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学前儿童角色游戏中的元交际是儿童对有关游戏角色、材料、行为和情景装扮转换的协商,以及对游戏情节和规则的讨论.已有研究发现,学前儿童一方面在角色游戏中学习元交际,另一方面借助元交际开展角色游戏,并在这一过程中发展了叙事能力.今后的研究一方面要注重对学前儿童在角色游戏中的元交际语言进行全面考察,另一方面应在实证研究的基础上提出具体可行的教育建议.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Two forms of exercise play (toy mediated and non-mediated) and 2 forms of rough-and-tumble (R&T) play (chase and fighting) were examined in relation to preschoolers' peer competence. A total of 148 preschoolers (78 boys, 89 Euro-Americans) were observed during free play at their university-sponsored child care center. The gender makeup of children's play companions (same gender, other gender, or mixed gender) as well as the type of play that children engaged in was recorded. Sociometric interviews assessed how well liked children were by their classmates. Analyses revealed that toy-mediated exercise play with mixed-gender and same-gender peers was associated with boys' and girls' peer acceptance. Girls' non-mediated exercise play and boys' R&T chasing was associated with peer acceptance. Boys who engaged in R&T fighting with same-gender peers were better liked by peers, whereas boys who engaged in R&T chasing with other-gender peers were not liked by peers. Practice or Policy: The results suggest that child gender and the gender of one's playmate are important factors in associations between physical activity play and peer acceptance.  相似文献   

学前教育是基础教育的启蒙阶段,这一阶段的教育成果会对个体在小学、中学直至升入大学产生深远的影响。作为国际教育改革关注的热点问题和个人发展的必备能力,核心素养的培养理应从小抓起。厘清学前儿童核心素养的内涵及培养目标后,通过提升教师的综合素养、创设丰富的培养环境、采取有效的教学策略以及开展适宜的游戏活动与有效的教育评价等五个培养策略,可以为学前儿童提供高质量的教育,使其全面健康成长。  相似文献   

幼儿交往冲突和幼儿交往冲突管理,是幼儿园日常生活中常见的内容。冲突的解决方式直接影响到幼儿社会性的发展。通过对中日幼儿教师在管理冲突方式的比较,发现两国幼儿教师在处理冲突的方式上存在差异。本文从培养目标、文化背景、家长教育观念等几方面来分析差异产生的原因,通过对中日幼儿教师在幼儿冲突管理方式的比较,探讨不同文化背景下幼儿教师管理冲突策略的差异,为幼儿教师提升管理冲突的能力,促进幼儿社会性发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of a scale-reduced play environment on temporal aspects of play behavior. Specifically, it examines the amount of time required to enter complex forms of play, the length of play segments, and the percentage of total play time spent in complex play under normal environmental conditions (full-size, control) and under scale-reduced environmental conditions (experimental). Eleven subjects (mean age of 4 years 2 months) were observed during unstructured play activity with playdough in a small-n, A-B-A-B design. Subjects served as their own controls and were self-motivated relative to the activity. The play structure (scale-reduced environment) consisted of a screened wooden frame 7' (L) x 5' (W) x 5' (H) over a vinyl floor. Results indicate subjects enter complex forms of play more quickly, engage in play segments of longer duration and tend to spend a slightly greater percentage of their overall play time in complex play under experimental conditions, as hypothesized. This study suggests attention span and information processing may be affected by the scale of the play environment. : -.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of a scale-reduced play environment on temporal aspects of play behavior. Specifically, it examines the amount of time required to enter complex forms of play, the length of play segments, and the percentage of total play time spent in complex play under normal environmental conditions (full-size, control) and under scale-reduced environmental conditions (experimental). Eleven subjects (mean age of 4 years 2 months) were observed during unstructured play activity with playdough in a small-n, A-B-A-B design. Subjects served as their own controls and were self-motivated relative to the activity. The play structure (scale-reduced environment) consisted of a screened wooden frame 7' (L) x 5' (W) x 5' (H) over a vinyl floor. Results indicate subjects enter complex forms of play more quickly, engage in play segments of longer duration and tend to spend a slightly greater percentage of their overall play time in complex play under experimental conditions, as hypothesized. This study suggests attention span and information processing may be affected by the scale of the play environment. : -.  相似文献   

儿童认知风格与游戏的相关研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知风格是重要的个体差异变量,多年来众多研究者在不同领域对此作了大量的研究。其中,有研究探讨了学龄前儿童的认知风格与游戏之间的相关。研究表明,不同认知风格的儿童在游戏类型的选择和游戏中的人际交往行为上存在显著差异。本文在总结研究成果的基础上,对教师在游戏活动中的指导方式和游戏环境创设提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

学前儿童的心理行为问题发生率呈逐年上升趋势,已成为学界和社会的关注热点。儿童行为问题不仅影响到儿童的正常生长发育,更会对其今后的发展乃至社会产生不利影响。对学前儿童的心理行为问题进行分析探索,找出其成因并提出应对策略,为学前儿童心理行为问题的解决提供建议和指导。  相似文献   

教学是教师的教与学生的学所组成的双边活动过程。师生教与学策略的选择受彼此认知风格的影响,坚持相互适应取向,应是取得良好教学效果的重要保证。  相似文献   

Children's (n = 1276) cognitive style was identified and their play was observed and recorded. Reliability and validity estimates were obtained on the measures and procedures. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance indicated significant results relating to the children's cognitive style and their play according to age. Also four significant interactions were found: (1) age and play behaviours; (2) play behaviours and cognitive style; (3) age and cognitive style; and (4) age, cognitive style and play behaviours. Significant differences were demonstrated between field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children's play behaviours in the physical, block, manipulative and dramatic forms of play. Most FD children displayed more play behaviours than did FI children. These results suggest that the FD and FI cognitive styles are providing a differential effect on the play behaviours of 3‐, 4‐, and 5‐year‐old children.  相似文献   

审美能力的培养,是我国幼儿园新课程改革对儿童学前阶段学习明确的要求。文章综合运用儿童音乐教育、美育、发展心理学等交叉学科的相关知识,对学前儿童音乐审美教育展开研究,初步形成了开放式教学的理念。着重考察三个问题:学前儿童审美音乐的类型、学前儿童的音乐审美心理准备和学前儿童音乐审美教育获得机制。  相似文献   

认知风格是影响学习的一个重要因素,既影响个人的学习行为方式和成绩,又决定课堂教学的效率。当前在基础教育教学改革的研究中,对学生认知风格研究的忽视或不足,导致教学效率低下,教学效果不佳;认知风格的多元化的存在,致使语文阅读教学过程中会表现出不同的行为活动方式,思维呈现不同的特点。因此,教师要依据不同的认知风格特点,采用不同的阅读教学策略,才能提高语文教学效率。  相似文献   

戏剧游戏作为促进幼儿全面发展的有效途径之一,其价值已被多项研究证实,戏剧游戏对于幼儿社会性发展的意义也被研究者肯定。幼儿在戏剧游戏过程中会产生哪些典型的社会性交往方式?如何运用戏剧游戏促进大班幼儿社会性的发展?文章将幼儿在戏剧游戏中产生的典型行为分为积极的交往行为与消极的交往行为两类,提出"以自主激发自尊、自信,以认识促进认同,以互动引发协作,以规则平衡自由"的支持幼儿社会性发展的策略。  相似文献   

Investigated in this study were the mediators of the effects of preschool intervention on children's school achievement in sixth grade. A confirmatory structural model developed in a previous study of third graders was tested with 360 low-income, mostly black children who were available at the 3-year follow-up. The model incorporated cognitive readiness at kindergarten entry and parent involvement in school (rated by teachers and parents) as primary mediators of preschool effectiveness. In sixth grade (age 12), preschool participation at ages 3 or 4 was significantly associated with higher reading achievement, higher math achievement, and with lower incidence of grade retention. Cognitive readiness and parent involvement in school significantly mediated the estimated effects of preschool participation on school achievement and grade retention 7 years postprogram. Teacher ratings of school adjustment, school mobility, and grade retention also contributed to the transmission of effects. This integrated model fit the data better than several alternative models, including those based on the cognitive-advantage and family-support hypotheses.  相似文献   

留守幼儿安全认知的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
留守幼儿作为留守儿童中一个更为弱势的群体,发生安全事故的概率普遍偏高。本研究调查发现留守幼儿的安全认知水平普遍偏低,家庭、幼儿园、政府与社会都应该重视留守幼儿安全教育问题,切实提高留守幼儿的自我保护意识。  相似文献   

研究者通过观察和访谈发现,小班、中班、大班幼儿的冲突行为集中发生在角色游戏的进行阶段.随着年龄的增长,因角色关系发生的冲突呈递增趋势,因同伴关系发生的冲突呈递减趋势,因同伴与角色关系发生的冲突到大班时明显减少;小班幼儿围绕材料发生的冲突明显多于中大班幼儿,围绕游戏角色和游戏情节发生的冲突则明显少于中大班幼儿;中班幼儿围绕游戏情节发生的冲突明显多于大班幼儿.幼儿解决冲突的方式由以非言语行为为主逐渐转化为以言语行为为主.小班幼儿的冲突行为以被动结束为主,中大班幼儿的冲突行为以主动结束为主.研究者结合幼儿年龄特征提出了相应的教育建议.  相似文献   

This paper explores the different types and characteristics of preschool children's explanations of plant growth and rain formation. The children's explanations were categorized as naturalistic, non-naturalistic, or synthetic, i.e., explanations containing both naturalistic and non-naturalistic parts. In regards to plant growth the children tended to rely on synthetic or on naturalistic explanations, which involved direct and indirect agents (such as water, a person, fertilizers, roots) enabling the plant to grow. Non-naturalistic explanations of plant growth, or the non-naturalistic parts of synthetic explanations, were mainly animistic (anthropomorphic). In the case of rain formation the children most frequently used non-naturalistic explanations, which were mainly teleological or metaphysical. The naturalistic explanations recorded on rain formation, as well as the naturalistic parts of synthetic explanations tended to have a non-agentive character, i.e., children considered rainwater as preexisting in containers such as the clouds. Overall, the explanations recorded about plant growth tended to be more complex than the ones for rain formation. It is suggested that science activities designed for preschool children should take into account the types and characteristics of their explanations in order to select which phenomena are appropriate for this age group, and aim at fostering the children's ability at formulating naturalistic explanations.  相似文献   

Understanding children's decisions to include a child with a disability in activities is an important component of the social environment of children with disabilities. We examined preschool children's understanding of the motor and social competence of hypothetical children with a physical disability, children's decisions to include or exclude a peer with a physical disability in play activities, and children's justifications of their inclusion/exclusion decisions. Children understood that a peer with a physical disability would have more difficulty with activities requiring motor skills than social skills and were more likely to include a peer with a physical disability when the activities required minimal motor skills. The role of typically developing children's understanding of social contexts in peer relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

关于学前儿童乘法能力发展的研究大多集中在许多与一对应、乘法概念起源、乘法类型以及乘法问题解决策略等方面.已有研究成果对当前幼儿园开展数学教育有积极指导意义.本文通过对已有研究文献的综述,展望了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

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