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18-month-old infants and their mothers were observed in the Ainsworth strange situation (SS) in order that security of attachment might be assessed. Infant dyads were created for observation in unstructured peer interaction according to their SS classification (security of attachment). Focus was on the subgroups within the securely attached (B) category. Results indicated a relationship between quality of infant-mother attachment and infant peer competence. The B1 and B2 infants engaged in more frequent and more sophisticated interaction with peers than did the B3 and B4 infants, who intensely sought proximity and contact with their mothers in the peer session just as in the SS. The B1 and B2 infants engaged in more distal interaction with their mothers and were more sociable with the peers' mothers and with the stranger in the SS. Implications of individual differences in quality of attachment for the development of social competence and social relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 :研究充血性心力衰竭与甲状腺激素的关系。方法 :对 4 0例充血性心力衰竭患者及 16例正常患者分别测定三碘甲状腺原氨酸 ,四碘甲状腺原氨酸 ,反三碘甲状腺原氨酸以及促甲状腺激素水平。结果 :充血性心力衰竭程度越重 ,三碘甲状腺原氨酸水平下降越明显 ,反三碘甲状腺原氨酸水平升高越明显 ,促甲状腺激素水平正常 ,四碘甲状腺原氨酸变化不明显。结论 :三碘甲状腺原氨酸 ,反三碘甲状腺原氨酸对充血性心力衰竭的早期诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that various infant cry patterns can be reliably distinguished when directly compared with other infant cry patterns. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of this within-group method of cry presentation (in which listeners are exposed to 2 types of cry patterns) with the effects of a between-group methodology (in which listeners are exposed to only 1 type of infant cry pattern). 4 groups of adult listeners rated the tape-recorded cries of low- and high-risk infants on 4 Likert-type scale items during experimental phases. In phase 1, subjects were exposed to either the cries of low-risk or high-risk infants but not both. In phase 2, subjects were exposed to both low-risk and high-risk infant cries. In phase 3, subjects were exposed to the cries they heard in phase 1. Whereas all scale items differentiated the low- and high-risk infant cries during the within-group analyses of phase 2, all scale items did not differentiate low- and high-risk infant cries during the between-group phase of the experiment. The specific pattern of results indicate that within-group methods of cry presentation accentuate the perceptual distance among cry types and may actually create many reliable differences that would not be found in between-group comparisons.  相似文献   

就我国近十年的旅游业发展速度不断加快的态势来看,旅游从业人才的市场将会更加宽广,这也是旅游教育发展革新的好机遇。而我国目前的旅游院校以及专业在学生培养方面以及对市场的适应方面还不能做到非常完善,学生的专业理念与当下的行业发展不能有效对接,引起了旅游专业教育工作者的深思。在不断适应市场新形式的发展过程中,还要从本质上挖掘出旅游教育与行业发展的关系走向。  相似文献   

灾害与旅游之关系探究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
人们惧怕灾害,因为灾害带给人的是痛苦,人们热爱旅游,因为旅游带给人的是享受,感情与旅游表面上看毫不相干,但实际上,社会生产力发展到今天的程度,自然灾害,人为灾害与旅游之间已产生了千丝万缕的联系。一方面,我们可将灾害遗迹作为新的旅游资源来开发,使曾经的伤心之地成为今天的学习课堂。另一方面,由于各种原因,人们在旅游的过程中,也时常导致一些灾害事件的发生。对二关系的研究,将具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

新世纪之初,欧美关系在政治、安全、经济、化等领域呈现出波动起伏,若即若离的特点。然而,就欧美关系的发展而言,欧美矛盾总体上是一种西方阵营内部的竞争和争吵,彼此的合作面依然大于对抗面,双方将大协调、小摩擦的基本框架下继续进行新一轮的关系互动。  相似文献   

形势与政策教育课是目前高校思想政治课的重要课程之一,其担负着大学生了解国内外形势和政策的重要责任和使命。作为大学生思想教育的最直接传授者,高校辅导员在高校大学生的形势政策教育课中扮演着十分重要的角色。但是就目前国内高校形势与政策课的教学形式来来,其存在诸多问题有待解决,本文将通过分析专业化辅导员在形式与政策课上的作用与重要意义和存在的若干问题,提出一些实质性的解决建议。  相似文献   

Early day care has been implicated as a risk factor for socio-emotional development. Research findings are not clear. Day care is extensively used in France from infancy onwards and the diverse range of care provides an opportunity for research addressing this issue. 125 children who had diverse day care experience in the first 3 years of life were studied at 3–4 years of age when they were at nursery school. Maternal interviews provided data on day care histories, and family characteristics. Maternal and teacher questionnaires provided data on child temperament and social behaviour. An observation of children’s behaviour during stranger approach/mother separation/reunion sequence provided data on attachment-related behaviours. The child’s socio-emotional development was considered as a function of sex, day care characteristics and family characteristics.  相似文献   

We investigated the kinds of instructional and assessment accommodations students with disabilities receive, and the extent to which instructional accommodations match assessment accommodations. Most students who had IEPs in specific content areas received instructional accommodations in those areas, and there were no differences by disability type. We provide data on the specific types of accommodations used. Overall, students' assessment accommodations matched their instructional accommodations, though many students received testing accommodations that had not been received in instruction. Implications are discussed for IEP teams who make decisions about instructional and assessment accommodations.  相似文献   

A sample of 147 mother-infant dyads was recruited from a peri-urban settlement outside Cape Town and seen at 2- and 18-months postpartum. At 18 months, 61.9% of the infants were rated as securely attached (B); 4.1% as avoidant (A); 8.2% as resistant (C); and 25.8% disorganized (D). Postpartum depression at 2 months, and indices of poor parenting at both 2 and 18 months, were associated with insecure infant attachment. The critical 2-month predictor variables for insecure infant attachment were maternal intrusiveness and maternal remoteness, and early maternal depression. When concurrent maternal sensitivity was considered, the quality of the early mother-infant relationship remained important, but maternal depression was no longer predictive. Cross-cultural differences and consistencies in the development of attachment are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether interview practices associated with inaccurate reporting in laboratory analog contexts were also associated with inaccurate information in actual forensic contexts. METHOD: The forensic interview of a 5-year-old girl, an alleged victim of sexual abuse, was analyzed to explore interview practices associated with the retrieval of contradictory information. Content analyses of the child's responses focused on: (1) new informative details about the reported incidents; (2) contradictory details; (3) "central" and "peripheral" details; and (4) the types of utterances used to elicit each detail. RESULTS: The results illustrate how risky option-posing and suggestive utterances can be, as most (90%) contradicting details were elicited using option-posing and suggestive utterances and almost all (98%) of the contradicted and contradicting details were central, containing crucial information concerning the investigated allegation. No contradictory details were elicited in response to open-ended invitations. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that poor interviewing practices can be associated with high levels of internal contradiction and should be avoided by forensic interviewers. To avoid contaminating children's reports and increase the likely accuracy of the information retrieved, moreover, interviewers should elicit as much information as possible using open-ended utterances, which tap free-recall memory.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that actual or anticipated final grades may influence the ratings given by students in student experience surveys but few studies have been able to test this using actual grades. A study was carried out involving six courses over all four year levels of an undergraduate engineering programme, where students were asked to identify themselves in an experience survey by providing their student ID on the survey form. The aim of the study was to investigate a number of questions related to the readiness of students to identify themselves, and to examine any correlation between final examination grades, ratings of student satisfaction and the students’ perception of their level of understanding of material in their courses. Students were discovered to have a poor idea of how well they understand the concepts presented in their courses. This lack of an accurate idea of their own understanding is particularly important because ‘student understanding’ correlated to the ratings they gave to the course. Ratings were largely unaffected by final marks but students who gave their ID outperformed those who did not in end‐of‐year examinations. Higher year level students were more inclined to identify themselves and ratings tended to increase with year level.  相似文献   

A close association between affective expression and cognitive development was demonstrated in a longitudinal study of 14 Down's syndrome infants. It was found that the Down's syndrome infants laughed to groups of stimulus items in the same order as did previous samples of normal infants. Although the process was delayed by several months, the retarded babies too laughed first at physically intrusive items and only later to items calling for greater cognitive sophistication. In addition, cognitive developmental status, assessed by the Bayley and Uzgiris-Hunt scales, paralleled and was predicted by the level of affective development. Predictive and concurrent correlations between Bayley mental scores and various indices of affectivity ranged from .68 to .92. There was striking individual consistency across affective, mental, and motor measures, suggesting the organized nature of retarded development. Finally, since Down's syndrome infants frequently smiled under conditions when normal babies would laugh, a role for tension production, in addition to cognitive factors, was suggested in accounting for the behavior of these infants.  相似文献   

在推销活动中,推销人员与顾客的人际关系非常重要。在与顾客人际关系的建立中,推销人员要善于挖掘顾客。本文还就如何改善推销人员与顾客的人际关系作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

2015年,李克强总理在《政府工作报告》中明确指出:推进大众创业、万众创新,打造发展新引擎,既可以扩大就业,增加居民收入,又有利于促进社会纵向流动和公平正义。当前,面对着大学生就业困难问题,创业显得尤为重要。福建幼儿师范高等专科学校作为传统的师范院校,随着2015年教师制度的改革,学校面临的就业压力将越来越大。笔者通过自编问卷对福建幼儿师范高等专科学校学生进行问卷调查,调查结果显示,学校创业教育基础薄弱,学生创业意识缺乏,创业氛围不够浓厚。据此,通过调查和分析在校大学生的创业想法及现状,以此希望能够更好的推动学校的创业指导工作。  相似文献   

语言和言语是著名的现代语言学之父索绪尔在区分语言学研究对象提出的两个重要概念。本文将从语言和言语入手,论述语言和言语的内容、形式等,继而着重讨论语言和言语之间的社会和心理逻辑层面上的关系。  相似文献   

The relationship between affect and achievement in science was examined in two stages. First, a model was developed and tested for science-related affect, the complex of students' attitudes toward, interests in, and perceptions about science at school. The LISREL approach to path analysis was used to demonstrate the fit of the model to data collected from grade 8 students in two different schools on two different occasions. In the second stage of the research, multiple linear regression was used to examine the direction of the relationship between science related affect and achievement and to apportion variance common between previous and subsequent achievement and the components of science-related affect. It was found that affect is related more strongly to previous than subsequent achievement and that much of the common variance can be attributed to students' perceptions of their competence in science.  相似文献   

Marcia's operationalization of Erikson's identity construct, the four identity statuses, was used in a study on late adolescent males in an African cultural context. Identity statuses were determined for 110 first-year university students in relation to global identity, as well as occupation, religion and politics, the content areas of Marcia's original Identity Status Interview. Personality dimensions were measured by the High School Personality Questionnaire and the IPAT Anxiety Scale. Contrary to findings obtained in Western settings, adolescents in the foreclosure status (global identity) displayed lower intelligence and concrete thinking patterns. Identity statuses relating to the individual content areas were both supportive and in conflict with findings obtained in Western studies, indicating possibly qualitative differences in an African situation.  相似文献   

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