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STEAM教育强调跨学科的综合知识与能力,注重将科学、技术、工程、艺术、数学知识的综合应用,其在提升学生科学核心素养方面发挥重要作用。基于2009-2021年核心期刊文献数据分析了我国STEAM教育研究的发展及热点,发现当前我国STEAM课程教育主要以实践案例教学为主,没有系统的实践课程体系及评价标准,STEAM课程很难融入现有的课程体系中,并且由于分科教学,STEAM师资匮乏。未来,我国STEAM教育研究热点将主要围绕实践课程体系设计、师资力量建设和评价体系构建。  相似文献   

STEAM教育作为一种培养复合型人才的跨学科整合教育模式,对提升学生创新、创造能力具有重要作用与积极意义。当前,我国中小学STEAM教育发展面临缺乏宏观系统规划、师资力量薄弱、课程资源与环境建设滞后等现实问题。文章认为,高校教育技术学本科专业方向的调整改革,能够加强中小学STEAM教育专业的师资人才培养;以工程、技术学科课程为基础整合相关学科知识,是STEAM课程资源建设的有效途径;依托校园创客空间建设,能够促进STEAM教育的价值实现。  相似文献   

STEAM教育作为一种培养复合型人才的跨学科整合教育模式,对提升学生的创新创造能力具有重要作用。为提升学生的创新素养,STEAM教育是一条重要而有效的途径,这也为信息技术课程创新带来了新的契机。在学校教育期间,教师也应当借助信息技术教学,提升学生的信息素养。初中生对知识的理解能力和接受能力都处于快速发展阶段,教师要抓住这一教育黄金期,不断优化信息技术教学模式,促进学生综合能力提升。实践证明,立足STEAM教育视角,能够从多角度改变学生的学习状态,提高学生的信息技术学习效果。本文从不同角度详细阐述STEAM教育视角下的初中信息技术教学措施。  相似文献   

以人工智能、云计算、区块链等新技术为主的新兴产业催生了更高级的经济形态,如何培养适配高端产业与产业高端需求的创新型数字人才是新时代高职院校高水平建设的核心议题。STEAM教育是终身性、整体性、系统性的教学体系,其跨学科综合性育人理念与高职院校创新型数字人才的培养目标、内容、形式等多方面深度契合,是高职院校培育高质量创新型数字人才的有效路径。高职院校引入STEAM教育,应做到多元育人主体达成共同愿景,形成育人合力,协同创设开放共享的STEAM育人环境;开展STEAM教育师资培训,重塑教师育人理念,提升教师综合能力,完善培训与认证体系,组建STEAM教师团队;开发具有高职特色的STEAM教育课程资源,构建EILP项目课程框架,整体提高创新型数字人才培养的质量与水平。  相似文献   

浙江省第三届中小学STEAM教育大会聚焦项目化学习,带动了更多的教师一起研究和探索这一素养立意下的学习新样态。基于大会相关内容的分析可知,浙江省的STEAM项目化学习在STEAM教育区域推进的机制、STEAM教育课程建设的变式实践和STEAM项目学习的实践机制等方面做了积极探索。  相似文献   

国外职教教师教育的特点及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外职教教师教育呈现出教师教育机构专门性与综合性相结合、师资学位证书体系完善、教师培训与进修制度化、强调教学素养形成与实践经验获得等特点。其启示在于:建立健全职教教师教育体系,推进教师教育一体化;规范职教师资生源标准,完善教师教育制度建设;加强校企合作,创新职教师资培养模式;改革课程体系,提升教师职业能力。  相似文献   

教育实践立足于本土经济、文化、师资等实际情况,以申报审核制在宝应县确定36所学校作为首批项目学校,通过集约化方式推进项目建设;坚持将创客教育和STEAM教育融合开展的理念,采取"1+X"的模式培养一批创客/STEAM教师.实践证明,因地制宜的区域化推进和集约化建设,能高效推动创客/STEAM教育的开展,让城乡中小学生都...  相似文献   

STEAM是一种新潮的教育理念和实践模式,在全球教育创新与变革中具有重要意义,并与现时期我国课程教学改革的方向具有一致性。综合学科背景下的STEAM教育由众多要素组成,从学科构成来看,STEAM教育包含科学、技术、工程、艺术、数学等五个学科要素;从实践框架来看,STEAM教育具以学生为中心、从解决真实情境问题出发、整合各学科知识来解决问题三大特征。美国STEAM教育的发展及其实践经验,为我国课程改革提供了有益的借鉴。与STEAM教育有渊源关系的有STS、STEM、创客教育和核心素养教育等教育类型,STEAM教育的目的是为了培养具有全面发展的人,期望通过课程变革和课堂变革来提升学生核心素养和创新实践能力。  相似文献   

STEAM教育作为一种新兴的,旨在培养复合型人才的教育模式,对提升学生创新、创造能力具有重要作用与积极意义,在当前STEAM教育的研究热度不减背景下,研究STEAM教育的前世今生显得尤为重要。研究发现我国在该领域的研究中STEAM教育与核心素养的碰撞"高频互动",当前研究主要集中在作用机理分析、实施策略探索与实践案例总结三个方面。其中,作用机理分析基于STEAM教育与核心素养两个视角;实施策略探索主要集中在完善学生文化基础课程建设、提高学生自主发展素质培养、创新学生社会参与体制机制等方面。结合当前研究与实践现状、教育改革与发展动向以及STEAM教育未来发展趋势,分别从研究重心、实践范式与发展视角对该领域的后续研究进行展望。  相似文献   

当前,教育界关于STEAM教育中国化的研究十分盛行。为促进STEAM理念在中学物理教学的实施,提升学生跨学科素养,对STEAM教育融入国内中学物理教学的研究文献进行发文统计、关键词及聚类分析和教学案例定量统计。通过对STEAM教学案例和创新实验的统计可以丰富STEAM教学资源库,为开发高质量的STEAM课程提供参考。最后,对STEAM教育融入我国中学物理教学的研究进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

This study examines if and how five teacher education institutes are helping students to develop the technological pedagogical content knowledge needed to effectively use technology for early literacy. Focus group discussions were held with teacher educators in which their responses to expert recommendations were probed. Findings indicate that, currently, very little attention is specifically given to the knowledge that teachers need to foster early literacy through the use of technology. This is due to multiple factors, including the conviction that many new technologies (e.g. tablets) are not used much in schools. Additionally, teacher educators themselves struggle with effective use of technology in their own courses. And although technological and early literacy specialists are available in teacher training colleges, pre-service educators note a distinct lack of integrated expertise in their institutions. Based on these findings, recommendations are given for research, policy and practice.  相似文献   

In response to a desire to strengthen the economy, educational settings are emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum and programs. Yet, because of the narrow approach to STEM, educational leaders continue to call for a more balanced approach to teaching and learning, which includes the arts, design, and humanities. This desire created space for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education, a transdisciplinary approach that focuses on problem-solving. STEAM-based curricula and STEAM-themed schools are appearing all over the globe. This growing national and global attention to STEAM provides an opportunity for teacher education to explore the ways in which teachers implement STEAM practices, examining the successes and challenges, and how teachers are beginning to make sense of this innovative teaching practice. The purpose of this paper is to examine the implementation of STEAM teaching practices in science and math middle school classrooms, in hopes to provide research-based evidence on this emerging topic to guide teacher educators.  相似文献   

中小学语文教师的素养决定着中小学语文教学的质量与效果,研究中小学语文教师素养的构成要素,对教师教育和中小学语文教学具有重要的意义。对建筑、山川、海河等物质文化的天然融通和对历史、国学等精神文化的自然把握是语文教师素养的基本构成要素,语文学科知识和语文教学方法是中小学语文教师素养不可缺少的构成要素。  相似文献   

中小学语文教师的素养决定着中小学语文教学的质量与效果,研究中小学语文教师素养的构成要素,对教师教育和中小学语文教学具有重要的意义。对建筑、山川、海河等物质文化的天然融通和对历史、国学等精神文化的自然把握是语文教师素养的基本构成要素,语文学科知识和语文教学方法是中小学语文教师素养不可缺少的构成要素。  相似文献   

Taiwan's government enacted the Environmental Education Act in June 2011. In the beginning of the implementation of the Act, a national assessment of schoolteachers’ environmental literacy was performed in order to establish the baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of environmental education policy. This large-scale assessment involved a large sample size of in-service teachers across schools at all levels and regions in Taiwan using the stratified random sampling method. Data showed that the teachers have satisfactory levels of environmental knowledge and attitudes, but presented low degrees of environmental action. Differing from previous research results, elementary teachers performed better than high school teachers on this assessment, which may be attributed to their teacher training experiences. Results from this study may provide implications for teacher professional development programs and school environmental education policy.  相似文献   

职业院校的教师素养体现在思想道德、专业基础知识和职业技术能力三个方面,必须结合职业院校的特点,建立科学的师资管理体制考虑,对教师的专业知识和职业技能进行合理的评价,以符合职业教育的要求,真正调动教师的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

Improving literacy outcomes in sub‐Saharan Africa is a central focus of national governments, donors and non‐governmental organisations alike, as evidenced by the inclusion of literacy as a target in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4. Though significant international development funding has been devoted to teacher training in the region, little evidence is available on how teachers improve their literacy instruction in practice. This study profiles how 20 teachers in eight schools in rural Mozambique translated training in literacy instruction into classroom instruction. We used three domains of teacher knowledge – content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge – to analyse interview and observation data. While some aspects of training translated into classroom practices, including explicit literacy instruction and use of visual aids, teachers rarely used activities for oral language development or reading comprehension, which are critical to producing skilled readers. We discuss the research and policy implications of these findings.  相似文献   

In Ireland, policy on literacy now aims to expand the role that post-primary teachers of all subjects have in developing students' literacy skills. This paper draws on data from a wider research study carried out in secondary schools in 2010 and focuses on the classroom support with disciplinary literacy provided by subject teachers for students who have literacy difficulties. A brief outline is provided of the context and perspectives informing the study as well as the research methods used. Findings are examined against the backdrop of policy developments for literacy at second level and within the context of wider policy change. Teachers' lack of professional knowledge, combined with barriers at wider system level, is identified as a significant challenge to pedagogical change at classroom level. Implications for policy implementation, for initial teacher education and for cultural change at school level are discussed. It is argued that literacy must be repositioned as a central aspect of subject pedagogy and teachers, as subject experts, supported in unpacking and sharing with students, the discourse practices and ways of viewing and communicating about the world that are characteristic of their academic disciplines.  相似文献   

高师院校师范生信息素养的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界各国都将师资建设作为推动教育改革、提高教育质量的一个重要方面。师范生是我国中小学教师的主要来源,提高师范生的信息素养水平是有效提高我国中小学教师整体信息素养水平的根本性和基础性的措施。文章通过对高师院校师范生信息素养的现状分析,来探讨如何加强师范生的信息素养培养问题。  相似文献   

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