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徐雨隽 《文教资料》2009,(20):33-34
本文讨论了语义韵研究的相关定义、研究方法和相关研究,并以学术词中的高频词"achieve"为例,分析了其在学术语料库中的语义韵特征.  相似文献   

利益是大学学术自治与治理的基础和前提,利益相关度与学术自治水平呈正相关关系,利益相关程度决定着学术共同体的紧密程度,也决定着学术组织治理水平的高低。扩大学术治理基础,建立健全学术委员会制度,重塑学术文化,彰显学术权力,增强利益相关程度,才会有效提高学术治理成效。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法了解社会学习、态度、认知对大学生学术失范的影响。利用对22所高校1641名本科生的调查数据进行频数分析、相关分析和回归分析后的结果表明:第一,社会学习与大学生学术失范显著相关。正面的社会学习与失范呈显著负相关,负面的社会学习与失范呈非常显著正相关。第二,认知与大学生学术失范显著相关。对学术规范的认知了解程度与失范呈显著负相关。第三,态度与大学生学术失范显著相关。对学术失范的反感态度与失范呈显著负相关,对学术失范的宽容态度与失范呈显著正相关。第四,社会学习、态度对大学生学术失范具有较好的预测作用,其中,对社会学习作用更大。  相似文献   

虽然国内学者对学术资本主义的存在有争议,然而更多的学者认为学术资本主义的存在已成事实。国内相关研究主要解读了学术资本主义理论,分析了学术资本主义对大学传统文化、治理结构、学术研究、教师和学生等的影响,从理性认识学术资本主义和建设创业型大学两个层面分析了应对策略,认为学术资本主义有利于推动高校之间的联盟和资源共享,增加数字资源的使用频率。  相似文献   

通过对国内大部分一流大学建设高校和部分具有代表性的国外高校的学术不端预防和处理方面的制度文本进行分析和比较,发现国内外高校学术不端预防和处理制度在制定的政策依据、对学术不端行为的认识、调查处理机制、救济措施、对预防和教育重视程度等方面存在差异。国内高校要完善学术不端预防和处理制度,加强对学术不端问题的相关立法,明确科学具体的学术不端行为判断标准,细化学术不端行为调查处理措施,健全学术不端处理的救济条款,完善学术不端预防教育相关措施。  相似文献   

电子邮件在高校等科研场所应用广泛,发展面向科研人员的邮件处理系统意义重大,进行了学术相关通知类邮件处理流程的分析,对关键词规则自动生成方法及基于SVM的领域分类模型进行了研究,实现了一个学术相关通知类邮件处理系统,具有稳定的邮件收发功能、精确的学术相关通知类邮件筛选功能、良好的学术相关通知类邮件领域分类功能、基于规则的标签邮件后处理功能、系统已投入实际应用环境,稳定运行3个月,具有实用意义、  相似文献   

学术年谱是以年月为经纬,全面叙述谱主一生学术研究的传记。文章采用历史研究法和文献分析法,立足相关史料,考证胪列谱主一生的重要经历、学术活动和学术业绩,编撰了南国农先生学术年谱。南国农先生学术年谱起于谱主生年,终于谱主卒年,按时间顺序,依客观性、整体性、连续性、迭代性等原则,采用简明的平叙体学术年谱叙事体例,以期系统描绘谱主的学术生涯,呈现其学术思想发展脉络,总结其学术贡献,为开展南国农先生和中国电化教育(教育技术)史学相关研究提供一种历史叙事框架。  相似文献   

文章对研究生学术不端行为的表现、影响因素、研究生对待学术诚信的态度、学校的相关制度建设等问题进行了调查与分析。研究生学术不端行为的表现及产生的原因是多方面的,加强诚信教育,加强相关制度建设等是解决研究生学术不端行为的主要途径。  相似文献   

编制了学术动机问卷,对11所高校的1284名学术型硕士生的学术动机进行了调查和分析。结果表明:目前我国学术型硕士生的学术动机不强;学术型硕士生随着年级的升高学术动机呈下降趋势;担任学生干部的学术型硕士生的学术动机水平高于不担任学生干部的硕士生;兼职经历与专业相关的学术型硕士生的学术动机强于兼职经历与专业不相关的硕士生和无兼职经历的硕士生;学术型硕士生的学术动机在学校类型、性别、专业类型上差异不显著。  相似文献   

结合工作实际,对医学科技期刊学术不端现象的表现形式、产生根源进行了分析和思考,并提出了相应的对策。指出医学科技期刊学术不端现象的出现,不仅影响医学科技期刊的学术质量,败坏医学医学科研的学术风气,更阻碍了医学科学的发展。认为学术不端产生的原因复杂,抵御学术不端仅靠编辑是不够的;医学科技期刊编辑应在努力提高自身素质的同时,联合相关各界力量,在工作中防范、抵制学术不端行为。  相似文献   

文章从宋前《艺文志》中勾勒易类典籍的演变轨迹,借此觇视易学理念的变迁。《易》类书籍的变迁体现于经部序位、典籍数量、研究领域诸方面:《易》经在汉代地位的转变既肇始于汉代学术思想,也取决于《易》经本身特征;《易》书数量与群经之首的地位并不相符,书目数量的变化与学术背景、研究状况密切相关;各时代目录书所栽书籍,反映了当时的学术思潮,具有明显的时代特征。  相似文献   

写作学成为独立学科既是学界同仁多年来奋斗的目标对象,也是一个不证自明的事实。但是,学术是要求证明的,首先是写作学理论体系的问题,由此指涉思想资源、学术典范以及从学理性增补和异延的意义上确立其命题域,从而建构一个立体的写作学体系。  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is believed to have predictive ability for subsequent behaviours in the workplace. This study adds to the literature by investigating Malaysian business students' attitudes to academic dishonesty and their attitudes to ethics issues in business. This study also explores the association between these two constructs. The form of academic dishonesty being investigated here is related to assignments, quizzes, and examinations. Employing data collected from 153 business students from different academic years, this exploratory study concludes that business students may have found that some level of dishonesty is acceptable in some academic settings as well as in business settings. The study's outcomes highlight the possibility of using students' attitudes to academic dishonesty to explain their attitudes to ethics in business contexts. The findings of this study, to a certain extent, indicate that years spent in business education might contribute to such unfavourable attitudes. This exploratory study also draws attention to several issues related to the teaching of ethics within business education.  相似文献   

Does home-based family involvement influence academic performance? To answer this question, a case study research was carried out with 96 children from all six levels of primary education at a public school, and their families. Data regarding home-based family involvement were collected using a questionnaire. Academic achievement was measured from school marks. The results reveal that, apart from two of the factors considered, home–family involvement as a whole is not significantly related to academic achievement. These two factors are access to informal education resources and parents’ employment. Family involvement related to the access of children to informal education resources is significantly related to a better academic achievement. Those students with both parents working perform best, and those with none working, worst. Although gender does not appear to significantly influence academic achievement and family involvement, the results show that girls attain better school performance and receive more family attention than boys.  相似文献   

作为一个新兴的多学科交叉领域,数字化阅读因其技术发展的动态性及研究视角的多学科相关性,在相关研究中存在一种术语纷呈、概念纷争的状态,为学术研究及实践应用带来了沟通上的困难,进而影响到学术交流与传播。借鉴分类学中的小众分类和大众分类原理,建构了数字化阅读相关概念的四维分类谱系及概念视图,提出以数字化阅读概念的形态视角统整了该领域相关术语及概念体系,并由此提炼出多学科视野下数字化阅读研究的六条线索,形成了一个相对清晰的数字化阅读领域学术框架,为这一领域的深入研究提供参照,有助于跨学科的协同研究。  相似文献   

Emphasizing task importance, which is regarded as a way of motivating engaged behavior, may increase an individual's anxiety. The present research investigated whether academic self-efficacy could moderate the maladaptive relation between task importance and test anxiety. 1978 and 1670 Grade 9 Singaporean students participated in a survey related to their learning experience and motivational processes in math and English respectively. Results from both samples showed convergent findings that high levels of task importance were related to high levels of test anxiety, whereas high levels of academic self-efficacy were related to low levels of test anxiety. Most importantly, academic self-efficacy moderated the relation between task importance and test anxiety—the maladaptive relation between task importance and test anxiety was significantly weaker when academic self-efficacy was higher. Implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated in what ways, if any, maltreated children differ from nonmaltreated children in regard to achievement-related classroom behaviors. Elementary school teachers completed the Hahnemann Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale on 33 maltreated children, 33 non-maltreated public assistance children, and 33 non-maltreated lower middle class children. The maltreated children were matched to the comparison children on gender and grade level. Results indicated that the maltreated children exhibited significantly less classroom behavior that is positively linked with academic achievement than did a comparable group of non-maltreated, public assistance children. However, the maltreated children did not differ significantly as a group from the public assistance children in most behaviors that are negatively linked with academic achievement, such as disruptive social involvement in the classroom. When compared with the lower middle class children, the maltreated children were rated as engaging in significantly less classroom behavior that is positively related to academic achievement and significantly more classroom behavior that is negatively related to academic achievement.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of personality traits (HEXACO traits and Schizotypy) and social status dimensions (sociometric and perceived popularity) in understanding boys’ and girls’ respective academic achievement. The sample included 163 elementary school students from Serbia, aged 14–15 (87 girls and 76 boys). Regression analysis reveals that personality traits explain a similar amount of academic achievement variance in two gender groups (22% vs. 20% in girls’ favor), but social status proves to be a better predictor of academic achievement for boys (27% vs. 4% in boys’ favor). High Conscientiousness, perceived popularity as well as low extraversion turned out to be related to girls’ academic achievement. Low Schizotypy and Honesty‐Humility, as well as high openness, sociometric, and perceived popularity turned out to be related to boys’ academic achievement. Conscientiousness appears not to be related to boys’ academic achievement. The results are discussed and recommendations for improving educational practices are offered.  相似文献   

现行大学教师学术评价中的量化法起源于美国人加菲尔德创立的引文分析技术.但该技术在我国大学教师学术评价的运用中被误读,并出现了将量化由一种单纯的学术评价手段延伸到其他与大学教师有关的非学术领域,进而对大学教师生存境遇产生相当大的影响的量化"弥散"现象.过度量化滋生了学术殿堂上的"第四种人",刺激了"学术泡沫"的膨胀,并引发了越来越多的"学术欺诈"行为.  相似文献   

This study examines how access to academic curriculum differs between secondary schools in Australia, a country whose education system is marked by high levels of choice, privatisation and competition. Equitable access to academic curriculum is important for both individual students and their families as well as the larger society. Previous research has shown that students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to study academic curriculum than their more advantaged peers. Less is known, however, about the extent to which this pattern is related to differential provision of curriculum between schools. We found that low socio-economic schools offer students less access to the core academic curriculum subjects that are important for university entry. We also found that the breadth and depth of courses offered is related to school sector (private or public) and socio-economic context. Previous research has shown that choice and competition are inequitable because they frequently increase school social segregation and ‘cream-skimming’. Our findings show another inequitable consequence, namely that choice and competition limit access to high-status academic curriculum in working-class communities.  相似文献   

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