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With eyes,mankind look at the world.With telescopes, we look into the universe.Radio telescopes are special eyes of mankind with special vision.In particular,large radio telescopes are super eyes built by radio astronomers aiming for a clear vision of the distant universe. Currently,the largest radio telescopes in the world are  相似文献   

在媒体专业化的发展趋势下,以"广播+交通"为栏目模式、以"服务为王"为播出理念的交通广播形式,逐渐成为媒体竞争中的一匹黑马。在全国近80家省、市级交通频率中,北京人民广播电台交通广播台率先实行机制改革,着力品牌构建,有效延伸自身产业链,最终成为交通广播中公认的领跑者。本文以北京交通广播为例,对交通广播的品牌构建、产业链延伸及未来发展策略等方面做出了详细分析与深入讨论,并指出加强自身优势的深度开掘,结合互联网思维实行传统媒体和新媒体的共同发展将是交通广播未来竞技中的发展方向。  相似文献   

在媒体专业化的发展趋势下,以"广播+交通"为栏目模式、以"服务为王"为播出理念的交通广播形式,逐渐成为媒体竞争中的一匹黑马.在全国近80家省、市级交通频率中,北京人民广播电台交通广播台率先实行机制改革,着力品牌构建,有效延伸自身产业链,最终成为交通广播中公认的领跑者.本文以北京交通广播为例,对交通广播的品牌构建、产业链延伸及未来发展策略等方面做出了详细分析与深入讨论,并指出加强自身优势的深度开掘,结合互联网思维实行传统媒体和新媒体的共同发展将是交通广播未来竞技中的发展方向.  相似文献   

灵敏度是电台的重要指标,随着通信技术的发展,采用跳频和扩频技术的抗干扰电台越来越多地应用到现代超短波通信系统中。由于跳频图案和扩频编码对于用户是不可知的,那么抗干扰电台灵敏度的检测难以实施。本文通过设计通信控制器,运用同型号电台相互通信的方法,并采用内嵌式计算机系统完成调制音频数据产生、信噪比和误码率分析、收发状态转换等功能,来实施音频灵敏度和数据灵敏度的检测。实际检测结果证明,这种方法能够实现未知跳频图案和扩频码情况下电台灵敏度的自动检测,提高了抗干扰电台检测水平。  相似文献   

Software as a Service (SaaS) is regarded as a favorable solution to enhance a modern organization's IT performance and competitiveness; however, many organizations may still be reluctant to introduce SaaS solutions mainly because of the trust concern—they may perceive more risks than benefits. This paper presumes that an organization will augment the trust of adopting SaaS solutions when perceived risks decrease and/or perceived benefits increase. To gain insights into this issue, a solution framework using a modified Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach is proposed. The core logic is to treat perceived benefits and perceived risks as two distinct themes so that a visible cause–effect diagram can be developed to facilitate the decision makers. A case study is conducted on a Taiwanese company—one of the world's leading manufacturers in the niche and specialized resistor markets. The findings suggest that the case company concern more about strategic-oriented benefits than economic-oriented benefits and more about subjective risks than technical risks. Some implications are addressed accordingly.  相似文献   

王鑫 《科教文汇》2011,(9):156-156
应当重视工作在公安一线的警员身体状况,清醒地认识到警员体能训练不仅关系到身体素质、运动能力和实战中的应变能力的变化,而且还关系到警员在查缉技能、战术等方面及至搏斗中的生死存亡等严肃问题。  相似文献   

Today, more than 2,000 astronomers from all over the world gather together in Beijing to attend the 28^th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). This is a grand event for astro...  相似文献   

Topic models often produce unexplainable topics that are filled with noisy words. The reason is that words in topic modeling have equal weights. High frequency words dominate the top topic word lists, but most of them are meaningless words, e.g., domain-specific stopwords. To address this issue, in this paper we aim to investigate how to weight words, and then develop a straightforward but effective term weighting scheme, namely entropy weighting (EW). The proposed EW scheme is based on conditional entropy measured by word co-occurrences. Compared with existing term weighting schemes, the highlight of EW is that it can automatically reward informative words. For more robust word weight, we further suggest a combination form of EW (CEW) with two existing weighting schemes. Basically, our CEW assigns meaningless words lower weights and informative words higher weights, leading to more coherent topics during topic modeling inference. We apply CEW to Dirichlet multinomial mixture and latent Dirichlet allocation, and evaluate it by topic quality, document clustering and classification tasks on 8 real world data sets. Experimental results show that weighting words can effectively improve the topic modeling performance over both short texts and normal long texts. More importantly, the proposed CEW significantly outperforms the existing term weighting schemes, since it further considers which words are informative.  相似文献   

随着移动通信业务量和用户数目的飞速发展,3G的时代已经到来.针对现在的规范和开发,使用扇区化和多载波技术可以减少TD-SCDMA系统内的干扰,增大系统的容量.在维持同样的系统性能的情况下.扇区化能增加小区容纳的用户数目,同时伴随着性能的增加,现有结构和实现流程会有大的改动,着重分析了对RNC实现的影响和处理策略.  相似文献   

县级广播电视事业是我国广电传媒产业的重要组成部分,在广播电视公共服务中起着非常大的作用。但近年来,由于种种因素的影响,我国县级广播电视台在发展中存在着诸多问题,严重制约我国广电事业的进一步提升。为厘清目前我国县级广电事业的真实状况及未来改革路径,以湖北省洪湖市广播电视台为研究案例,通过深入剖析该地区广电事业的现状、特色及存在的问题,对我国县级广播电视事业的发展作出自己的思考,希望从中探索出一条适合其发展的有一定针对性的改革路径。  相似文献   

提出了一种专利技术组合与合作潜力分析方法,针对特定机构或领域的专利产出,利用数据挖掘、主题识别、关联分析、可视化技术等方法与手段,挖掘专利技术特征,判断相似程度,从中寻找有望进一步构建专利组合的潜在技术、有望建立合作关系的专利主体。针对国内某科研机构开展的实验分析结果显示,该方法能够有效地映射出专利技术的知识单元,能够为机构挖掘自身专利技术组合可能、机构间寻找战略合作潜在方向等提供有效的决策参考,在大科学时代的协同创新形势下具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

医药产业是台州经济的支柱产业。近年来,原料药的生产正逐渐从化学法向生物法转变,因此,台州经济也面临着转型升级。发酵工程是将多种知识应用到生产实践中的桥梁课程。本文介绍了台州学院结合台州地区的经济发展状况,与发酵工程课程建设的情况,探讨了学院在发酵工程教学过程中的改革措施,优化整合教学内容,加强实验教学和教学基地的建设,以提高教学质量,培养适合台州经济发展以及国家需要的综合型、创新型人才。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the decision-making process and the associated information search behaviour of tourists. However, very few have focused on how tourists make plans for their trips when travelling in groups. This paper adds to the knowledge of the decision-making process of tourist groups with a specific focus on intra-group interaction and the support of technology. This research adopted a mixed-methods approach, combining two studies. Study 1 employed a focus group to gain an understanding of the decision-making process within a tourist group, while Study 2 employed a questionnaire survey to explore how the use of technology in such a process varies among different categories of groups. Study 1 proposed a model for a group holiday decision-making process with four components: information acquisition, intra-group information sharing, knowledge transfer, and decision making. It was adapted from the “Infogineering Model” and the encoding and decoding theory in communication studies. Study 2 identified new influential factors on the use of technology by tourist groups for decision making. Ultimately, this research produced a number of theoretical implications, as well as practical implications in terms of how practitioners can better support Chinese tourists, family travellers, and tourists with little prior travel experience, and how technology can facilitate group holiday decision making.  相似文献   

结合台州经济转型 探索发酵工程教改新模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医药产业是台州经济的支柱产业。近年来,原料药的生产正逐渐从化学法向生物法转变,因此,台州经济也面临着转型升级。发酵工程是将多种知识应用到生产实践中的桥梁课程。本文介绍了台州学院结合台州地区的经济发展状况,与发酵工程课程建设的情况,探讨了学院在发酵工程教学过程中的改革措施,优化整合教学内容,加强实验教学和教学基地的建设,以提高教学质量,培养适合台州经济发展以及国家需要的综合型、创新型人才。  相似文献   

Prior research has shown a correlation between market orientation and business performance as measured through new product success. Market orientation has traditionally been measured through the MKTOR and MARKOR scales developed by Narver and Slater and Kohli et al., respectively. We examine whether there might be a different, complementary way to study market orientation. Kohli and Jaworski discuss the role of networks in achieving higher levels of market orientation, but network analysis has not previously been used to study market orientation. Following Kohli and Jaworski we find that network analysis can show how information is gathered and disseminated within a group; and following Narver and Slater we find that network analysis can be used to examine customer orientation and coordination. We discover a possible association between the organization’s structure and its level of coordination, and that certain roles within the group facilitate increased customer orientation within the team. Our research suggests that network analysis, particularly when managers participate in the interpretation of results, can be an effective means of identifying and correcting obstacles to a team’s market orientation. We believe our research contributes to theory by showing an alternative, complementary way to study market orientation and suggests factors that contribute to a group’s level of market orientation. We believe that this research contributes to practice by providing managers with a practical measure to improve their organization’s market orientation, thus increasing the likelihood of new product success.  相似文献   

This paper describes part of a larger body of theoretical work which provides a new perspective on the nature of informatics, an umbrella term used to stand for the overlapping disciplinary areas of Information Systems, Information Management and Information Technology. We argue for an area of interest located at the intersection of signs and systems, which involves the enactment of forma (the substance of a sign), informa (the content of a sign) and performa (the use of signs within coordinated action). This conceptual scheme is reflected against work not traditionally covered by theory-making within informatics: that of animal communication. We use the well-documented case of the dance of the European honeybee to help ground our discussion. This examination leads to an understanding of the central position of communication amongst organisms as well as the place of human communication in the broad evolution of communication systems. This allows us to highlight crucial features of the concept of a data system as well as the important distinction between persistent and non-persistent data systems within communication processes.  相似文献   

Information provision via digital libraries often separates the writing process from that of information searching. In this paper we investigate the potential of a tighter integration between searching for information in digital libraries and using those results in academic writing. We consider whether it may sometimes be advantageous to encourage searching while writing instead of the more conventional approach of searching first and then writing. The provision of ambient search is explored, taking the user’s ongoing writing as a source for the generation of search terms used to provide possibly useful results. A rapid prototyping approach exploiting web services was used as a way to explore the design space and to have working demonstrations that can provoke reactions, design suggestions and discussions about desirable functionalities and interfaces. This design process and some preliminary user studies are described. The results of these studies lead to a consideration of issues arising in exploring this design space, including handling irrelevant results and the particular challenges of evaluation.  相似文献   

Combining both interview data and empirical analyses at the patent and firm levels, we explore the value-appropriation and value-creation implications of R&D collaboration resulting in the co-ownership of intellectual property (i.e. co-patents). We make an explicit distinction between three different types of co-patenting partners: intra-industry partners, inter-industry partners, and universities. Our findings indicate that the value-appropriation challenges of IP sharing are clearly evident with intra-industry co-patenting, where partners are more likely to encounter overlapping exploitation domains. Co-patenting with universities is associated with higher market value, since appropriation challenges are unlikely to play a role and collaboration may signal novel technological opportunities. Although we find some evidence that co-patenting corresponds to higher (patent) value, patents co-owned with firms are significantly less likely to receive self-citations, indicating constraints on the future exploitation and development of co-owned technologies.  相似文献   

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