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幼儿教师信息素养现状调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学前教育作为义务教育的基础,学前教育信息化也是整个教育信息化的有机组成部分。通过对浙江省不同地区一线幼儿教师问卷调查、统计、分析,从整体上总结出幼儿教师在信息化意识、信息化知识与技能、运用信息技术教学的能力等方面的现状特点,并针对分析结论提出提高和培养幼儿教师信息素养的对策与建议。  相似文献   

影响幼儿教师专业成长的因素很多,诸如学历学识、组织能力、教学能力、科研能力等,其中最重要的一个因素是教学语言幼儿教师面对的是幼儿,而幼儿在生理和心理上尚不成熟,可以说是一个独特的群体。所以,幼儿教师一方面注意挖掘和发挥教学语言的特殊功能,另一方面还要注意突出教学语言的特性.  相似文献   

以内容为依托的外语教学(Content-based Instruction简称CBI)把枯燥的语言知识与真实生动的内容有机结合起来,大大激发了教师和学生的兴趣,取得了良好的教学效果。然而在实际操作中,教师们常常面临学生程度差异大而教材内容单一,以及教学资源缺乏等困难。网络语料库的出现使这些问题迎刃而解。语料库对CBI的促进作用在内容教学和语言教学两方面都得到了充分体现:1)语料库能为学习者提供海量真实的语言输入;教师还可以根据教学内容的需要从语料库中选择适合不同水平学习者的语篇材料,提供有针对性的语言输入,一定程度上解决学生程度参差带来的困难。2)语料库规模大,功能多,检索方便快捷。语料库的语境共现功能可以快速呈现出一个词语在不同语言环境中的用法,让学习者能方便地归纳总结出语言使用规律,学到正确的搭配和符合英文习惯的表达,加深对语言和语篇知识的领悟。  相似文献   

There is a substantial and persistent gap in achievement between children from different backgrounds [National Center for Education Statistics. (2002). Children's reading and mathematics achievement in kindergarten and first grade. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office] that can be traced to the preschool years [Snow, C. E., Burns, M. S., & Griffin, P. (Eds.). (1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington, DC: National Research Council, National Academy Press], highlighting the importance of ensuring that preschools that serve low-income populations provide strong support for children's language and early literacy development. The current project sought to improve program quality in Head Start classrooms throughout New England with the Literacy Environment Enrichment Program (LEEP), an in-service intervention that was delivered in the form of a credit-bearing course. The impact of LEEP was studied using a wait-list comparison group strategy to determine whether intervention group teachers (n = 30) showed more fall–spring growth in measures of classroom support for literacy than did comparison group teachers (n = 40). Multiple hierarchical regression analyses that controlled for background measures and fall scores on classroom measures revealed moderate to large positive effects on all measures of classrooms support for language and early literacy with the exception of writing, for which only a small effect was found.  相似文献   

To compensate for her feelings of anger and helplessness over her mother’s abandonment and subsequent displacements, the foster child Gilly Hopkins seeks power and agency through the primary means at her disposal: through the use of language and fairy tales. She constructs a Cinderella fantasy of an idealized mother who will rescue her. She also resonates strongly with the Rumpelstiltskin story, as it is a story about the power of language, and highlights a dynamic of exploitation that seems familiar to her. Through relationships with William Ernest, Trotter, Mr. Randolph, and Miss Harris, Gillie learns, however, to move beyond the habit of exploiting others as objects, and to experience the beauty of language for its own sake. Her emotional and psychological development can be charted through her changing relationship to the imaginative and expressive potentialities of language. Most importantly, literacy becomes not a basis for illusory control and manipulative power, but for the kind of human relationships that make possible the building of a self. Language becomes a rich inner resource, not simply a means for power over others.
Sue Ann CairnsEmail:

Language and literacy skills are an essential element of young children’s development and allow them to interact meaningfully with other people and to develop knowledge in all subject areas. Despite the importance of language and literacy development, however, more than one-third of children in the United States enter school with significant differences in language, early literacy skills, and motivation to learn that place them at considerable risk for developing long-term reading difficulties. The quantity and quality of language interactions children have with their parents and exposure to print in their home environment prior to entering school have an important impact on these individual differences. This paper provides teachers with guidelines and tools for helping families identify and create language and literacy opportunities in their home environment that reflect their unique strengths and routines.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examines the association between preschool classroom activity and the quality of the language spoken by teachers and children. Eighteen classrooms serving low-income children between the ages of 3 and 4 in Santiago de Chile were audio-recorded during one morning shift. Recordings were transcribed and segmented into activities (greeting, learning experience, book sharing, book discussion, breakfast, lunch, free play and other noninstructional time). A total of 113 activity segments were identified. Characteristics of teacher and child language were measured in each segment. Differences between the eight activities were examined using analysis of variance. Activities were classified as instructional or noninstructional, and the association between this dimension and language characteristics was examined using multilevel path analysis. Results show that most of the variance in language outcomes occurs within classrooms. Analyses show that a significant portion of the variance in the way teachers and children talk is explained by the instructional/noninstructional dimension. Instructional activities are characterized by more language stimulation, more teaching, fewer directives, and more child talk than noninstructional activities. Practice or Policy Implications: We discuss implications for teacher professional development and early childhood education improvement in general and for Latin-America specifically.  相似文献   

Despite much progress in improving the quality of preschool programs, there is still an uneven quality of instruction in early childhood settings. Providing support and professional development (PD) for teachers that is practical, systematic and sustainable is one potential avenue to increase classroom quality in preschool, including quality of literacy instruction. Preschool educators who want to focus on increasing the quality of literacy instruction need simple-to-use tools that can be implemented quickly and provide a means to assess progress towards the goal of improving literacy instruction. The Quality of Literacy Implementation checklist measures how well the teaching staff include intentional, instruction in literacy/oral language. Rather than focusing on a specific curriculum or intervention, quality of implementation focuses on the teacher’s delivery of key procedural features of evidence-based instruction. As is the case with fidelity of implementation, a quality of implementation checklist not only measures implementation but also provides a roadmap about how instruction might be modified to ensure that critical and essential skills are emphasized across the preschool day.  相似文献   

This paper examines activity settings and daily classroom routines experienced by 3- and 4-year-old low-income children in public center-based preschool programs, private center-based programs, and family child care homes. Two daily routine profiles were identified using a time-sampling coding procedure: a High Free-Choice pattern in which children spent a majority of their day engaged in child-directed free-choice activity settings combined with relatively low amounts of teacher-directed activity, and a Structured-Balanced pattern in which children spent relatively equal proportions of their day engaged in child-directed free-choice activity settings and teacher-directed small- and whole-group activities. Daily routine profiles were associated with program type and curriculum use but not with measures of process quality. Children in Structured-Balanced classrooms had more opportunities to engage in language and literacy and math activities, whereas children in High Free-Choice classrooms had more opportunities for gross motor and fantasy play. Being in a Structured-Balanced classroom was associated with children's language scores but profiles were not associated with measures of children's math reasoning or socio-emotional behavior. Consideration of teachers' structuring of daily routines represents a valuable way to understand nuances in the provision of learning experiences for young children in the context of current views about developmentally appropriate practice and school readiness.  相似文献   

学前教育专业学生的语言技能是其能力素质中重要的组成部分,事关未来幼儿教育的成败。要提升学前教育专业学生的语言素质,必须从基础抓起,加强实践能力的培养,设计细致全面的讲课内容,构建科学合理的评价体系。  相似文献   

在互联网进入Web2.0的新时期,人们的工作、学习、思维方式以及网络信息交流的模式都发生了各种变化。此时出现的新的社会性软件也帮助多媒体及网络技术对教育开创了崭新的学习与交流环境,并且在外语教学领域引发了不断的探索与新的革命。因此从社会性软件在外语教学应用的角度出发,在Web2.0的环境下讨论社会书签对外语教学资源建设的探究,对外语教学资源的建设注入新的活力添加新的元素。  相似文献   

Literacy policy and programming in developing countries continues to be influenced by the assumption that without literacy, an adult is unable to function on an equal basis in society and that an individual can be easily categorised as either literate or illiterate. Although this has led to prioritisation of primary schooling over adult literacy in many national government and donor agency budgets, there has recently been a movement away from regarding adult literacy as only ‘second chance schooling’ to explore how literacy programmes can build on participants’ existing practices. In the context of these changes in international policy discourses, this article analyses how literacy and development policy and programming in Nepal has changed over the past decade. Drawing on interviews with policy makers, trainers and literacy facilitators conducted in the 1990s and 2007, the author explores the shifts taking place. The structure of literacy programmes (including links with formal schooling), literacy materials, language of instruction and concepts of ‘post literacy’ were influenced by political events during this period as well as by donor agency discourses. Findings from the Nepal case have implications for the international policy discourse, such as the need to problematise the term ‘political’ to consider the intended and unintended consequences of literacy interventions.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study assessed the extent to which early childhood educators utilized small-group literacy instruction and explored factors potentially associated with the use of this evidence-based practice. The classroom activities of 83 early childhood educators were observed in the fall and spring, and videos were coded to calculate time spent in small-group literacy instruction. Educators completed questionnaires indicating classroom adult:child ratios, literacy beliefs, and feelings of self-efficacy. Classroom Assessment Scoring System scores for classroom organization and instructional support measured the quality of classroom management and instructional interactions, respectively. On average, educators provided 11.4 min (SD = 10.6) of small-group literacy instruction a day. It is notable that many educators provided little or no small-group literacy instruction. Negative binomial regression analyses indicated that educators with better classroom management, higher quality instructional interactions, and lower adult:child ratios were more likely to use small-group literacy instruction. Educators’ beliefs and feelings of self-efficacy were not associated with the use of small-group literacy instruction. Practice or Policy: Educators may be better able to provide small-group literacy instruction in contexts affording low adult:child ratios and high levels of classroom management and instructional support, all of which are malleable factors that can be changed via policy or professional development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of print literacy in preschool classrooms. There were seven preschool teachers working in central Canada who were observed over three sessions. The process of analytic induction was used to formulate categories based on interviews, classroom observations and documents. The following categories were identified from the data: book engagement and availability, writing engagement, and print displays and materials. There were some consistencies across centres in the availability of print materials; however, variation often existed in the types of interactions with print. For example, in some preschool classrooms, teachers had a more structured approach toward writing development while in others, they did not. Such differences in practice may be attributed to different beliefs and knowledge of early literacy development. The results of this study offer insight on the role of print literacy in preschool classrooms.  相似文献   

从Flash教学谈媒介素养教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flash的飞速发展以及广大学生对Flash的热爱使得媒介素养教育成为Flash教学中不可或缺的内容。然而传统的Flash教学重技术轻人文。Flash教学要打破单一的纯技术教学模式,要从教学目标、教学过程、教学组织、教学评价等方面与媒介素养教育相结合。  相似文献   

This study examined preschool teachers’ (n = 59) explicit print instruction during shared reading and considered whether the benefits of this practice to children's learning (n = 379) varied as a function of the classroom environment and children's developmental characteristics. Measures of explicit print instruction and the classroom environment (global classroom quality, literacy environment) were obtained by aggregating observations taken across the 30 weeks of the study. Child outcomes were measured as spring print knowledge performance, controlling for fall. Child developmental characteristics were measured directly (language ability) and indirectly (attentional skills) in fall and winter, respectively. Findings showed that explicit print instruction contributed to children's learning, but its benefits decreased as the quality of the classroom and children's attentional skills increased. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

经济全球化,尤其是文化全球化影响了人们交流和表达意义的方式,这就要求重新认识社会生活中的读写能力和实践。新读写能力研究理论认为读写能力不仅仅是中性的、技术性的认知技巧,更应该是个体参与社会过程中表达和交流的各种符号资源、知识类型和社会实践的综合运用能力。目前,世界多个国家和地区开展了基于新读写能力研究的教学实践活动。  相似文献   

论如何促进外语课堂教学中的"互动交际"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互动交流是人际交流的典型特征。外语教学的首要目的是培养学习者运用目的语进行交际的能力,而外语课堂是培养学习者交际能力的重要场所。课堂中的互动交际活动是学生学习语言及运用语言获取信息、沟通思想的活动。教师角色的转变、交际策略的运用、教师话语选择、学习动机、课堂组织形式及交际任务的设计对于如何促进外语课堂上的互动交际、帮助学生增加可理解的语言输入和进行更多有意义的语言输出,达到对目的语运用的准确性和流利性都有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

科学素养是当前世界各国教育研究课题的核心内容,青少年的科学素养水平已成为一个国家教育水平和国际竞争力的重要标志之一.目前在我国要全面提高青少年学生的科学素养,必须以学科教学为实践出发点.在化学教学中,可以通过多维度拓展教学内容,采用灵活多样的探究式教学方法,建构多元发展的教学评价机制等措施,注重教学过程中的人文关怀,以促进科学素养教育.  相似文献   

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