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马丁.特罗高等教育大众化理论发轫于美国,日本学者天野郁夫等人把该理论引入日本,很快就被日本学者广泛地接受引用,原因就在于"特罗理论"中所描述的高等教育大众化现象,日本也正在进行着。背景的适切性,决定了从接触"特罗理论"之初,日本高等教育大众化就必然受其影响。在日本学者的审视、解读乃至批判中,高等教育大众化理论逐渐显现出了日本的特色,以及亚洲的模式。  相似文献   

马丁·特罗高等教育大众化理论发轫于美国,日本学者天野郁夫等人把该理论引入日本,很快就被日本学者广泛地接受引用,原因就在于"特罗理论"中所描述的高等教育大众化现象,日本也正在进行着.背景的适切性,决定了从接触"特罗理论"之初,日本高等教育大众化就必然受其影响.在日本学者的审视、解读乃至批判中,高等教育大众化理论逐渐显现出了日本的特色,以及亚洲的模式.  相似文献   

马丁.特罗的高等教育大众化概念是"质"的规定性与"量"的规定性的统一,不仅有数量的指标,还有质量的内涵规定。全面、准确、完整地把握高等教育大众化理论的内涵和实质,对我国高等教育的健康发展有指导意义。  相似文献   

重审马丁·特罗高等教育大众化理论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从特罗教授的自我解释出发重新审视其高等教育大众化理论的内涵与价值,由此对其理论的贡献和局限性进行分析,从而对马丁·特罗高等教育大众化理论重新定位,还大众化理论“真面目”。  相似文献   

对于处于“从精英到大众高等教育的‘过渡阶段’”的中国,关注特罗理论中大众高等教育说有其合理性。但从高等教育发展阶段论演绎为高等教育大众化理论,甚至将特罗称为“高等教育大众化理论之父”,却是我们的过度解读。  相似文献   

我国高等教育大众化目标模式选择研究:一个分析的框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“特罗理论”以一个国家或地区高等教育毛入学率是否达到15%来衡量其是否进入了高等教育大众化阶段,针对其可能带来的“理论误导”,根据“实质高等教育大众化”和“形式高等教育大众化”两个概念和目标模式,对我国高等教育大众化目标模式选择研究提出一个分析的框架。  相似文献   

马丁.特罗的高等教育大众化理论对我国高等教育发展产生了巨大影响,但也出现了“神化”和“泛化”的倾向。我国高等教育呈现出“政府力量推动下的大规模高等教育的推进与生成”的特点,这与我们对特罗理论的价值选择和运用不无关系。我国高等教育的进一步发展应着眼于“初级大众化高等教育阶段”进行政策选择。  相似文献   

叶卫树 《教育》2012,(29):54-55
近年来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,我国的高等教育体制改革不断引向深入,高校在校生规模不断扩大。2008年,我国高等教育毛入学率达到23%,在校学生总规模达2700万人,学生规模居世界第一。根据美国学者马丁.特罗(MatinTrow)的高等教育大众化理论,我国高等教育已由"精英教育"时代转变为"大众化教育"时代。与此同时,在校大学  相似文献   

近年来,我国高等教育在实现由精英高等教育向大众高等教育转化的过程中,出现了一系列新情况良、新困难、新问题。郝瑜博士运用理论分析与案例分析相结合、实证研究与规范研究相结合的方法,对高等教育大众化理论及陕西高等教育大众化实践进行了深入考察,其研究成果《高等教育大众化:陕西的经验、问题与前景》一书,对于澄清高等教育大众化理论的一些重要概念,认识并化解我国高等教育大众化过程中面临的问题和困难,有重要的启示意义。《高等教育大众化:陕西的经验、问题与前景》从陕西实际出发,创造性地运用马丁·特罗的高等教育大众化的理论,…  相似文献   

高等教育精英阶段的基本课题在其“质量”(quality)和“卓越性”(excel-lance),而大众化阶段的基本方向则在其“数量”(quantity)和“平等”(equality),中国高等教育发展应该坚定不移地走大众化的道路。但是高等教育大众化的发展速度越快捷,其质量和卓越性就越发遭受危机。本文旨在分析“特罗理论”在世界高等教育发展过程中的指导与预见作用,并探讨“特罗理论”的发展对中国高等教育的诸多启示。  相似文献   

试论从精英到大众高等教育的“过渡阶段”   总被引:132,自引:0,他引:132  
本文从分析美国马丁·特罗教授的高等教育发展阶段论的传播、验证和修正入手 ,考察中国高等教育大众化的实践过程 ,探讨中国高等教育从精英教育向大众教育转化的过渡阶段的特点 ,从而揭示了高等教育从精英向大众过渡阶段所存在的局部质变推动总体量变的特征。  相似文献   

从社会学角度出发的马丁·特罗高等教育大众化理论与从经济学、管理学出发的“后大众阶段过渡论”、“大众高等教育私有化发展模式论”,以及从发展中国家国情出发的“质量互动论”、“过渡阶段论”等理论构成了高等教育大众化理论的发展轨迹。可见,不同历史时期、不同国力水平的国度,其高等教育大众化理论的研究重点各有不同。  相似文献   

俄罗斯高等教育大众化的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用马丁.特罗关于高等教育大众化的理论分析了俄罗斯高等教育大众化的基本情况及其特点,如加快立法,扩大入学机会,提高办学质量,提高办学效益,扩大国际交流等,对我国提高高等教育大众化水平有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Organizational fields, in theory, are held to become increasingly isomorphic and standardized over time. At first sight, Sweden's system of higher education is an illustrative case. In its major post-war event, the radical 1977 reform, a variety of means was introduced to pave the way for goal-driven planning and management. The intentions were overall homogeneity and rationality. This is quite in accordance with the theory of organizational fields. Yet, despite intentions, homogeneity remained a rather thin veneer, unable to prevent various forms of disparity from breaking through. Reality, therefore, was more on par with Trow's and others' theses of differentiation in mass higher education; isomorphism taking the place of a formal, inconvenient façade. Effects of four principal reform aspects are discussed in the present article: admission, instruction, institutional classification, and organizational framework. In the analysis of the last-mentioned aspect, a theory of planning cultures is introduced. Further changes in the wake of the reform are also touched upon. The results are discussed in a final section, where alternative re-reform measures and outlines for further research are put forth. Intended and unintended consequences, including dysfunctional ones, are subjects of attention throughout the article.  相似文献   

高等教育走向大众化,促进了大学的蓬勃发展,由于不同大学所处层次的差异,引起一系列的教育现象问题.马丁·特罗在<高等教育新论--多学科的研究>一书中对高等教育地位独到的分析,不仅提供了从地位的角度研究高等教育的新视野,也对我国当前在处理高等教育改革实践中产生的问题起到重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The paper describes and analyses postwar changes in regulatory and classificatory relationships between British governments and higher education institutions, in the context of broad social, economic and political change, in three time periods. The first, from 1945 to 1970, was marked by consolidation, increased government support, growth in numbers of institutions and students and a broad consensus around the desirability of expansion. The second, from 1970 to 1987, was marked by political hostility and, until 1983, stagnation in the rates of demand for places by students and for graduates by employers. The third period, from 1987 to the present day, suggests that Britain is now committing itself, whether deliberately or not, to a system of mass higher education, with a series of radical changes in government-higher education relationships. In conclusion the paper discusses alternative theoretical approaches to interpreting these developments: Trow's typology of elite-massuniversal higher education and its implications for transition between types; Teichler's analysis of models of higher education structure; and a possible synthesis between the two. But all such models need to pay due attention to the internal processes of higher education at the level of departmental and even individual behavior.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化是国际高等教育发展的趋势。关于高等教育大众化内涵的研究,有多种看法,普遍采用的是马丁·特罗的观点。经济和社会的发展以及高等教育自身规律的要求,成为推动高等教育大众化现代发展的主客观原因。高等教育规模不断扩大,使有限的教育资源不能满足现有教育规模的需求,教育质量面临不同程度的滑坡,旧有的教育结构和体制也不适应教育现状与发展,这一系列矛盾和冲突的解决,必须要靠教育创新。教育创新包括教育目标体系的创新、教育观念的创新、教育体制的创新和课程创新等。  相似文献   

This article compares the attitude, of biologists in Australian universities towards teaching and research and their productivity in research with that of British university teachers, as reported by Halsey and Trow (1971). The remarkable similarity between the two groups is attributed to the influence of the British university tradition on the biologists' perception of their roles. Like British academics, biologists in Australia prefer research to teaching and hold a narrow view of the nature and function of universities. Evidence to support Halsey and Trow's (1971 ) claim that the tengion between teaching and research is a central problem in modern universities is presented and four major problems in undergraduate education are analysed in these terms.  相似文献   

Disengagement and poor educational attainment in education are firmly established risk factors for juvenile crime, leading policymakers to identify educational provision in and after custody as a key pathway for effective reentry (resettlement). However, although there is emerging evidence that children’s educational progress can reduce recidivism, persistent issues have dogged the delivery of education in custody across the Western world. We identify these issues as rooted in fundamental weaknesses of the risk paradigm that defines the relationship between custodial education and juvenile justice outcomes, in particular reflecting the absence of a cogent theory of change. We propose an alternative ‘Child First’ conceptual framework for custodial education that draws on the ‘Positive Youth Justice’ approach in contemporary youth justice and adopts the development of children’s pro-social identity as its theory of change and key purpose. We explore for the first-time what overarching principles such an approach might entail and test the appropriateness of its theory of change by using it to reinterpret existing good practice messages for custodial education.Therefore, we propose a thoroughgoing evaluation of custodial education practice through such a ‘Child First’ lens.  相似文献   

论中国职业教育"双师型"师资的产生与内涵演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育“双师型”师资是我国教育结构调整、人才培养类型转型和职业教育发展形态变化等因素综合作用的产物,它的内涵随着社会经济条件的发展而不断变化。从深层次分析了“双师型”师资内涵的七种典型表述,指出了各自的优缺点,旨在为我国职业教育“双师型”师资的理论发展和实践探讨提供参考。  相似文献   

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