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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Ⅰ.单项填空1.—WasMrChenlateforthemeeting?—No,hetotheofficeitbegan.A.went;longbeforeB.hadgot;longbeforeC.came;beforelongD.hadcome;beforelong2.—Hasthetrainarrivedyet?—No,itoughttotenminutesago.A.arriveB.havearrivedC.arriveatD.havearrivedat3.—Areyousureyouhaveseenthisman?—Yes,Imquitesurethat.A.that;aboutB.×;toC.of;aboutD.about;of4.Somuchforthislesson.NowIllyousomethingaboutyourexamination.A.goontellingB.goonwithtellingC.keepontotellD.go…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.—Wheretherecorder?Icantfinditanywhere.—Iitrightthere.Butnowitsgone.A.didyouput;haveputB.haveyouput;putC.haveyouput;wasputtingD.wereyouputting;haveput2.—MayIuseyourbike?—Sorry,it.A.hasbeenrepairedB.isrepairingC.wasrepairedD.isbeingrepaired3.Thelittlegirlsoldmatchesaliving.Thatstosay,shealivingsellingmatches.A.as;doing;onB.for;made;byC.as;did;throughD.for;made;with4.IthinkMathildelivedahardlifeinthosetenyears,?A.dontIB.dids…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(20%)()1.Insomecountriesworkerslonghours.A.aremadetoworkB.aremadeworkC.aremadetoworkingD.aremakework()2.SofarIanysuccess.However,Illkeep.A.didnthave;ontryingB.haventhad;tryingC.donthave;ontryingD.hadnthave;trying()3.Ifwethetemperature,apieceofwoodwillburn.步同行  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1. You'd better give up the idea. If you do not, you will go____the boss'swishes.A. for B. after C.with D. against2.____1,000 workers and 200 other people worked in the factory.A. At all B.In all C. After all D. Above all3.——Did you say sorry to your classmate?  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.句意理解(5分)从A,B,C,D中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的 选项。1.A.The twins don’t like potatoes at a11. B.The twins like tomatoes better than potatoes. C.The twins’favourite vegetable iS tomatoes. D.The twins like potatoes better than tomatoes.2.A.I came to buy some meat for Kate. B.1 was late for the meeting. C.1 was the first in the sports meeting. D.1 was not late for the meeting.3.A.Bill had his supper on the bed. B.Bill didn’t go to bed after supper. C.Bil…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.WhenIenteredmygarden,Ifoundthatmylittledogstayedontheground.A.diedB.dyingC.todieD.withdeath2.MrSmithssupposedagoodEnglishteacher.A.beingB.tobeC.tobeingD.as3.—HasTomeverbeentoJapan?—No,hehavebeentoJapanbefore.A.mustB.mustntC.cantD.could4.Hisfatherworkstoguardthosewhoare.A.intheprison;intheprisonB.inprison;inprisonC.intheprison;inprisonD.inprison;intheprison5.Youmusttakethisnote-bookyougo.A.thatB.towhereC.towhichD.wherever…  相似文献   

根据图画所示,完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:Doyou know happened?B:Yes.I an accidenthap-pen when I was pastthe postoffice.2.A:W hatwas the worker doingyesterday?B:H is bike was.H e washis bike.3.A:Is English difficult?B:Yes,itis.A:W illyou wantm e to help youyour English Imfree?B:Thanks.Itsvery kind ofyou.4.A:W hatwere they doing afterschoolyesterday?B:They som e clean-ing.A:Oh,they did good deeds forourschool.B:W e should learn them,shouldn twe?A:Yes,we should.5.A:W hatwere they ye…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(20%)()1.hewasterriblysick.A.AtonetimeB.AtatimeC.AtthistimeD.Atanytime()2.Thecomputerwillarecordofthedatetheywilltravel.A.keep,thatB.keep,onwhichC.take,thatD.take,onwhich()3.Letusmakethebeginningofthestorymore.A  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.——Ⅵ‘here is Kitty? I can’t“nd her an)rwhere. 一She’s . A.in a doctors’ B.at her d()ctor’s C.in the doctors’ D.at doctor’s2.一I’m sony t0 haveA.】’m sorrv.tooC.Never mindkept you waiting so 10ngB.Y0u are rightD.That will doyour timely help and I’m not just A.Y0u’re weJcome B.Thank C.1)on’t say s0 D.You’d4. 一So it’s nothing se订ous, D0ctor? —— ~一.T11e child wiJl he all right A.5.Mr A.Yes B.No.Green suggestedit is C.N0£hat the letterVOUhetter not…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(20%)()1.Therestaurantwehaddinneryesterdaywasbig.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.ofwhich()2.—Weheldapartyyesterdayevening.There,wesang,danced,storiesandatecakes.—That.A.spoke,seemsinterestingB.spoke,feelsinterestedC.told,  相似文献   

Unit21Body languageⅠ.单项填空1.The teacher angrily at the noisy class.A.said B.frowned C.waved D.nodded2.The mother her thanks to him for helping her son with hislessons.A.showed B.gave C.said D.expressed3.Winter comes here and the weather from day to day.A.exchanges B.turns C.varies D.varieties4.You must have ideas of your own.DonHt get yourself under othersH.A.back B.thumb C.head D.feet5.We came here we got your telephone.A.directly B.direct C.indirectly D.immediate6.“Drop down!…  相似文献   

高一英语单元检测题(Units 10~11)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unit 10 The world around usⅠ.单项填空1.You.ve just missed your,and you will have to wait for the nextround.A.chance B.part C.time D.turn2.Although they are very busy,our parents still a lot of time to us.A.devote B.offer C.spend D.provide3.—Are you interested in football?—No,.I to watch it than play it.A.not really;prefer B.not really;would ratherC.of course;would like to D.of course not;had better4.Many old customs are gradually.A.died out B.dying outC.died away D.dying of5.The tig…  相似文献   

Unit 15 The necklaceⅠ. 单项填空 1. He went to Beijing in order to find a job, but . A. without channel B. without result C. without effect D. without luck 2. In this company, men workers are not allowed to long hair. If so, they will be punished. A. leave B. wear C. dress D. grow 3. Her voice sounds . A. nicely B. well C. beautiful D. closely 4. The man wouldnMt us as visitors, so he didnMt open the door. A. receive B. look C. think D. accept 5. IMll you at your office sometime next…  相似文献   

Unit19Modern agricultureⅠ.单项填空1.What are you doing here?A.on the earth B.on earthC.in earth D.over the earth2.Today CCTV offers a great of programs to meet the differeneeds and.A.deal;likes B.variety;tastesC.many;interests D.number;habits3.Many great  相似文献   

Unit8SportsⅠ.单项填空1.Full preparations for the2008Olympic should high among allthe projects.A.jump B.list C.rank D.rise2.—Shall we go skating or stay at home?—Which do?A.do you rather B.would you ratherC.will you rather D.should you rather3.Mr Smith  相似文献   

Unit 13 Healthy eatingⅠ.单项填空1.The reason his going to France was he got a new job there.A.for;because B.for;thatC.of;because D.of;that2.He had a fall yesterday.Today his right leg.A.still hurts B.is still hurtC.was hurt D.has been hurt3.The paper parcel a clean shirt,socks and a handkerchief.A.covered B.contained C.including D.owned4.My sister advised me that I the invitation.A.accepting B.accepted C.accept D.to accept5.I the boy to save money,but he would not listen to me.A.hope…  相似文献   

U nit 4 U nforgettable experiencesⅠ.单项填空 1.The C CP stands for civilization, productivity as w ell as th profits ofthe people. A .advanced B .w ide C .splendid D .w onderful 2.Ifyou keep on doing so,good habits,I am sure,will on you. A .have B .com e C .grow D .go 3.H ealth experts w arned that the bird flu w ould all over the worl ifpeople pay no attention. A .inflect B .sweep C .destroy D .seize 4.N otonly will we the old world but we m ustseta new one. A .pullup B .pull back C.…  相似文献   

Unit 6 Good manners填空Ⅰ.单项填空1.I guess it will notrain tom orrow,?A.willitB.w on'tit C.do I D.don't I2.The w ord is wrongly spelt;you've a letter.A.leftoutB.leftoff C.left behind D.left3.—W hy don'twe take a break?—Didn'twe justhave?A.it B.that C.one D.this4.H is glasses he was like a blind m an,fell to the ground andbroke.A.which B.from w hichC.with which D.withoutwhich5.H e has three sons.O ne is a worker,is a doctor,the is ateacher.A.another;other B.another;thirdC.other;thi…  相似文献   

Unit17 Great womenⅠ.单项填空1.It has often been said that life is difficult.A.as it is B.so it isC.as is it D.so as is2.Sandy could do nothing but to his teacher that he was wrong.A.admit B.admitted C.admitting D.to admit3.You do your homework before watching TV.A.are going to B.are about toC.are to D.will4.—What ever has him today?Tom has never been late for class.—But he hasnRt turned up yet,the meeting has been on for half anhour!A.happen to B.come aboutC.become of D.occurred5.…  相似文献   

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