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高等教育步入大众化阶段以后,提高人才培养的质量必然成为高校的立足点。这不仅是国际教育发展趋势使然,也是我国新课程改革的必然要求。学校应该针对原有培养模式的不足,采取一系列切实有效的措施,实现师范教育专业人才培养模式由追求数量到提高质量的转变。  相似文献   


After more than 20 years of practice and construction, China’s higher vocational education has developed into an important educational category and become an important force in the development of China’s higher education. But in the course of this development, higher vocational education is facing problems such as excessively fast development, weak content building, severely inadequate investment, and uneven regional development. Therefore, the government must create a policy environment suitable for the equitable development of higher education, establish fair education spending policies, strongly promote the balanced development of regional higher vocational education, and strive to strengthen basic capabilities for quality projects.  相似文献   

While a vast literature exists on students and their learning, work on lecturers and their teaching continues to lag some way behind. This paper explores the notion that the complexity of Higher Education (HE) today significantly impacts upon what goes on in the classroom through a two-tiered study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore lecturers’ perceptions and experiences of teaching a specific module. Interviewees raised issues pertaining to the wider departmental, institutional and socio-political context. Consequently, focus groups were run with key people in the University to explore their perceptions of teaching and learning within the current HE climate. The findings suggest that lecturers perceive numerous external factors to impinge upon their teaching and attempt to militate against these in various ways in order to achieve ongoing enhancement of learning for students.
Susan J. LeaEmail:

刘凡 《双语学习》2007,(5M):83-85,87
本文主要从优点和缺点两方面分析现代化、市场化对中国教育体制造成影响的和新产生的问题,并提出解决问题的政策思路。  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the internationalization of higher education in China has had considerable achievements, and has contributed to the current transformation of the Chinese system into one of the largest and arguably most promising ones in the world. Setting the Chinese experience in an international context, this article assesses the latest developments. It argues that China’s internationalization of higher education is part of a much larger process of cultural integration between China and the West. From this perspective, it concludes that although China’s recent developments deserve to be noted, China has a considerable distance to go before its aspirations to create truly world-class universities are fulfilled.  相似文献   

本文主要从优点和缺点两方面分析现代化、市场化对中国教育体制造成影响的和新产生的问题,并提出解决问题的政策思路。  相似文献   

Scenario writing is a method to promote creative thinking and a proactive approach to dealing with the future. ATEE's Research and Development Centre Curricula in Teacher Education has adapted this method for use in teacher education. A Comenius funded course on Scenario writing was run over five days with teachers, teacher–educators, and persons in training management from several European countries. The paper reports the results of the summative evaluation which proves the course was very successful. In addition, on the basis of the formative evaluation indications, a detailed analysis makes clear which cognitive, motivational, and social problems are fundamental to courses like this and how these difficulties are to be dealt with.

Écrire des scénarios est une méthode qui promeut la réflexion créative et en même temps c'est une approche proactive au traitement de l'avenir. Dans le cadre des Curricula de Formation des Enseignants du Centre de Recherche et de Développement de l'ATEE (Association pour la Formation des Enseignants en Europe), la méthode d'écrire des scénarios a été adaptée pour l'utilisation dans la formation des professeurs. Dans un stage de cinq jours, financé par Comenius, des professeurs, des instructeurs de professeurs et ceux engagés dans l'organisation des programmes de formation ont été introduits à la méthode d'écrire des scénarios. Les participants provenaient de différents pays européens. Cet essai traite des résultats de l'évaluation finale qui ont démontré que un stage a été un grand succès. De plus, une analyse détaillée du stage est présentée qui—en considérant des résultats de l'évaluation formative—démontre les problèmes cognitifs, sociaux ainsi que les problèmes de motivation qui sont généralement liés à un cours de ce genre et qui donne des suggestions pour résoudre ces difficultés.

Die Szenario–Technik fördert kreatives Denken und regt zu einem offensiven Umgang mit der Zukunft an. Im Rahmen des Research and Development Centre Curricula in Teacher Education der ATEE wurde diese Methode für die Anwendung in der Lehrerausbildung angepaßt. In einem von Comenius finanzierten Lehrgang, der sich über fünf Tage erstreckte, wurden Lehrer, Lehrerausbilder und in der Ausbildungsorganisation Tätige in die Szenario–Technik eingeführt. Die Teilnehmer kamen aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern. Dieser Beitrag berichtet von den Ergebnissen der summativen Evaluation, in der sich der Kurs als sehr erfolgreich erwies. Darüber hinaus wird eine detaillierte Kursanalyse vorgelegt, die unter Berücksichtigung von Befunden aus der formativen Evaluation aufzeigt, welche kognitiven, motivationalen und sozialen Probleme grundsätzlich mit einem Lehrgang dieser Art verbunden sind und wie sie zu bewältigen sind.

La escritura de escenario es um método para promover el pensamiento creativo y un enfoque proactivo para enfrentar el futuro. El Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Curricula en Educación Pedadógica de la ATEE ha adaptado este método para usarlo en la educación pedagógica. Un curso financiado por Comenius sobre escritura de escenario se impartió por cinco días con profesores, pedagogos, y personas en el entrenamiento de administradores de varios países europeos. El reporte informa que los resultados de la evaluación sumativa que demuestran que el curso fue muy exitoso. Además, sobre la base de las indicaciones de la evaluación sumativa, un análisis detallado deja claro que los problemas cognitivos, motivacionales y sociales son fundamentales a cursos como éste y cómo abordar estas dificultades.  相似文献   

The question whether the study of education and teacher education belong at a liberal arts college deserves careful consideration. In this essay Bruce Kimball analyzes and finds unpersuasive the three principled rationales that are most often advanced on behalf of excluding educational studies, teacher education, or both from a liberal arts college. Specifically, Kimball argues that no principled definition of the conventional liberal arts disciplines excludes the study of education without barring other fields now regarded as legitimate, and consistency demands that all such fields be excluded if any are. In addition, teacher education, even if considered as merely “craft know‐how” or as professional training, cannot be excluded from liberal arts colleges without arbitrarily classifying it as suspect and subjecting it to strict scrutiny. But the question of whether educational studies or teacher education fit any asserted definition of liberal education does not finally resolve the question of whether they belong in a liberal arts college. Kimball concludes by suggesting that there are moral and prudential reasons for liberal arts colleges to offer teacher education and, concomitantly, the study of education, even apart from the unpersuasive objections that they do not fit a definition of liberal education.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate the development of the correlation between family education and student achievement in Sweden, which previous research has found to be stable, in spite of increasing school segregation and widening differences in levels of achievement between schools. Based on register data for populations of graduates from compulsory school between 1988 and 2014, correlations between parental education and student grades were estimated. The correlation was found to increase by .04 units between the early-1990s and 2014. The main reasons why this has not been found in previous research are that too coarse a categorization of parental education has been used, a declining quality of measurement of grades, and demographic changes related to immigration.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the First World War and the emergence of Russia as Britain’s ‘glorious ally’ swiftly changed public attitudes in Britain, which had been largely, but not entirely, hostile to Russia. The sense that Britain needed to cure its ‘abysmal ignorance’ of Russia, coupled with the strong desire to replace Germany, the enemy, as a trading partner with Russia led to the initiation of the teaching of the language at eight or more university‐standard establishments. The material and intellectual foundation of the nascent departments of Russian was a partnership between commercial‐financial and academic interests. Money from business sources was crucial in the introduction of Russian teaching at several of them. It was, however, only at Nottingham that the commercial sector actively tried (unsuccessfully) to control the behaviour of the college by restricting promised funding. Meanwhile, partnership with technical schools in recruiting teachers was a significant feature of the introduction of Russian to the higher and further education sector. Staff recruited consisted of both British scholars and expatriate Russians (or other Slavs). Russian departments or divisions were often actively supported within the university by specialists in other fields, who were strongly of the opinion that any serious university system should accommodate the study of a society and culture as significant as that of Russia. When it became clear after the October Revolution that Russia would not continue to support Britain, France and America in the war against Germany, the withdrawal of interest external to the universities did not cause the immediate demise of Russian studies in higher education; they were by this time established firmly enough to survive for intellectual reasons alone, and indeed they survive to this day in most of the institutions discussed here. University College, Nottingham, later to become the University of Nottingham, exemplifies in microcosm the principal trends and features of the national situation.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - China’s higher education system has expanded rapidly since 1999. Exploiting variation in the density of university expansion across provinces and high school...  相似文献   

素质教育是社会主义现代师范教育发展的必然方向,而观念文化教育作为素质教育的重要内容却常常被人忽略。本文着重论述了在师范教育中加强观念文化教育的必要性及其与基础教育的关系,同时对如何培养师范生的角色意识提出了一些自己的见解。  相似文献   

This study extends the analysis of the economic return of college education up to 10 years after college education and further examines the impact of college education on graduates’ hours of work. The results suggest that variation in hours of work explains a portion of earnings differentials among college graduates. Graduates from high-quality private institutions tend to work longer hours than their peers from other types of institutions. Female graduates spend fewer hours working than their male counterparts. As far as family background is concerned, graduates from high-income families tend to work longer hours and first-generation college graduates tend to work fewer hours. Finally, business majors seem to work longer hours while health and public affair majors less hours.
Liang ZhangEmail:

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the essay writing processes of three third year Bachelor of Education students. The case studies, which were drawn from a larger research project, indicate that students writing essays of differing levels of conceptual structure approach the essay writing task very differently at every stage of the process, and these differences appear to emerge from how students conceptualise the task—whether the intention is to reproduce an ordered sequence of information on the topic, or to construct an argument and develop a coherent thesis. The results suggest that attempts to improve students’ essay writing abilities need to shift from a focus on discrete skills to an emphasis on the relationship between students’ understanding of the content and their ability to write about it.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of higher education in Iran during a 26-year period under the Islamic government. This can be divided into three different phases: revolutionary, formative and development. It explores the expansion of universities, enhancing research, widening access, use of a wide range of ICT, decentralisation and gender equity. The quality and relevance of curricula with the market requirement is also discussed. This paper argues that the curriculum should be more specific and address the real needs of society. Comprehensive decision-making, expanding students’ academic guidance and expanding participatory and student-centre environment in higher education are crucial.  相似文献   

How good are the new projects, plannings, and the persons who are involved in them? In the zeal of reform, the question is posed in all urgency, as analysts are developing new theories and methods; especially in the United States. The Chancellor of the University of Dusseldorf addresses the question head on: What will the evaluation wave do for German institutions of higher learning?  相似文献   

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