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<正>三楚是指先秦时期楚国的疆域,分为南楚、东楚、西楚。南楚是最早形成的,春秋时期,由于楚国位于中原南部,所以中原各国称其为"南楚""南蛮"。春秋末期,吴、越争霸后,越国胜利,占领江苏、浙江两省(徐州除外),战国时期,楚国灭越,占领吴越地区。由于这块新的领土,在故地东面,所以称为"东楚"。楚国衰落后,首都郢都被秦朝攻克、毁坏,为了躲避锋芒,楚人东迁,其时南楚故地已经不  相似文献   

《楚辞》中的《九歌》,长期以来,学术界认为是屈原修定的民间祭歌。这一提法,主要来自王逸,《楚辞章句》中为《九歌》所作的题解中说:“《九歌》者,屈原之所作也。昔楚国南郢之邑,沅湘之间,其俗信鬼而好词。其词,必作歌乐鼓舞以乐诸神。屈原放逐,窜伏其域,……出见俗人祭祀之礼,歌舞之乐,其词鄙陋,因为作《九歌》之曲”。宋代朱熹在王逸此说的基础上,断定《九歌》是屈原对“昔楚南郢之邑”的民间祭歌,“颇为更定词,去其泰甚”而成。这样《九歌》就成了“屈原在民间祭歌加工而成”的定论。①目前,学术界和大中学校教村编者…  相似文献   

楚国汉中郡至今仍然迷雾重重,其实汉中郡的建立与楚迁都郢城之后巩固汉水中上游的战略基地相联系,汉中郡的治所在丹水与汉水交汇处的丹阳;汉中郡是楚文化的发祥地,是楚国的战略要地,是秦、楚争夺天下统一权的地理枢纽。  相似文献   

钱征 《池州师专学报》2012,(5):89-97,108
在屈原的作品中,直接或间接涉及屈原流放陵阳的有《哀郢》、《招魂》、《远游》等;在考古出土文物里,直接或间接涉及·屈原流放陵阳的有寿县《鄂君启节》、石台怪潭郢爰、皖南铜矿遗址、青阳先秦文物等;在历史地理文献方面,已经直接或间接地表明,安徽池州在战国时期,是东楚、南楚的“边角料”(结合部),地理位置特殊,亦属《越绝书》所说“屈原隔界放于南楚”的范围,并且是楚王同姓的人聚居地,保留了多处明代以前的屈原“三闾庙”遗址。  相似文献   

《诗经·小雅·鼓钟》中“以雅以南”一语,过去说诗考据之家解说不一,迄无定论。作者的新见解是:“雅”是“夏”的假借字,“雅”即“雅乐”,指诸夏(周人)的音乐。《诗经》中的“大雅”、“小雅”,《周礼》写作“大胥”、“小胥”,原是周王朝的两个音乐机构,后来将其所演奏的雅乐中的诗篇,分别称“大雅”、“小雅”。“南”原是江汉、江淮之间长江中下游潮热卑湿地区的房屋之象形文,此处指荆舒地区的楚国南音、徐国南音,《诗经》中的“周南”、“召南”,当是周初由周公旦、召公从荆舒地区带回北方的楚、徐南音。所以今之《诗经》不应只称风、雅、颂,而应正名为风、雅、颂、南。  相似文献   

国都即一国之首都。先秦文献中,国都常简称为“国”。如宋玉《对楚王问》“客有歌于郢中者,其始曰《下里巴人》,国中属而和者数千人。”此句中的“国”即指楚国国都“郢”。  相似文献   

屈原,以他崇高的节操和瑰丽的诗篇赢得殊誉。我们在欣赏他那想像丰富、文辞璀灿的华章之余,自然会产生一个善良的蛇足:诗人的后裔,有无继承其衣钵的呢?有!这就是屈复,以他的高风亮节、自成一家的杰作而名垂青史。心追远祖胸有近忧楚顷襄王廿一年(公元前278年),秦将白起攻破楚国郢都(今湖北江陵市西北),楚王迁都于陈(今河南淮阳县)。屈原写下《哀郢》后不久便效法彭咸投汩罗江而以身殉国。  相似文献   

《山鬼》是楚辞《九歌》中的一篇。《九歌》是不是屈原的作品,是创作还是在民间祭歌基础上的加工整理,历来是有争论的。比如朱熹就这样说: 昔楚南郢之邑,沅湘之间,其俗信鬼而好祀。其祀必使巫觋作乐歌舞以娱神。蛮荆陋俗,词既鄙俚,而其阴阳人鬼之  相似文献   

孙叔敖 ,春秋中期楚国人 ,姓 ,名敖 ,字孙叔 ,故称孙叔敖。他出生在楚国郢都的贵族世家 ,后举家迁往期思 (今河南淮滨东南 )。楚庄王十六年 (公元前 598年 ) ,孙叔敖被召回郢都 ,担任令尹 (丞相 ) ,曾辅助楚庄王指挥楚军在必阝 (今河南郑州 )之战中大胜晋军 ,助成了楚庄王的霸业。孙叔敖不仅是一位杰出的政治家 ,也是一位杰的水利专家。他曾主持修筑了许多水利工程 ,其中芍陂 (在今安徽寿县南 )最为著名 ,其规模在春秋时期为最大 ,是我国古代首次兴建的一项大型水利工程。孙叔敖堪称我国营造水利工程的鼻祖。楚成王、楚穆王时 ,楚国势力已…  相似文献   

苏教版九上、人教版九上选《史记·陈涉世家》其文中:陈胜、吴广乃谋曰:“今亡亦死,举大计亦死,等死,死国可乎?”“死国”课本、教参均释“为国而死”或“为国事而死”。郭锡良、唐作藩等主编《古代汉语》所选《陈涉起义》中“死国”也注释成“为国而死”。为哪一国而死,注释不明确。此“国”当指楚国。“死国”指为楚国而死。首先,下文有据为证:⑴“又间令吴广之次所旁丛祠中,夜篝火,狐鸣呼曰:‘大楚兴,陈胜王’”。⑵“乃诈称公子扶苏、项燕,从民欲也。袒右,称大楚。”⑶三老、豪杰皆曰:“将军身披坚执锐,伐无道,诛暴秦,复立楚国之社稷,功…  相似文献   

Community work in the UK has developed in a haphazard way and would appear to have two major roots which have influenced its development and application. In one direction community work has grown out of education and in the other direction out of social work, and it would seem that much of community work in this country can be viewed and evaluated as having objectives which are either educationally or socially remedial. In recent years, the term ‘community work’ has come to be related much more clearly to socially remedial work rather than to educationally remedial work. The term ‘community education’ has tended to be applied much more to the changing and developing role of the secondary school within the community and the establishment of the concept of the community school or community college.  相似文献   

This paper examines the occupational socialization of graduate journalists. It demonstrates the strength of the relationship between vocational training and occupational demands through an examination of the teaching arrangements for broadcast training. In the first training term the broadcast course is indexed by weak classification and strong framing, corresponding to the pedagogy of technicisation characteristic of other highly vocational courses. Second‐term training is indexed by overt weak framing because students work independently from staff in the construction of the dummy news programme. This does not contradict the technicisation thesis, however, but rather suggests that second‐term teaching reinforces the relationship between training and occupational work. Finally it is suggested that where overt weak framing disguises an covert form of strong framing, the demands of the occupation assume a naturalness or inevitability as students learn how to perform the routine tasks of occupational work.  相似文献   

A videotaped demonstration was compared with a conventional laboratory experiment in physiology for first‐year pharmacy students. The experiment was designed as an exercise in the use of the scientific method. The class was divided into a control group who performed the experiment for themselves, and an experimental group who were given the demonstration and spent most of the time analysing and interpreting the data using a semi‐programmed report sheet. After the practical session all students wrote an essay‐type report. The short‐ and long‐term gains resulting from practical work were assessed using objective pre‐ and post‐tests of cognitive performance. An answer review was given to half of each treatment group after the first post‐test. The short‐term gains were very moderate and were not significantly different for the treatment groups. The long‐term gains were significantly higher for the subgroups given the test answer review. The essay report did not reinforce the gains from the practical experience. Formal assessment of laboratory work did not stimulate motivation and interest in practical work. The findings imply that the role of practical work in some aspects of physiology might usefully be reviewed  相似文献   

就怎样编制学期教学计划、课时计划、了解学生、课堂教学、成绩考核及教学总结等六个环节,做了较为深刻阐述,对提高教学质量和教学效率会有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

译界对于translationese的理解与翻译一直存在争议。在国外译界对这一翻译术语研究的基础上,我们需着重对国内译界有关该术语的译介与研究现状从本体研究、综合研究、具体实践研究三个层面进行回顾与总结,对其中存在的问题从课题创新性、综合研究、英汉双向翻译、定义创新性、汉语译名统一性五个方面进行剖析。并提出深入本体、拓展实践、加强批评的研究出路,以期推动对其更加深入地研究。  相似文献   

The present paper reports on a study that examined whether practical work can be said to have affective outcomes, and if so in what sense. The term ‘affective’ is used here to refer to the emotions, or feelings, engendered amongst pupils towards school science in general, or one of the sciences in particular. The study is based on 25 multi‐site case studies that employed a condensed fieldwork strategy. Data were collected, using tape‐recorded interviews and observational field notes, in a sample of practical lessons undertaken in English comprehensive (non‐selective) schools during Key Stages 3 and 4 (ages 11–14 years and 15–16 years, respectively). The findings suggest that whilst practical work generates short‐term engagement, it is relatively ineffective in generating motivation to study science post compulsion or longer‐term personal interest in the subject, although it is often claimed to do so. This suggests that those involved with science education need to develop a more realistic understanding of the limitations of practical work in the affective domain.  相似文献   

中国社会工作发展状况与社会福利政策处境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国社会工作发展正处于生死抉择的紧要关头。本从什么是社会工作,谁是中国社会工作,中国为什么发展和如何发展社会工作的角度,首次全面探讨了社会工作的基础理论政策议题,以期为中国社会结构转型提供现代的社会稳定、社会发展与社会整合机制。  相似文献   

加强和改进思想政治工作 ,是一项长期的重要任务。提高思想政治工作的实效性 ,是当前迫切需要研究和解决的重要课题。在观念层面上求实 ,在工作层面上务实 ,在保障层面上的落实 ,是解决这一问题的重要思路。  相似文献   

确保大学生的安全与稳定,不仅关系到高校的自身建设与发展,而且关系到国家的长治久安。立足于大学生安全稳定工作,必须坚持着眼长远和把握全局的思想方法,搞好总结分析和实践探索,超于眼前看到长远,超越一切看到全局,透过现象看到本质,从感性认识上升到理性认识。高校要立足于工作实际,深入研究把握工作中的季节性规律,本着客观条件与主观认识结合的原则,归纳和总结规律性特点,并依据规律特点开展工作。  相似文献   

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