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1993 can best be described as a year of consolidation. Particular attention was paid in the Ministry to developing implementation guidelines for the beginning of the Normal (Technical) stream at the secondary levels and to implementing Edusave.  相似文献   

1992 continued to be a busy year for policy-makers in education, in particular in determining ways in which the major recommendations of the Improving Primary School Education (IPSE) Report could be implemented and the aims of the Edusave Scheme achieved. 1992 also saw Mr Lee Yock Suan's first year in office.  相似文献   

The year 1991 has been a busy year for educational policy makers. Though the objectives had remained unchanged and the fundamental structure solid, there was need for fine-tuning the system. In particular, economic imperatives had indicated a need to reduce wastage and to promote a ten-year general education regime; pressure continued for more access and a diversity of routes to tertiary education. Problems had also continued to surface with the implementation of the bilingual policy and new initiatives were required. Finally, a new minister, Mr Lee Yock Suan has taken over and major changes to the structure and curriculum have been announced as a response to these needs.  相似文献   

The period under review, 1994-1995, is best regarded as one of consolidation with some fine-tuning following the adoption of a range of educational initiatives in the preceding three years. As reported in the earlier two reviews in 1992 and 1993 (in the Singapore Journal of Education), some of these initiatives stemmed from the recommendations of the report entitled Improving Primary School Education (1991). Refinements made to other aspects of the education system were also announced in the period under review. All these refinements principally ensure that the central aim of the education system continues to be achieved.  相似文献   

关注教育事件--教育研究的复杂性思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们进行教育研究,总是期望获得对教育(活动)的普适性解读,总在寻找教育的内在属性或者隐藏在教育现象背后的本质规律。而一旦发现了这种规律,教育活动遵此而行,那受教育者似乎就会按照教育者所期望的那样达到预期的目的。可事实上,不管是从教育实践的过去,还是现在来看,没有也不会如此必然。问题的呈现促使人们思考:我们所发现或认识的教育规律的效应怎么没有达到预期的目的呢?现代科学的发展趋势--复杂性的兴起--也促使人们从新的方法论视角来重新审视教育研究。  相似文献   

在全球汉语热的背景下,马来西亚非华裔学习汉语的人数也日益增加。华语作为第二语言教学教材逐渐引起了各有关方面的关注。在马来西亚这个多元社会与多元语言的国家,华语作为第二语言教学教材已见雏形。现有的教材多具有鲜明的本土化色彩,部分教材具有鲜明的国际化特色,多媒体立体化成为多数教材的又一特色。然而各种华语作为第二语言教材缺乏明确统一的水平等级标准作为编写参考。这些教材所呈现出来的显著特点,对国际汉语教学本土化教材的研究与开发,具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

幼儿园生活事件的教育意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往谈及幼儿园教育,人们较多关注的是幼儿园的班级教学,而忽略了教学之外的生活.事实上,在幼儿园发生的各类真实的生活事件有着极其丰富的教育意义.如“接待”和“六一”儿童节庆祝活动是幼儿园两种比较典型的生活事件,它们有助于提升幼儿园的品牌形象,增强幼儿园的竞争力;促进教师间的交流学习,为教师发展提供契机;能给予幼儿参与活动的机会,使其感受活动中丰富的人际关系,促进幼儿情感、行为与能力等的发展.同时,这些生活事件如果应对不当,也可能产生一些负面影响,如干扰幼儿园正常的教育教学秩序,教师被迫从后台走向前台,增加教师的心理负担等,为此幼儿园应尽力弥合生活事件与正常教学的界限,使教学真正走向生活,并尽力促使这类生活事件保持在适度的范围内,以切实减轻教师的负担.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末、70年代初以来,马来西亚兴起伊斯兰复兴运动,对马来西亚的政治、经济、社会与文化发展都产生了深远的影响。从马来西亚伊斯兰复兴运动的历史沿革、马来西亚伊斯兰复兴运动的典型组织和团体、马来西亚伊斯兰复兴运动与政治民主化的关系以及马来西亚伊斯兰复兴运动与经济现代化的关系四个方面,综合分析了国外关于马来西亚伊斯兰复兴运动在理论与实践上取得的成果,提出国内学者需要推进的研究方向。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the degree of variation in the accuracy of classifying student performance to proficiency-level scores with changes in the number of proficiency levels and the measurement accuracy. Furthermore, we examined the degree to which the classification accuracy varies across different ability levels given different numbers of proficiency levels based on the same test and the same set of cut-scores. The results of the study based on simulations indicate that the classification accuracy decreased, on average, by 10% for an increase of 1 proficiency level, 20% for an increase of 2 proficiency levels, and 20% to 30% for an increase of 3 proficiency levels. In addition, classification accuracy varied 10% to 20% for tests with reliabilities that ranged between 0.70 and 0.93. The findings regarding the variability of classification accuracy for different score ranges point to serious limitations of interpretability of single indexes that are intended to represent classification accuracy. Suggestions are made for estimating classification accuracy for critical score ranges.  相似文献   

Despite the dominance of instrumental, psychological approaches to educational theory and practice in North America, a different understanding of the value and dynamics of education is often articulated informally in cultural representations (e.g. fiction and feature films) and in personal recollections. This alternative understanding is one in which the personal characteristics of a teacher or professor, and the relation between student and teacher are often paramount. Through reference to existing research and to examples drawn from real‐life practice, this paper presents a broadly existential and explicitly relational way of understanding education, or, rather, pedagogy. It gives special emphasis to the way that such an understanding has been articulated in the text Vergessene Zusammenhänge: über Kultur und Erziehung [Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Education] by Klaus Mollenhauer. The paper describes how the insights of Mollenhauer and other writers regarding an existential and relational pedagogy were translated and adapted for a North American course in teacher education, and how such a course can serve as an important ingredient in nurturing undergraduate students who are becoming teachers.  相似文献   

哥伦比亚教育券计划透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育券理论是由美国著名经济学家弗里德曼在二十世纪五十年代首先提出来的。作为诺贝尔奖的获得者,弗里德曼一生提出了众多对美国乃至世界各国经济政策影响巨大的政策观点。其中包括今天已经为公众所熟知的建立个人养老金账户、改征兵为志愿兵制、废除浮动费率等。唯独他所提出的教育  相似文献   

This article provides a critical review of the research field of emotional intelligence (EI) and examines the usefulness of the construct in the debate on educational policy and practice. The authors examine two approaches to the theory and measurement of EI and summarize the evidence linking EI to life success and academic achievement. Also considered is whether or not EI can be changed or developed, and how it might be facilitated in educational practice. In conclusion, while a distinct construct of EI remains debatable; many of the attributes encompassed by this term do predict that life success and programmes of socio-emotional learning in schools may usefully contribute to the development of these attributes.  相似文献   

Factitious disorder by proxy (FDP), historically known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy, is a diagnosis applied to parents and other caregivers who intentionally feign, exaggerate, and/or induce illness or injury in a child to get attention from health professionals and others. A review of the recent literature and our experience as consultants indicate clearly that FDP has emerged in educational settings as well. Variants of educational FDP include parents of children with real or fabricated physical disabilities who request excessive or unneeded school health services and parents who request extensive education-related evaluations for children who do not demonstrate any educational need. If such cases continue to emerge, school districts will be asked to test more students who do not have disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Also, special educational directors will be weighing the cost of providing unneeded testing and educational services against the cost of defending themselves in litigation to prove that the testing and services are unnecessary. A table of guidelines is provided for school and other personnel confronted with repeated requests for unwarranted special education services. Suggestions for future research are included.  相似文献   

澳大利亚发达的终身教育理念处于国际领先水平,其独具特色的终身教育体系为学生在不同教育系统之间的转学和继续深造提供了有力的保障,最大限度地满足了社会与个人对终身学习的需求。该体系的三大支柱是澳大利亚资格框架、澳大利亚质量培训框架及培训包,其核心是全国统一认证的培训包。澳大利亚的终身教育体系可为我国进行职业教育改革、构建终身教育体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

As nations worldwide strive to compete in a globally interconnected knowledge society the importance of innovative forms of education is being increasingly recognized. In doing so, many education systems look to comparative and international experience for guidance and inspiration. Malaysia aims to become a regional hub for high quality education and economic creativity by 2020, and educational reform is seen as a central component in this strategy. This article examines the key factors, at home and abroad, that have influenced changes in the Malaysian education policy context. It then documents the origins, nature and development of one contemporary educational innovation – the Malaysian Clusters of Excellence Policy. Conclusions reflect upon the place and potential of this key initiative in supporting broader development goals designed to transform the nation into a leading knowledge society within the Southeast Asia region.  相似文献   

古人云"三十而立".从1978年改革开放到今天,青浦实验走过了30年的不平凡历程,逐渐成为青浦教育乃至青浦的一张亮丽"名片".青浦实验30年纪念活动,旨在集中各方智慧,传承历史精华,前瞻教育未来,弘扬青浦教育精神,不断深化教育改革,在传承中创新,推动青浦教育更好更快地发展.  相似文献   

关于教育史学评论的理论思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在把教育史划分为客观的教育史(教育史Ⅰ)、记录的教育史(教育史Ⅱ)、教育史学科(教育史Ⅲ)、教育史学理论(教育史Ⅳ)四个层次的基础上,阐明了教育史学评论对于推动教育史学科建设的重要意义。探讨了教育史评论的客观基础,提出了教育史评论的社会标准和学术标准。  相似文献   

教育价值观念一直是和教育理论与教育实践活动相伴相随的,自斯宾塞提出并分析了“什么知识最有价值”后,人们逐渐开始从理论上对教育价值观念发生了兴趣。巴格莱1911年发表的教育价值(education values)一书据称是第一部教育价值论专著。本世纪初斯普朗格划分了理论的、经济的、伦理的、社会的、政治的、宗教的六种价值观念,以此作为  相似文献   

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