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迈向21世纪的我省公共图书馆需要的缩微技术,而缩微文献信息的开发与利用又离不开数字技术,在信息资源被人们高度重视的今天,如何发挥两者各自的长处,做到优势互补,使我省公共图书馆在未来的信息社会中发挥重要作用,文章作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

李哲  傅涛 《北京档案》2011,(3):39-40
本文简要回顾了第四军医大学西京医院病历档案缩微和数字化加工与现代化管理的简要历程,探讨了病案缩微数字一体化技术在病案管理中的应用与特点,提出了病历档案管理的基本思路与实现方法。  相似文献   

缩微技术在应用过程中,逐步趋于成熟和稳定。供助这项技术,图书馆、档案馆以及情报系统的历史文献和档案资料得以复生和延纬。随着数字技术的迅猛发展,缩微技术在文献、档案领域中的优势是否还能延续?是否会被数字技术所取代?从目前看,由于数字技术的安全问题一直没有得到彻底解决,利用计算机技术和光盘技术长期保存历史信息还没有绝对的把握,因此,在计算机安全问题没有得到彻底解决之前,数字技术现在还难以代替缩微技术。而缩微技术不供助数字技术也难以适应现代社会的需求,只有将二者有机地结合起来,才能赋予缩微技术新的生命。  相似文献   

缩微数字一体化技术是一种将缩微技术和数字影像技术合二为一,通过一个按键,一次完成两份影像(即缩微影像和数字影像)采集的创新型拍摄技术。这一加工技术,突破传统单一加工手段的束缚,是一种符合整体目标、综合效益的加工方式,具有很多鲜明的特性。  相似文献   

将纸质档案进行缩微拍摄和数字化,是解决档案信息长期安全保存和快速有效利用的主要途径。缩微拍摄和数字化两种技术优势互补,不可相互替代,这两项工作也将在档案管理工作中长期开展。将数量庞大的纸质档案分别进行拍摄和数字化,既耗费了大量的人力、物力资源,又对纸质档案进行了二次调用,甚至二次损害,急需新的技术和管理模式对这一局面进行改善。档案缩微数字一体化技术是解决这一问题的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

通过纸本、缩微胶片、数字文档三位一体的文献保护模式,促进三种形态间的良性循环以实现文献保护全覆盖,是目前最为理想的文献保护策略。推进缩微技术在文献保存保护中的实际应用,应采取数转模技术与传统拍摄两条路线并行的策略,构建两条技术路线的潜在平衡,进而实现文献缩微保护工作的全面性与层次性。  相似文献   

缩微技术在国内外病案管理中的应用与发展浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

侯健 《图书馆学刊》1993,15(1):57-58
缩微技术的应用和计算机的应用,已成为现代化图书馆的两大标志。缩微文献发展速度极快,它以崭新的面貌出现在书店,出现在图书馆,出现在读者面前。那么,缩微文献有哪些特点,如何去开发利用它呢:笔者试图就此谈一些个人的浅见。一、缩微文献的产生缩微文献是现代科学技术成果直接应用于知识的记录、存贮与传播手段中的结果。缩微技术从1930年,美国柯达公司与纽约公共图书馆合作,共同发行  相似文献   

介绍了数字化病案管理系统的功能要求、支撑技术的选择与应用和尚待解决的问题,分析了数字化病案管理系统的发展动向。  相似文献   

目的:设计一套适用于中医病案数据库的元数据方案,以满足中医病案数据库保存和分析的需要。方法:经过资源分析、文献及网络调研、用户调查后,采用 MARC 元数据设计了中医病案数据库元数据方案。结果:中医病案数据库元数据方案由17个字段组成,分为9个部分。结论:使用 MARC 作为中医病案数据库的元数据标准,初步达到了组织和描述中医病案资源的目的,但在元数据标准的选择、著录的标准化方面仍需讨论。  相似文献   

Some public entities in South Africa have implemented digital records systems over a period of 20 years. In terms of the South African archival legal framework, there is a need for such entities to transfer the records into archival custody. However, there is consensus among researchers that there is no infrastructure to ingest digital records into archival custody in South Africa. Furthermore, some public entities have migrated from one system to another since implementation and there is a possibility that records might have been lost during migration. This study demonstrates through literature review the unconscious archival orthodoxy of post-custodial realities in South Africa. The study recommends that public entities should apply for exemption from archival legislation in order to develop an interim solution for the preservation of digital records. The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa (NARSSA) is also encouraged to develop a policy on distributed custody to allow government entities to create interim solutions for preserving digital records. Both public entities and NARSSA should invest in capacity development, including training and provision of sustainable infrastructure required to preserve digital records. It is hoped that this study will influence policy-making with regard to custody of digital records.  相似文献   

简要介绍了HL7标准及其在国内外的应用现状,分析了HL7本地化和基于HL7医疗信息系统集成的实现原理及优劣,并从HL7版本选择和基于HL7集成方式选择两个方面指出了HL7在国内的发展趋势。  相似文献   

简要介绍了国内外临床医学图书馆员(CML)制度的实施情况,探讨了医院图书馆实施临床医学图书馆员制度及临床医学图书馆员开展学科化服务的方式。  相似文献   

Recent legislation in New Zealand has placed statutory obligations on its government organizations to introduce sound records management practices and to ensure long-term access to their digital records. To obtain a base level of knowledge on current digital preservation practices and on awareness of digital preservation issues, an online survey was conducted of the nation's government organizations in March 2006. The survey, which achieved a response rate of 42.4%, found that most organizations were knowledgeable about basic aspects of their digital resources but their awareness of digital preservation was generally low, and digital preservation activity was modest overall. To identify possible reasons for this situation, Rogers' (Diffusion of innovations. 5th ed. New York: Free Press. 2003) Diffusion of Innovations model is used to discuss digital preservation as an innovation and the level of readiness for digital preservation as the innovation's rate of adoption. The paper concludes by using Rogers' model as the basis for making recommendations aimed at helping the government's lead agencies to increase New Zealand's public sector readiness for digital preservation.  相似文献   

本文结合具体应用实例,对网络结构选择、存储架构设计及网络安全等方面,进行了综合分析与研究,就如何利用目前较先进的网络技术,构建一个性能先进、安全可靠及灵活可扩充的开放式的数字图书馆网络综合应用系统,提出了一个较全面的设计思路和实施方案。  相似文献   

调研了国内医学院校图书馆及相关机构图书馆中外文数字资源引进、特色数据库建设及对外开放程度,分析了制约其数字资源社会化服务的因素和区域图书馆联盟合理优化的服务经验,提出了医学院校图书馆提高数字资源社会化服务质量相应的对策。  相似文献   

Analyzing archives and finding facts: use and users of digital data records   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article focuses on use and users of data from the NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), U.S. Who is using archival electronic records, and why are they using them? It describes the changes in use and consequently user groups over the last 30 years. The changes in use are related to the evolution of reference services for electronic records at NARA, as well as to growth in the types of electronic records accessioned by NARA. The first user group consisted mainly of researchers with a social science background, who usually expected to handle the data themselves. The user community expanded when electronic records with personal value, like casualty records, were transferred to NARA, and broadened yet again when a selection of NARA’s electronic records became available online. Archivists trying to develop user services for electronic records will find that the needs and expectations of fact or information seeking data users are different from those of researchers using and analyzing data files.  相似文献   

针对国内农村医疗卫生现状,分析了面向农村开展远程医学教育的可行性和利用医学院校建设远程医学教育中心的优势,调研了农村远程教育需求,并根据国内农村医疗条件差、农村医务人员再提高机会少等,提出了如何有效运行远程医学教育中心的建议。  相似文献   

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