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The Monkey
In hot countries the forests are not like our forests. They are large and dark, because the trees grow very thick and high there. There are such forests in Asia, Africa and America. This is the home of monkeys. They live in the trees and sleep on the branches. The monkey is a quick animal. It can walk on two legs and arms. When the monkey use its other two paws as wants to go quickly from one place to another, it runs along trees. Monkeys run from one tree to another, and all the time they make a noise as if talking to each other.  相似文献   

问:高中英语第二册(上)43课中有这样两个句子:Three famous parks in and around London had over 1,400 trees blown over.Later on the centre had a large number of new trees planted.课文注释  相似文献   

Each year, spring comes, plants bloom and the trees leaf out in their full green glory. Come fall, while diving into piles of fallen leaves, you may think the life cycle of the leaf has come to an end.  相似文献   

In New England.you don't need a calendar to knowit's the first week of October.The trees tell the storyquite well as their leaves change from shades ofgreen to the bright vibrant(充满活力的)shades of or-ange,red and yellow.At the peak of the fall foliage(树叶,植物)season, it's truly a magnificent sight that drawspeople from all around to behold(看)the beauty.Theseason progresses and the Ieaves fall to the ground one byone where they become nourishment(食物,营养品)for thegrass,flowers and gardens in the spring.As I spent Sunday Collecting some of the fallen leaveswith my 7-year-old daughter,I wondered what wouldhappen if a tree stubbornly(倔强地.顽固地)held onto to itsleaves-refusing to let them fall to ground and nourish thenew season that awaits only a few months from now.Howwould that tree be affected?How would the rest of life beaffected?  相似文献   

A thirsty Stag went to a Pool to drink.As he saw hisown reflection(倒影)in the water,he was struck withadmiration(钦慕)for his fine antlers(角),but at the sametimc felt disgust for the weakness and slenderness of hislegs While he stood there,he was attacked by a Lion;buthe drew away from his pursuer,and kept his lead as theground over which he ran was open and free of trees But coming to a wood,he was caught by his antlersin the branches.and fell victim to his enemy “Woe is mel”he cried with his last breath,“I despisedmy legs which might have saved my life,but gloried inmy horns,which have proved my ruin.”  相似文献   

"It is better to have loft(阁楼) and lost than to never have loft at all." - Groucho Marx Everyone does it at one time or another but why? We' re talking about falling in love. Let's explore the dynamics (动力学) of what exactly happens when two people are falling in love:  相似文献   

"It is better to have loft(阁楼) and lost than to never have loft at all."—Groucho Marx Everyone does it at one time or another but why? We"re talking about falling in love. Let's explore the dynamics (动力学) of what exactly happens when two people are falling in love:  相似文献   

Is that flower? Or is it a bird?Actually, it is a bird. The Blue-Crowned Pigeon is strange in many ways. The largest of all pigeons, the crowned pigeon may grow to be nearly as big as a turkey. They have snowy blue and white plumes on their crowns. Both the mother and father birds make milk for the young. Usually there are 2 eggs per nest, but they raise two or more broods each year. They satisfy their appetites with seeds, berries, fallen fruit, and insects. I hope you like this freaky bird.  相似文献   

第一部分: 听力理解 ( 共两节, 满分 30 分)(略) 第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满 分 45 分) 第一节: 单项填空 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 21. At this time in North China, you will see leaves . A. to fall B. falling C. fallen D. fell 22. Mr. Alexander is the professor I have the greatest respect. A. who B. that C to whom D. for whom 23. Mr. White the heavy burden of taking care of his wife and two children. A. faced with B.…  相似文献   

How safe is it where you work? Since the introduction of the Health and SafetyAct in the UK in 1974, fatal injuries to employees have fallen dramatically. And the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) works hard to enforce any existing rules, as well as drawing up new ones. However, at times, it seems that some of these regulations are just ridiculous. Here are a few related to schools.  相似文献   

Spring Festival     
Spring festival,the Lunar New Year,is the most important traditional one in China.It is carrying great meaning. It stands for a new beginning.During this,people usually make dumplings,visit friends and relatives to say lucky words to each other.Nowadays more and more people prefer to give regards by telephone or by e-mail. I still remember the pleasant time my family had last year.That night,all the houses,trees and fields were cov- ered with heavy snow.The whole world seemed to be painted white.Maybe it was a present from God.Cold as it  相似文献   

Eco-translatology and Translation Ecology are two new aspects of translation study.They arise from the development of Ecology and the interdisciplinary tendency of translation studies.The present paper intends to make a clear introduction of the two branches of translation study and make a comparison based on the introductions in order to provide insights into these new perspectives to translation studies.The paper points out that they are different in terms of developing routes,naming principles,terminology,methodology,research pivot,etc.A conclusion is drawn that clarification of their relationship will provide insights into the two branches of translation study and Hu Gengshen’s approach to translation as adaptation and selection adds a new dimension to translation study as an academic discipline.  相似文献   

Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along a road where we heard someone shout “Help!Help!”He was in a lake,about a hundred feet from the shore.There was a small boat nearby.We knew immediately what happened. He had fallen out of the boat and could not swim good enough to reach it or to get to the shore.As we ran toward the lake I  相似文献   

(1)Adam' and Eve are being pul out of the beautiful garden of Eden.(2)It is because they did something God told them not to do. God told them they could eat food from the trees of the garden. But from one tree God said not to eat, or else they would die. He kept that tree as his own.(3}One day when Eve was alone in the garden, a snake spoke to her. It told Eve to eat fruit from the tree from which God told them not to eat . Now, when Jehovah made snakes he did not make them so they could talk. So this  相似文献   

On the Family Restrictive Factors in the Spatial Structures of Shui Minority Village -- A Case Study of Diyuan Village
Abstract: Diyuanshi family consists of three branches and had to itself locate in a relatively disadvantageous position because of its weak strength. In this internal outlying village, the three branches have their own residential buildings sepa- rately. The basic layout and arrangement of village is decided by the branch. But the whole family plays decisive role in con- struction and usage of public facilities such as tombs, stone Buddha, ponds and etc.  相似文献   

The verb take is extremely useful. It can be used in a number of expressions. Here are 12.Learning Expressions The best way to learn any words or expressions is by seeing or hearing them in context when you' re reading or listening to English. Make a note of any words or expressions that you like (or want to learn) and write these down in sentences. Remember, always record language in phrases or sentences--never as individual words. You should also practise using the words or expressions as often as you can: in conversation, on the phone, in e-mails, etc.  相似文献   

This is a writing story about trying to create just classroom assessment practices not excluding anybody and therefore an attempt to explore what an opening up to judgment, and in my view, what assessment focused on learning might mean and subsequently imply. Social justice and democracy is at stake. How to develop and improve our assessment literacy? How to develop trustworthy and good assessment systems? What are our tools and what methods can we use? Given a discussion about either summative or formative assessment and preferably both, this is primarily an attempt to think about principals before turning to instruments or starting with the beginning and beyond rather than the endpoint. I argue for keeping classroom assessment as an indefinite problem, a problem not to be solved or a term not to be understood once and for all. That will hopefully foster cultural pluralism and heterogeneity around the term: learning more, learning all, all learning. Ultimately this is about the linguistic conditions for change; but as a move from language to law and as aporetic thinking and through the pivoting but liberating effects of writing; a writing both positioning and giving direction. Through language and as a right to philosophy that is. It is about creating a heteroglossia of a fresh writing inscribed in, through and with otherness; "another logic" that is.  相似文献   

The title is contradictory but it holds water. We, English teachers or students, are all used to the common saying about oral English training: to practise in and out of class with your teachers and fellow students, to make dialogues or conversations according to some made-up situations, or to communicate with foreigners or English-speaking people (including those who know English as well as you). I think, these are certainly good ways to go.  相似文献   

Boys and girls,Attention,please! March 12 is our Tree-planting Day.All the students in our school are asked to take part in the activity. Each class must take five or six basins with you to water young trees. We are going to gather at the school gate  相似文献   

Linguistics is a necessary course for English-majors because it plays an important role in second language learning, teaching and research. It is significant, yet difficult to make this course comprehensible and interesting and get the students involved in and attracted by it. This paper intends to analyze and explore teachers’ roles in the course of linguistics from the following aspects: as an explainer, as an activator, as a co-learner, as a question-finder and as an enabler. Some examples are taken to show how to make use of comparison, contrast, instance, discussion, and practice for classroom management. What’s important for a teacher of linguistics is not only to understand linguistic theories and carry on linguistic research by him- or herself, but also to make his or her students get to know the nature of language and learn to do scientific studies of language by themselves.  相似文献   

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