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In this paper, national research projects underway which are aimed at establishing national standards on lecturing capabilities within a new national qualifications framework, are argued to typify a policy narrative informed by functionalist understandings of education, curriculum and evaluation. This narrative is counter‐posed with two others, found largely but not exclusively in the historically white liberal English‐speaking universities, which critique that narrative, arguing that curriculum development, the evaluation of courses and programmes, and the assessment of teaching, are complex activities which are context‐bound, and incapable of being reduced to the measurement of the performance of certain capabilities. In the analysis undertaken in the paper, the two critiques identified are argued to be at odds with the dominant policy narrative partly because, although much of the language and the intentions are similar, at base lie fundamentally different concepts of quality. The dominant narrative is argued to regard quality as ‘fitness for purpose’, where the overall purpose of higher education is assumed to be singular and uncontested, and as meeting certain pre‐specified standards. The critiques understand quality either in the liberal sense as an absolute to be aspired to, or in a more constructivist way, as significantly adding to existing levels of development in particular sectors, thereby contributing to greater justice and equality in South African society. These different understandings have different implications for the assurance of quality in university teaching. The power differentials between the narratives are explored and it is argued that unless a way is found to accommodate the different perspectives, resistance to the dominant narrative might undermine its implementation. In this paper a metanarrative ‘told’ by the comparison of the three narratives, which attempts to take into account the conceptual dissonance examined, is put forward. It is suggested that, in order to lead to a policy‐relevant narrative on quality assurance with respect to university teaching, a conceptual distinction between ‘quality’ and ‘standards’ be made. With this conceptual separation, policies may be developed to assure both standards and quality, using different methodologies and different implementing bodies in such a way that potential resistance to the dominant narrative may be averted.  相似文献   

"柯氏模型"提出的企业培训有效性评估分为反应层、学习层、行为层及效果层四个层次。将该评估方法和技术经转换应用到高校课堂教学质量评估中是对现有教育测评体系进行创新的有益尝试,特别对于实践性较强的专业而言,有助于实现课堂教学的延伸。  相似文献   

通过对高校课堂教学评价模式的现状分析,提出建立课堂教学评价新模式的可能性与必要性。进而提出新模式形成的四个阶段。  相似文献   

高校课堂教学质量的有效教学评价体系结构研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
有效教学评价的组织与实施关键在于评价指标的选择。本课题采用社会调查研究方法,运用多因素分析方法尝试深入分析有效教学评价的指标体系结构,比较有效教学评价与传统教学评价的差异,探索建立高校课堂教学有效教学评价体系。  相似文献   

For young people moving from school to higher education, the continued provision of high quality pastoral care should be an important consideration. However, though all institutions provide some sort of service, its quality can vary significantly. Even where provision has been good, it has normally been seen as a 'bolt‐on' extra, rather than something central to the student's experience. At the University of Strathclyde, a key element in the creation of a more effective and integrated approach has been the development of the personal tutor role into that of the more clearly defined and structured one of Academic Counsellor.  相似文献   

South African science education is in a state of flux as the new government embarks on a process of renewal and redress in education policy. Existing curricula reflect priorities that are not relevant to new needs, patterns of participation testify to systematic neglect of the science education of the mass of the population under apartheid. The paper argues that the first step in developing new policy is to understand the links between science and technology based development strategies and investment in science education. It then offers an analysis of innovations in production technology associated with 'best practice'; post-Fordist production methods and flexible specialisation that seem likely to have direct implications for the education system. The influence of these on the reform of science education is discussed in some detail. Finally, some reflections on the problems that arise when implementing educational innovations in conditions of rapid change are identified and explored.  相似文献   

The paper explores the reasons for racially specific differences in earnings of school-leavers. The results indicate that employers reward certification. In the case of all races, but especially Africans, the quality of the matric. pass was an important factor. Substantial earnings differentials persisted between Africans and the other races. This could reflect labour market discrimination or the fact that employers do not perceive the quality of the African matric to be on par with that of other races. The fact that African matriculants especially those with better quality passes do receive higher earnings raises important questions about educational policy.  相似文献   

叶丹 《铜仁学院学报》2009,11(3):111-114,140
以高校进行的申请学士学位学科、专业授予权和本科教学水平评估为立足点,探讨高校教学评估的目的和意义;高校教育教学质量的内涵和人才培养定位;以评估建设为契机,提升教育教学质量,有其历史依据和现实意义。  相似文献   

在共性层面对铜仁学院的办学进程和需要进行了分析,对历史沿革进行梳理,研讨了各个时期的办学主张,同时对铜仁学院办学理念、办学指导思想、办学定位进行凝炼。在此基础上提出了校训、校风、教风、学风的内涵定位和建设目标。  相似文献   

南非大学的教学、管理、评估与服务体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南非大学是世界巨型大学之一。在过去50多年中,南非大学重视远程教育教学南研究,注重大学内部宏观与微观的管理,不断完善教与学的评估,以质量作为获取远程教育成功的基础。此外,南非大学还强调学习支持服务,不断完善教学服务体系。研究南非大学的教学、管理、评估和服务体系对我国远程教育发展会带来一些新的启示和思考,为远程教育同行提供一些可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

改革高等师范院校素质教育的教学模式,寻找素质教育的切入点;优化课堂结构,注重教学过程;倡导开放教学,关注创造能力,是高等师范院校素质教育的必由之路。  相似文献   

黎会 《茂名学院学报》2010,20(4):74-76,79
教师课堂教学质量评价是高校教学管理的重要环节,科学反映课堂教学效果有利于教师课后教学反思,进一步改善教学质量。文章阐述了层次分析法的原理与步骤,结合日常教学评价中存在的问题,提出了合理的评价指标方案,减少了教学评价中的主观影响,提高了评价的准确性、科学性、公正性。  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1992, the University of the North's,1 Science Foundation Year (UNIFY) Programme has provided access to higher education to over 1500 previously disadvantaged2 students. However, there has always been doubt about whether the concept of a foundation programme is a worthwhile endeavour. To date, government has not yet fully acknowledged the value of programmes such as UNIFY. This may be attributed, amongst others, to insufficient evidence on the crucial role of programmes of this nature. This paper gives a view of the valuable contribution UNIFY has played in increasing the quality and the quantity of science graduates at the University of the North in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. A tracer study of the performance of ex-UNIFY3 students to that of direct entry4 students, in the science programmes at the University of the North shows that ex-UNIFY students perform better than the direct entry students. This reflects the importance of foundation programmes in higher education.  相似文献   


South Africa's new occupational and vocational qualifications require assessment centres with a national footprint to conduct national summative assessments which are convenient and cost effective for learners. This new assessment process requires specialised facilities, but few current facilities can provide these. The research project proposed a model which is able to serve the needs of the quality assurance body and industry and be appropriate to the retail sector occupational qualifications. A qualitative method was used, involving a literature review and secondary data analysis; small focus groups; semi-structured interviews; and follow-up workshops to peer review the findings. The participants included industry experts, education providers and quality assurance experts. Two models were identified and considered, namely: Model A, which involves private businesses that can be accredited to become assessment centres; and Model B, which uses Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges for all national assessments. The overall finding was that Model B is more suitable.  相似文献   

网络信息化时代,课上低头看手机的学生越来越多,形成了庞大的课上"低头族",严重影响上课质量,迫切需要转变传统教学模式。"行动学习"教学法是缓解"低头族"问题的重要手段,也是大学课程教学的新型模式。本文进行了"行动学习"教学的现实价值分析,提出了大学课程利用行动学习教学法的实施过程,分析了课程教学方法实施的条件保障,这对大学课程教学改革具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

1994年新南非政府消除种族隔离制度之后,其高等教育发展迅速,其中私立高等院校的数量也有了大幅提高,与此同时,私立高等教育质量问题也受到了人们的关注。为此,南非政府出台了一系列政策和策略,进一步完善私立高等教育质量保障机制,以促进和提高私立高等教育质量。  相似文献   

在意大利大学改革的历程中,大学教师教学资格的严格评审,一直是意大利大学教师管理的重要内容。这种规范和严格的大学教师教学资格评审,在保证和促进意大利高等教育质量提高方面起到了关键作用。本文对意大利不同历史时期大学教师教学资格的评审及授予情况进行分析和评述,提出对我国健全和完善高校教师教学资格评审制度的启示。  相似文献   

在意大利大学改革的历程中,大学教师教学资格的严格评审,一直是意大利大学教师管理的重要内容。这种规范和严格的大学教师教学资格评审,在保证和促进意大利高等教育质量提高方面起到了关键作用。本文对意大利不同历史时期大学教师教学资格的评审及授予情况进行分析和评述,提出对我国健全和完善高校教师教学资格评审制度的启示。  相似文献   

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