等问题进行探讨,取得了一定成果,但缺乏从纵向的角度对教师成长过程进行全面考察和研究。未来的研究走向将对教师的信念、知识和行为的形成过程进行系统的理论探讨和实证研究。  相似文献   

当代信息技术发展对教师的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向欣 《职业技术教育》2004,25(31):59-60
现代社会信息来源的多元化对教师提出了严峻的挑战,使得教师的职能、教学方式和社会角色都发生了变化,也对教师提出了更高的要求.对此,教师必须掌握现代教育技术,并熟练地运用现代教育技术进行教学.  相似文献   

评价是一种调节和控制被评价者行为的方式,是评价双方精神交往的过程。因此在日常教学中对教师应进行科学的、有发展性的评价,并把教师对学生的评价纳入对教师评价的内容之中,以促进教师评价艺术的提高。对教师的评价引导着教师的发展方向,而如果不关注教师对学生的评价,就无法确知教师评价行为的优劣并改正当前教师对学生的错误评价和危害性评价。  相似文献   

Conclusions Beginning student teachers have already acquired very definite views about teaching science before they begin their teacher training course. These views are generally similar to the views espoused by science educators, but are contrary to the classroom practices of many teachers. Their views seem to have origins in what the students perceive to have been meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences for themselves in their own schooling; and to a lesser extent for children they have observed. Female students who have studied more science at high school tend to favour the use of worksheets in experimental work. Several interesting questions arise from these findings: When these students begin to teach as qualified teachers, will they still espouse the same opinions? If so, does that mean that there is a ‘new wave’ of teachers entering the service who are more committed to hands-on activity work than their older colleagues? If not, what aspects of the teacher training process have caused them to change their opinions? Will these present students be using hands-on strategies themselves after they have been teaching for some time? That is, do system and school constraints effectively prevent teachers from using such strategies? Can secondary science teachers do more to influence positively their students' opinions about teaching science, such as engendering more positive attitudes to science, incorporating more hands-on work, and relying less on printed worksheets in laboratory work? This exploratory work has highlighted the concern expressed by Morrissey (1981) in that there is a great need for long term longitudinal studies of student teachers' attitudes to teaching science, with a particular focus on their teaching behaviours after graduation.  相似文献   

Many mathematics educators have found thatprospective elementary school teachers' beliefsinterfere with their learning of mathematics.Often teacher educators consider these beliefsto be wrong or naïve and seek to challengethem so prospective teachers will reject themfor more generative beliefs. Because of theresilience of prospective teachers' beliefs inresponse to these challenges, teacher educatorscould consider alternative ways of thinkingabout and addressing beliefs, particularly thepotential of building on rather than tearingdown pre-existing beliefs. Data from anearly-field experience linked to amathematics-for-teachers course provideevidence that when prospective teachers workintimately with children, in this case tryingto teach 10-year-olds about fractions, theexperience has the intensity from which beliefscan grow. Most of the prospective teachers inthe study were surprised that mathematicsteaching was more difficult than they hadanticipated. They began to consider theimportance of providing children time to thinkwhen solving mathematical problems. The changedescribed in the study is incremental ratherthan monumental, suggesting that building uponprospective teachers' existing beliefs will bea gradual process.  相似文献   

This article reports the influence of school-integrated teacher education (SITE) courses on student teachers' initial experiences of learning how to teach. We analyse data from five student teachers who reflect back on their experiences of learning to teach through the integrated teaching and learning experiences of SITE courses. The article presents their collective voices in poetic form to capture how they articulated their growth as teachers and their subsequent confidence in the role of teacher. We report insights into how the poem influenced 28 beginning student teachers upon entering SITE courses in their teacher education program. We analyze how this poetic representation of research findings enabled a self-study process to develop for the participants and how the poem passed on a theory of teacher development that reassures and prepares the student teachers who follow.  相似文献   

This is a qualitative study to determine changes in the motivation of senior student teachers to teach (at the elementary, early childhood, and secondary levels) in an urban setting during the student teaching internship in an urban public school. Emerging themes include roles of classroom teachers, discouragement from tenured teachers, school bureaucracy, views of students, relationships with cooperating teachers, candidates' views about subject matter, and their views about themselves. The findings indicate that motivation to teach changed during student teaching. This cohorts' experiences strengthened their confidence and commitment to teach in culturally diverse urban public schools rather than discouraging them. This research supports a contextual approach to understanding motivation and challenges educators to reflect on several issues of preservice training as well as collaboration with teacher practitioners. With a knowledge of what attracts teachers to the occupation and an understanding of how that attraction is influenced by field experiences in urban schools, programs which prepare teachers may be better able to educate teachers who want to teach in urban schools and can perform successfully in that setting.  相似文献   

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