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Many forms of e‐learning (such as online courses with authentic tasks and computer‐supported collaborative learning) have become important in distance education. Very often, such e‐learning courses or tasks are set up following constructivist design principles. Often, this leads to learning environments with authentic problems in ill‐structured tasks that are supposed to motivate students. However, constructivist design principles are difficult to implement because developers must be able to predict how students perceive the tasks and whether the tasks motivate the students. The research in this article queries some of the assumed effects. It presents a study that provides increased insight into the actual perception of electronic authentic learning tasks. The main questions are how students learn in such e‐learning environments with “virtual” reality and authentic problems and how they perceive them. To answer these questions, in two e‐learning programs developed at the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) designers’ expectations were contrasted with student perceptions. The results show a gap between the two, for students experience much less authenticity than developers assume.  相似文献   

Social media hype has created a lot of speculation among educators on how these media can be used to support learning, but there have been rather few studies so far. Our explorative interview study contributes by critically exploring how campus students perceive using social media to support their studies and the perceived benefits and limitations compared with other means. Although the vast majority of the respondents use social media frequently, a “digital dissonance” can be noted, because few of them feel that they use such media to support their studies. The interviewees mainly put forth e-mail and instant messaging, which are used among students to ask questions, coordinate group work and share files. Some of them mention using Wikipedia and YouTube for retrieving content and Facebook to initiate contact with course peers. Students regard social media as one of three key means of the educational experience, alongside face-to-face meetings and using the learning management systems, and are mainly used for brief questions and answers, and to coordinate group work. In conclusion, we argue that teaching strategy plays a key role in supporting students in moving from using social media to support coordination and information retrieval to also using such media for collaborative learning, when appropriate.  相似文献   

Educators design and create various technology tools to scaffold students’ learning. As more and more technology designs are incorporated into learning, growing attention has been paid to the study of technology-based learning tool. This paper discusses the emerging issues, such as how can learning effectiveness be understood in relation to different technology features? And how can pieces of qualitative and quantitative results be integrated to achieve a broader understanding of technology designs? To address these issues, this paper proposes a meta-analysis method. Detailed explanations about the structure of the methodology and its scientific mechanism are provided for discussions and suggestions. This paper ends with an in-depth discussion on the concerns and questions that educational researchers might raise, such as how this methodology takes care of learning contexts.  相似文献   

Smartphones are developing rapidly and continually with new features that make them widely used in many contexts. This paper is to reflect on students’ behaviours of using smartphones spontaneously (unplanned use) in the classroom, in a university in Dubai city in UAE. This reflection shall address the following questions: How can the instructors integrate smartphones into the classroom? How will they know that the students are using their phones in a way that relates to and enhances their learning? What are the implications and restrictions? The answers to these questions will illustrate that smartphones should be utilised as teaching tools since they support students’ learning; and therefore, should be allowed in the classroom.  相似文献   

信息化时代,年龄结构趋向于年轻化的成人教育学员学习观念淡薄,喜好追逐潮流。教师如能因势利导,从其感兴趣的"孔子热"中引出孔子学习观,即提倡"终身学习"、"勤学好问"和"学习先要学会做人,完善主体人格是立身之本"来进行引导,将会为成人教育学员思想和学习管理开辟出新的思路。  相似文献   

Example-based learning has been studied from different perspectives. Cognitive research has mainly focused on worked examples, which typically provide students with a written worked-out didactical solution to a problem to study. Social-cognitive research has mostly focused on modeling examples, which provide students the opportunity to observe an adult or a peer model performing the task. The model can behave didactically or naturally, and the observation can take place face to face, on video, as a screen recording of the model's computer screen, or as an animation. This article reviews the contributions of the research on both types of example-based learning on questions such as why example-based learning is effective, for what kinds of tasks and learners it is effective, and how examples should be designed and delivered to students to optimize learning. This will show both the commonalities and the differences in research on example-based learning conducted from both perspectives and might inspire the identification of new research questions.  相似文献   

In order to prepare engineering students for a changing future and to help them develop their own capacity for independent innovative thought and creative problem‐solving, we are faced with the need to explore ways of fostering creativity in students within engineering programmes. We see the need to focus on how to access creativity, how to develop an environment which is less constrained and which will allow creative flow. Three case studies are presented which demonstrate the importance of establishing the freedom of the learning process as well as providing motivation, whether extrinsic, in terms of the assessment scheme, or intrinsic. This latter might take the form of helping students to realize that the process of learning is a process of invention in itself and that students need to recognize their existing creativity and capacity for engagement. The very important and yet elusive issue of evaluation is also considered for each course. We discuss how to monitor the level of success in achieving the given objective of fostering creativity in students.  相似文献   


This paper examines the way mismatches occur between what lecturers believe students understand when technical concepts are used and what the students actually make of those concepts. A hard look is given at certain ‘academic myths’ which block educational exchange, among them the notion shared by many that learning entails mainly the verbal regurgitation of what has been taught. How can lecturers achieve the empathy requisite for genuine teaching and how can students adopt attitudes that make genuine learning more possible? The paper answers these questions by sketching a notion of higher education as a willingness to modify what one thinks by an openness before the challenges of other values and beliefs; and by suggesting that an approach more self‐critically aware of the pedagogic process, utilizing methods such as the keeping of reflexive notebooks, can facilitate a more effective mode of learning.  相似文献   

The way in which mid-semester course evaluations are structured, administered and reported is important for generating rich and high-quality student feedback for the enhancement of learning and teaching. Mid-semester evaluations usually contain open-ended questions that trigger more elaborative feedback about what is going on in a class than that from end-of-semester evaluations with Likert scale-type questions. The anonymity of the process for students and the confidentiality of the process for instructors make the process more reflective for students and less stressful for instructors. This study describes how the mid-semester course evaluation process can be used as a feedback tool for improving the quality of teaching and learning at an institutional level. Through a longitudinal analysis of 341 mid-semester course evaluation reports, positive areas and areas of concern with respect to learning and teaching were identified, and changes in student evaluations over the years were examined meticulously to make an overall evaluation of the quality of learning and teaching at a non-profit Turkish university. This research showed that the value of mid-semester course evaluations can go beyond course-level if we use open-ended questions and are able to gather the reports together to make some comprehensive analysis at university level.  相似文献   

Stated learning objectives for final year projects tend to be fairly generic. As a result, individual students' experience of project work will depend heavily on the attitudes and beliefs of their supervisor. This paper questions the purpose of projects in the computing curriculum and proposes a personal theory of teaching through projects. In deciding whether such a personal theory should emphasize disciplinary specific content or an experiential approach to learning we consider teaching and learning as a process of enculturation. The personal theory of teaching proposed envisages projects as an opportunity for students to engage in realistic activity which allows them to learn something of the nature of the discipline. The student may be thought of as being on a journey, while the supervisor takes the role of a guide pointing out alternatives along the route but allowing students ultimately to find their own way.  相似文献   

从体育转型看高校体育教学的现状与改革   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
体育转型标志着体育从认识、观念到实质的根本变化。转型的高校体育教学 ,应在人本思想的指导下 ,培养学生的体育行为方法、文化素养和综合能力。然而 ,一些高校现行的体育教学 ,仍然对学生主体性、运动教学项目性质、教学考评的目的、教学学后需要等问题认识不足 ,在课程结构与内容安排上循旧、守成 ,因而急需真正突破传统教学思想和模式的束缚 ,并在课程结构、理论教学、运动教学和教学管理与评价等方面加以改革  相似文献   

This paper aims to inspire stakeholders working with quality of higher education (such as members of study boards, study programme directors, curriculum developers and teachers) to critically consider their evaluation methods in relation to a focus on student learning. We argue that many of the existing methods of evaluation in higher education are underpinned by a conception of learning that is de‐contextualised. As a consequence, many data collection methods do not address aspects that affect students’ learning. This is problematic because the core aim of higher education is to facilitate student learning. We propose a contextualised evaluation methodology, guided by 10 key questions, which can help evaluators address concepts and questions of student learning in their evaluations.  相似文献   

Lecture capture technologies (LCT) such as Echo360, Mediasite, and Tegrity have become very popular in recent years. Many studies have shown that students favor the use of such technology, but relatively little research has studied the impact of LCT on learning. This article examines two research questions: (1) whether the use of LCT actually enhances learning outcomes, and (2) how instructors can increase students’ use of lecture capture materials. We address these questions using data from an undergraduate Operations Management course at a mid‐size, public university. Results indicate that access of lecture capture videos is associated with higher exam scores, even after controlling for previous exam performance. In addition, efforts to promote the use of lecture capture materials increase their use. We offer several suggestions to instructors who wish to increase their students’ use of lecture capture materials, which are equally applicable across all disciplines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe and explore how instant messaging (IM) can be used to support informal math coaching. We have studied two projects where university students use IM to coach K-12 students in mathematics. The coaches were interviewed with a focus on how informal coaching works by examining coaching challenges, how coaching can be organized, whether coaching should be anonymous or personal, which tools can be used and how informal math coaching supports learning. Research shows that generating and answering questions are important in the process of understanding and learning, which means that both the students and the coaches can learn math through this type of project. The coaches perceive informal math coaching as complementing online math forums. For students to learn effectively, the coaches need to be able to interpret the students' competence level in order to coach on a level that is within their development zone. It seems particularly challenging to coach at the right level when using IM and, therefore, it is important to establish a personal relationship with the students.  相似文献   

In this paper I attempt to list the body of knowledge and skills which future young engineers will need and how such knowledge and skills can best be transferred to students during the engineering education process. The educational environment should stimulate students and encourage them to develop the capacity for lifelong learning as a preparation for tackling the unknown problems which will occur in future decades. The formation of an engineer should comprise both education and practice. Some of the problems facing higher education today are discussed and some ideas for cross-border harmonization of engineering education are given. Finally, there is a brief comparison of today's current ideas on engineering study programmes and the course that I followed more than 50 years ago.  相似文献   


Much recent work in the study of popular culture has emphasized the extent to which it is not only a site of signifying practices, myths, meanings and identifications, but also an arena of intensities, of affective flows and corporeal state-changes. From this perspective, many areas of popular culture (from calisthenics to social dance to video gaming) can be seen as sites at which rich and complex—if sometimes dangerous—processes of embodied learning/teaching take place. By comparison, the world of formal education can seem hopelessly clumsy in its inattention to such issues. From a personal perspective, I can attest that nothing surprises my students more than when I try to get them to think about the ergonomics of studying, or advise them that getting some exercise and cutting down on sugar will probably improve their work as much as further studying will, or when I advise graduate students that their mood and physical state will make as much difference to the quality of their lectures as will their level of formal preparation; and yet experience has convinced me of the accuracy of these assertions. I would aver that I have learned more about successful lecturing—in particular about the improvisational skill of ‘reading’ a room, and adjusting an affective–informational flow accordingly—from DJing in dance clubs than from any formal training in pedagogy that I have received. What conclusions could be drawn from these observations, and how do they relate to existing strands of pedagogic theory? These are the questions which this article will ultimately seek to address.  相似文献   

项目学习评价的重要性在于获得这样一种信息:学生是否或在多大程度上获得了一体化学习经验。学生学习了什么,达到什么程度,必须通过学生学习评价来掌握;当得到评价结果,就必须利用评价结果对预期学习效果进行建设性调整。可以说评价结果最重要的目的就是为持续改进教学提供动力。本文将学习效果与项目整合,将项目学习的评价过程与项目学习运行的C-DREAM模型整合,展示了一个全过程多样化的项目学习评价体系,进一步探索了光电工程创新创业人才培养的工程训练体系。  相似文献   

Entirely predictable examinations are ones for which the questions are known in advance. Some assessments are designed this way, but in public examinations, predictability is subtler. Students familiarise themselves with the requirements broadly: likely topics that will come up, question formats and how to maximise their marks. If students can predict what they have to do, they can memorise performances, such as essays, and restrict their learning to fit only with examination requirements. The danger is that this focus could undermine curriculum aims. Further, examinations that are overly predictable might produce results that do not generalise to other performances or have predictive validity. This paper presents part of a broader project investigating whether the Higher Level Irish Leaving Certificate (LC) examinations were too predictable. Here, the development of a rating scale for students’ views of examination predictability is described. Data were collected from 1002 Irish LC students taking higher level examinations in biology (n?=?536), English (n?=?749) and geography (n?=?387). Students’ views on predictability of the examination could be grouped consistently across subject areas into three factors: valuable learning, predictability and narrowing of the curriculum. Belief that narrowing of the curriculum was a good examination preparation tactic had a negative relationship with examination scores and perceived learning value of examinations was positively associated with students’ scores in biology and English. These findings indicate that the scoring system rewards students who believe they must study the discipline broadly.  相似文献   

Learning needs time and effort: a time-use study of engineering students   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several time-use studies in engineering education have shown that students use less time studying than has been allocated in the curricula. It is questionable whether a scarce use of time can lead to deeper understanding and the ability to apply knowledge in problem-solving. The alarming results from earlier time-use studies led to a search for answers to the following questions: How much time do first-year engineering students use for their studies and other activities? Do they spend enough time on studying and other learning activities? Is their time use in agreement with the curriculum? What learning outcomes and grades do students achieve from their studying efforts? Factors that influence student time use and approaches to learning are discussed. A deep approach to learning is desirable and is seen to support comprehension and lead to better learning outcomes. Learning approaches that students choose are both student-related and influenced by the learning environment. How can the learning environment be designed so that students are motivated to assume a deep approach to learning and devote more time and effort to out-of-class studying? Answers to these questions will be helpful for teachers, tutors, teacher educators and designers of curricula, as well as students themselves.  相似文献   

Multimedia and the changing experience of the learner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues for a pedagogical analysis of what the new multimedia systems can offer that will impose on them a more ambitious objective than they currently have. It begins by summarising a framework for analysing educational media, in terms of how well they each support the teaching-learning process. The different types of media are then related to different 'modes' of learning: via the narrative media which support learning through acquisition, the discursive media which support learning through discussion, the interactive media, which support learning by discovery, and adaptive media which can be used to support 'guided discovery'. Multimedia is sometimes seen as a way of re-purposing material originally developed for narrative media. Because it can be (even should be) an adaptive medium, this requires the learning objectives to be re-constructed if the new medium is to achieve its pedagogical potential and offer a new kind of learning experience to students.  相似文献   

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