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The objectives of the study were to analyse game interruptions of league soccer in detail and the tactical use of game interruptions. Sixteen matches of a German first league soccer team were observed. An observational system was designed to assess interruption types, score, duration of interruption, location of interruption, time of interruption and number of occurrences. Results showed that there is an average of 108 interruptions per match. Throw-ins (40) and free kicks (33) were most frequent. Goal kicks (17), corner kicks (10), substitutions (4), and kick offs (3) occurred less often. Drop balls, penalties, and injuries occurred least often. For 38% of the total match time observed, matches were halted. The mean duration of running and interrupted match parts were 32.1 s and 18.7 s, respectively. The analysis showed significant differences concerning the influence of the location of interruption, score, and time of interruption on the duration of different interruption types (P < 0.05). The results of the study showed the tactical use of game interruptions during league soccer matches, e.g. goal kicks of the leading team take longer towards the end of the match. Examining game interruptions has turned out to be a valuable source of information adding to our knowledge of soccer. We have shown evidence that the durations of many interruptions serve tactical purposes, a well-known hypothesis in practice.  相似文献   

Change-of-direction (COD) ability is an essential physical component for soccer. This study examined the relationships between conventional speed–power assessments and COD performance in elite young soccer players. Twenty-five under-20 male players from the same club (age: 17.6?±?0.8 years, height: 178.1?±?6.7?cm, body mass [BM]: 72.2?±?7.9?kg) performed sprint speed tests, vertical jumps, loaded jump squats, half squats, and Zigzag COD assessments. Moreover, the COD deficit was calculated as the difference between 20-m sprint velocity and Zigzag COD test velocity. A Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the correlations between Zigzag COD performance and COD deficit with speed and power outputs. Although no significant relationships between speed–power variables and COD ability were present, there were still strong positive correlations between traditional neuromechanical measures and COD deficit. Briefly, it seems that higher performances in speed and power tests are not necessarily related to better performances in specific COD maneuvers. Therefore, it is recommended that coaches and technical staff include specific COD drills in soccer player routines to optimize the transference from speed and power capacities to specific COD performance.  相似文献   

This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer playershave to adapt to the physical demandsof the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players.The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes (> 60 ml·kg -1 ·min -1 ) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. Weconclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   

Anthropometric and physiological predispositions for elite soccer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer players have to adapt to the physical demands of the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players. The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes ( > 60 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. We conclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   


Although elite athletes have been reported to be high academic achievers, many elite soccer players struggle with a stereotype of being low academic achievers. The purpose of this study was to compare the academic level (pre-university or pre-vocational) and self-regulatory skills (planning, self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, effort, and self-efficacy) of elite youth soccer players aged 12–16 years (n = 128) with those of 164 age-matched controls (typical students). The results demonstrate that the elite youth soccer players are more often enrolled in the pre-university academic system, which means that they are high academic achievers, compared with the typical student. The elite players also report an increased use of self-regulatory skills, in particular self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, and effort. In addition, control students in the pre-university system had more highly developed self-regulatory skills than those in the pre-vocational system, whereas no difference was observed within the soccer population. This suggests that the relatively stronger self-regulatory skills reported by the elite youth soccer players may be essential for performance at the highest levels of sport competition and in academia.  相似文献   


We compared starters and non-starters for various isokinetic strength variables in elite women’s soccer players. A convenience sample of 10 starters (mean ± s; age = 20 ± 2 years; height = 170 ± 4 cm; body mass = 65 ± 5 kg) and 7 non-starters (age = 20 ± 1 years; height = 164 ± 3 cm; body mass = 63 ± 4 kg) performed maximal voluntary muscle actions of the leg extensors (concentric) and flexors (eccentric) on an isokinetic dynamometer in order to measure concentric peak torque for the leg extensors, eccentric peak torque for the leg flexors, and the functional hamstrings:quadriceps (H:Q) ratio at 1.047 rad · s-1 and 4.189 rad · s-1 concentric peak torque for the leg extensors was not different between starters and non-starters. However, it was greater at 1.047 rad · s-1 than at 4.189 rad · s-1 in both groups. Eccentric peak torque for the leg flexors was greater for the starters versus non-starters at 4.189 rad · s-1. Eccentric strength of the leg flexors at fast movement velocities may be used as an effective physiological profile and may discriminate between playing status in elite women’s soccer players.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in some hormonal parameters (cortisol, testosterone, ratio of testosterone/cortisol (T/C)) in professional soccer players during a season.MethodsFifteen professional players from a soccer club of the first division of the Greek soccer league participated. All sport medical examinations were conducted four times: before the re-building period, post re-building period, mid-season, and after finishing the competition phase.ResultsFor testosterone, significant differences were observed between the end season and post re-building period (11.6%; p < 0.05) and mid-season (12.1%; p < 0.05). The cortisol concentration increased at mid-season by approximately 23%, and this change differed significantly from all other measurements for this hormone. The T/C ratio increased at the post re-building period and decreased at the middle of the season.ConclusionThese hormones and their ratios could be used as stress and recovery state indicators. Coaches can use these parameters in combination with other indicators to optimize workloads, and to avoid overreaching and overtraining.  相似文献   

Although elite athletes have been reported to be high academic achievers, many elite soccer players struggle with a stereotype of being low academic achievers. The purpose of this study was to compare the academic level (pre-university or pre-vocational) and self-regulatory skills (planning, self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, effort, and self-efficacy) of elite youth soccer players aged 12-16 years (n = 128) with those of 164 age-matched controls (typical students). The results demonstrate that the elite youth soccer players are more often enrolled in the pre-university academic system, which means that they are high academic achievers, compared with the typical student. The elite players also report an increased use of self-regulatory skills, in particular self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, and effort. In addition, control students in the pre-university system had more highly developed self-regulatory skills than those in the pre-vocational system, whereas no difference was observed within the soccer population. This suggests that the relatively stronger self-regulatory skills reported by the elite youth soccer players may be essential for performance at the highest levels of sport competition and in academia.  相似文献   

Elite soccer players spend a substantial amount of time trying to improve physical capacities, including aerobic endurance and strength and the strength derivatives of speed and power. The average oxygen uptake for international soccer teams ranges from 55 to 68 ml.kg-1.min-1 and the half-squat maximal strength from 120 to 180 kg. These values are similar to those found in other team sports. Recently, it has been shown that the heart's stroke volume is the element in the oxygen chain that mainly limits aerobic endurance for athletes. These findings have given rise to more intensive training interventions to secure high stroke volumes, which, in turn, have proved positive in changing both maximal oxygen consumption and soccer performance in terms of distance covered, contacts with the ball and number of sprints in a game. The training employed has consisted of 4x4-min "intervals" running uphill at 90-95% of maximal heart rate interspersed with 3 min jogging at 70% of maximal heart rate to facilitate removal of lactate. Research has revealed that a soccer-specific training routine with the ball might be as effective as plain running. Strength training to produce neural adaptations has been effective in changing not only strength in terms of "one-repetition maximum", but also sprinting velocity and jumping height, in elite soccer players without any change in body mass. The same training has also improved running economy and thus aerobic endurance performance. The training regimen used for a European Champions League team was 4x4 repetitions of half-squats with the emphasis on maximal mobilization of force in the concentric action.  相似文献   

Various typological classifications have been used to help categorize migratory movement of sporting labour. Despite maintaining their academic genealogical significance a fluctuating landscape of migrant recruitment policy and practice has limited the usefulness of many migratory movement typological classifications. Whilst contractual tenures vary, it is possible to suggest that although the majority of current coaching talent movement is pan-European and short term, an increasingly globalized trend is becoming more apparent. In highlighting the mobility patterns exhibited by high-profile coaching talent, the data presented also identify a developing, mutually advantageous proclivity to periodically move beyond birth nations. More importantly, this research explores how seamless cross-cultural occupational subculture mobility can resurrect, sustain or enhance football coaching careers. Whether mobility is financially or career enhancement-motivated circulation between many of the world’s best teams underlines a growing willingness amongst contemporary coaching talent to test their capabilities in both familiar and unfamiliar geographical and cultural environments.  相似文献   


We aimed to determine key biomechanical parameters explaining age-related jumping performance differences in youth elite female soccer players. Multiple biomechanical parameters from countermovement (CMJ) squat (SJ) and drop (DJ) jump testing of elite female soccer players (n = 60) within the same national training centre were analysed across ages 9-11y, 12-14y and 15-19y. Effects of age group and jump type on jump height were found, with the older jumping higher than the younger groups in all jumps (P < 0.05). For DJ, higher reactive strength index was found for older, compared to each younger group (P < 0.001). For CMJ and SJ, peak power was the most decisive characteristic, with significant differences between each group for absolute peak power (P < 0.0001) and body-weight-normalised peak power in CMJ (57 ± 7W/kg, 50 ± 7W/kg, 44.7 ± 5.5W/kg; P < 0.05) and between the older and each younger group in SJ (56.7 ± 7.1W/kg, 48.9 ± 7.1W/kg, 44.6 ± 6W/kg; P < 0.01). Age-related differences in jumping performance in youth elite female soccer players appear to be due to power production during standing jumps and by the ability to jump with shorter ground contact times during reactive jumps.  相似文献   

Tensiomyography has been suggested as an indirect marker of muscle stiffness, which is associated with strength/power performance. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that tensiomyography parameters could be associated with power-related motor tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between tensiomyography parameters (from rectus and biceps femoris) and jumping and sprinting abilities in elite soccer players. In addition, we used tensiomyography parameters to compare the lateral symmetry between dominant and non-dominant legs. Twenty elite soccer players (age: 23.3 ± 4.8 years; height: 183.5 ± 6.6 cm; weight: 77.8 ± 7.5 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. Significant moderate negative correlations between biceps femoris displacement and contact time (r = –0.5, p = 0.03), rectus femoris displacement and contact time (r = –0.51, p = 0.02), and a significant moderate correlation between biceps femoris displacement and reactive strength index (r = 0.5, p = 0.03) were found. There were no correlations between tensiomyography parameters and power-related motor tasks. In addition, no differences in tensiomyography parameters between dominant and non-dominant legs were found. Our data suggest that tensiomyography parameters are not associated with power-related motor tasks performance in elite soccer players.  相似文献   


Purpose: This study determined the impact of menstrual status on bone tissue in elite post-pubertal female soccer players over an entire season.

Methods: Fifty-one elite female soccer players participated. At baseline, forty-one were assigned to the low hormonal androgenic profile (low-HAPL) and 10 to the high hormonal androgenic profile (high-HAPL).

Results: An 8-month training program led to increased bone mineral density content (p<0.05). The low-HAPL athletes improved the Narrow neck average cortical thickness (ACT) by 1.4% and reduced the corresponding Buckling ratio (BR) by 2.6%, thus decreasing the fracture risk (p<0.05). The high-HAPL athletes decreased the Narrow neck ACT by 5.4% and increased the BR by 2.6%, increasing fracture risk (p<0.05). Differences were assigned as being “very likely beneficial” for the low-HAPL athletes, supported by very large (d=3.41) and large (d=1.58) effect sizes for the Narrow neck ACT and BR, respectively.

Conclusion: A season of soccer training has induced bone geometry improvements in adolescent females. Bone health parameters improved in the two clusters. However, high-HAPL athletes decreased its resistance to loading compare to low-HAPL athletes. Even if female players do not present clinical symptoms related to their hormonal status, sport medicine physicians should pay attention to their structural bone fragility.  相似文献   

Small-sided games (SSGs) are used in training sessions to prepare for full-sized matches. For the same number of players, smaller pitch sizes result in decreased physical performance and shorter interpersonal distances. A relative pitch area derived from the full-sized match results in larger pitch sizes and this may increase the fit between SSGs and full-sized matches. This study aimed to investigate SSGs with a traditional small pitch and a match-derived relative pitch area in youth elite soccer players. Four age categories (under-13, under-15, under-17 and under-19) played 4 vs. 4 plus goalkeepers on a small (40x30m, 120m2 relative pitch area) and large pitch (68x47m, 320m2 relative pitch area). The number of games per age category ranged 15–30. Positional data (LPM-system) were collected to determine physical (total distance covered, high intensity distance and number of sprints) and team tactical (inter-team distance, LPW-ratio, surface area, stretch indices, goalkeeper-defender distance) performance measures and tactical variability. On a large pitch, physical performance significantly increased, inter-team and intra-team distances were significantly larger and tactical variability of intra-team distance measures significantly increased. The match-derived relative pitch area is an important training manipulation and leads to changes in physical and tactical performance 4 vs. 4 plus goalkeepers.  相似文献   


In learning and development, self-regulation can be described as the extent to which individuals are metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviourally proactive participants in their learning process (Zimmerman, 1989 Zimmerman, B. J. 1989. A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81: 329339. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2006 Zimmerman, B. J. 2006. “Development and adaptation of expertise: The role of self-regulatory processes and beliefs”. In The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance, Edited by: Ericsson, K. A., Charness, N., Feltovich, P. J. and Hoffman, R. R. 705722. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). We examined the relationship between self-regulation and performance level in elite (n = 159) and non-elite (n = 285) youth soccer players aged 11–17 years (mean 14.5 years, s = 1.4). The players completed a questionnaire that assessed planning, self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, effort, and self-efficacy. A logistic regression analysis was performed (controlling for age) to determine which self-regulatory aspects were associated with players' performance level (elite vs. non-elite). High scores on reflection and effort were associated with a higher level of performance. Findings suggest that elite players may be more aware of their strong and weak points as well as better able to translate this awareness into action. In addition, elite players appear to be more willing to invest effort into practice and competition. It is suggested that these better developed self-regulatory skills may translate into a more effective learning environment and ultimately result in an increased capacity for performance in elite players relative to their non-elite peers.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of early evening high-intensity training on the sleep of elite male youth soccer players (n = 12) using wrist actigraphy. High-intensity training (TRAIN) nights were compared with a home environment (HOME) condition, created by averaging sleep variables on the night before and after TRAIN nights. Additionally, after TRAIN athletes alternately used cold water immersion (TRAIN+CWI) or none, to assess whether cold water immersion (CWI) had any impact on sleep quality and quantity. Ratings of perceived exertion, fatigue and recovery were recorded after training. Actigraphy sleep measures were bedtime, wake time, sleep duration, sleep onset latency, sleep efficiency and wake after sleep onset. Self-rated scores of sleepiness at bedtime and wake, plus overall sleep quality were also recorded. Only fatigue ratings were higher in TRAIN compared to TRAIN+CWI at bedtime, there were no other differences in training data. Both TRAIN and TRAIN+CWI conditions had significant later (07:45 ± 1:09 h p < 0.01 and 07:34 ± 1:20 h p = 0.01) wake times than HOME (06:44 ± 0:41 h). The TRAIN condition had a significantly higher (7 ± 2; p < 0.01) rating of sleepiness at bedtime compared to HOME (6 ± 1), but no further differences were found in any of the sleep (actigraphy and self-reported) measures. Across all conditions, time spent asleep was ~7:30 (±0:52) h:min and sleep efficiency was ~89% (±6.1). In conclusion, early evening high-intensity training had no impact on subsequent sleep quality and quantity, nor was there any effect on sleep after performing CWI post-training.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether there is empirical evidence for advantages in performance of soccer teams because of their relative age. The practice of selecting youth players according to their momentary performance leads to relative age effects, which in turn lead to inefficient talent selection. We used the median of the birth dates as a measure of the effect size of the relative age effect and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to assess its significance. For the 2008-2009 season, birth dates in the three German U-17 first leagues for soccer were examined (911 players). More than half of the 41 teams differed significantly from the distribution of the corresponding German cohort. There was a significant correlation between the relative age effect and success defined by teams' final rankings (Spearman's ρ = 0.328, P = 0.036). Regression analyses revealed that with a median of birth dates one month earlier the team is expected to finish 1.035 ranks better. Accordingly, selecting early born athletes is an important aspect of success in youth soccer. However, teams with no relative age effect are able to compete in the league, having the benefit to promote players with a better perspective for long and successful careers at an adult age.  相似文献   

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