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In this article, a preschool teacher and an early childhood teacher educator describe and analyze their work co-creating and co-facilitating an early childhood inquiry group over seven years. The group consisted of veteran lead teachers, assistant teachers, instructional coaches, and an outside teacher educator at an urban, public preschool in San Francisco, California. Using the framework of narrative inquiry and portraiture, the article tells the story of the group’s formation, its structure, and its benefits for the participants’ personal and professional growth. The authors argue that an inquiry group is a highly viable, home-grown form of professional growth that relies on the group as a forum for self-study and reflection. The inquiry group provided the teachers with an increased understanding of child development and instructional strategies, a trusting public forum for sharing and validating their inquiry and teaching, and a communal opportunity to make visible the voices of teachers, children, and families.  相似文献   

Teaching from an informed and culturally responsive philosophy of education is critical for teaching in the 21st century and engagement in reconceptualizing the field of early childhood. This article describes a process used with graduate preservice early childhood education students over a two-course sequence, to generate a personal philosophy through structured synthesis of (a) personal beliefs, (b) major schools of Western thought, (c) non-Western educational traditions, and (d) widely known and used early childhood curriculum models. Five key questions, numerous graphic organizers, criterion-referenced rubrics, and examples of student work are provided to illustrate the process used for content analysis and reflective activities.  相似文献   

师徒结对是幼儿园普遍实行的一种促进教师专业成长的模式.作为"师傅"的老教师在师徒结对中会获得进一步的成长.这主要表现在"师傅"在帮助新教师成长的过程中能够正确认识自己的角色,变压力为动力,提高工作的主动性和积极性,同时在与新教师的互动中会锻炼自己的合作能力,吸收新教师身上的闪光点来开阔自己的眼界,并通过对实践的反思来寻求进一步发展的空间.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effectiveness of praise and knowledge of results in increasing the performance of lower- and middle-class fifth-grade pupils on a numeral cancellation test. The effectiveness of the reinforcers was based upon the mean gain (loss) scores of Tests 9 and 10 over Test 1. Middle-class boys made significantly larger gains under the knowledge-of-results condition than under the praise condition. Under the knowledge-of-results condition, lower-class boys made significantly larger gains than lower-class girls. Other differences were insignificant.  相似文献   

This article describes a video review process for providing feedback to students and documents students' teaching practices using the CLASS in a practicum course and student teaching. Students videotaped themselves in their field-based settings and then met with the course instructors and classmates in small groups to review strengths and challenges of their teaching using the CLASS framework of teacher–child interactions. These videos were also coded by trained CLASS observers across 10 dimensions in the areas of emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support. Results from preservice teachers' CLASS ratings indicate a pattern similar to national data sets using the CLASS, higher scores in the emotional support and classroom organization domains than in the domain of instructional support. Also, findings from the current study revealed that CLASS scores declined from students' practicum placement to the end of student teaching in the domain of emotional support and specifically in the dimensions of regard for student perspectives and behavior management. The process of using videos for providing feedback in field-based experiences is discussed as well as implications for teacher development in light of students' CLASS scores and changes in CLASS scores.  相似文献   

This reflective narrative explores the voices of two participants in the Early Childhood Professional Mentoring Group (ECPMG), created in response to our graduates’ concerns about their lack of support as they entered the field of inclusive early childhood education. Building on their existing relationships with each other, and with us as their former instructors, the group fostered a community in which our graduates could engage in reciprocal peer support and group problem solving, developing their skills as educators, professionals, and reflective change agents. This model contrasts with other forms of professional development that follow a set agenda facilitated by an assigned leader. The open structure and lack of hierarchy in the group invited spontaneous discussions of daily practices and challenges, and allowed different styles of expression to emerge. Our reflective narrative on our work with the ECPMG highlights the power of peers in providing induction and mentoring support, and the value to teacher educators of listening to multiple voices in hearing new teachers’ stories. We suggest that this type of mentoring be considered as an essential element of early childhood teacher education.  相似文献   

Building on the cross-cultural patterns and systems research as well as social constructivism, in-depth interviews were conducted with key informant early childhood teachers in three regions with similar characteristics in Sweden, Russia, and in the United States. Inductive analyses revealed differences in responses among Swedish, Russian and American informants related to the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels of societal system. United States teacher informants had a great number of separate topic comments and distributed them more evenly across all levels than did Russian and Swedish teacher informants who had more emphasis at the meso level. United States and Russian teacher informants discussed the lack of societal support for young children and their families, while Swedish teacher informants seemed to almost take this support for ranted. United States teacher informants suggested that early childhood programs were important in developing support networks among parents, while Russian teacher informants often gave information to parents and Swedish teachers spoke about mutually sharing information. United States teacher informants desired both strict rules with strong academic content and extension of the child's initiations through play; they emphasized activities and materials. Swedish teachers discussed a child- centered approach to social learning and creativity and desired to be with children rather than do activities with them. Russian teacher informants emphasized the importance of obedience, aesthetic education, and preparation for school and the labor of the larger society. These study outcomes deepen understanding about the multidemensional relationships between early childhood programs and societal contexts in which they are embedded, and they suggest alternative approaches to working with young children and their families.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to computer technology training for early childhood teachers. Departing from the singular goal of conveying skills and knowledge, a comprehensive program targets the development of teachers' attitudes and practices as well as knowledge and skills. All 3 areas are regarded as equally important for the development of teacher technology proficiency. Evaluation of the program documented its effectiveness. Compared to nonparticipants, teachers in the training program had significantly higher scores in all 3 goal areas: attitudes, knowledge and skills, and practices. Results of the study indicate that a comprehensive approach is an effective means of training teachers in computer technology. Implications of the study are discussed with regard to the strategy of developing the “whole teacher” and emergence of the domain of educational technology.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to computer technology training for early childhood teachers. Departing from the singular goal of conveying skills and knowledge, a comprehensive program targets the development of teachers' attitudes and practices as well as knowledge and skills. All 3 areas are regarded as equally important for the development of teacher technology proficiency. Evaluation of the program documented its effectiveness. Compared to nonparticipants, teachers in the training program had significantly higher scores in all 3 goal areas: attitudes, knowledge and skills, and practices. Results of the study indicate that a comprehensive approach is an effective means of training teachers in computer technology. Implications of the study are discussed with regard to the strategy of developing the "whole teacher" and emergence of the domain of educational technology.  相似文献   


This study explored similarities and differences in how early childhood education (ECE) teachers (n?=?947) and early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers (n?=?160) provided remote learning to young children and their families following COVID-19 shelter in place orders in the spring of 2020. The most utilized remote learning activities for both ECE and ECSE teachers were the provision of activities for families to use at home, communication with families, online lessons, and singing songs and reading books. Both types of professionals spent more time planning and communicating with families than providing instruction to children. Results of chi-square tests of independence revealed differences in activities provided, how time was spent, and training received by professional role. Open-ended responses revealed particular challenges for ECE and ECSE teachers. Findings are discussed in the context of how the early childhood field adapted quickly to remote learning during COVID-19 and the implications for ongoing technology support for early childhood personnel based on their professional role.


This study examined how preservice teachers view the nature and role of creativity in light of the complexities of contemporary early childhood classrooms. A multiple methods approach was utilized and data were collected with the Questionnaire Examining Student Teachers' Beliefs about Creativity (Diakidoy & Kanari, 1999 Diakidoy, I. and Kanari, E. 1999. Student teacher beliefs about creativity. British Educational Research Journal, 25: 225243. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) survey instrument and through a qualitative examination of a learning community whose members were preservice teachers engaged in their student-teaching semester. Findings from both the survey and qualitative measures indicate that the vast majority of preservice teachers valued creative thinking; however, they voiced concerns over their own unclear understandings of how to support children's creative endeavors in complex classroom environments. Additionally, this research strongly suggests that early childhood teacher educators take a supportive role in the development of preservice teachers' understandings of the interrelationships between content, pedagogy, and creativity in early childhood classrooms.  相似文献   

美国优秀幼儿教师专业标准及其启示   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
美国全国教学专业标准委员会制定的优秀幼儿教师专业标准提出了优秀幼儿教师所应达到的专业发展要求,成为美国幼儿教师专业发展的理想目标,在美国幼儿教师专业化的过程中发挥着重要的作用。对这一专业标准内容的介绍与分析,可以为构建我国幼儿教师专业标准提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Currently in South Africa, there are over 20 000 underqualified Grade R teachers who are enlisted into service to ensure that Grade R teaching can continue. The aim of the study reported on was to investigate the challenges and needs faced by underqualified teachers in order to promote the professional development of teachers teaching in rural areas. Phenomenology was used as the research design. By means of a qualitative research approach, purposeful sampling selected only underqualified early childhood education (ECE) teachers teaching in rural schools for more than five years or more in three provinces, as well as their school principals. The findings revealed the following needs and challenges: the need for resources; poor infrastructure; lack of parental involvement; overcrowded classrooms; the need for in-service training; needs of the rural communities; and support from an open distance learning (ODL) institution.  相似文献   

美国学前教育师资培养的方式、特点及其启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在学前教育受到政府高度重视的背景下,美国学前教育教师培养已形成一个起点高、体制完备、操作性强的有机体系,重视职前培养、新教师入职培训与在职教师专业发展培训的一体化,具有以下突出特点:政府立法确保学前教育师资培训的实施,并给予资金保障;采用专业权威团体研发的标准化评估体系保证学前教育师资培训质量;将教师培训与教师资格认证制度相结合,促使幼儿教师不断追求卓越与优秀;职前培训、入职培训与在职培训的密切联系规划了幼儿教师的专业成长生涯.在实际实施中,美国学前教育师资培养体系也存在一些不足,如评价标准与资格认证制度的推行存在一定难度;所采用的标准化评估体系也并非完美无缺;专业发展培训的实效不是很令人满意.立足我国国情,我们还是可以从美国学前教育师资培养中学到以下宝贵经验:应尽快制定我国幼儿教师教育标准,设立以实践为目标,以教学为核心的评价体系和考核制度,提高幼教师资整体质量,促进幼儿教育职业的专业化;加强师范院校与幼教机构的联系,实现教育理论与实践的融合,确保学前教师的专业质量;大力培养高级幼儿教育导师,建立健全覆盖所有在职幼儿教师的专业发展培训体系.  相似文献   

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