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Education policy in Australia has accelerated its aim to increase participation of under-represented groups in tertiary education including students who are culturally and linguistically diverse and have low socio-economic status. These students generally have not had prior access to privileged academic discourse, which can further disadvantage them in their participation and progress in tertiary education. In this article, we outline a cross-discipline curriculum initiative and pedagogy that draws on critical literacy and the metaphor of discourse community to integrate language and academic skills into community services qualifications. We argue that this – supports the genuine participation of under-represented (non-traditional) students. It aspires to not only support students’ entry into the new academic terrain, but to enable students to adopt a critical stance to the discourses in which they are learning to participate. This we argue is crucial, when expertise is not just a way of meeting its ostensible purposes, but is also a way of exercising power. Although we report on the application of this initiative to entry level curricula (Diploma), we suggest that it has relevance and application to Bachelor levels in a range of disciplines, both in supporting pedagogy and for transition to Bachelor level study.  相似文献   

This paper details a project which involved a group of art specialist Diploma in Education students, two lecturing staff plus a group of primary school children in a series of planned art activities for two terms. The Saturday Morning Art programme (S.M.ART) was developed to enable the students to systematically focus on art learning in these classes by using largely qualitative research processes within a case study framework. By introducing these pre-service trainee art teachers to research techniques which they can then use, we believe we are preparing them to be self-evaluative and reflective practitioners in the classroom.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of students choosing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma over state‐based curricula in Australian schools. The IB Diploma was initially designed as a matriculation certificate to facilitate international mobility. While first envisaged as a lifestyle agenda for cultural elites, such mobility is now widespread with more people living ‘beyond the nation’ through choice or circumstance. Beck and others highlight how the capacity to cross national borders offers a competitive edge with which to strategically pursue economic and cultural capital. Beck’s ‘border artistes’ are those who use national borders to their individual advantage through reflexive strategy. The study explored the rationales and strategy behind the choice of the IB Diploma curriculum expressed by students in a focus group interview and an online survey. This paper reports on their imagined transnational routes and mobile orientations, and how a localised curriculum limits their imagined mobile futures.  相似文献   

莫嘉琳 《海外英语》2012,(18):232-235
近年来,研究者不单从建构隐喻理论及阐释隐喻现象等角度研究隐喻,"使用中的隐喻"成为了隐喻研究的新热点,隐喻研究的应用趋势日臻明显。《正视使用中的隐喻——应用语言学视角》一书剖析了应用性隐喻的实质,主要从语料库、语言教育和职业发展这三个切入点分析了应用性隐喻,展示了国外隐喻应用研究领域中的最新代表性成果。此外,书中相当多研究采用了"叙事研究"、"定位理论"、"现象阐释"等令人耳目一新的研究方法,能给国内隐喻研究带来了方法论上的启示意义。  相似文献   

顺应论视角下,语言使用的语境分为交际语境与语言语境,其中语言语境包含篇际制约、篇内衔接和线性结构三个因素。金融文本中的隐喻构成其文本语用风格,也是文本重要衔接词项,因此金融文本中英汉隐喻翻译的特点更多地体现在语言语境中的篇际制约与篇内衔接两方面。本人通过对现实中的案例分析发现,如果译者对这两方面顺应的意识程度较低,则会导致该领域的一些翻译问题。译者在从事金融文本的英汉隐喻翻译时,应该高度意识顺应金融文本的语言语境,使译文更显专业、流畅。  相似文献   

比喻造词法是一种非常重要的造词方法,它是利用已有的造词原料,着眼于事物之间相似性的关系,通过比喻手法而创造新词的方法。长沙方言中用比喻修辞手法造词可分四种类型——前喻式、后喻式、中喻式、全喻式等。这些词语以具象表达抽象,具有鲜明的情感色彩,体现了长沙的地域文化特点。  相似文献   

International mindedness is considered by many educational researchers and organizations as a determining feature in international education. This article used data as part of a PhD case study inquiry to explore how international mindedness is developed by two students in an IB school in an Indian Ocean Island Nation. Through a qualitative approach within an interpretivist paradigm, it provides insights into the complexities of the students' development of international mindedness through the following questions: Why do the students aspire to develop international mindedness? What are the tensions they experience in developing it through the theory of knowledge programme in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)? Using socio-cultural frameworks, the article discusses theories on knowledge development, identity and post-colonialism. Data were collected through a survey, journal entries and interviews. The analysis was conducted using theoretical sampling, categorization and coding. The findings revealed that students' cultural backgrounds and identities are critical factors determining their sense of engagement with the development of international mindedness in the IBDP. They indicated also that the Diploma Programme (DP) knowledge content needs to be carefully addressed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) host school, which also must consider the socio-cultural and historical factors of the country in which it is found, in negotiating a locally meaningful implementation of the IB's international mindedness.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a three‐year study (2008–2011) of partnerships of schools and colleges delivering the 14–19 Diplomas in England, this article examines how the dynamics of local partnerships were shaped by a contradictory policy landscape in which some policies strongly promoted collaborative working whilst others reinforced competition between institutions. Semi‐structured interviews with 136 Diploma consortium leads and case studies of 30 Diploma consortia were undertaken. Most partnerships founded in direct response to government demands for collaboration were strategically and operationally less effective than those that had been formed earlier as a positive, dynamic response to locally identified interests/needs and had evolved over time. When key levers towards collaboration were removed by the new UK Coalition government (2010) and new policies restated the arguments for institutional autonomy and competition between institutions, the fragility of the ‘enacted’ partnerships became immediately apparent. Although members of Diploma consortia with a history of effective partnership working remained committed to the principle of collaboration, other policy developments such as the introduction of the English Baccalaureate and the recommendations of the Wolf Review on vocational education contributed to uncertainty about whether partnership working could, or indeed should, be sustained.  相似文献   

This paper explores two of the tensions Tarc identifies in the history of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma: firstly, between its design for meritocratic competition and its internationalist vision and, secondly, between the IB as a global commodity and its localised interpretations. Using data from three case studies of Australian schools offering both the IB Diploma and the local government curriculum, and student responses to an online survey across 26 such schools, the analysis shows how choices behind the IB's growing popularity foreground strategies for optimising meritocratic competition. Framed through Bourdieu's concepts of field and ‘rules of the game’, the analysis shows how students act on their own comparative analyses of each curriculum to optimise their chances to access desirable university pathways within the local rules of the game for university placement. Schools are shown to offer the IB Diploma to recruit and retain academically ambitious students by pooling their relative advantage in different local ecologies. Students are shown to carefully evaluate the benefits and costs of the IB choice. The conclusion reflects on how the choice of the IB Diploma for meritocratic advantage by some might change conditions for others not choosing it.  相似文献   

对《福乐智慧》的与文化相关的文本进行了分析,着重讨论两个方面的内容:一是通过诗中的隐喻文本找出隐藏在概念隐喻背后的认知规律,探究当时维吾尔民族的思维方式;二是探讨这些隐喻文本中体现出的经济文化意蕴。  相似文献   

杨晶 《钦州学院学报》2012,27(2):101-104
从本质上讲词汇隐喻和语法隐喻都利用了概念系统中两个概念域的建立、两个概念域中单向性与互动性的经验重构,以及最终由经验重构产生双重性语义结果这一系列的认知过程;因此,这一系列认知过程可以作为研究词汇隐喻和语法隐喻的综合认知模式。这一模式进一步证明了思维的隐喻性本质,同时基于这一模式可将词汇隐喻和语法隐喻看作一个连续体。  相似文献   

This article looks at the use of extended metaphor in teaching. Our case studies as two teachers using metaphor in different settings show how metaphor is experienced by learners to different pedagogical effect. The article demonstrates that metaphor can be used not only for the similarity between vehicle and target systems, but also for the difference. In the subject of electronics, extended metaphor (water, waves and webs) scaffolds learning by merit of the similarity of the vehicle system to the target. However, when teaching doctoral students to improve their writing skills, extended metaphor exploits the difference between vehicle and target. In this case the frustration of academic challenge is defused by using metaphors that are homely and ordinary in contrast to the formal academic genre of thesis writing. Our experience in using metaphors to teach provides support for the theory that they may be monistic (forgotten once they have fulfilled the pedagogical scaffolding task) or dualistic (remembered because both systems remain in play). The article prompts other higher education teachers to more consciously consider the potential of metaphor as a pedagogical aid.  相似文献   

比较理论认为,隐喻理解始于辨认其中的比较,然後按本义比较方式理解。Glucksberg和Keysar(1990)提出,隐喻是范畴包容性断言,本体被归于一个用喻体命名的临时范畴。本文举证支持了这一模型。另一问题涉及Lakoff和Johnson(1980)提出的概念隐喻。Gibbs(1992)坚持认为,隐喻是长时记忆中的概念映射的实现,隐喻理解利用概念隐喻。范畴包容模型认为,隐喻理解无需调用概念隐喻。本文论证,概念隐喻是在隐喻理解後被认识的,其作用是解释隐喻的系统性。结论:比较过程和概念隐喻在隐喻理解申没有被使用。隐喻理解是一种范畴化过程,把本体归于一个喻体代表的上级范畴,井把喻体的特性赋予本体。  相似文献   

本文以隐喻的话语动态框架和积极话语分析为基础确立了积极隐喻分析的方法,主要步骤包括识别隐喻、发现隐喻使用的系统性、揭示隐喻使用的作用。通过对《同在蓝天下——怎么看教育公平》一文进行的积极隐喻分析,本文发现:1)在语言使用层面关于“(义务)教育发展”的系统隐喻较多;2)在认知模式层面体现的隐喻脚本为“(义务)教育发展是旅行”;3)隐喻使用的作用主要在于解释、说服、移情,即向读者解释如何消除教育不公现象,说服读者正确看待(义务)教育发展中的教育不公现象,最终达成作者与读者之间的共识和相互理解。  相似文献   

This article shows how metaphor is basic to language structure. It is illustrated with practical examples of how metaphor is found within different social and cultural contexts, irrespective of historical time. Numerous examples are given of how metaphor works in efforts to communicate meaning. From an early age, young children are initiated into the use of metaphor. This appears to be understood intuitively, and examples of words games and riddles are given to show how children become familiar with the symbolic use of language. It is discussed how this early facility to engage in ‘word play’ forms a basis for future development of language skills, helping children move on from familiar contexts which are understood intuitively by transferring their skills in order to interpret metaphorical language empirically in unfamiliar contexts. Theories concerning ‘dead’ and ‘living’ metaphors are explored, and attention is drawn particularly to the need to teach children how to rediscover the original meaning of Biblical metaphors, many of which have become so embedded in language and culture that they have lost their metaphorical significance. It is discussed how the interpretation and use of metaphor extends the capacity to reason and think reflectively, and the importance of education in developing this potential: this is required in many of the recently published Agreed Syllabuses of religious education and the Model Syllabuses of religious education, and would help address the requirements of the Education Reform Act (1988) concerning pupils’ spiritual and moral development.  相似文献   

语法隐喻是系统功能语法的一个重要概念,包括概念隐喻和人际隐喻。人际隐喻可以进一步区分为语气隐喻和情态隐喻。语气隐喻是指语气系统的非一致式体现。语气隐喻在广告语篇中的恰当运用,有助于广告目标的实现。  相似文献   

This paper reports a small case study in which selected experienced co-operating teachers were appointed as school-based teacher educators (SBTE) undertaking a supervisory/ mentoring role for the 3-week period of the first practicum for students in a one-year Graduate Diploma of Education-Secondary (GDE) course. The study identifies any benefits that accrue as a result of changes to the traditional triadic arrangement and any changes in perception about the various roles of participants. The findings illuminate the opportunities for a more collaborative practicum model that has the potential to benefit all participants.  相似文献   

Educational assessment involves eliciting, transmitting, and receiving information concerning the level of proficiency of a learner in a specified domain. With that in mind, it is perhaps surprising that the literature seems to make very little use of the signal processing metaphor. The present article begins by making a general case for greater use of this metaphor, as a simple and intuitive thinking tool for helping to explain how educational assessment works. The main body of the article extends this argument by demonstrating the utility of the metaphor in helping to explain how educational assessment can go wrong. During the 1980s and 1990s, Samuel Messick extensively discussed two major ways in which educational assessment can go wrong via construct-irrelevant variance and construct underrepresentation, respectively. Despite their importance, these concepts have had only a limited impact on the literature. Part of the reason for this may be a lack of clarity and comprehensiveness in their articulation. The present article aims to articulate these concepts more clearly and comprehensively, within a framework provided by the signal processing metaphor, reconfiguring them as signal contamination and signal deficiency, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the root metaphors of secondary classroom teachers and to observe ways in which these constructs influence teachers’ work with their students and their environments. Specifically, five case studies of novice teachers were presented. Results indicated that the metaphor of life as a tree was the most common view and that all five participants held a similar childhood metaphor in which they tended to idealize childhood. Overall, the data showed the persistence of ideas that beginning teachers bring to their university preparation and those beliefs extend into actual classroom practice. Teacher development seemed to be more influenced by the schooling environment rather than the pre‐service preparation the teachers received. Furthermore, these novice teachers felt conflict between their held beliefs and the reality of teaching and schooling. Implications for teacher educators and future research are included.  相似文献   

各种辞格的综合运用是一种很正常的现象,以往在对通感格的研究中,对借助比喻的形式而将各种感觉沟通的所谓比喻式通感说得比较多,而与其他辞格兼用的通感格似乎关注不够,如比拟和通感兼用也会产生非常奇妙的修辞效果。  相似文献   

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