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Binary population synthesis(BPS),an approach to evolving millions of stars(including binaries) simultaneously,plays a crucial role in our understanding of stellar physics,the structure and evolution of galaxies,and cosmology.We proposed and developed a BPS approach,and used it to investigate the formation of many peculiar stars such as hot subdwarf stars,progenitors of type la supernovae,barium stars, CH stars,planetary nebulae,double white dwarfs,blue stragglers,contact binaries,etc.We also established an ...  相似文献   

1.General framework of galaxy formation and evolution Galaxies are the building blocks of the universe,and we mankind live in the Milky Way which itself is a typical spiral galaxy.If one takes a look at an image photographed by a big telescope,e.g.the Hubble Space Telescope(HST) or the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS),except for a small fraction of stars in our Milky Way,most of the sources are  相似文献   

1. Introduction Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE) studies are to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of the chemical abundances in the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies. This process is closely related to two important parameters in galaxy evolution: the initial mass function (IMF) and the star formation rate (SFR). It is also related to the primordial abundances, the nucleosynthesis and gas flows,  相似文献   

卢戈 《中国科技纵横》2011,(21):399-403
笔者提出无限并循环的宇宙模型。认为我们所能观察到的只是宇宙中无数个单位中的一个,称为本宇宙单位。它由宇宙单位黑洞_(母黑洞)爆炸形成。无数个由母黑洞形成,到爆炸,到宇宙单位发展,成熟,被另外在形成中的母偶洞“吞蚀”等不同发展阶段的宇宙单位构成了无限并循环的宇宙。母黑洞爆炸的壳层碎片及尘埃(暗物质)构成星系的,恒星的,甚至原始行星的核,并决定其运动型式;母黑洞中央由引力子裂解形成的无极子团,是宇宙单位爆炸,膨涨的斥力来源,属暗能量的一部分。邻宇宙单位对本宇宙单位的引力是暗能量的另一部允是使本宇宙单位目前加速膨胀的主要能量。提出宇宙三定律:1,宇宙是无限的:表现为承载万物及其变化的空间无边无际;描述万物变化快慢的时间无始无终。2,宇宙是循环的:以宇宙单位为单元。以宇宙单位黑洞(母黑洞)形成,到爆炸,到宇宙单位发展,成熟,被另外在形成中的母黑洞‘‘吞蚀”等,不同发展阶段的无数宇宙单位,共同构成了无限并循环的宇宙。3,宇宙是自有永有并全面自动的演化着:宇宙中的万物都在按照自然规律全面自动的衍化着,不以人的意志为转移。‘提出人类发展的胚胎期,婴儿期,幼儿期清年期,成年期和长生期。目前人类仅处在婴儿期向幼儿期的过渡阶段。以进化论的观点分扼提出在本宇亩单位中衍化出“神”来的可能性极高,粗不只一种。在宇宙中衍化出‘种”来的可能性是100%。“神”的定义是:具极高智慧并掌握了一切自然规律的灵体。他们可穿越时空'毪IJ造生命。进化是因,是过程;神是进化的最高境界,是果。无进化,神无源;无袍进化无果。人是进化过程中的一个重要环节’但不是最终结果。这可把进化与神统一起来。提出人类不仅应崇敬袍祈求神的帮助,更应向神学习去争取掌握一切自然规律,以求永生长存。人类向神学习的方法是,要做到社会和谐,不断进行科学研究If罡进人类发展,争取掌握一切自然规律。在地球毁灭之前能离开地球;在太阳毁灭之前能离开太阳系;在银河系毁灭之前能离开银河系;在本宇宙单位毁灭之前能离开本宇宙单位,能在宇宙中避凶趋吉,“自由行是”永生长存。达不到这个目的,人类将在宇宙的衍化过程中毁灭。这不是人类的期望。此,应为人类的子利、后代永世不忘。(图2)  相似文献   

涂小松  龙花楼 《资源科学》2015,37(12):2451-2460
鄱阳湖地区是中国重要生态功能区和世界基金会划定的全球重要生态区。本文基于土地覆被遥感解译数据及其他辅助数据,运用基于专家知识的生态系统服务价值评估模型及相关分维、空间统计等分析方法,分析鄱阳湖地区2000-2010年生态系统服务价值空间格局及其动态演化。结果表明:①鄱阳湖地区生态系统服务价值总量较高,但价值净损失趋于加速,2000-2005年价值净损失1.10亿元,2005-2010年净损失2.47亿元;②生态系统服务价值空间格局的等级差异明显,中等价值单元分布均匀,高值单元分布集中,低值和较高值单元随机分布;③生态系统服务价值及其动态演化的空间自相关与高低值聚集现象明显,但其相关性与聚集程度趋于弱化;④“退耕还林”政策的实施促使生态系统服务价值增值并形成若干增值热点区,城市扩张与土地开发导致生态系统服务价值损失,并形成沿交通干线和水土资源富集区分布的价值损失冷点区。  相似文献   

Dark matter (DM) is a form of matter necessary to account for gravitational effects observed in very large scale structures such as anomalies in the rotation of galaxies and the gravitational lensing of light by galaxy clusters that cannot be accounted for by the quantity of observed matter (Bertone et al. 2005). In the standard cosmology model, dark matter, dark energy and normal matter constitute about 23%, 72% and 5% of the energy density of the universe,  相似文献   

Over the course of its 10 billion year history, our Galaxy is believed to be populated by as many as a billion neutron stars - superdense remnants born after the violent deaths of stars much more massive than our Sun. Studying the older members of this population - the vast majority - is key to understanding the long-term evolution of these objects and their role in the chemical enrichment of our Galaxy. Positively detecting these objects, however, has proved to be extremely challenging, primarily due to their extreme faintness. Candidates exist at present, but number far fewer than originally expected.  相似文献   

为全面反映地方政府建设用地供给行为对人口生活、生产活动地点选择的影响,明确建设用地供给结构变动影响人口流动的机理,本文通过构建包含地方政府、企业和居民三类主体的一般均衡模型,利用模型的求解和数值模拟,提出研究假设,在此基础上,利用2001-2013年山东省地级市层面的面板数据,运用门限回归分析方法,实证分析了地方政府建设用地供给结构对人口流动的影响方式。研究发现:①建设用地供给结构对人口流入呈现出特殊倒U型的影响方式,在(0,0.823]和(0.823,∞)两个区间内,建设用地供给结构对人口流入影响的偏回归系数分别为2.307 2、-2.133 1,处于不同区间时,建设用地供给结构对人口流入的影响方式存在明显差异;②建设用地供给结构对人口流入影响的偏回归系数的绝对值小于人口规模(26.617 3)和城市区位(11.445 5),但是大于基础设施投资水平(1.399 5),说明建设用地供给结构对人口流入的影响程度介于人口规模、城市区位与基础设施投资水平之间,其对人口流动具有较为重要的影响。地方政府可以利用建设用地供给结构作为工具,根据自身对人口流入的实际需求采取差别性的调控方式,吸引或引导人口流入或流出。  相似文献   

How and when did galaxies form? How and when did stars form in these island-like universes? These questions are still posing a considerable challenge to present-day astronomers.  相似文献   

Astronomical observation in the millimetre wave region is of comparatively recent origin, but promises important contributions to our knowledge of the formation of stars, the structure of galaxies, and chemical reactions between ions and radicals not available in the laboratory. This article describes some of the very complex technological problems encountered in the design and construction of the important UK/NL millimetre wave telescope now nearing completion on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, and the kinds of result expected of it.  相似文献   

The Partner Group does research on cosmic magnetic fields using radio astronomy methods. Magnetic fields are found in every astronomical object: the Earth, the Sun, planets, stars, pulsars, the Milky Way, nearby galaxies and in distant radio galaxies. The role of the magnetic fields in the cosmic universe has not been well investigated, mainly because of the difficulties of their observation. The Partner Group has executed several successful observational projects using the 100m radio telescope in Effelsberg, the Very Large Array in the USA and the Australia Telescope National Facilities to collect polarization data tracing the magnetic fields in the Milky Way. The group further plans to install a 6cm receiver system in a 25m radio telescope in Urumqi next summer to make polarization observations that give an unambiguous picture of magnetic field structures emerging from the disk of the Milky Way.  相似文献   

低碳农业与农作物碳足迹核算研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张丹  张卫峰 《资源科学》2016,38(7):1395-1405
持续提高农业产量、提高土壤生产力、降低环境污染的低碳农业是21世纪发展的主旋律,碳足迹评价方法是支撑低碳农业技术转型、碳交易、碳标签等管理措施的基础。本研究收集了水稻、小麦、玉米3种作物的22个研究结果,发现碳足迹仍有很大的不确定性,目前国内外尚没有建立统一的碳足迹核算方法体系,导致同一作物碳足迹相差达十几倍,例如水稻碳足迹从1895 kgce/hm2(ce:CO2equal,即二氧化碳等当量),到11 811kgce/hm2,而小麦和玉米的净排放却出现相反的两个结果,即固碳(净碳排放为负值)和排放(净碳排放为正值)。分析表明,主要问题在于模型边界、温室气体种类、数据获取途径、量化单位等方面不一致,因此需要重构作物生产碳足迹研究方法。本文提出了用生命周期方法量化农作物生产碳足迹的理论模型,提出以农业投入品上游排放、农田生产排放、以及土壤固碳为边界的生命循环为边界,量化全生命链条中的CO2、CH4、N2O等直接排放因子以及NH3和NO3-等间接排放因子,通过大样本数据建立关键排放因子的量化模型,实现区域性碳足迹的定量化分析。  相似文献   

Trends change rapidly in today’s world, prompting this key question: What is the mechanism behind the emergence of new trends? By representing real-world dynamic systems as complex networks, the emergence of new trends can be symbolized by vertices that “shine.” That is, at a specific time interval in a network’s life, certain vertices become increasingly connected to other vertices. This process creates new high-degree vertices, i.e., network stars. Thus, to study trends, we must look at how networks evolve over time and determine how the stars behave. In our research, we constructed the largest publicly available network evolution dataset to date, which contains 38,000 real-world networks and 2.5 million graphs. Then, we performed the first precise wide-scale analysis of the evolution of networks with various scales. Three primary observations resulted: (a) links are most prevalent among vertices that join a network at a similar time; (b) the rate that new vertices join a network is a central factor in molding a network’s topology; and (c) the emergence of network stars (high-degree vertices) is correlated with fast-growing networks. We applied our learnings to develop a flexible network-generation model based on large-scale, real-world data. This model gives a better understanding of how stars rise and fall within networks, and is applicable to dynamic systems both in nature and society.Multimedia Links▶ Video ▶ Interactive Data Visualization ▶ Data ▶ Code Tutorials  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来和大众传媒的普及,社会热点问题已经渗透到了中学(中职)学生的学习和生活当中,对他们的心理状态、价值取向、理想信念、成长方式等都产生了巨大的影响。广西中学(中职)共青团基层组织思想政治教育作为德育工作的重要组成部分如何直面社会热点问题带给学生的猛烈冲击,有机地结合社会热点问题与其思想政治教育,进而实现德育工作的健康发展,是广西中学(中职)共青团基层组织建设中必须要思考的问题。  相似文献   

随着软件需求工程快速增长和普及,人们开始研究软件需求变化和追溯方法,以及处理需求变化的自动化方法和追溯相关问题系统方法。从三维角度研究了软件需求变化目标驱动可追溯方法:基于目标驱动用例方法研究软件开发和需求管理;建立和维护相关可追溯设计结构模型(DSM),目的是提取可追溯树;通过DSM的分割技术,分析需求变化产生的影响。  相似文献   

李阳  原长弘  王涛  陈志强 《科学学研究》2016,34(11):1744-1757
政产学研用协同创新是实现国家创新驱动发展战略的有效途径,是提升国家和产业竞争力的关键。尽管学术界对政产学研用协同创新进行了深入的研究,但未能充分揭示政产学研用协同创新是如何有效提升企业竞争力的。本文基于对同方威视政产学研用合作的单案例研究,剖析了政产学研用协同创新提升企业竞争力的4个关键要素,从自组织理论视角出发,揭示了政产学研用协同创新提升企业竞争力的动态演化过程。该研究成果对提高政产学研用协同创新绩效,实现企业竞争力有效提升有较大的理论价值和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

The Partner Group does research in cosmology, focussing on the quantitative modeling of the structure and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, the pattern of galaxies and of larger structures. The usual approach in this field is the dark matter paradigm, i.e. the assumption that the basic structures are laid out in a matter component of particles which interact only gravitationally. Numerical simulations of large scale and high resolution are used to follow the evolution of condensations of dark matter particles during cosmological evolution. Analytic models and detailed statistical investigations of astronomical data sets supplement the numerical work.  相似文献   

伊德的身体理论是理解其科学哲学和技术哲学思想的重要视角。他在“身体一”(感知的身体,体验的身体)和“身体二”(文化建构的身体)的基础上,提出了身体的第三个维度,即“技术的身体”。“技术的身体”是对“身体一”和“身体二”的综合,主要特征是工具的涉身性,而这正是科学哲学与技术哲学的界面。伊德的身体理论对涉身、知觉和行动的内在联系进行了挖掘,对“情境化知识”、人与技术的关系进行了全新解读,对我们建立批判的知识论和技术现象学有诸多启发,其中有两个向度不可忽视,一是关注行动,二是重视现象学一解释学方法。  相似文献   

Community question answering (CQA) services that enable users to ask and answer questions are popular on the internet. Each user can simultaneously play the roles of asker and answerer. Some work has aimed to model the roles of users for potential applications in CQA. However, the dynamic characteristics of user roles have not been addressed. User roles vary over time. This paper explores user representation by tracking user-role evolution, which could enable several potential applications in CQA, such as question recommendation. We believe this paper is the first to track user-role evolution and investigate its influence on the performance of question recommendation in CQA. Moreover, we propose a time-aware role model (TRM) to effectively track user-role evolution. With different independence assumptions, two variants of TRM are developed. Finally, we present the TRM-based approach to question recommendation, which provides a mechanism to naturally integrate the user-role evolution with content relevance between the answerer and the question into a unified probabilistic framework. Experiments using real-world data from Stack Overflow show that (1) the TRM is valid for tracking user-role evolution, and (2) compared with baselines utilizing role based methods, our TRM-based approach consistently and significantly improves the performance of question recommendation. Hence, our approach could enable several potential applications in CQA.  相似文献   

柴巧燕 《科教文汇》2011,(6):148-149
英国BTEC(HND)的教育模式与中国传统的教育模式完全不同,该项目的成功实施为我国高等职业教育改革提供了良好的借鉴经验。本文研究了BTEC(HND)的课程评价体系,结合我国高等职业教育传统的课程评价体系进行分析,提出了我国高等职业教育课程评价体系改革的建议。  相似文献   

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