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一、根据地球自转方向判断由于地球自西向东自转,从北极上空看,地球是逆时针方向转动的;从南极上空看,则是顺时针方向转动的。因此,在极地地区俯视图上,如果地球自转方向呈逆时针,为北半球(如图1);如果地球自转方向呈顺时针,为南半球(如图2)。  相似文献   

陈允文 《物理教师》2009,30(10):52-53
当脸盆中的水排空时会形成漩涡,为何会形成这个漩涡?我们通常的解释是:这是由于地球自转引起的地转偏向力在起作用.在北半球,地转偏向力向右,引起气流向右偏,南半球则向左.所以北半球的气旋是逆时针的,南半球呈顺时针.气旋如此,水流的漩涡也是如此,所以我们见到脸盆中的漩涡应该是逆时针的.  相似文献   

大嘴豆身在新西兰。水的漩涡是受地球自转影响的,北半球水的漩涡由左向右顺时针旋转,而南半球正好相反。大嘴豆的城市水流漩涡是顺时的,说明他在北半球;  相似文献   

Susan 《新高考》2015,(4):31-32
Year 2015 will have one extra second to compensate for the Earth’s slowing rotation.It will be at the end of June 30,2015 at 23:59:60Coordinated Universal Time(UTC).Earth’s rotation Earth’s rotation is the rotation of the solid Earth around its own axis.The Earth rotates from the west towards the east.As viewed from the North Star or polestar Polaris,the Earth turns counter-clockwise.  相似文献   

“顺时针”和“逆时针”多指物体的圆周运动方向,其与很多地理知识有密切联系。一、与天体运动的关系地球及其他行星在各自的轨道上呈逆时针方向绕太阳公转。月球在其轨道上呈逆时针方向绕地球公转。从北极上空俯视,地球呈逆时针方向自转;从南极上空俯视,地球呈顺时针方向自转。二、与气流的关系在三圈环流中,北半球低纬度地区、高纬度地区和南半球中纬度地区的地面、高空之间的大气是呈顺时针方向环流的;北半球中纬度地区,南半球低纬度地区、高纬度地区的地面和高空之间的大气是呈逆时针方向环流的。在气旋和反气旋中,北半球气旋、南半球反…  相似文献   

"被绑架在何处"答案:智多多身在新西兰。在地处北半球的夏威夷,水流漩涡是由左向右的,而在地处南半球的新西兰,水流漩涡是由右向左的。水的漩涡受地球自转的影响,北半球水的漩涡是由左向右顺时针旋转,南半球则相反。这个案件告诉我们,要成为一名优秀的侦探需要多么丰富的知识啊!  相似文献   

复杂多样的世界气候,是教学的难点,为了帮助学生学好这部分知识,教学中我注意了以下几方面: 一、地球自转偏力。由于气压带、风带及印度洋西南季风的形成等都涉及到它,所以我在学生原有地球自转知识的基础上,讲解了一些“地球自转偏力”的知识。课前,布置学生每人做一次观察漏斗内液体快速下漏时,液流旋转方向的实验。从实验中学生观察到液流“逆时针旋转”的现象。如果进一步追问为什么,学生一般都回答不出。这时,我结合实验逐一说明:①液体旋转,是地球自转偏力的表现。②自转偏力,只是在地球不停地自转和物体作水平运动(漏斗内液体向中间流动)的情况下,才能出现。③偏转方向,是与物体本来运动方向(直流向中心)柑对而言的。④地球的自转,使北半球地面上所有移动的物体偏右转(逆时针方向),南半球地面上移动的物体偏左转(顺时针方向)。  相似文献   

为什么水流不按顺时针方向转动或不旋转呢?我的粗浅见解是:地球由于自西向东绕地轴高速自转,因此,赤道附近的物体线速度最大,从赤道向两极物体的线速度逐渐减小。因此,北半球上的任何物体都是南端部分钱速度大而北端部分线速度小,如果物体不受任何外力,由于惯性物体就会发生转动,但是由于摩擦力和其他作用力的存在,物体根本转不起来。而“平静”的水在下漏过程中只受重力,又由于液体的附壁效应,所以,水对漏孔的附壁作用和地球的自转作用共同引起了水的旋转。由于孔南侧的水随地球自转的线速度大,因此水漩涡总是逆时针旋转,而…  相似文献   

高梅 《广东教育》2006,(10):40-40,44
1.根据地球的自转方向判断 在俯视图上,如果地球自转呈逆时针方向旋转,为北半球(如图1所示);呈顺时针方向旋转,则为南半球。  相似文献   

During a lazy summer day in 2001,you might turn your telescope skywardto see what the heavens have to offer.And there,you spot a strange ob-ject whose wings are slowly flapping as it emerges from the shadow of the Earth.It’s not a bird,it’S not a plane-it’s KEO,one of the strangest andmost imaginative time capsules over conceived.  相似文献   

一、判读技巧点拨1.确定南极和北极(1)侧视图:通常是上为北极(一般用N表示),下为南极(一般用S表示),如图1。(2)极地俯视图:根据地球自转方向来判断,逆时针自转的,其圆心为北极点,如图2所示;顺时针自转的,其圆心为南极点,如图3所示;如果图中没有标出地球自转方向,有时可以先根据图中经度递变特点判断出地球自转方向,再确定南北极。若图4中没有标注地球自转方向,则可以根据图中经度递变特点判断出地球自转方向为逆时针,故圆心为北极点。图1图2图3图42.确定晨昏线(1)根据地球自转方向判断:顺着地球自转的方向,由昼过渡到夜的分界线为“昏线”,…  相似文献   

一天,我偶然发现街边道树中有三棵小叶榕的气生住直立的树干长得很长,而是按逆时针方向爬上树干的是不是所有植物的气生根和茎都会逆时针攀爬呢?带着这个问题,我开始认真地寻找。我发现从上往下看,牵牛花、四季豆、桉树等植物的茎都是逆时针攀爬的。不过,我也发现个别按顺时针方向攀爬的植物,比如金银花的藤。这时,我突然想起我看过的《极地跨越》系列片中,一个叔叔在赤道上做过一个小实验:把一朵花放入正在漏水的杯子里,花会随着水流而旋转,在北半球它按逆时针方向旋转,在南半球就变成顺时针旋转了。为了证实这一点,我找来一个塑料杯,在底…  相似文献   

A For most Americans, a clean glass of wa-ter is just a faucet (水龙头) away. But for many of the world’s poorest citizens, a small safe drink is no short trip to the tap. On Wednesday,the United Nations (UN) marked World Water Day by committing to cut the number of people without drinking water— 1 billion hum an beings worldwide—in half. Over the next decade, the UN will work with governments around the globe to reduce the shortages. With no clean water on hand, many peo-ple turn to using water sources that a...  相似文献   

Jordan is hoping to save the Dead Sea from dying completely by channeling in water from its large and less-salty southern cousin, the Red Sea, its water minister was quoted as saying.Hazem Nasser said Jordan will present a plan to the U. N. Earth Summit in Johannesburg under which it proposes that a canal be built between the two seas to stabilize Dead Sea water levels. The Red Sea lies some 210 miles (340 kilometers) to the south of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is threatened because the Jordan River, which flows into it, is being overused for irriga-tion(灌溉).  相似文献   

贾琳琳 《海外英语》2011,(1):204-205
There thought to be a great weakness in the construction of Angel in Tess for Angel’s illogically changeable character.The author holds,however,that Angel’s character is reasonable as he is a man in the Victorian Age.This article tries to interpret the male subject deconstruction with post-modern theory to demonstrate the concern to the female in Hardy’s work.  相似文献   

即用地球仪演示,使学生不仅掌握地球自转是自西向东,而且掌握从南极上空、北极上空看地球自转是顺时针还是逆时针。这样,增强了教学的直观性,培养了学生的空间概念和空间想象能力。  相似文献   

庄新月 《海外英语》2013,(4X):200-202
Hemingway established a well-known literary theory - iceberg principle.He said he always attempted to create his literary works according to this principle.In his opinion,if a prose writer has a pretty clear idea of what he writes about,then he can omit the things he knows,and the readers will strongly feel that what the writer has omitted seems to have been written as long as what he writes is authentic.Hemingway himself once said,"The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one eighth of it being above water."Here,one eighth refers to the information given by the author,and the rest refers to the unwrit ten information that can be acquired in readers’imagination on the basis of the one eighth.The Killers is a good example of Hemingway’s iceberg principle.This essay will analyse the characters in it to show how the principle was used in this short story.With no doubt the iceberg principle leaves a large space for the readers to imagine and better understand Hemingway’s works.  相似文献   

1、想一想在北半球生长的牵牛花,藤蔓的缠绕方向是顺时针的,还是逆时针的? 2、在北半球,水流在洞口形成的漩涡方向是顺时针的,还是逆时针的?藤蔓与漩涡  相似文献   

杨晓琳 《海外英语》2012,(13):194-196
In the present paper the approach of formalism was adopted to analyze Zhang Chengzhi’ s work History of the Soul.According to the analysis to its form selection,unique style,the speaker’ s voice and the symbol,it is proved that a proper form and literary experience function to each other.And a conclusion was drawn that this work both contains a fantasy in reality and a reality in history.It is a journey of the author’ s soul,a real fiction.  相似文献   

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