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Today, reading aloud is considered ‘a significant component of instruction across grade levels’; particularly as a tool for teaching reading in elementary classrooms. It is basically an essential literacy practice for all student teachers to understand how to implement. In this study, authors understand the importance of modelling effective read-aloud practices and they demonstrate how they support engagement in reading and writing instruction with undergraduate students. Student teachers responded to the read alouds using reflective essays, and tables. Themes emerged that indicated that the use of read alouds in the undergraduate classrooms enhanced their understanding of identity, pedagogy, and empathy.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in 26 Head Start classrooms with 264 children to compare the effect of a read aloud plus extension activities intervention over a control group to the effect of a read aloud only intervention over a control group on preschool children's vocabulary. Children were assessed before and after the intervention on target vocabulary and general vocabulary measures. Research Findings: The results suggest that the effects of the read aloud plus intervention were stronger than the effects of the read aloud only intervention on target word learning. In addition, the effects of the read aloud plus intervention on target word learning were stronger for children with higher versus lower general vocabulary knowledge. Neither intervention had an effect on general word knowledge. Practice or Policy: Observation and fidelity data are used to contextualize the findings, and the results are discussed in light of the extant literature on preschool vocabulary interventions.  相似文献   

以信息素质的内涵为起点,对我国高职院校学生信息素质现状进行调查及分析,提出高职院校学生信息素质培养的实践改革方案,进一步从深层次提出培养适合学生信息素质培养的师生互动平台的设计思路,并给出该平台简单设计步骤。  相似文献   

江泽民在第三次全教会上指出:"教师一定要转变教育观念,改变人才培育模式,积极实行启发式和讨论式教学,激发学生独立思考和创新的意识,切实提高教学质量,让学生感受和理解知识产生和发展的过程,培养学生的科学素质和创新思维习惯."这就要求教师在课堂教学过程中必须以学生发展为本,做到:积极鼓励学生提出问题,形成独立思考、主动提问的能力;利用解决问题的时机,展示思维过程,培养学生科学的思维方法;充分利用物理实验的功能,发展学生的创新精神和实践能力;通过课堂教学,培养学生的个性品质和团结协作精神.  相似文献   

班主任在工作中,总是希望通过和学生进行谈心,来沟通师生之间的感情,以达到影响、教育学生的目的。但班主任要面对几十个不同个性,不同特点的学生,没有技巧、没有艺术的沟通只会事倍功半。因此,加强师生之间沟通技巧的研究,可以促进教育教学工作。我认为与学生沟通交往比较有效的技巧与方法有以下几种。  相似文献   


Blue Ridge Community College in Flat Rock, North Carolina serves a rapidly growing Hispanic population through its Family-Centered Literacy Program. The Hispanic population in the region has been increasing at a staggering rate of 50% per year, most of which is in-migration. These newcomers frequently face challenges adjusting to their jobs, schools, and living environment. The Family-Centered Literacy Program is teaching new skills to new residents to minimize the “culture shock”, and to make community immersion a less difficult process. The program offers evening classes 2 nights a week for parents and their children. Parents attend classes in basic and conversational English and General Education Development (GED) preparation; school-age children receive tutoring and help with homework; and preschool children learn from fluency-building games and activities. The college also provides Spanish instruction for school personnel who want to better communicate with Hispanic students and their parents. The program currently operates in 5 elementary schools. Each school has taken on the role of “community center” for Hispanic families.  相似文献   

The concepts behind the technology of genetic modification of organisms and its applications are complex. A diverse range of opinions, public concern and considerable media interest accompanies the subject. This study explores the knowledge and attitudes of science teachers and senior secondary biology students about the application of a rapidly expanding technology, genetic engineering, to food production. The results indicated significant difference in understanding of concepts related with genetically engineered food stuffs between teachers and students. The most common ideas about genetically modified food were that cross bred plants and genetically modified plants are not same, GM organisms are produced by inserting a foreign gene into a plant or animal and are high yielding. More teachers thought that genetically engineered food stuffs were unsafe for the environment. Both teachers and students showed number of misconceptions, for example, the pesticidal proteins produced by GM organisms have indirect effects through bioaccumulation, induces production of allergic proteins, genetic engineering is production of new genes, GM plants are leaky sieves and that transgenes are more likely to introgress into wild species than mutated species. In general, more students saw benefits while teachers were cautious about the advantages of genetically engineered food stuffs.  相似文献   

构建新型的师生关系,是促进师生互动进而提高教学质量的基础,它包括几个重要内容,即要关注每一个学生的发展;要抓住师生平等的根本点;要尊重和关爱学生;要营造自主和谐的课堂氛围。  相似文献   

从教案到菜单:师生共同设计学习活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的教案便于教师的教,不便于学生的学,尤其是学生自主地学。协商学习菜单为教师的教和学生的学提供一个交流对话的平台,最大限度地发挥师生双方的主动性、积极性和创造性。协商学习菜单将教师的教案转化为学生学习目标、学习内容、学习媒介、学习金钥匙、成果展示和课外链接几个基本板块,同时也允许学生在此基础上根据需要加以增减。协商学习菜单更能满足学生自主学习的需求变“要我学”为“我要学”、“现在就开始学”,实现“他主学习”向“自主学习”、“接受教育”向“自我教育”的质的飞跃。  相似文献   

在分析论述信息素质与现代教育的关系的基础上,指出高校应加强教学过程中的信息素质教育。指出高校、图书馆和教师应充分利用网络信息条件和教学优势,在教学和科研的各个环节采取具体措施提高高校师生信息素质。  相似文献   

邱春凤 《成才之路》2021,(11):30-31
师生共读名著活动,不仅能让学生真正读懂名著,还能提升学生的认知水平,让名著所蕴含的精髓成为学生成长道路上宝贵的精神食粮。教师可采取以下策略开展师生深度共读名著活动:在正文阅读前进行整体审视,确保阅读时间和阅读环境恰当适宜,利用有效方式引导学生交流,通过情境创设分析名著,阅读结束后引导学生反思。  相似文献   

周启 《成人教育》2007,(9):84-85
师生互动包括教学中的互动和班级管理中的互动,对职业院校师生关系互动情况的调查显示,其互动程度较低,但学生有一定程度的互动要求。提高职业院校师生关系的互动性,首先教师要更新教学理念;其次在教学中要积极探讨互动式教学的实施方式,在班级管理中实施互动式管理。只有这样,才能提高职业教育教学效果,达到培养高质量人才的目的。  相似文献   

吴裕贤 《天津电大学报》2007,11(2):42-44,48
在教育教学改革的形势下,在新的教学理论的推动下,依据天津电大教学实践,总结出具有新特点的案例教学模式。其特点是适应电大系统远程开放教学,构建互动式教与学方式,注重学生自主学习能力的培养,提高学生的基本素质和各种能力,使教学过程清楚并相互衔接。这对电大系统远程开放教育教学方式是一种有益探讨和尝试。  相似文献   

师生共生关系下的学校德育构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生关系是学校生活中最基本的共生关系,而学校德育中的师生关系更具有典型的共生性。由于过多强调教师对学生的非对称性影响,致使学校共生德育产生了众多问题。解决学校德育中的问题,关键就是要构建以学校生活为基础的校本化的德育。  相似文献   

在电大远程学习环境中,教师与学生共同建立了一个整体的动态学习系统,健全的远程网络为和谐的师生关系提供了全面的保障。  相似文献   

现行的中专数学统编教材中,共设制了130个知识点。从理论上讲,只要这130个知识点能掌握好,教学的质量就有了保障,而事实上有相当一部分学生存在着似懂非懂、似是而非的现象,本文就如何解决这一问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

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