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高等教育市场化:趋势、问题与前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育市场化正逐渐成为国际性的趋势,市场的力量如何改变着高等教育形态,其背景是什么,将发展到怎样的程度,结果又是什么,这些都是高等教育研究必须回答的。本文首先简要论述了高等教育发展史上国家和市场的关系,然后分类讨论了高等教育市场中的多种力量,以及随着市场化而产生的主要问题。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代初,日本加快了南下步伐。为了应付日益严重的远东局势,英美都在调整对日政策。这一阶段两国对日政策呈现出以下三个相似之处:两国都坚持策略性对日妥协政策;两国都不想过早地卷入对日战争;两国的对日政策中都存在一个由软弱转向强硬的过程。形成这种情况的原因是多方面的,但英美的国家利益和国家战略是其中最重要的两个因素。  相似文献   

英美澳英语差异性漫谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语已经发展成为世界性语言,并在经济、文化、科技、教育等领域得到广泛运用.英语分支众多,口音多样,带有明显的地域性特征.在众多的分支中,目前最有影响力的是英式英语和美式英语.英式英语与美式英语的地域性差异主要表现在单词拼法、单词发音、日期与数字的表达、称呼与客套语的表达、习惯用语等方面;澳大利亚英语从英式英语发展而来,是一种变体,在语用学、语法、语音、词汇四个方面与英式英语存在着明显差异.  相似文献   

The present characteristics of Chilean engineering education are described together with conditions that are pressing for important changes. The effects of national economic development are stressed, which demands new professional skills and attitudes. Some features of the engineering programmes that originated several decades ago are highlighted, in that they suggest a need for major surgery in both the macroconception and course design. Some lines of international cooperation that may help to achieve and interchange useful approaches for solving some of the problems identified are suggested. These problems seem to be common to many countries facing industrial competitiveness.  相似文献   

In the contemporary culture of accountability and the 'economy' of education this generates, pragmatism, as a philosophy for ordinary practice, needs to resist the totalising force of an ideology of practice, one that distracts us from the rich qualities of daily experience. In response to this need, and in mobilising Dewey's pragmatism, this paper introduces another standpoint in American philosophy: Stanley Cavell's account of the economy of living in Thoreau's Walden. By discussing some aspects of Cavell's The Senses of Walden that suggest both apparent similarities and radical differences between Thoreau and Dewey, I shall argue that Cavell discovers rich dimensions of practice in Thoreau's American philosophy, ones that are overshadowed in Dewey's pragmatism: that he demonstrates another way of 'making a difference in practice'. Cavell, as a critical interlocutor of Dewey, from within American philosophy, offers a way of using language in resistance to the rhetoric of accountability and in service to the creation of democracy as a way of life. I shall conclude by suggesting that the enriched tradition of American philosophy from Dewey to Cavell is to be found in their promotion of philosophy as education and education as philosophy.  相似文献   

20世纪50-70年代,英美教育哲学的主流是“分析教育哲学”。分析教育哲学在50年代异军突起,60年代盛极一时,70年代日渐式微。分析教育哲学与分析哲学存在“血缘”关系:分析教育哲学的特征与分析哲学在教育领域中的运用息息相关,分析教育哲学遭受诟病与分析哲学受到批评息息相关,分析教育哲学的涨落与分析哲学的兴衰势呈呼应。这种“血缘”关系是影响分析教育哲学涨落的一个重要因素。分析教育哲学之潮在教育哲学领域涌过之后,并非遗产全无。分析教育哲学或改头换面,或新瓶旧酒,对现代教育哲学产生潜移默化的影响。  相似文献   

Recent trends in early childhood teacher education in Zimbabwe are reviewed in the context of overall teacher reform. Social tensions which stem from the current system of early education and care are described, together with a survey of beliefs regarding early education held by parents, teachers, and primary school headmasters. The results point to the diversity of meanings attached to early education in Zimbabwe, and the challenge this poses for parents, teachers, and policy makers in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

Recent trends in early childhood teacher education in Zimbabwe are reviewed in the context of overall teacher reform. Social tensions which stem from the current system of early education and care are described, together with a survey of beliefs regarding early education held by parents, teachers, and primary school headmasters. The results point to the diversity of meanings attached to early education in Zimbabwe, and the challenge this poses for parents, teachers, and policy makers in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

Interest in emotional, social, and moral (ESM) concerns in K—12 education in North America has grown considerably during the past decade. This increased concern is considered a response to the increased prevalence of social problems experienced by children and youth, such as bullying, substance abuse, and depression, and to research indicating that schools can influence the likelihood of students having these types of problems (Schonert-Reichl 2000). Research and theory in psychology which suggests that emotional development is an essential foundation of cognitive development and, therefore, is related to academic achievement also has contributed to this expanded interest (Martin and Reigeluth 1999). A variety of names, including affective education, social and emotional learning, values education, character education, caring education, and moral education, have been used in discussing ESM. Despite the prevalent use of these terms in the literature, the school programs that actually have been implemented under these various auspices are discussed rarely. Further, little, if any, research has explored the relative effectiveness of various approaches. Through a review of the literature, this article provides an overview of the history of ESM education in North America. It also outlines the spectrum of contemporary approaches to ESM education and explores the similarities and differences of these approaches, making suggestions for further theoretical and empirical work.  相似文献   

英国高等教育理念对我国高等教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国高等教育的基本办学理念就是高等教育的国际化.英国高校的教师的教育理念和教学方法有别于其它国家.在教育教学活动中,以人为本,以学生为中心,注重人的全面发展和个人多样性才能的发挥,注重培养学生自主学习能力和终身学习能力,培养学生批判性思维.英国的高等教育理念对我国高等教育有许多有益的启示,我国高校要开放办学,教师要不断学习新的教育教学理念和方法;教学要以纲为本而不是以教材为本;对学生的评价要实行多元化.强调过程评价与终结评价的结合等.  相似文献   


Tensions between schools and the outside world have often arisen out of the lack of contiguity between the aims of child‐centred education and the demands of society on education. Technology now offers the opportunity for neutralising these tensions; it is argued that technology confers on individuals more autonomy and reduces the power of the large organisation by exposing the weaknesses inherent in its structure; as society becomes more individual‐centred the logic of child‐centred education will become more clearly apparent. Yet education in its perception of the effects of technological change is short‐sighted and its response is marked by a kind of stereotypy. Some reasons for education's difficulties in understanding the effects of technological change are advanced while some developments in schools are identified as positive reflections of technologically‐induced change. It is suggested that recognition and understanding of the processes underlying these developments is necessary if we are to promote the benefits to be derived from the new changes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the criticisms made of multicultural education and argues, with some reference to American experience, that the possibility exists of exploiting such a focus to raise important issues of racism and inequality. It is argued that the crucial test of multicultural education will come with the fight to see it as relevant to the training of all teachers. Teachers ought to be trained in suck a way that they understand the complexity of the society in which they will teach in order to counteract the tendency to reduce educational, social, political and economic problems to a matter of cultural differences and deficiencies.  相似文献   

当前美国研究型大学通识教育课程改革:背景·困难·趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔令帅 《教育科学》2007,23(6):82-86
从20世纪90年代以来,美国研究型大学进行了较大规模的通识教育课程改革。改革是在特定背景下进行的。尽管改革取得了很大进展,但也存在一些困难。同时,美国研究型大学通识教育课程也有着一些共同的发展趋势。  相似文献   

对唐君毅哲学进行教育哲学的考察有着现实的可能性和必要性。唐君毅认为,教育哲学是哲学在教育领域的具体运用,它包含教育知识论、教育存在论和教育价值论三个部分。在唐君毅看来,教育是世界(或"境界")的一部分,其本质是自我与外界(包括他人)感通的产物;而现实的教育现象的发生,则根源于人的教育意识。唐君毅认为,解决时代问题需要个体理想人格的培养,这是理想教育应该达成的目标,也是哲学的主要功能。在现代新儒家当中,唐君毅较早认识到了作为专门学术领域的教育哲学的独立性,他在教育存在论和教育认识论方面的诸多观点也颇有特色。  相似文献   

美国国家教育质量奖在美国得到了广泛的关注与应用。作为学校进行质量管理和评估的较为完善的标准,《绩效优异教育标准》的核心理念、价值以及绩效模型,提供了一套评估和改进学校绩效的质量管理框架。这一标准的综合性、系统化发展反映了美国学校质量管理观的变化趋势。  相似文献   

The article is an essay on Naoko Saito's recently published book American Philosophy in Translation. We attempt to draw out the central argument of the book as it moves through its eight chapters. The author finds that American philosophy, which she takes to be rooted in pragmatism, whilst it owes much to Dewey, needs to be reconstructed in order to meet contemporary political challenges, with their implications for political education. She asks questions such as what is the place of the tragic sense of life in philosophical thought? What is a philosophy of affirmation and chance? How are we to understand the significance of the untranslatable? What are these connections between transcendence, translation and transformation? More specifically, how are we to understand the distinction between philosophy in translation and philosophy as translation? And how does all this offer us new ways of thinking about the current state of democracy, political education and education more generally? One specific suggestion is that an education in foreign language can be transformative in terms of political education. The article concludes that Saito's project throws up some important ideas that are pertinent to our times. We question the central idea regarding language education, whilst we welcome this scholarly volume.  相似文献   

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