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本实验以高二年级学生为被试,研究了课堂环境与任务难度对学业求助的影响,结果表明:(1)任务关注的课堂环境比自我关注的课堂环境导致更多的求助行为,尤其是工具性求助。(2)完成难度适中学习任务的学生比完成高难度学习任务的学生表现出更多的求助行为,尤其是工具性求助。(3)在任务关注的课堂中,成绩好的学生更愿意求助,并倾向于作工具性求助,在自我关注的课堂中,成绩差的学生更愿意求助,并倾向作执行性求助。  相似文献   

Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) is a common technique used to record employee performance. EPM may include counting computer keystrokes, monitoring employees' phone calls or internet activity, or documenting time spent on work activities. Despite EPM's prevalence, no studies have examined how this management tool affects older workers–a steadily increasing labor pool. In the current interdisciplinary study, 85 older (M=46.9 years) and 77 younger participants (M=22.1 years) were randomly assigned to perform a simple or difficult computer data‐entry task under two conditions: monitored or not monitored. ANCOVA results indicated that EPM decreased performance and induced higher stress levels compared to non‐monitored conditions when computer experience levels were controlled. Additionally, older adults showed a trend of being more impacted by EPM when compared with younger adults. Results are discussed in terms of how EPM might be most effectively used by organizations while minimizing employee stress levels.  相似文献   

当前研究生成为发生学术不端行为的“重灾区”,对其治理应构建包含软硬法规范和道德规范“双笼关虎”的规范体系方能取得实效。针对现有学术不端行为治理规范存在的问题,认为应制定专门法或统一的软法规范、发挥道德规范的规范与教化作用、制定科学的高校研究生培养方案等相关制度并探索法律道德化与道德软法化的转化协同路径。  相似文献   

“任务驱动”是一种建立在建构主义教学理论基础上的教学法。目前,我国中小学信息技术课普遍采用这一教学法。本文就“任务驱动”教学法中“任务”的设计和实施策略进行了探讨,以期在信息技术课中开展“任务驱动”教学有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of subconscious goals on academic performance in two field experiments. We show that unobtrusive priming of goals with regard to achievement motivation by means of a photograph improves performance in different educational contexts. High-school students who were exposed to an achievement-related photograph achieved higher grades than students in two control conditions. This effect was not affected by students’ prior performance. University students exposed to a photograph representing a specific, difficult goal reached even higher performance than students taking the exam with a general achievement photograph. For practice, subconscious goals may form a powerful, cost-effective tool to enhance academic performance. However, varying results across the experiments also prompt the need for further investigations of such effects.  相似文献   

本研究在郑州市某小学三年级选取语文成绩大体上相当的两个班分别作为合作学习的实验班和对照班进行研究。在学期始对实验班语文老师和学生进行了团队组建和合作学习技能方面的培训。经过一个学期的合作学习训练和实施,在学期末对实验班与对照班的比较发现,实验班的语文成绩有明显提高,学生之间的人际交往顺畅。相关分析的结果表明实验班的团队满意感和团队凝聚力与团队合作学习小组的学习成绩有显著相关,回归分析的结果表明团队满意感和团队凝聚力对合作小组学生的学生成绩有显著的预测作用。这些结果表明合作学习对小学生的学业成绩产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

法国作家拉封丹有一则寓言:南风和北风比威力,看谁能把行人身上的大衣脱掉。北风首先发威,一上来就狠命刮,凛凛寒风刺骨,行人为了抵御北风  相似文献   

时间压力是影响决策的重要因素。本研究引入时间压力和任务类型变量探讨两者对决策策略的影响。结果显示:(1)高时间压力明显低于非时间压力信息搜索的深度,而重要任务决策的信息搜索深度要高于非重要任务的搜索深度;(2)无论在高时间压力还是非时间压力下,被试在进行重要任务决策时,倾向于采用代偿决策策略,即基于选项的加工;而在进行非重要任务决策时,被试所采用的策略是非代偿的,即基于属性的加工。  相似文献   

文章介绍了教育信息化的现状和存在的问题,引入了云计算概念和层次结构思想,根据已有云计算分类方法,进而提出了更细致的分类方法,为单位自建基于云模式的信息系统所采用架构提供了依据。论述了高校教务管理及信息系统云模式架构的设计思想。以我校为例,设计了基于云模式的教务管理及信息系统的架构,总结了云模式设计思想的特点。  相似文献   

采用特质性元情绪问卷(TMMS)和学习适应性测验(AAT)对328名高一学生进行元情绪与学习适应性调查。结果表明:高一学生元情绪总分及情绪注意、辨别与恢复三维度得分居于中等以上水平,且均无性别差异和生源地差异。高一学生元情绪与学习适应性及学业成绩呈正相关,其中,情绪恢复维度与学习适应性及学业成绩的相关较大,情绪辨别维度次之,情绪注意维度仅与学业适应性相关且相关较小,学习适应是元情绪与学习成绩的中介变量。建议在学业辅导与心理教育中加强对元情绪的发展。  相似文献   

Objective. This population-based study assessed the relationship between characteristics of early intervention programs for hearing-impaired children and academic achievement. Methodology. The study was conducted on the elementary school-age population of six regions of the province of Quebec. Of the 301 hearing-impaired children registered, 112 met the eligibility criteria and participated in the study. The characteristics of early intervention which had been assessed were: age of initial access, the intensity, target and nature of services, service setting, coordination mechanisms, communication mode and parental compliance. Results. After adjustment for child and family characteristics and the other service variables studied, higher academic achievement was found to be significantly associated with services that (a) were initiated before children reached the age of two, (b) were parent-centered rather than child-centered, and (c) emphasized auditory intervention and an oral mode of communication. The results also showed that the socioeconomic environment in which the children lived significantly influenced the effect of certain characteristics of early intervention programs. The present study identified service characteristics with regard to specialized intervention and service delivery conditions that could lead to more effective early intervention programs.  相似文献   

The current study reports on the development and validation of the Academic Diligence Task (ADT), designed to assess the tendency to expend effort on academic tasks which are tedious in the moment but valued in the long-term. In this novel online task, students allocate their time between solving simple math problems (framed as beneficial for problem solving skills) and, alternatively, playing Tetris or watching entertaining videos. Using a large sample of high school seniors (N = 921), the ADT demonstrated convergent validity with self-report ratings of Big Five conscientiousness and its facets, self-control and grit, as well as discriminant validity from theoretically unrelated constructs, such as Big Five extraversion, openness, and emotional stability, test anxiety, life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect. The ADT also demonstrated incremental predictive validity for objectively measured GPA, standardized math and reading achievement test scores, high school graduation, and college enrollment, over and beyond demographics and intelligence. Collectively, findings suggest the feasibility of online behavioral measures to assess noncognitive individual differences that predict academic outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective. This population-based study assessed the relationship between characteristics of early intervention programs for hearing-impaired children and academic achievement. Methodology. The study was conducted on the elementary school-age population of six regions of the province of Quebec. Of the 301 hearing-impaired children registered, 112 met the eligibility criteria and participated in the study. The characteristics of early intervention which had been assessed were: age of initial access, the intensity, target and nature of services, service setting, coordination mechanisms, communication mode and parental compliance. Results. After adjustment for child and family characteristics and the other service variables studied, higher academic achievement was found to be significantly associated with services that (a) were initiated before children reached the age of two, (b) were parent-centered rather than child-centered, and (c) emphasized auditory intervention and an oral mode of communication. The results also showed that the socioeconomic environment in which the children lived significantly influenced the effect of certain characteristics of early intervention programs. The present study identified service characteristics with regard to specialized intervention and service delivery conditions that could lead to more effective early intervention programs.  相似文献   

信息载体对学术期刊信息传播的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先对信息载体进行了简要分析,表明信息载体的演变与发展是与社会发展相适应的。随后分析了学术期刊信息传播的现状与存在问题。在分析了现代信息载体的特点后,指出应充分利用现有各种信息载体对学术期刊中的信息进行有效传播。  相似文献   

网络信息化时代背景下,翻转课堂具有优化教学结构、构建多元互动教学环境等优点。而研究生英语教学逐渐由单纯的语言教学向学术能力、学术思辩能力教学转型。本文探讨以翻转课堂为依托的研究生学术英语能力构建,提出了从教师、学习者、教学环境三维度出发,立体化构建和优化研究生学术英语能力教学模式。  相似文献   

针对MapReduce任务调度中任务属性取默认值的不合理性以及人为指定值的不确定性,对调度算法实现动态调整任务优先级、计算合理的Reduce任务数、明确Reduce任务启动时机等改进,达到提升任务并行度、缩短作业执行时间的目的.Fair与LATE算法改进前后的实验结果表明,基于任务属性的改进能提高调度算法性能与作业整体执行效率.  相似文献   

针对任务复杂度和任务难度问题,文章将信息理论引入口语表达的研究中。从语言学习的信息处理模式入手,以试验的方式,统计的方法分析了任务复杂度、任务难度对中国学生英语交际中语言表达准确性的影响;研究任务复杂度与记忆性之间的相互关系;找出影响任务复杂度、任务难度的具体因素。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - This study uses the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health to examine the effect of childhood trauma experiences on college graduation rates. A...  相似文献   

计算机化给学术期刊带来的办刊影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机化是推动学术期刊改革的重要外界因素 ,其影响涉及办刊观念、办刊内容、办刊形式、办刊组织模式等各个方面 ,如何应对计算机化的影响和挑战 ,抓住机遇 ,提高学术期刊的办刊质量 ,扩大学术期刊的影响 ,增加学术期刊的社会效益和经济效益 ,是学术期刊生存与发展的重要问题。学术期刊惟有更新观念 ,改进办刊内容和形式 ,改革管理组织模式和工作方法 ,才能适应计算机化的发展要求 ,迈上更新更高的台阶  相似文献   

姚云  吴敏 《高教发展与评估》2015,(2):21-29,109,110
通过分析博士后院士学术成长经历,揭示博士后制度对杰出科技人才成长的价值。本研究采用文献法与定量研究法,统计分析所有50位博士后院士的学术成长经历,发现博士后制度能够促进博士后成长为院士,使中国科技创新有了源源不断的杰出人才;能够缩短博士后院士学术成长的时间,为他们早日成为学术带头人赢得了时间;有利于博士后院士聚焦专业定位,为他们确定了研究的主攻方向;有利于博士后院士接受大师指导,促使他们的学术训练受到熏陶;能够为博士后院士提供学术研究的平台,使他们有了良好的学术研究环境。研究结果表明,博士后制度是一种有利于杰出人才学术成长的国家人才战略制度。  相似文献   

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