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Lea Pearson, chief psychologist. City of Birmingham Education Department, writes about the ways teachers and psychologists can contribute to assessment, in the context of the new legislation, and about the need for evaluation of new practices  相似文献   

惩罚问题是当今教育界争论的热点之一,解读古今中外教育家和心理学家的惩罚观,对我们理解和探讨惩罚教育有很大裨益。教育思想家主要从人性观出发讨论惩罚的轻重问题,心理学家主要从惩罚对行为结果和对行为过程来论及惩罚的效果。  相似文献   

Counselor education programs have the responsibility to prepare school counseling graduates adequately for effective partnerships, consultation, and collaboration with other school professionals. Current practices as well as theory should inform preparation. This study was conducted to determine current collaborative efforts of practicing school counselors and school psychologists in 1 southeastern state. Implications for educators and 1 training model that distinctly accentuates collaboration are presented.  相似文献   

现代科学心理学在自然科学精神的昭示下,心理学研究主体的研究立场和原则因为不证自明性,体现着强烈的客观性和中立性,从而使研究主体与客体的分离、研究者与现实生活的割裂以及研究者个性的消解。心理学研究者生存方式应该发生改变,从内隐走向外显,从封闭走向开放,从独白走向对话,从科学世界回归生活世界,从千篇一律的面孔到追求鲜明的个性。心理学者生存方式的转变,使人们重新关注心理学者在心理学中的位置,为心理学的学科性质抹上一层浓郁的文化个性和文化色彩,也为重新理解和诠释着心理学独特性找到现实依据和独特视角。  相似文献   

Disturbed children are trained to be 'psychologists' in order to improve their relationships with peers, reports Dr Harry Rosenberg, director of special education, Visalia Unified School District, California  相似文献   

This paper describes an exploratory pilot research project, aimed at investigating occupational stress amongst educational psychologists. It investigated three areas: educational psychologists’ perceptions of their own stress levels, sources of stress and possible work conditions, which may reduce stress levels. Data was collected via questionnaires, which were distributed amongst four educational psychology services. The results indicate that 58% of educational psychologists in this study feel that their work as educational psychologists is at least moderately stressful or more. The biggest source of stress was cited as “amount of work” and in direct relation to this, having “more administration time” was identified as the most likely reducer of stress.  相似文献   

提高大学生应对突发事件能力的对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,我国大学校园的突发事件已日益多样化和频繁化,不仅吞噬个体的身心健康、生命,还给整个社会生活带来危害与影响。应试教育模式下,大学生对突发事件认知行为能力没有得到高度重视和培养。如何开展应对突发事件的教育,提高大学生对突发事件认知行为能力,这是当前新的课题。文章从完善高校危机机制,加强和改进思想政治教育入手探讨大学生应对突发事件的教育对策。  相似文献   

从“言语行为理论”谈话语的语用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语用学是一门专门研究在不同的言语环境中如何理解和使用语言的科学,语用分析如句法分析和语义分析一样,注重语言交际技能,所以以交际的角度看,语用是关键。本文着重在非语言性环境下运用"言语行为理论"对隐含义、语用原则及复句间的运用关系进行语用分析。  相似文献   

Teachers of biology and related subjects are increasingly meeting objections from students and their parents to the teaching of evolution and the exclusion of what is called the theory of Intelligent Design. This paper attempts to draw together arguments and evidence which may be used by such teachers. Four lessons are drawn from the 1982 judgement against Creation Science in Arkansas for those opposing attempts to introduce the theory of Intelligent Design into school science programs: that a wide definition of science is the most useful; that religion is not the enemy; that science teachers should trust their own expertise; and that alternative theories should not be excluded.  相似文献   

辅导员作为大学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,应从加强对大学生的教育、增强处理突发事件的应对能力、积极应对突发事件三个方面来解决高校突发事件,保持高校的稳定,积极构建和谐校园.  相似文献   

对间接言语行为的认知阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在认知语言学的框架内,利用理念化的认知模式(ICM)和事件域认知模式(ECM)对间接言语行为进行认知阐释,弥补了间接言语行为语用阐释的不足和缺憾。ICM和ECM运用知觉采集筛选的与角度、需要、目的等相一致的某一部分信息或要素信息代替整体事件域的工作原理,可以更好地突显信息的选择、处理和理解过程中的认知相关性,保障ICM和ECM对间接言语行为理论解释的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

Learning to read: an unnatural act   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  

基础法律行为与代理权授予行为的关系问题是代理立法中一个不容回避的问题。在授权行为伴随有基本法律关系的情况下,当基本法律关系不成立、无效或撤销时,授权行为是否受其牵连而同其命运,即代理权授予行为有因性或无因性问题。本文在对各种理论进行归纳分析的基础上,从历史分析以及比较分析的角度,对该问题进行了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

<民法通则>将"民事法律行为"定义为合法行为,一直以来都有许多学者提出质疑.从法理学上讲,合法行为说缺乏立法价值基础并违背了形式逻辑规则;从"合法行为说"讲,其理论的发展过程是逆潮流的;从我国目前民法理论研究现状分析,"合法行为说"不利于我国市场经济的发展,同时导致民法一般规则与特别法具体规则之间的不和谐;从各国对"法律行为"的含义的理解来看,"合法行为说"会造成我国民法学对外交流的障碍.因此民事法律行为的定义应该将意思表示规定在概念中,作为法律行为的成立要件之一,至于合法性,则应当放在生效要件中加以规定.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe some of our purposes and processes when introducing consultation as a comprehensive model of service delivery to course members in their programme of initial professional education. We also note some of the impacts from this model, both in the course modules and the placement experiences. While it is written from the perspective of course tutors, we hope that this account may trigger useful thoughts for readers-about their own initial training, about their current model of practice, about their current professional development or even their current contribution to initial training.  相似文献   

A survey of practicing school psychologists in the state of Nebraska was conducted to gather facts and opinions across a broad spectrum of topics. This article is based on one section of that survey which was concerned with profesional functions of the school psychologist. Five functions of the school psychologist were explored: Assessment, Consultation, Evaluation, Administration, and Intervention. Respondents were asked to rate a number of subactivities under each of these five major functions on a five-point scale in terms of importance. Each subactivity was rated from two Points of view: (a) the importance of the activity as the respordent perceived the ideal role of the school psychologist, and (b) the importance of the activity in the present job situation. Weekly time engaged in each subactivity was, recorded. Results indicate that Consultation was considered the most important function in both the hypothetical ideal situation and on the job, though a significantly greater amount of time was reported spent in Assessment.  相似文献   

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