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文章首先概迷信息隐藏技术,阐述隐写分析技术的基本原理和分类,重点分析现有的几种隐写分析算法,评价其优缺点,最后指出隐写分析技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的图像隐写方法。利用载体图像和秘密图像之间的局部相关性,将秘密图像嵌入到载体图像当中。实验结果表明,该方法能够嵌入较多信息和保持良好的载密图像质量,并且可从载密图像中完全提取出秘密信息。  相似文献   

基于特征函数和质量因子的JPEG图像隐写分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的JPEG通用隐写分析方法.通过分析JPEG图像DCT域和小波域的量化噪声模型和隐写模型,发现了量化噪声和嵌入噪声对图像的作用原理,并用直方图特征函数来区分2种噪声对图像的影响. 基于JPEG质量因子对图像进行分类,为每个图像分类单独训练支持向量机分类器.实验显示,本文方法相比已有的一些常用JPEG通用隐写分析方法具有更好的检测性能.  相似文献   

在利用失真测度来描述隐写引起的音频失真时,发现对同一原始音频进行多次直接 序列扩频隐写过程中,第一次隐写引起的失真最为剧烈.从直接扩频隐写的原理出发,提出了 从待检测音频提取相应失真测度作为特征向量,并利用支持向量机进行分类的隐写分析方法. 该方法不需要对原始音频进行估计.实验证明,本方法具有令人满意的性能,对不同嵌入强度 也同样有效,同时对嵌入容量的干扰提出2种改善策略.  相似文献   

陈柏松  佘诗武  张勇志 《情报杂志》2007,26(11):65-66,48
给出了一种JPEG图像的隐写方法,将部分零系数用于矩阵编码来负载秘密信息,不仅提高了信息嵌入容量,还有效减小了直方图失真。将每个8*8小块中,除直流系数以外的前31个量化系数用于隐藏秘密信息。通过对80幅256*256灰度图像进行实验,结果表明对于一般的自然图像该算法可以有效地控制直方图失真。  相似文献   

刘琦 《内江科技》2011,32(7):35+31-35,31
音频隐写技术作为信息隐藏的一个重要分支,近些年来越来越受到学术界的关注。本文对LSB隐写算法、回声隐写算法、扩频隐写算法及压缩域隐写算法等几种经典音频隐写算法进行总结和阐述。  相似文献   

提出一种基于Huffman码表分布特征和重编码的MP3Stego隐写分析方法.该方法通过Huffman码表分布特征有效地反映了MP3Stego隐写造成的块间量化不均现象.利用重编码得到校准的载体音频,减少不同载体造成的差异,从而提高检测率.实验证明,该方法对MP3Stego有很好的检测效果,在极低的嵌入率下效果仍稳定.  相似文献   

胡昊然  钱萌 《科技广场》2007,(1):125-127
信息隐藏技术利用载体中存在的冗余信息来隐藏秘密对象,以隐藏秘密信息的存在。隐写术是信息隐藏的一个重要分支。隐写分析是通过对隐密对象的分析,对秘密信息进行检测及破解的技术。本文针对Imagehide与JPEGX两种网上常见的隐写工具,从分析特征码出发,揭示了检测和提取秘密信息的方法,并进行了实验,取得了较好的结果,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

张春玉  姚七栋 《科技通报》2014,(5):116-120,151
LSB替换算法会导致含密图像的统计不对称性、直方图异常等现象,给LSB隐写分析留下可乘之机。其改进方法LSB匹配隐写算法能有效弥补此缺点,但该方法是非盲提取技术,通信时增加了额外开销。本文用Logistic双混沌系统分别对秘密图像进行置乱处理和嵌入位面的随机选取,将替换和匹配的思想相结合,有效克服了含密图像统计不对称性、直方图异常等现象,具有与LSB匹配隐写等效的对抗LSB隐写分析的能力,而且是一种盲提取算法。实验表明,该算法是高效的,安全的。  相似文献   

提出一种基于游程统计和Walsh谱能量分布的调色板图像隐写分析方法,利用调色板颜色的奇偶值(parity value,P值)构造P值图像,通过游程统计和Walsh变换提取出46维特征,并用校准技术削弱载体图像差异对分析统计量的干扰.实验表明,该方法适用于EzStego、分量和以及最佳奇偶隐写等调色板图像隐写算法,比奇异颜色分析准确.  相似文献   

We present a lossless Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence hiding method that can be used for ensuring authenticity of DNA sequence in the context of Mobile Cloud based healthcare systems. Hiding data within DNA sequence results in permanent information loss in DNA sequence. Therefore, providing DNA sequence authenticity using data hiding is challenging. Moreover, existing works on DNA data hiding require a reference DNA sequence data to retrieve hidden data. Hence, current methods are not blind approaches and inappropriate for ensuring authenticity of DNA sequence in the Mobile Cloud. The proposed method hides authentication data within DNA sequence, extracts authentication data, and reconstructs the DNA sequence without any loss of information. From there, our proposed approach guarantees DNA sequence authenticity and integrity in Mobile Cloud based healthcare systems. We present a security analysis of our method to show that the method is secured. We conduct several experiments to demonstrate the performance of our proposed method.  相似文献   

A novel visually imperceptible image hiding scheme based on VQ compression and LSB modification is introduced in this article. Multiple secret images can be simultaneously and imperceptibly hid into another cover image with the same image size by the proposed scheme. In order to reduce the volume of secret images to be hid, a codebook is first generated from the secret images and these images are encoded into binary indices by the vector quantization technique. Then the compressed data of secret images are embedded into the VQ codebook used in the encoding procedure by an adaptive least-significant-bits (LSB) modification technique. For the security purpose, the slightly modified codebook is further encrypted into a meaningless data stream by the DES cryptosystem. Finally, the encrypted codebook is embedded into the cover image using the greedy LSB modification technique. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a good improvement in the visual quality of the extracted secret images and the cover image at the receiver. In addition, the proposed scheme provides better hiding capacity for the cover image than earlier works.  相似文献   

提出一种基于小波包与自适应预测器的音频隐写分析方法,主要用于检测加性噪声模型.利用加性噪声对音频高频部分比低频部分影响显著的特点,对音频信号进行小波包分解;然后利用最小均方(LMS)自适应预测器对高频小波包系数进行预测,选取预测误差的统计量作为统计特征;最后采用支持向量机分类.实验证明,对于常用的加性噪声隐写方法,即使在嵌入强度或嵌入率较低的情况下,也能达到较高的分类准确率.  相似文献   

Internet of things (IoT) coupled with mobile cloud computing has made a paradigm shift in the service sector. IoT-assisted mobile cloud based e-healthcare services are making giant strides and are likely to change the conventional ways of healthcare service delivery. Though numerous approaches for preventing unauthorized access to information exchanged between a mobile phone and cloud platform do exist, but there is no security mechanism to prevent unauthorized access by the cloud administrators. With an aim to ensure security of client data such as Electronic Patient Records (EPR), we propose a novel high-capacity and reversible data hiding approach for securely embedding EPR within the medical images using Optimal Pixel Repetition (OPR). OPR converts every pixel of the input image to a 2 × 2 block to facilitate reversibility by ensuring all the pixels in a 2 × 2 block to have different values. Since a 2 × 2 block is comprised of 4-pixel elements, which could be arranged in sixteen possible ways; we generate a lookup table corresponding to sixteen possible positions of pixels. EPR hiding in each block is achieved by permuting the pixels of a block according to the four-bit word of secret data, resulting in a histogram invariant stego image. The histogram invariance improves the robustness of the proposed scheme to statistical attacks. A stego image is said to hide embedded data securely, when it provides better imperceptivity for an appreciably high payload. Thus, while using information embedding approach for securing client data on a mobile-cloud platform, high imperceptivity is a desirable feature. Experimental results show that average PSNR obtained is 42 dB for payload 1.25 bpp by our scheme, showing its effectiveness for preventing unauthorized access to client’s sensitive data.  相似文献   

一种基于不变矩的图像分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在图像分类和识别技术中,针对图像特征的提取这一重要问题,文章实现了用三种不变矩对图像目标提取特征并进行分类的方法,该方法分别提取目标的区域中心矩、区域中心不变矩和径向矩作为特征矢量,并与区域协特征方差算子进行图像分类比较分析。将特征用支持向量机的方法进行分类器的训练,再对目标进行分类。实验结果表明,区域径向矩算子运用在车辆目标分类中具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

针对信息系统环境下制造企业绩效评价的需求,构建了基于数据仓库的制造企业绩效评价指标体系,明确了建立制造企业绩效评价数据仓库所需数据,并对如何获取这些数据进行了阐述,最后给出了运用数据挖掘方法进行制造企业绩效评价的实施步骤。  相似文献   

游静  刘伟 《科技管理研究》2007,27(4):104-106,109
信息系统整合的关键是数据整合。传统的基于业务的信息系统效益评价方式用于评价数据整合的效益略显不足。本文提出基于数据量度模型的系统整合效益评价体系,并介绍其应用案例。  相似文献   

朱聪 《大众科技》2014,(3):28-31
Harris角点检测需要计算图像中每一个像素点的角点响应函数值(CRF),这使得算法运行速度慢,不能满足实时性的要求。针对这个缺点,文章提出了一种改进算法。改进算法通过分析图像中每个像素点8邻域范围内相似像素点分布情况,剔除那些非角点的像素点,并选出潜在的角点像素点作为下一步Harris检测的候选点,从而大大提高了算法的运行效率。  相似文献   

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