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1. Only when you finish your homework,_to watch TV.A. you are able B. you will be ableC. are you able D. will you be able2. Only when he started to explain _ the reason for this.A. she realized B. did she realizeC. she has realized D. has she realized  相似文献   

有许多练习题,由于受思维定势的影响,好像一看就会,却常常一做就错。请看下列习题:1.the people in London became homeless after the“Big Fire”.A.Thousands B.Three thousandC.Three thousands of D.Three thousand of2.We were about to leaveit began to rain.A.and when B.at that time C.just then D.and at that time3.“Do you have any clothes, madam?”asked the woman servant.A.to wash B.to be washedC.washing D.wash4.Sorry, I can蒺t helpthe house for you because I am watering the fields now.A.repa…  相似文献   

1.Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and op- portunities in life.(Unit 13) only放在句首时,后接副词、介词短语或状语从句,引起部分倒装。Only then did he realize he was wrong.只有那时他才意识到自己错了。Only after he finished the work did he watch TV.只有做完工作后,他才看电视。考例:(1)Only when your identity has been checked,___.(2003上海) A.you are allowed in B.you will be allowed in C.will you allow in D.will you be allowed in (2)Only by practising a few hours every day ____ be able to master the language.  相似文献   

一、when用作副词 1.用作疑问副词,意为“何时,什么时候”(at what time),引导特殊疑问句。例如: When do you take your next exams (SEFC 1A,P9) When are you going off to Guangzhou?(SEFC 1A,P13) When did you last go to the seaside?(SEFC 2B,P19) 2.用作连接副词,意为“什么时候”,多引导一个名词性从句。例如: When the power station will be ready is uncertain.(SEFC 2B,P5) What matters is when it will stop raining and turn fine. 3.用作关系副词,意为“……的时候”,引导限制性定语从句。例如: This was a time when there were still slaves in the USA.(SEFC 1A,P50)  相似文献   

1. go off-well 很成功A:How,did you feel when you went onto the stage for the first time?B: Oh, I was excited, of course. But as far as I can remember, Ididn't seem to be afraid of anything. A:Was it successful? B : Yeah, the performance went off quite welf. It was reallyunforgetable.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. ——Where do you want me to put ____ flowers? ——It has to be in ____ big vase. Well, please settle them in that one over there. A. the; a B. the; / C. /; a D. the; the 2. ——Go now? ——It$s too late; tomorrow will be a ____ time for you to visit them. A. good B. better C. best D. more 3. ——Could you tell me what he said just now? ——Sorry, I ____ what was going on outside. A. had thought B. was thinking C. thought D. think 4. —…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)not be pleased.1.找出你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(5分)C .If you wait for your tum,others will not1 .A.PleasedB .Pieee2.A.aerossB .erossC .PleaseC .bossbe haPPy·9 .A.If you don,t study hard,you ean3 .A.Don,t talk in elass.good student.BC.Don,t jumP.Don,t sleePthe queue.B .If you study ha记,you ean,t bean0w-student. 4 .A.The traffie must stop when the lights are red. B .The people must stop when the lights are g比ell· C .The traffie ean 90 when the lights are red. 5 .A…  相似文献   

D on t T alk W hile Y ou E atTom s father never lets his child say anything when he is having hism eal.O nce,the father found the boy was anxious to tell him som ething,so he allowed the boy to speak.Tom asked,“Can the flies be eaten,D ad?”The father was surprised,“W hy do you ask m e such a silly ques-tion?”Tom answ ered,“There was a fly on your food,but...but...you havesw allowed it!”“O h...O h...W hy didn t you tellm e sooner?!”the father asked.Six W ild A nim alsTeahcer:Jack…  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)ASchoolGardenOfEnglish21.Panda is grass-eating anim althatlives in centralChina.A.a;×B.the;the C.×;×D.a;the22.—I took saltforsugar this m orning while m aking coffee.—.A.D oesn tittaste good?B.W onderful!C.Oh,m y goodness!D.W hata sham e!23.A ctually you can be you want to be,a scientist,a doctor,anastronautor a m anager so long as you setyour m ind t…  相似文献   

1.Your new book will be next month in this famous publishinghouse.How I admire you!A.pulled out B.put downC.put out D.pushed out2.Having read all these magazines,you must them on thebookshelf.A.put;out B.put;offC.put;down D.put;back3.Don@t use up all your money now;you should some for the futureuse.A.put away B.throw awayC.give away D.carry out4.Tom and Mary,when I speak to others,don=t always.A.cut up B.cut outC.cut in D.cut off5.Having formed the habit of spending most of his time on…  相似文献   

备1.单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分巧分) 1.—How·do you feel about taking the iob in】又巧A飞eles? -一?It,5 the bi“esteomPanyin the eount叮·A.How about you B.How should 1 feel C、How do you D.What 2.one spring,when 1 was_ene瑙etie young pos飞raduat  相似文献   

Why Birds Sing?     
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy. Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.D o you know whata “territory”is?A territory is an area that an an- im al,usually the m ale,claim s(声称)as its ow…  相似文献   

Spaghetti Maze     
Do you like spaghetti (意大利面)? Eating spaghetti can be fun, when you pick(挑选) the right one! Which one is it?. Is it A, B, C, D or E?  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(三部分, 共 115 分)第一部分: 听力(满分 30 分)(略)第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分)第一节: 语法与词汇知识(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)21. Julie is one of the women who always the latest fashions.A. make up for B. get along withC. keep up with D. put up with22. The film was made on a true old story.A. base B. to be basedC. based D. basing23. President Bush saw Lebanon as a threat to his hope Arab Israelipeace.A. for B. with C. at. D. on24. —Some people believe that robots will take over the world some day.—What if that is the ?A. thing B. result C. case D. end25. If you want to see a doctor, you may fix a date with him ahead oftime. That is a common in the U.S.A.A. sense B. practice C. rule D. reality26. The African fruit festival has much the Mid-autumn Festival in  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 1. be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that should C.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should 2.We wouldn’t obey the local government’s order that all the houses along the street . A.were broken down B.be broken down C.should be broken out D.broken up 3.—I don’t mind telling you what I know. —You .I’m not asking you for it. A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t 4.— would you like your coffee, black or white? —White,please…  相似文献   

一、重点句型1.分词的逻辑主语的省略【教材例句】However,when forming teams to com-plete tasks at school,we are often hardlyaware of this.【高考链接】(划画部分为答案)When help,one often says“Thank you.”or“It’s kind of you.”(2005福建)A.offering B.to offerC.to be offered D.offered【句型解读】当分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致时,可以省略。但要注意,如果分词所表示的动作与逻辑主语之间是主谓关系,要用doing,若为动宾关系,则用done。例如:When asked about his mother,he keptsilence.When crossing the road,…  相似文献   

Valentine’s D ay1falls on February 14.It is sweethearts’day—when people in love expresstheir affection2for each other in fun and m erryw ays.People celebrate the day in m any w ays.Thecelebration of the day in the past was differentfrom that of today as som eone recalls3his“goodold days4”when everything w as sim pler:“A ll you had to do w as to take a sheet ofpaper and draw a heart with an arrow5through itcarrying the words‘I love you’,and sign6it‘G uess w ho’and put it under the f…  相似文献   

1.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ()1 .Mr Blaek saw_uFo with_alien in it on hisw叮baekyesterd盯. A .a:an B.a:a C.an;an D.an:a ()2.1 havet。C滋1 him up first.ean you wait a few minutes,爪won’t_long. A .spend B.take/C.eost D.P叮 ()3一Can you eome to哪bi毗Ld即party the day after tomorrow? 一Great!I’d love to.1 think there a lot of fun. A.was B.have C.will be D.15 going to have ()4.一15 the weather eold tod即? —Yeah.The wind hal,d when 1 eame baek home this afternoon. A .blows B.blew C.was …  相似文献   

第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21一Do比me几Lber to take the medieinel】lree ti~a dar.一,一.Thanks alot,doctor. A .Hea记it B.Made it C .C七t it D.Taken it 22.一Why do you look sad?一仆ere areso~y problems_·A.~ing to setde B.~ained settling C.~山吨to bese山ed D .rem面ned to besettled 23一Do you think an adve州sement 15_ helP when you look for a new job?一Well,it all depends.An拌叮,it gives me more of_ehance恤…  相似文献   

尸、,二、子.呀口二目..「 A history high teaeher sehool told us, make friend in “If OnCe you One sehool elose ,yoll 初11 be most foriunate.A true friend 15 some- one who stays杭th you for lifo·”一上一 teaehes that he was right.Good friendship 15 just not easily一卫一· It 15 Possible that we simPly do not stay in one Plaee long enough foodee一工--friend- ship to一二一一.However,there ean be esj二 disagreement on the need for eaeh of us to think earefully about the kind Of friendshiPwe Wa…  相似文献   

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